Is Nostalgia The New Niche?

by Patric Rhys
03/05/24 15:14:58 ( 119 comments )

Me, in my teens: This radio station is playing my jams.
Me, in my 20s: This bar is playing my jams.
Me, in my 30s: This grocery store is playing my jams.
Twitter post, @mommajessiec

I sadly keep refreshing my screen, as if something will magically happen on the Ticketmaster site, a glitch perhaps, that will make anything other than the excessively marked-up Resale tickets appear. Defeated, I realize I’m attempting to do the equivalent of casting a spell and accept that Sarah McLachlan’s 30th Anniversary tour of Fumbling Towards Ecstasy will have to go on without me.

I look at the headline at the top of the site, and it hits me what it actually says: 1993 was 30 years ago. Isn’t “Fast Car” a hit on the radio again though? What’s happening right now?

Now imagine my surprise as multiple trending Reels and TikToks start appearing on my feed with their fragrance recommendations – Jlo’s Glow (2002), if Le Male (1995) is worth it, how cute this Ex’cla – ma’tion (1988) bottle is, Opium (1977) vs. Black Opium (2014), make sure not to sleep on CK One (1994), or the original Angel (1992).

As the children say, I’m gagged.

While there has always been a market for discount fragrances of all stripes, something entirely different is taking place here. Next to the oud’ed-up, ultra-niche, two- to three–hundred dollar bottles that drop every time one blinks, are the bombastic powerhouses of the days of yore and/or the clean musk, shower-water sexy, sheer scents – the yin/yang duality market that made up the Noughties (90s-2000s) seeming to slide into the position of the new niche.

Not entirely convinced? Well, eBay reported that from 2022-2023, products with “90s fragrance” included in the listing saw double-digit sales increases. In 2022, Clinique reported a 51% increase in sales of Happy (1998) for 2022, so this is also more than just browsing. But as far as browsing goes, Google searches for “90s fragrances” and “Y2K perfumes” also doubled.

This doesn’t stop at fragrances either. The JNCO jeans that my mom refused to buy me for so long because they were $65 back then, now, set very willing buyers back hundreds on eBay and through vintage purveyors.

If you’re stunned too, and trying to keep up, don’t worry, TikTok has many GRWM (Get Ready With Me) videos on how to style your tennis skirt, as you flash back to Alicia Silverstone in every Aerosmith video, or how to properly tie that flannel shirt around your waist.



So, mist yourself in a little Bath and Body Works’ Cucumber Melon (still made today), and let’s figure out how old became new again.


The Style Samsara

Everything happens in cycles. But the fashion world has nailed down a formula for how trend cycles work, and it seems to apply to many more things than your jeans – entertainment and fragrance included.

Via the popular Masterclass online tutorial series, fashion icon Diane Von Furstenberg breaks down the 5 stages of the Fashion Cycle, and it’s so beautifully simple, that it’s enlightening. According to our celebrity tutor, the infinity symbol of trends happens like this:


  1. Introduction: When a new trend is entered into the cycle. Let’s say the celebrity fragrance boom of the early aughts.
  2. Increase (aka, Fashion Acceptance): When the trend begins increasing momentum and turning into a trend. Example: Glow, then Britney’s Curious, then Sarah Jessica Parker’s Lovely – all quite successful, all released in a span just shy of 3 years.
  3. Peak: Everyday consumers begin following the trend and said trend has reached high saturation within the general public. Here is when many other retailers catch on and begin to mass produce at lower price levels. Also why you might now see some once iconic and game-changing fragrances at your local drug store (so don’t scoff at those shelves).
  4. Decline: The trend is oversaturated, and the immense popularity begins to turn off consumers who want to feel unique and trend-setting. I’d argue Baccarat Rouge 540 is if not firmly within this phase now – it’s quickly approaching the line.
  5. Obsolescence: The end of the cycle, where it’s now considered out of fashion by the mainstream, and the majority have moved on to other things or the next new trend. However, this does not mean forever rejected, as this cycle repeats not only with new trends, but the same trend after a while, and back to Step 1.


Curator, author, and critic James Laver proposed a 50-year rule for trend cycles that was actually used by Stanley Marcus to dictate the stock of Neiman Marcus in the late 60s. It states that trends in Phase 1 are “daring”, they’re considered “smart” by Phases 2 and 3, and then “ridiculous” by Phase 5, and for 20 years after.

But if this is correct, why aren’t we now fawning over Charlie (1973) again?

Social media and the internet have sped our whole world up. The break-neck, never-ending pace of the “always on” generation has significantly pressed the fast-forward button on everything. TikTok teens are simply raiding their parents’ closets and playlists, romanticizing the emo look (am I accidentally cool again?), Tumblr and American Apparel aesthetics, 90s-2000s music, and of course, the fragrances to go along with it all too.

This generation influx is always responsible for shaping trends, and all the above is new to them, exciting. Social media has created an influx of quick content that we have around-the-clock access to, exacerbating quick boredom and a craving for new trends.

The Laver rule proposed 50 years. However, it now seems that the world spins a little faster and a 20-to-30-year rule is more accurate.

But is this less nostalgia and more escapism? Millennials have grown up through 9/11 and entered the workforce at the height of a massive economic downturn, as the world sped up, and what we were told about how to live a successful life and secure our futures crumbled before our very eyes.

Gen Z is growing up through wild civil, political, and economic unrest as well as navigating a global pandemic and rapid warming, and these are just small smatterings of the signs of the times for both intersecting generations.

So, why wouldn’t millennials want to grab Candie’s for under $30 rather than the next focus-grouped to death Lauder launch masquerading as niche, asking $375, and be instantly launched back to when their most pressing worry was to make it home in time to see if “Genie In A Bottle” moved up at all on TRL.

Why wouldn’t Gen Z get enamored by the happy, sparkling, carefree lightness of Dolce and Gabbana's Light Blue or the inventive edginess of Black Orchid (love or hate it, little else smells like it), from the days of not-so-old, back before everything was trying to be a dupe of BR540 and there was this new thing called Netflix where you could get DVDs in the mail?

If this rule stands the test of time, soon expect things like Womanity and Versace’s Eros to get a Second Coming (and honestly, I won’t be mad about it), but while my tired, emo-millennial self might be momentarily cool, let me also hop on the Listicles trend and drop some Noughties potions you shouldn’t miss out on, in case you have:


  1. Chanel Allure Homme: This gem got relegated to the back of the shelves after their marketing blitz for the Sport flanker, but the OG is a gorgeous unisex that I have no problem proudly rocking.
  2. Mugler’s Womanity: Yes, hard to find, but not wholly impossible. Bold, polarizing, and a genius juice that got publicly murdered due to its beyond-obnoxious name and even more cringe marketing campaign. But it’s something to behold, encased in one of the coolest perfume bottles known to man.
  3. Liz Claiborne Curve (men or women): Does it smell like the times? Sure. Is it still a fantastic and worthy composition? Absolutely. The longevity leaves a lot to be desired, but at about $20-30 a bottle, who cares? Curve is in my collection and active rotation. When Spring comes around, the ritual is to greet it with this baby.
  4. Bath and Body Works Mango Mandarin: Another hard-but-not-impossible find at not-horrible price points. This was a dewy, fruity, delicious, smile-inducing banger of a scent that filled the halls of high school so much that even I had a body mist hidden in my room. I was mortified to be seen buying it, but had to have it because it just… did something to me. And I am not terribly fond of citrus. There have been rumors and whispers about this coming back.
  5. Givenchy Play Intense (men): This is the RIP spot. If you have multiple hundreds to spend on an EDT, this is probably one of the best. Coffee, labdanum, amyris… I was fortunate enough to have a bottle of this while Justin was bringing SexyBack and the face of this. I felt like a king with it on and it’s burned into my scent memory. Reading the reviews here confirmed that I’m remembering this fallen warrior correctly.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to wash my Manic Panic out…

But what’s on your list?



Patric Rhys

Patric Rhys Writer

Patric is a writer, yoga teacher, sometimes performer, and pretend rock star in NYC, by way of Pittsburgh, PA. He became quickly obsessed with fragrance and perfumery due to its perfect intersection of art and his other love, science. Never looking back, he immersed himself in the industry - managing boutiques, writing, teaching, and collecting materials to learn fragrance composition. He loves music, books, drinking copious amounts of tea, moderate amounts of whiskey, making people laugh, and cracking open the world of fragrance for people that had no idea what they were getting into. His favorite smells are labdanum, bourbon vanilla, and the smell right before and after it rains (aka, petrichor).

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Can I smell this?
To a Wild Rose

Can I smell this? 04/08/24 11:45

I have been in vintage mode of late. I have been hitting vintage Avon, which are way better than I remember. Also, my sin (glorious!) shocking, and inifini. Inifini has always been my favorite. So I am regaling in the scented past...

I also have some old bottles of L'Artisian and Mugler.
Mousse de Chene 30 (Amsterdam City Exclusive)

frag_nostalgia 03/27/24 18:00

375x500.344.jpg Chloé Chloé Narcisse my first big girl perfume. I'd give anything to smell this -- I can almost remember it if I concentrate very hard -- but I'd give just about anything to smell Chloe Narcisse again.

375x500.9148.jpg Revlon Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson sweet sweet innocence.
375x500.17325.jpg Coty Aspen
375x500.2990.jpg Liz Claiborne Liz Claiborne
375x500.3016.jpg Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl + Tommy girl sport, unlisted.

The boyfriends of teenage:
375x500.276.jpg Calvin Klein CK One
375x500.258.jpg Calvin Klein Eternity For Men
375x500.507.jpg Davidoff Cool Water

375x500.31352.jpg Chanel Cristalle Eau de Parfum my signature from 1993-1998. Actually bought this for myself as a birthday gift in 2020 off eBay for a hefty price tag. A real sealed 1994 batch -- still perfect.

My first true love in my 20s, "the Bosnian", wore:
375x500.15313.jpg Brut Parfums Prestige Brut Musk
375x500.1251.jpg Joop! Joop! Homme

And my mom:
375x500.93.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Opium (1977) bought this one for my birthday this year, also a sealed 1994 batch. My mom passed away summer 2022, and Opium was her signature. It's a profound comfort to me to wear when I'm home feeling melancholy.

More from my mom's macrame shelf:
375x500.1014.jpg Nina Ricci L'Air du Temps
375x500.6098.jpg Coty Wild Musk
375x500.3944.jpg Coty Sand & Sable
375x500.5782.jpg Alyssa Ashley Musk
375x500.4592.jpg Dana Heaven Sent

Ladies I babysat for, memorable smells:
375x500.609.jpg Chanel Coco Eau de Parfum
375x500.1104.jpg Dana Tabu
375x500.218.jpg Dior Poison

So many more, like my friends:
375x500.2661.jpg Oscar de la Renta Volupté
375x500.86.jpg Elizabeth Arden Red Door
375x500.6797.jpg Evyan White Shoulders
375x500.7526.jpg Jovan Island Gardenia
375x500.1889.jpg Giorgio Beverly Hills Giorgio
375x500.257.jpg Calvin Klein Eternity.
Guess Original

Streak 04/08/24 09:37

@frag_nostalgia , please check the 375x500.344.jpg Chloé Chloé Narcisse page, someone just left a lengthy review that included info for high quality dupe of Chloe Narcisse. I have never used (or to my knowledge, known anyone who wore) this fragrance but based on the descriptions, I'm very tempted to try this reproduction myself. It sounds lovely!
Idôle Aura

swedishmilk15 03/21/24 11:30

MANGO MANDARIN just unlocked all my 2002 memories! A banger it was.

veda 03/14/24 09:08

Am I dreaming?
This song is in my head 3 days.
I love 90's and you can check it up
with one look at my wardrobe.

Aqua Kiss

barbatos 03/28/24 11:42

your wardrobe is indeed fantastic! just looking through it gave me happy nostalgic feels 🥰

FlirtBoy 03/14/24 08:00

you can buy whatever niche nowadays...but however good it is, it will never bring back memories and moments from the past as many vintages do...that´s why so many of us love them, their value is historical and emotional and it can´t be copied ☺

Yellowmoon 03/12/24 02:30

375x500.508.jpg Davidoff Cool Water I get so many compliments from all the twenty something's I work with as well as Sand and sable
Aqua Kiss

barbatos 03/12/24 17:00

it's surprisingly a huge compliment getter! i didn't expect anyone to notice my perfume when i wore it to work last summer but everyone kept telling me i smell nice.

ZekaChi 03/10/24 19:05

Although it was not a drugstore fragrance, and was quite expensive back in the day, the first nostalgic one for me, or The One That Got Away at least, is:
375x500.824.jpg La Prairie Midnight Rain BUT! I did find a good dupe, "inspired by" cheapo - check out Greek Shobi perfumery if you're on the lookout for this one (a bottle of which was, if I remember correctly, priced from 500$ to 700$ for 50 ml on eBay :O ). The opening is a bit different from what I remember, but after a few minutes it becomes Midnight Rain. Longevity is good, too :) .
Orphéon Eau de Parfum

Goldena35 03/10/24 11:06

As someone who thrives (probably a bit too much) in a state of nostalgia ...I couldn't get enough of this article and the comments. I have re-read it multiple times. Thank you for addressing something that (I believe) connects us so deeply to certain perfumes. I immensely appreciate all things that connect me to my past experiences (good and bad) and scent is exquisitely powerful in that regard. My father passed away a year ago and I bought a bottle of the cologne he kept always 375x500.32018.jpg Gravel A Man's Cologne

Sorry some of that was a bit off topic but yes I think that the saturation of the market has led the younger generation to look backwards for something "a bit more outside the box". I guess it's really no different than me listening to "my parents' music"while growing up. Loved Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, The Beatles etc...
@patricrhys Western PA born and bred. Spent alot time in the Burgh growing up. Great article!

nguyenvuhungvuong 03/10/24 05:36


xoxoMyke 03/09/24 19:22

This was a fun article!

Womanity is my signature scent. Mugler makes batches of it every couple years.

But yes, Ive tended to go "backwards" with my purchases... trying Cool Water for Women, Opium for Men, Poison, Moschino Uomo?, Liz Taylor Diamonds & Emeralds, Liz Taylor Passion, Angel EDT, Lacoste Style in Play... Candie's for Men has been completely reformulated... it's orange focused and lacks the high pitched yet somehow smooth green suede "sweet" notes.

My biggest "nostalgia" buy was Sand & Sable... my aunt wore it when she babysat me during Spring Break of 1994. She was cleaning away in an upbeat mood, talking about "spring cleaning!" while wearing this loud, sunblock, white floral. I've gone through 3 bottles of it 2 years. I wear it when I clean. It's a core memory for me.

Somehow, I keep buying Paris Hilton for Men (blue bottle) every couple years... it just takes me back to 2005. It's definitely been "touched" in terms of reformulation, but it's still so damn good and unique.

Jujas 03/08/24 17:42

Oh the nostalgia scents like 375x500.4353.jpg Coty Ex'cla-ma'tion give me! This one was a permanent staple in HS! After hotboxing Newport ciggies in the bathroom after lunch, we'd all take turns drowning ourselves in it. Actually feel so bad for all the teachers tbh ..
In my 20s I had a real aversion to anything remotely floral or overtly feminine , so I remember wearing a lot of men's fragrances like 375x500.4584.jpg Erox Realm Men
375x500.410.jpg Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio
375x500.1251.jpg Joop! Joop! Homme
375x500.17326.jpg Coty Aspen For Men
Then I switched it up a little with 375x500.1649.jpg Alfred Sung Pure and my undying love for 375x500.68749.jpg Bath & Body Works Green Clover and Aloe
Which I wore for years until it was dc'd..much to my dismay!

Been on the hunt for Womanity recently since I only have my small decant left but DAMN I LOVE IT. And I have nothing like it in my collection. Fingers crossed!!

Recently made the awful decision to repurchase one of my past favorites 375x500.686.jpg Gucci Gucci Rush only to be extremely disappointed! terrible. Not sure if it's been reformulated OR if I got a bad bottle; either way kinda broke my heart.

Did manage to score 375x500.10225.jpg Givenchy Play For Her Intense and was instantly transported back in time.
Great topic!! Love seeing all the nostalgic fragrances, really brings back a lot of memories! Thanks!
La African Drummer

veronicawrig62 03/14/24 08:49

Womanity is on ebay 375x500.8766.jpg Mugler Womanity

Jujas 03/14/24 20:20

@veronicawrig62 thanks for that, I'll have to check it out!
North Bondi

WarmCotton 03/08/24 15:29

I've studied nostalgia quite a bit - what it is, why it happens, etc. Scent is one of the biggest nostalgia triggers out there. Just the simple act of smelling something from your past can wallop you with powerful memories you didn't even know were there.

My most nostalgic scents are 1) incense at a Catholic mass, and 2) my mom's bottle of 375x500.236.jpg Cacharel Anais Anais..
Cosmic Kylie Jenner

Chloerose666 03/11/24 04:57

my mum wore this too, such powerful memories attached to this fragrance
London for Men

Afc_Croatian 03/08/24 13:05

On one hand. I think nostalgia is a huge part in fragrance rankings.

You see comments all the time on older scents with people praising it and saying things like "they don't make em like this anymore!" Older scents are definintely the most-difficult to blind-buy because reviews will have you think it's the best thing ever.
I'm sure if some scents were released today instead they wouldn't have the same ratings but I understand it. A factor to what makes a good scent is how you feel when you wear it, does it remind you of good times? Then of course you'll love it. I think I still enjoy Versace Eros because of the good memories I have with it.
However on the other hand,other vintage scents like Le Male is still beautiful and I love it very much, same with Farenheit, & Acqua Di Gio is one of my favourite scents ever, so there is still validity in a vintage scent getting some love today.

Also great shoutout to Givenchy Play at the end, what a shame it's been discontinued.

JackieM 03/08/24 17:21

I see what you are saying about bias, but there's also the reality of quality to consider. Some scents that are still made today smell the "same" but more synthetic, and they don't last. It's just the reality of (necessary and/ or corporate greed cost-saving measures) changes over time and being able to compare be reformulation tells you something about the past. Some scents from the past that do not exist anymore, regardless of bias or preference, have the magnitude and longevity that even today's priciest niche scents do not have.
Jimmy Choo Man Blue

stephen.redeker 03/08/24 08:07

I missed a lot of these fragrances when I was a kid growing up in the 80's and a teenager in the 90's. Now, I'm on a quest to relive those years through these nostalgic fragrances. I'm talking about the actual vintage bottles from that time, before they were neutered by reformulations post 2011 regulations. Sure, the top notes may have faded from many of the bottles. But, there's something about a vintage bottle that connects me to the past more than any new one off the store shelf. 375x500.430.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male.

craigory 03/07/24 23:09


Tigi 03/07/24 18:33

Fantastic article! I have numerous nostalgic scents, many of which I paid a pretty penny for when I first got them back in the day. Some of mine include: Arden Beauty Elizabeth Arden; likewise with EA Splendor, EA Sunflowers (iconic!), EA True Love. Also Giorgio Aire Giorgio Beverly Hills; Giorgio Wings GBH, CK Eternity, Givenchy Amarige, Romeo di Romeo Gigli...I could go on. I'm glad to see this topic discussed here since nostalgic fragrances are so significant to my collection.
Brazilian Lily

Honeysuckle-dream 03/07/24 13:57

I had 375x500.686.jpg Gucci Gucci Rush, 375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel, and even further back, 375x500.20395.jpg Parfums de Coeur Malibu Musk
I remember that I didn't like the dry down of Malibu Musk, my husband loved Angel, and I rarely wore Gucci Rush. My mother bought me a bottle of 375x500.4.jpg Givenchy Organza for Christmas. I had a little bottle of 375x500.638.jpg Versace Red Jeans.
In spite of all that, my actual favorite scents were lavender based soaps and bath products. I didn't wear or collect many perfumes until 2018.

Boodle49 03/07/24 11:24

To echo a few of the previous comments - fragrances of the past tended to be more distinctive and have more character than a lot of stuff these days. Plus performance of most present day releases is terrible so people look back to fragrances that were beast mode by today's standards. However unfortunately the present day iterations are a shadow of the original so they usually end up being a disappointment! That said there is good new stuff out there that performs well (including designer) but you have to look for it and it is often trial and error which gets expensive whereas back in the 90s it was all strong and unique (even if you didn't like all of it!).
Secret Sucré

Sleekdecadence 03/07/24 09:20

Thank you for this article! It was so good to read has lots of useful and inspirational thoughts in it!
I started to feel the same thing and aimed nostalgic scents because today fragrances has zero sillage and longevity!

I like to wear nowadays:

375x500.791.jpg Naomi Campbell Naomagic I found a perfect dupe in FM parfumes - literally it is the same as the original
375x500.600.jpg Britney Spears Fantasy
375x500.876.jpg Naomi Campbell Cat Deluxe
375x500.327.jpg Cerruti 1881
375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel - unforunately never be the same as the original
375x500.1061.jpg Grès Cabotine
375x500.3149.jpg Revlon Ciara
375x500.2098.jpg Jean-Louis Scherrer Jean-Louis Scherrer

Edit: Interesting how advertisements was so creative back then. Those pictures make you think but today there is only a celebrity and a bottle of perfume in the pictures
Idôle Nectar

AnlisaC 03/07/24 07:32

Excellent article! I have FOMO when someone mentions it's "getting" or already discontinued! I search and search and search but I will NOT pay hundreds of dollars.
I have a few of discontiue fragrances:
375x500.26227.jpg Chloé Love Story
375x500.9370.jpg Chloé Love 375x500.8766.jpg Mugler Womanity
375x500.5146.jpg Rochas Fleur d'Eau just a few that have been discontinued!
I also just recently purchased: 375x500.39070.jpg Dior Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming I heard this was going away very soon!
I lived in LA during the 80's and 90's I was young and had a great job and bought quite a few of those masterpieces that we claim today!

I almost forgot I have the original 375x500.215.jpg Dior Dior Addict ! I always loved it and held onto it over the years!
Toscano Leather

konga5 03/07/24 07:27

March 2020 - when the Devil came to earth . It made EVERYONE scramble to a "better time". Even if your "happy teen-hood" was 2007. Just try being the age of someone like me who remembers a WHOLE lot of nostalgia ( when stores were closed on Sundays due to religious laws, when movies like "JAWS" , "Grease" and "Star Wars" ruled our summers , when "punk rock" and "disco" were at war with eachother, when I was in ART school in NYC and on the way to class; Keith Harring drawings in chalk were on the sidewalks, when I walked into a store and the girl at the register told me Kurt Cobain had killed himself last night and .. well you get the picture). I was not into fragrances until 2013 when I quit smoking cigarettes and my FIRST obsession was 375x500.10456.jpg Bobbi Brown Beach . Oh how I wish it was 2013 again.

DaveCologne 03/07/24 06:36

If I own the time travel machine I definitely grab the followings:
1. YSL M7
2. Donna Karan Fuel for men
3.Zegna Intenso
4. Lauder Beyond Paradise
5. YSL Rice Gauche for men
6. YSL Opium for men
7. Armani Attitude
8. Lancome Miracle pour Homme
Tropical Wood

Bolenn 03/07/24 05:07

My first perfume ever: 375x500.33304.jpg Jovan Fresh Musk It was a cheapie but I loved it, my first signature scent ever, and now if you can find a few bottles on ebay or somewhere, the price is around 160-220 Euros...

Than some of my beloved ones in my twenties or early thierties:
375x500.633.jpg Escada Escada 2005 (though I have a few 2 ml factory samples now... :O )
375x500.10024.jpg Guerlain Idylle Eau de toilette
375x500.683.jpg Gucci Envy Me 2
375x500.41905.jpg Guerlain L'Instant Magic Limited Edition
375x500.2515.jpg Trussardi Bianco
375x500.1449.jpg Jesus Del Pozo Jesus Del Pozo In White
375x500.12594.jpg Chloé Love Eau Intense
375x500.142.jpg Bvlgari Bvlgari Pour Femme

I was wondering (actually considered the idea just a couple of days ago) if it would be a good investment idea to buy a few perfumes that are popular but are already discontinued (and still available in my country which often happens), store them safely and wait 10-20 years to sell them... :D
Ivoire de Balmain

diego.lesgart 03/07/24 04:54

Guess Original

Streak 04/08/24 09:26

@diego.lesgart I also loved and dearly miss 375x500.9531.jpg Guess Guess Original, and oh how I adored that twisted bottle! For what it's worth, I've found Michael Kors Wonderlust to be very reminiscent 🙂
Ivoire de Balmain

diego.lesgart 04/24/24 08:11

@Streak A fragance of cult saddly missing. Thanks a lot for the info!

SuzanneS 03/06/24 23:07

Oud Satin Mood

PFortune 03/06/24 23:02

“ ... karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go
Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dreams ...”

(song by Culture Club)

375x500.3962.jpg Diptyque L'Ombre Dans L'Eau Eau de Toilette
375x500.344.jpg Chloé Chloé Narcisse

lipstickzombie 03/06/24 22:25

Look I hate double posting but this article just dug up a treasure trove of dc'd frags that I loved but never came back in any shape or form even a crappy one which will still trounce a lot of designer stuff today.

375x500.1862.jpg Shiseido Basala
375x500.1195.jpg Alexander McQueen Kingdom
375x500.15338.jpg Lady Gaga Fame
375x500.11930.jpg Revlon Ciara Femme Fatale
375x500.15470.jpg Paco Rabanne Eau de Metal
375x500.77577.jpg Nicky Verfaillie Grain de Sable
375x500.45191.jpg Faberge Farrah Fawcett La Jolie.
Eau de Rhubarbe Ecarlate

Jadelynn 03/06/24 20:51

I was literally thinking about 375x500.1311.jpg Karl Lagerfeld Sun Moon Stars yesterday and how it was all the rage when I was in middle school (the kids still say that these days, right? RIGHT??). I honestly can't remember if any of us even really liked the fragrance, or if we just had to have that adorable bottle. None of us could afford larger than a mini bottle back then, and I remember being SO stoked when a friend gifted me one.
Orphéon Eau de Parfum

Goldena35 03/09/24 19:27

I kept my original release blue frosted bottle with the gold cap and actually used it decoratively for much of my 20s and early 30s. I have it packed away, but I can say that it's still gorgeous today. And I had no right wearing that scent in my early teens lol. 375x500.1311.jpg Karl Lagerfeld Sun Moon Stars
Eau de Rhubarbe Ecarlate

Jadelynn 03/09/24 21:55

@Goldena35 Yes! Were we the OG Sephora kids? I just remember we all wanted it and loved it, but now I wonder how much of that had to do with how cute the bottle was since that scent was way too mature for a 13-year-old lol. I'm pretty sure my mini bottle is packed in a box somewhere in my mom's attic, I definitely kept it long after it was empty! 375x500.1311.jpg Karl Lagerfeld Sun Moon Stars
Orphéon Eau de Parfum

Goldena35 03/10/24 08:06

@Jadelynn I actually have a reformulated bottle (not the current ...I bought it in 2007 I think) and its close to what I remember the OG smelling like ...but definitely not one of my favorites. TBH and in line with this article, I probably repurchased it strictly for nostalgic reasons. That gorgeous bottle 💯 was a major draw for me plus the amazing marketing of those times. I had perfume(and other magazine) ads plastered everywhere. And yes I remember when Sephora was an "in the know" store. Wow that made me giggle 🤭.
I came back to edit this because my best friend from high school was over last week and looking over my collection and out of all of my perfumes , she cried out when she saw 375x500.1311.jpg Karl Lagerfeld Sun Moon Stars saying it / the bottle epitomized us at 14 and brought back so many memories.
Eau de Rhubarbe Ecarlate

Jadelynn 03/10/24 14:43

@Goldena35 Oh that's so cute! But I get it, I got SO excited when people on here mentioned 375x500.1701.jpg Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers and 375x500.6029.jpg Coty Vanilla Fields . I had totally forgotten about them but they were HUGE when I was a teen. I remember my mother would often get minis of Sunflowers and 375x500.372.jpg Clinique Clinique Happy as a GWP when she bought skincare, and I was always trying to steal them from her 😆
Orphéon Eau de Parfum

Goldena35 03/11/24 09:32

@Jadelynn I still have minis from long ago makeup purchases 375x500.372.jpg Clinique Clinique Happy And 375x500.184.jpg Lancôme Miracle 375x500.172.jpg Lancôme Trésor 375x500.536.jpg Estée Lauder Pleasures
These days you can barely get a sample vial.
Eau de Rhubarbe Ecarlate

Jadelynn 03/11/24 12:28

@Goldena35 RIGHT? I remember 20 years ago I'd just walk into a department store and ask if they had free sample vials and they'd give you a handful. Now places are charging $5+ for a vial online 😭
Coco Mademoiselle

rosetinteddream 03/06/24 18:03

I'm 31, so there's a lot of fragrances from that time I didn't have any access or exposure too. But some I did through magazine inserts, and my grandmother who had a perfume collection, she'd always give me those inserts cause she knew I liked smelling them. The past year I've been wondering if I was now out of touch, as so many scents that have come out in the last several years just don't capture my attention and desire. And I don't have the money to even think about niche, no matter how curious I am. It's the scents that I would smell on other folks as a kid that do it for me. I had not the greatest childhood, so I've been trying out fragrances from that time that I wanted to smell. That's how I fell in love with Chance and made it my signature. But here's probably my favs from the mid 90s to about 2009ish.

375x500.176.jpg Chanel Allure Eau de Parfum
375x500.523.jpg Chanel Allure Homme
375x500.606.jpg Chanel Allure Sensuelle
375x500.610.jpg Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette
375x500.31351.jpg Chanel Chance Eau de Parfum
375x500.708.jpg Mugler Mugler Cologne
375x500.215.jpg Dior Dior Addict
375x500.83.jpg Elizabeth Arden Green Tea
375x500.644.jpg Versace Versace Man Eau Fraiche
375x500.611.jpg Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
375x500.819.jpg Burberry Burberry Brit
375x500.498.jpg Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious
375x500.3508.jpg Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce
375x500.734.jpg Yves Saint Laurent L'Homme
375x500.242.jpg Cacharel Noa
375x500.153.jpg Bvlgari Aqva Pour Homme (If only it didn't turn into something damp smelling on my skin 😢- and I know many folks find aquatics out of style but there's a few that I still can get down with).
There's also the discontinued unisex scents from Hollister, as well as their men's fragrance "Drift." I don't know if I'd feel the same way these days about those, but damn did I love them as a pre-teen/teenager.


suzyv 03/06/24 17:07

Ahhh...this is why prices on discontinued and vintage have gone insane. I kept wondering why they didn't come back down after Xmas, but this is why.

JackieM 03/06/24 17:02

In the past 10 years I've developed an obsession with vintage and discontinued scents. Most of my fragrance money goes there.

I own an obsess over the major classics in their vintage forms, 375x500.28711.jpg Chanel Chanel No 5 Parfum (mine is from 1965 and the oldest thing I own)
375x500.93.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Opium (1977) ,
375x500.33772.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Opium Parfum ,
375x500.248.jpg Calvin Klein Obsession
375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel
375x500.96.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche
375x500.484.jpg Dolce&Gabbana Dolce&Gabbana
and many more 80s and 90s.

But, maybe it's because I was really starting to get into perfume and shop for perfumes then, there is absolutely nothing like the Y2K era. 2000-2009 is untouchable and probably the briefest period that put out most of my absolute favorites.

375x500.215.jpg Dior Dior Addict
375x500.51.jpg Guerlain L'Instant de Guerlain
375x500.213.jpg Dior Miss Dior Cherie
375x500.667.jpg Guerlain Insolence
375x500.6386.jpg Tom Ford White Suede
375x500.95.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Nu
375x500.556.jpg Estée Lauder Youth-Dew Amber Nude
375x500.495.jpg Donna Karan Black Cashmere
375x500.1282.jpg Dior Midnight Poison (maybe the one to end them all!)

and I lot more.

All "mall" scents back then, now worth way more than what you pay for niche stuff (that you can't test anywhere lol). Even if treends comee back around towards this, those scents in that form won't return.
La African Drummer

veronicawrig62 03/06/24 16:35

I just love this article. I'm in my 60s ,and I'm so glad I kept scents that now have banned ingredients. I have the original fragrances from the late 90s, and 2000s. 375x500.686.jpg Gucci Gucci Rush ,
375x500.495.jpg Donna Karan Black Cashmere , 375x500.95.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Nu , 375x500.267.jpg Calvin Klein Truth , 375x500.248.jpg Calvin Klein Obsession , 375x500.257.jpg Calvin Klein Eternity , 375x500.504.jpg Donna Karan, DKNY Women, 375x500.210.jpg Dior J'adore,

this is just a few of the original fragrances from this period I kept, and they're stronger than what's coming out now.
Mystères du Château de Dé
Robe d'Un Soir

Mystères du Château de Dé 03/06/24 15:46

I'm shook that Y2K fragrances don't seem vintage to me. Or rather, don't incite my nostalgia. "But, how can that be, it was just the other day!"

My grandmother in her 90s told me how fast a year goes when you get old.

How I looked and smelled in 39L expensive suits and Fahrenheit, Antaeus or Cool Water, etc, in the 1980s, that incites nostalgia. And the miracle of those fragrances lasting forever and ever and smelling good with black jeans and a t-shirt as well, and that I could party late into the night but still get up and work and look fresh. Ah, youth.
Ivoire de Balmain

diego.lesgart 03/07/24 04:41

OMG! 375x500.688.jpg Gucci Envy for Men is a true gem.
mo choudhury
Pour Monsieur Eau de Parfum

mo choudhury 03/07/24 06:23

@diego.lesgart wish I could get my hands on another bottle though. and the one I have is a slash bottle as well. 😩
Dior Homme Parfum

HisNoseKnows 03/07/24 13:29

Dior Homme Parfum (100ml) is better than DHP (75ml) IMO!
mo choudhury
Pour Monsieur Eau de Parfum

mo choudhury 03/08/24 08:53

@HisNoseKnows only difference I find is that the 75ml is a little thicker and makes my stomach rubble.
other than that I find the smell more or less the same, just the 100ml is a hint airy.

belleofnewyork 03/06/24 13:51

I bought a bottle of Sunflowers just to smell it again, it was a steal at $20. 🌻
J'adore Parfum d'Eau

《Jrobaina134.》 03/06/24 12:57

Ótimo artigo!!

Em minha lista, que torço que volte, tenho o queridíssimo Be Delicious 375x500.498.jpg Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious, o bixin marcou uma geração; o maravilhoso e icônico scandal by night 375x500.50715.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Scandal By Night , que criou um verdadeiro "fuzuê" quando foi anunciado seu descontínuo. E por último, mas não menos importante: live free, de Benetton 375x500.26006.jpg Benetton United Dreams Live Free.

Essa é a minha lista nostalgia♡
Baldessarini Black

Unmodernize 03/06/24 12:43

Product design and marketing of frags were better.

1. The frags stood out more, and had a clear "main frag". Sure they did summer and intense versions - but today we have a release strategy of 4-5 flankers. Every brand does the same, release edt. Then instantly water down to release the edp. Then eau fraiche, then intense, then parfum, then exilir.. etc. You now have 5-6 releases in 3 years and all it does is confuses mainstream buyers and take away from the main fragrance as a brand / product.

Also, we all know how similar the brands frags are right now. You could mistake basically any new frag release for another from a different brand. You would never mistake fahrenheit for cool water, or aqua di gio for kourous, or joop for polo sport. (Prada, Dunhill and Hermes have done ok in this regard).

2. television and one way communication was bigger and a main edt frag was marketed broadly and for years(!). So more people knew about a frag release and it had to be good to have that budget behind it.

Today you have to actively search or be targeted to know. I search for frags but still miss most releases. Also the releases are too many. It's like they do not treat fragrance with the same respect anymore. Fast market and short term scents.

3. The frags were recognizibly punchier, less watery. Partly why these nostalgia buys are common, you chase the OG before you realize it is not the same frag as in 90s. None are! The prices right now are crazy while performance is way down so people turn to what was good.
Fougère d’Argent

ds23pallas 03/06/24 11:18

I never really stopped wearing 375x500.430.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male 😂. I am however guilty of 70s and 80s nostalgia with 375x500.228.jpg Dior Fahrenheit 375x500.1891.jpg Giorgio Beverly Hills Giorgio for Men and 375x500.2965.jpg Givenchy Gentleman (1974)
Cape Heartache

Somniferum 03/06/24 07:37

Vintage Vanilla Fields (from 1993) is still one the best things from a bottle I've ever smelled.
Chanel No 5 Eau de Parfum

Carissaochoa 03/06/24 07:01

Awe yeah, Patric. This article is all that and a bag of chips. Two snaps up in a Z Formation. As if! Thank you for always making me smile! 😃
I have a lot of the frags I wore in the 90s, but lately have been craving the nostalgia of
375x500.4913.jpg Elizabeth Arden True Love and
375x500.4353.jpg Coty Ex'cla-ma'tion.

Wjangerhard 03/06/24 04:48

Thank you for the great article. Mugler Womanity is an amazing perfume! I love it.
Lalique Pour Homme

mtmer 03/06/24 04:36

Look at all these beautiful PILLAR fragrances in the comments, love it!

SaraMiriam8 03/06/24 02:13

beautiful article! 80s and 90s fragrances will always have a special place in my heart... Ck one, Noa, Angel... love them!
Recently got 375x500.7523.jpg Jovan Musk because it was one of my moms favorite and it still holds up.
Its a shame when some of the vintage classics are not exactly the same nowadays tho...

Im still on a treasure search for the perfume that was used in Barbie Tropical splash from the 90s ah!
APOM Pour Femme

Barbamama 03/06/24 01:29

Brilliant article as always.
Incidentally, I'm wearing Eternity CK today - nice to know that I'm trendy :-D
Recently my teen son told me about a not so well-known band, he had discovered. It was called Aerosmith... "Now son, let mommy tell you a story about a wild concert back in 1989. The Cult was warm-up band and we broke the seats from jumping up and down"

Pinja 03/06/24 01:05

Not knowing it's a trend, year 2023-2024 I took a U-turn back in time. Reason 1) Those perfumes were and still are beautiful 2) I seem to have a total 100% aversion towards todays perfumestyle, be it mens or womens.
For me, now:
375x500.686.jpg Gucci Gucci Rush
375x500.610.jpg Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette
375x500.536.jpg Estée Lauder Pleasures
375x500.87556.jpg Chanel Chanel N°19 Eau de Toilette (2023)
375x500.24734.jpg Cacharel Anais Anais L’Original Eau de Toilette

KJS88 03/06/24 00:39

I was one of the 375x500.373.jpg Clinique Clinique Happy purchasers in 2022, the male version at least. Add 375x500.430.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male, and 375x500.276.jpg Calvin Klein CK One to the list in 2023. Definitely not the same as they used to be, but still great.

gris_soleil 03/06/24 00:12

What a lovely article! Thank you! Fragrances from the 90s have a special place in my heart because of the scented magazine strips that could be found in Vogue. I could not dream of buying them at the time as a child and a teen, so I'm happy to add those to my collection when I find them.

I have an absolutely rancid bottle of 375x500.895.jpg Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman that I refuse to get rid of as it was my first fragrance ever. And lately I've considered purchasing 375x500.83.jpg Elizabeth Arden Green Tea or 375x500.144.jpg Bvlgari Eau Parfumee au The Vert. These are a few that I will absolutely cherish:
375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel
375x500.276.jpg Calvin Klein CK One & 375x500.4118.jpg Gap Heaven
375x500.245.jpg Cacharel Eau d'Eden
375x500.81.jpg Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue
375x500.242.jpg Cacharel Noa
375x500.267.jpg Calvin Klein Truth

Would love to repurchase 375x500.3335.jpg The Body Shop Oceanus, 375x500.1185.jpg Laura Biagiotti Sotto Voce, & 375x500.6437.jpg Masaki Matsushima mat;.

JackieM 03/06/24 17:08

375x500.895.jpg Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman was my first ever too! I still have it it's yellow :(. I did buy a back up in the early 2000's, I'm afraid to see how it's held up!

And all the GAP scents are divine, I have them all and rebought some secondhand (so far gotten lucky with their condition!)
Miss. l'amour! ❤️

Miss. l'amour! ❤️ 03/05/24 23:12

This one 375x500.4353.jpg Coty Ex'cla-ma'tion have with me more than 20 years! And I will always want it in my collection!
Sometimes old is better than new, quality is better than quantity, regardless of price. Some old perfumes are a completely timeless gem!

Salkavalka 03/05/24 23:03

I've ordered 375x500.869.jpg Jennifer Lopez Glow about a week ago, with 375x500.3944.jpg Coty Sand & Sable and 375x500.20175.jpg Lentheric Style , and i've got my eye on 375x500.64482.jpg Giorgio Armani Emporio Armani She . I love to ransack perfume stockists websites for these older gems.

LOST_HORIZON 03/05/24 22:40

Is a perfume from 2010 considered vintage? I say this because of Womanity by Mugler, I recognize that it is not in the current trend because it has been in existence for almost 14 years, but is it considered vintage? In particular, it seems crazy to wonder that today everything quickly gets boring and that they release so many perfumes, everything immediately goes to the junkyard of the past

JackieM 03/06/24 17:12

Some people are hardline techincal about it (vintage ONLY means 25 years ago or older!) but really with the way things are discontinued these days, imo "vintage" just means perfumes or their versions that aren't made anymore. There are absolute classics from like 03 or 04 (probably even 2010!) that are hard to find and go for a pretty penny, it would be crazy to insist those aren't vintage. Vintage tends to imply something about a value added to the item because it's from the past. I think we are all mostly on the same page on that.

moonfish67 03/05/24 22:37

Nostalgia was always the other niche :)
The thing is fashion cycle is not repeating itself just once, it should work again and again. So now we should have 3rd or 5th chypre cycle! What kind of chypres that would be after fruitcholies (if we count them as chypres of a sort)

Deutsch100 03/05/24 21:28

I began wearing (Thierry) 375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel Mugler Angel edP in late 1993 or early 1994. I have NEVER been without a bottle or 3 in stock :) I have probably close to 100 bottles in my fragrance library, and to date nothing makes me happier than Angel!

Wjangerhard 03/06/24 04:41

Angel is my favorite perfume too. Love a first sniff. Do you use the current Angel? I found that it smells like Angel but has no power behind it. Gone within an hour.

JackieM 03/06/24 17:15

I HATED Angel for YEARS (I started testing in the early 2000's and keep on doing it well into the L'oreal era). Until suddenly a switch flipped and I love it! There's no explaining it. This is a *me* thing, and cannot be blamed on changes to the perfume.

I recently acquired a couple pre-Clarins bottles and can't get enough of the mentholated patchouli. I used to think this smelled like an old sock, now I'm convinced every super cool early 90s rock star must have smelled like this :)

Deutsch100 03/07/24 10:40

@Wjangerhard current Angel edP is a shell of its former glory. It smells almost the same, but it is gone in 30-60 minutes! L'Oreal is awful! Why did they buy Mugler, just to change formulas (RIP Angel edP) and discontinue Angel Muse, Aura, Les Exclusives, etc.?? Angel edP used to last 12+ hours on me and 24+ hours on clothes. I still wear Angel, since I feel lost w/o it, but it is nothing like it once was!
Unknown Pleasures

ShaunMichael 03/08/24 20:41

@JackieM they did! 375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel

Wjangerhard 03/11/24 00:19

@Deutsch100 I agree. The current Angel edp lasts an hour tops. It's a tragedy. I have a bottle of Angel Passion from 2015. It's the same fragrance as regular Angel but it comes in a red bottle. It lasts longer. I don't know when the reformulations started. I also bought Angel Gout before. Everything is better than the current version.

Deutsch100 03/13/24 21:11

@Wjangerhard PLEASE get Dossier Gourmand Patchouli! It is more Mugler Angel, than Mugler's current Angel. I am on bottle #2 and the scent and longevity is not vintage Angel level, but much better than what L'Oreal is passing off as Angel today! Priced so well too!

Wjangerhard 03/14/24 05:21

@Deutsch100 thank you for the recommendation. I am going yo order it. 🙏
Guess Original

Streak 04/08/24 08:33

@JackieM I don't think I would have been wowed by 375x500.8766.jpg Mugler Womanity when it was released but at the moment I can't get enough of it! So yes, it's amazing sometimes how (to use your expression) it's like a switch is flipped and our perceptions change. Incidentally, I only tried Womanity because I fell head over heels for 375x500.77758.jpg Bath & Body Works Island White Sand and when it was discontinued, I went on a (largely fruitless) search for a dupe. Some Womanity users said Island White Sand was a dupe, so I bought a sample size (I guess "mini" is the more accurate term) of Womanity. I liked it, and do sense the similarity, but I don't know if they're close enough that I'd call them dupes.

But I love Womanity now in its own right! The Fragrance Shop makes a lovely interpretation of Womanity that to my nose is pretty darn close to Mugler's (and I think they also have a dupe of Angel), and after denting my bank account for a full size Womanity I now often use TFS's body spritz version so I can be more sparing with the original.

wondervalley666 03/05/24 20:52

I've been collecting vintage bottles for years now. My current newly rediscovered favorite is 375x500.248.jpg Calvin Klein Obsession which was released the year I was born. Even though current formulations are essentially body spray, I somehow manage to develop a smoky cinnamon toasted vanilla gourmand drydown after 30 min or so that puts all modern gourmands I've tried to shame. Other vintage scents I regularly wear, absolutely love, that to me never feel even slightly dated are 375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel 375x500.8766.jpg Mugler Womanity 375x500.3.jpg Givenchy Amarige 375x500.171.jpg Lancôme Poeme 375x500.1018.jpg Tom Ford Black Orchid 375x500.427.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Classique 375x500.44741.jpg Gap OM

and dozens of others that I've included in my digital frag database here. Yes, the ones still in production have been reformulated, but sometimes I manage to get a true vintage bottle. IMO even the modern formulations of these are all great, except for Angel. I will only wear pre L'Oréal Angel.

I've also hoarded a bunch of other vintage minis and used bottles that can be picked up on eBay for under $20 often times. I never end up with a bad bottle, and only a few have lost notes or changed slightly due to age but they're all very wearable and still nice.

I find vintage collecting to be so much more rewarding in terms of finding treasures and overall cost than constantly searching for a niche scent that actually smells good on me and doesn't cost every penny I own. Plus older scents perform much better. There are far too many perfumes on the market that don't last more than a few hours yet cost hundred of dollars. Like, excuse me but bitch, no.

Deutsch100 03/13/24 21:12

PLEASE get Dossier Gourmand Patchouli! It is more Mugler Angel, than Mugler's current Angel. I am on bottle #2 and the scent and longevity is not vintage Angel level, but much better than what L'Oreal is passing off as Angel today! Priced so well too!
Luna Rossa Black

dantheman352 03/05/24 20:49

Great article Patric. Nostalgia is very much alive everyone will experience it.
also many new fragarances are built around vintage DNA reminding us about our gems.

My list of remarkable fragrances:
375x500.123.jpg Aramis Tuscany Per Uomo
375x500.2036.jpg Cacharel Cacharel pour L'Homme
375x500.228.jpg Dior Fahrenheit
375x500.3559.jpg Bijan Bijan Men
375x500.613.jpg Chanel Egoiste
375x500.721.jpg Issey Miyake L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme
375x500.410.jpg Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio
375x500.430.jpg Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male

Starlight_moon 03/05/24 20:19

Loved the article! Although I do like to live in the present despite all the craziness that's going on in the world, I definitely treasure my perfumes from Y2K that I still enjoy and wear:
375x500.176.jpg Chanel Allure Eau de Parfum
375x500.141.jpg Britney Spears Curious
375x500.600.jpg Britney Spears Fantasy
375x500.869.jpg Jennifer Lopez Glow
Those truly are unforgettable scents for me! 03/06/24 02:42

I still have my original bottle of Britney Spears Fantasy and amazingly it still smells good and has incredibly lasting power on the odd occasion I still wear it.
Fleur Narcotique

rb12391 03/05/24 20:12

Still wear Angel unironically. Smelt it on a Gen Z (I'm a millenial) and they were shocked I asked them about it by name. They couldn't have been older than 19-20! 375x500.704.jpg Mugler Angel.
Fleur Narcotique

aaronmilic 03/05/24 19:44

Genuine question. I thought something happened in the 2000's, some sort of ban on certain chemicals that meant most fragrances from the 80's and 90's don't smell exactly the same as they once did? In the past few years, I've smelled Cool Water, Joop Homme and Polo Sport and they all smelled different to me from when I was a teenager. Could also be my nose but yeah, I thought many fragrances had to change to accommodate the ban.

Either way, I don't think I'd want to smell any of those on anyone now, especially me.
C. Thomas Scowl

C. Thomas Scowl 03/06/24 02:34

Ingredients being banned IFRA/EU - everything you need to know
Guess Original

Streak 04/08/24 08:50

Yes, for environmental reasons (certain synthetic scent ingredients were showing up more and more in the water supply) and for ethical reasons (I think this was stopped or was *starting* to end even before the 90s, but animal scent glands were used to develop some fragrance notes back in the day, and in other cases certain plant-derived substances [oakmoss I think is one of them] that were becoming scarce or difficult to obtain without hurting the environment).

My understanding is that many or most of those notes can successfully be reproduced via synthetics, synthetics which (as far as we know) do NOT have the same negative impacts. So the frags that could be successfully reformulated were reformulated, and sometimes with very little noticeable difference to buyers. But then the creators faced a new problem: some of the synthetics can't be detected by everyone. So buyer A might get a reformulated version and love it, where buyer B is anosmic to some of the new components; they can't smell some of the main notes of the perfume now so they hate it.

I don't envy perfumers, particularly those tasked with reformulating a well-loved fragrance!
The Pink Bedroom

giakerr 03/05/24 19:05

This article tickled me! What a fun read.

As a Y2K teeny bopper my staples were
375x500.3016.jpg Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl
375x500.826.jpg Ralph Lauren Ralph
375x500.498.jpg Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious
375x500.4111.jpg Gap Dream

And in the early aughts as a punk rock/ goth girl:
375x500.2082.jpg Anna Sui Anna Sui
375x500.456.jpg Lolita Lempicka Lolita Lempicka
375x500.219.jpg Dior Hypnotic Poison
375x500.44645.jpg Hard Candy Liquid

I'd love to get my nose on some of those discontinued ones to see how they'd stand up today. I can definitely see some of those 90s freshies having a resurgence in popularity. 03/06/24 02:41

When I was in high school every girl was wearing Ralph, and then Britney Spears Fantasy.. I remember longing for the day I'd have a real job and could afford Dior.
All of them still good perfumes in my opinion

lavieenrose1987 03/05/24 18:32

I've picked up 375x500.485.jpg Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue and 375x500.83.jpg Elizabeth Arden Green Tea in the past couple of weeks and have no regrets. There's something comforting about being brought back to simpler times.
Eros Pour Femme Eau de Toilette

jessica_chinos 03/05/24 18:30

Davidoff's Cool Water for women, a masterpiece. I bought it 3 weeks ago and I'm back in love...

belleofnewyork 03/06/24 13:56

My sister used to go to the mall and spray her scarves with Cool Water until she finally got a bottle of her own. 😂
Libre Le Parfum

PersephonesDream 03/05/24 18:18

I curiously smelled the new Marc Jacobs Pop line despite not liking Marc Jacobs as a rule, yknow the bottles were there in Boots so why not, I do the same with Ariana Grande fragraces and they are not my thing.

Daisy Eau so Fresh Pop transported me back to 2004 INSTANTLY. Not my precious Glow by J.Lo but the other 3 my 11 year old self thrived on.

375x500.2438.jpg Morgan Love de Toi , 375x500.498.jpg Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious AND 375x500.728.jpg Moschino Cheap & Chic I Love Love .

I still have bottles of all three from those times, but Morgan has been long discontinued, my teeny 5ml bottle is still beautiful but my thirdful regular size has soured and changed. It is a fragrance that probably wouldnt even appeal to 31 year old me. But the notes of 375x500.88688.jpg Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh Pop seem to be all three more or less, the white florals of the 2004 perfumes that the Marc Jacobs lack was never dominant anyway.

I am living for it, just hope Glow and the others dont jump up in price now.

ialemanys 03/05/24 17:41

The original KENZO POUR HOMME 1991,
OPIUM 1977 (Best perfume ever)
La African Drummer

veronicawrig62 03/06/24 16:24

memo Paris Oriental Leather is close to the Original Opium 375x500.55347.jpg Memo Paris Oriental Leather

Mez0Nez 03/05/24 17:36

Niche is now marketing scams. They want to earn more money by deceiving people unfamiliar with scents, or some too many Ignorant people only care about price.
Now the designers' old fragrances became cheap by mass-market dumping are better than a few hundred dollars' niche perfumes they "so-want-to-call"

patricrhys 03/05/24 17:21

Don't worry, y'all are totally trendy! Promise! Baptise ya'self in that Cuke Melon!

@Mando Thanks for the Womanity 2nd. I get a lot of $#!+ for loving it, so always hugs for the backup.

@calitrav I swear to God if she still looks the same on a hiking trail I'm gonna die.

@aleckzandurh Ooooooh, an Eternity lover. Amazing. CK just dominated back then, Ann Gottlieb of Axe (which I will never scoff on) was behind a lot of that magic as a tough-as-nails evaluator. And there is some definite cuteness and wistfulness in the "performing" scents. 375x500.614.jpg Chanel Egoiste Platinum for the win. Heh heh.
Songes Eau de Parfum

LSAUG 03/05/24 17:09

The 90's were fun. Looking back and seeing things the way they are now I think we should not have crossed that bridge to the 21st century. Things seemed more secure then. The west won the cold war, the economy was great, optimisim was everywhere. In my personal life I was young and newly married. The music was great I listened to the Goo Goo Dolls non stop LOL and perfumes back then lasted and lasted. There are a lot of great 90's perfumes to many to list. Some of my favs are 375x500.171.jpg Lancôme Poeme 375x500.887.jpg Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds 375x500.86.jpg Elizabeth Arden Red Door (came out in 89 but it was everywhere in the 90's as well) 375x500.484.jpg Dolce&Gabbana Dolce&Gabbana You can still get all of these and most of them are cheap. Better grab Poeme QUICK though.

And 375x500.93.jpg Yves Saint Laurent Opium (1977) still trending. Not surprised. It is one of the most fabulous perfumes. Totally unisex by today's standards. Was one of my main signatures in the 90s.
Acqua di Scandola

Glyph 03/05/24 16:54

If only you could still buy some of these vintage scents the way they once were! No reformulation has made me sadder than CKOne's... without the huge dollop of oakmoss, it's just not what it once was at all. 375x500.276.jpg Calvin Klein CK One.
L'Instant Magic

angelick 03/06/24 00:05

Ahh, is that what's wrong with it?
It was my first fragrance when I was 15, and I thought I was ery sophisticated... lol.
I've tried new bottles over the years, and they all just smell terrible... so much so, that I feel physically ill when I sniff it.
I can't find anything that drew me into my old love now... very sad indeed.
CKone really is one of the worst reformulations. *cry* 375x500.276.jpg Calvin Klein CK One
Dolce Melodia

Tasherapd 03/05/24 16:46

Great article. I've been feeling very nostalgic at this point in my niche scent journey. 375x500.720.jpg Issey Miyake L'eau d'Issey 375x500.485.jpg Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue & 375x500.653.jpg Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto Charms have been on my want list.

aleckzandurh 03/05/24 16:21

How funny. I've been thinking about this myself, so it's great reading that someone else has been thinking the same.

Curve is definitely on my list! I'm interested in all the scents that "perform" masculinity of that time. I've been doing a Cavin Klein retrospective and have 375x500.258.jpg Calvin Klein Eternity For Men and 375x500.272.jpg Calvin Klein Escape for Men on my list.

Candyshop12 03/09/24 19:13

Curve for men was always nice but it doesnt smell quite the same! My husband just finished his bottle. Walmart has it. Calvin Klein Escape for men also was my late father's favorite scent but it sadly does not smell the same and most of the ingredients in the notes that was used in the 90's was removed , so bottles now smell nothing like it was plus , Escape contains chemicals FDA has banned.

calitrav 03/05/24 16:20

Speaking of Alicia Silverstone, I bumped into her on a hiking trail last year and she still looks great!It was fun telling her I'd just texted my brother a Meme of the "As if!" scene from Clueless :-D

ChypreAnn 03/05/24 16:14

I have a friend who is not a fraghead perfumista like I am, but she recently remarked that she's on a kick of buying 90s perfumes! Maybe this really is a thing.
Insense Ultramarine

Fragrantguy 03/05/24 15:54

How funny, I've been buying fragrances from the 90's and early millennium too. My most recent being 375x500.2949.jpg Givenchy Greenergy
As a fellow millennial (who was also an emo teenager) I remember when Britney Spears' perfumes were all the rage. Disney and Nickelodeon stars started following suit, remember 375x500.1608.jpg Hilary Duff With Love ? Back then I was more focused on buying skinny jeans, shaving my face (I have a goatee now), and straightening my long black bangs than I was on fragrances. I do remember hitting the bars at 18 in 2008 and my friends wore Curve crush. I feel like an old man now. I'm enjoying these old fragrances I never experienced before whilst feeling nostalgic for the aesthetics from back then.

calitrav 03/05/24 20:21

Ha, I just bought Greenergy last week! Only I'd never tried it before...quite good! I'm not usually one for strong florals in Men's frags and I never wore one with Marigold in it before, but it really works for me...
Insense Ultramarine

Fragrantguy 03/05/24 22:01

@calitrav I haven't gotten it yet, I can't wait to try it when it comes in the mail!
Alces Alces
Kenzo Amour

Alces Alces 03/05/24 15:48

Interesting read. I did not know that nineties and early 2000's scents were coming back. Those were better times; we can see the increasing acceleration of the collapse of civilization now. As things continue to spiral downward, who knows, these days will be someone's good old days one day.
White Suede

Mando 03/05/24 15:48

I really love this article. I can relate to it because I am more interested in fragrances from the late 80s up to the mid Aughties. I've acquired more from the past than the current. There were so many unique, individualistic types of scents awhile ago, especially the 90s, that feels lacking now, IMO

I agree about Womanity. The scent is truly a masterpiece. There was nothing else like it. The name really limited its appeal to me. It was way more unisex than just a women's scent. And the bottle it a work of art, beautiful futuristic Art Deco. Another glorious scent of the past was Dior's Dune. It was/is another masterpiece that anyone could wear. It did inspire others like Alexander McQueen's sadly discontinued Kingdom, Pehaligon's sadly discontinued Love Potion No. 9, and Donna Karan's Cashmere Mist.

Even Dior's Fahrenheit inspired a legion of men's scents with it's novel use (for that era) of Methyl Heptine Carbonate (now sadly heavily regulated out of it). It inspired Bvlgari's Black (now also sadly discontinued) with it's beautiful rubber and black tea notes.
So many unique scents, I miss the creativity we can't have because the makers are more concerned about shareholder value.

I always wondered why there's way too many new houses now and that's because we're all looking for something unique because it can't be had when it's priced over 300 a bottle by Estee Lauder.

moonfish67 03/05/24 19:26

regarding Fahrenheit & others. Just sprayed Cuir Magnifique by Noble Royale and was surprised that the superhigh priced niche frag is actually designed after Fahrenheit. It could be worth investigating how many "niche" perfumes are actually old lux perfumes forgotten&redesigned. Roja Dove or ELDO, as examples
La African Drummer

veronicawrig62 03/14/24 08:44

I use to work for Donna Karan on the retail side. So glad I have the original Cashmere Mist. Just purchased on ebay Womanity and use to wear Dune.Im in my I kept alot of thee origi 375x500.496.jpg Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Eau de Toilette nal first run scents when they 1st came out.

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