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Имам цяла кофа с мушмули и незнам какво да го правя?
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# 1


MEDLAR n бот. мушмула (Mespilus germanica)

The fruit can be eaten fresh out of the hand when soft or bletted (bletting is similar to the process used in ripening persimmons, leaving them to soften).
In addition to being eaten raw, the fruit can also be used for winemaking. They can be cooked and made into jelly very easily due to the high concentration of pectin in them.

Medlar. Medlars (mespilus germanica) grow on trees in small orchards dotted around the Tiptree estate. The fruit has a rough brown-yellow skin, can be as large as a Victoria Plum and has the shape of a rose hip. It is not picked until November and is therefore the last crop for us at Tiptree. Medlars have been grown in England for centuries now and were common in Victorian times when well-to-do families would have a medlar tree in the garden, pick the fruit and store it in bran, to be eaten as a sweet at Christmas. The fruit is not ripe until the brown pulp can be squeezed from the skin, yet the resulting jelly is a rich red colour and has the flavour of a spiced apple - ideal for use as a jam or as a condiment to meat.

Есенцията на горното е:
- да се оставят да узреят( да омекнат като за ядене);
- да се пресоват до отделяне на меката част;
- тази мека част да се свари на мармалад или ако се оцеди само сокът - на желе.
Съдържат голямо количество пектин и се сгъстява добре.
Освен това могат да се използват за плодово вино.

Последна редакция: чт, 01 дек 2005, 00:19 от yosif

# 2
  • Мнения: 978
Много капризен плод са мушмулите. И те като нара. Ядеш, ядеш, после все има нещо да вадиш измежду зъбите си. Не съм фен.

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