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Innocent Brides #1

Corrupted Innocence

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He wouldn't take my money. He wanted my innocence instead.

When Nikolai Romanov came looking for my brother, I emptied my savings hoping I could pay off his debt. But it wasn't even close to enough, so Nikolai Romanov decided to take me instead.

I didn't expect a Russian mafia boss like him to be gentle with me... and he wasn't.

Not when he spanked me for daring to wear panties under the dress he chose for me, and certainly not when he stripped me out of that same dress and made me scream in his bed.

He told me I would be his for a month, but the way he looks at me says I'm his forever...

223 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 10, 2022

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Measha Stone

69 books1,133 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 220 reviews
Profile Image for Kelly_Reads_Books.
1,986 reviews148 followers
June 10, 2022
Measha Stone always gives her readers strong Alpha men and Nikolai is no exception. He is the epitome of the word and he sets his gaze on Charlotte. She is so brave and strong in her dealings with him and he is very smitten.
Charlotte is trying to manage her parents deli, her older brother Oliver is more a hindrance than a help but she is forced to help him with his most recent scheme.
This couple has many obstacles in their path and they valiantly try to overcome them but will happiness prevail and give them the happily ever after? Read it and find out ❤️
Profile Image for mia.
572 reviews262 followers
June 4, 2022
(Thank you Grey's Promotions and the author Measha Stone for the eARC in exchange for a honest, spoiler free review)


When Charlotte's brother borrowed money from a Russian mafia boss and left her with a debt, she had no choice but to give in herself in return. She was only supposed to be his for a month but when their relationship promised a possibility of forever, where would this end?

I've never read Measha's books before, this is a first. The way she portrayed Charlotte to be a victim of circumstances added onto my empathy towards her. Charlotte is an independent woman but because of her brother's irresponsibility she had no other way but to repay back the debt with herself. The connection and chemistry between Charlotte and Nikolai did seem too insta-love/lust but over time with the plot it did portray itself to be built up a little. Their difference in their social backgrounds were clearly seen in the way they communicated but I liked that Charlotte never stopped challenging Nikolai.

I gave this book 2 ⭐ because although the mafia aspect in this book was a little different and new to me, it didn't interest me as much. There also wasn't much explained about Charlotte's brother which felt like a hole in the plotline since the entire book happened due to her brother loaning from Nikolai. It was also a little draggy in the beginning so it didn't have me as hooked onto the story as I expected it to be.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,704 reviews589 followers
June 14, 2022
I have previously read and enjoyed Measha Stone, which had me eager to dive into Corrupted Innocence. It promised so many elements that I love, and I was eager to enter another world I had no wish to leave.

While Corrupted Innocence was a quick and addictive read, I did not love it to the same degree that I have loved other Measha Stone stories. It kept me engaged and turning the pages, yet everything felt a little too easy with this one. There was nothing with it that surprised me, and the pieces fell into place well before all the details were provided which took away a bit of the fun. Add in the fact that I did not feel the romance between the characters – although I did enjoy them – and this one didn’t quite tick the boxes for me.

All in all, this made for quick and easy reading, yet it didn’t quite pack the punch I had hoped it would.
Profile Image for JD (on semi-hiatus).
985 reviews204 followers
June 11, 2022
This is part of the author's series about an extended Russian/Polish bratva family; all contain the Forced Proximity, Enemies-to-Lovers, Good Girl/Bad Boy tropes. Here, we also get the very common Use Body to Pay Off Debt trope (if there is such a thing). There's nothing new under the sun here, but the characters are likable. Charlie, in particular, was very appealing: strong, caring, level-headed, hard-working. I particularly appreciated that she was much less ruled by her hormones than many of these MFCs and that she had goals and aspirations. I also appreciated that Nikolai cared about her as a person; wanted what was best for her; did one or two things to earn her submission; wasn't as harsh as some of this author's other MMC's; and exhibited character growth toward the end.

You do have to suspend a lot of disbelief that these arch-criminals are the "good" kind of arch-criminals (pretty much defined as they'll get adults hooked on drugs, but not children); the beginning was enormously repetitive (I started counting the number of times that we heard the truck was late); and there were some dangling plot threads (at one point Charlie goes to the doctor and I don't know why; as other reviewers have mentioned, plot points regarding Oliver are somewhat vague and unresolved).

3 1/2 stars. Several characters from other books appear, but they have minor roles. It's hard to know who will get the next book: possibly Nikolai's brother Roman?
Profile Image for Raquel.Reads.
168 reviews35 followers
June 25, 2022
If you are looking for a opposites attract, spicy mafia read with a possessive and controlling alpha MMC that will leave you drooling, then… this book is for you.

I’ll admit I am a sucker for a dark moody and possessive book boyfriend and Nikolai certainly did not disappoint. I also love a spirited and independent female character and Charlotte met all my expectations.

Finding herself unable to pay back a debt her brother owes to Nikolai’s family, Charlie offers herself as payment. What develops is a delicious and spicy story of give and take between two very headstrong characters. Adding to their chemistry is a story with a bit of danger and intrigue and I received a book I was unable to put down till the end. A strong 4.5-star experience.

This book cemented Measha Stone as one of my one-click go to authors on KU. If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading one of her books, I highly recommend this one
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,627 reviews164 followers
August 31, 2022
4.4 stars.
So. I really liked this FMC.
She’s strong as fuck.
It takes a minute for me to get on board with Nickolai though.
He’s a bit of an asshole until…basically the epilogue where he has a sudden personality transplant.

I’m just glad we get his POV because it’s the only thing that kept me from not liking him outright.
The whole time he’s besically having an identity crisis. Trying to act unaffected while also acting completely affected. He’s possessive, protective, gives her extravagant jewelry that’s actually meaningful, introduces her to family…and in his head he’s basically like: ‘I don’t like her like that…😤🫣Do I?!..😒😩Naaah…😉’

Also the punishments…whew. Holy hotness Batman, the sex and the punishments were fire.

But it’s really the ending that made me love this.

PS- I know this is a confusing review. I was also confused. Stop judging me!🫣🥹
Profile Image for Shannon Lamberti.
265 reviews12 followers
June 5, 2022
This is my first time reading anything by Measha Stone, but she captured my attention all the way. Alpha Mafia Men have been my drug of choice as of late. And Nikolai just fought his way into the top. Nikolai is a Romanav son. He is a strong Alpha male who tends to always gets what he wants, and he set his sights on Charlotte.

Charlotte, is trying to keep her family’s deli a thriving neighborhood joint, all while trying to make it her own. On top of that she is dealing with her hinderance of an older brother Oliver, who she feels obligated to help because that is what you do for family. Unfortunately, she ends up in a situation that is a bit out of her depth.

This love story is full of explosive chemistry, that practically set my kindle on fire and tons of family drama. I loved that Charlotte challenged Nikolai.

“What would you do to keep your brother safe? To keep this little shop running?” “What do you want?” “What can you offer?” he asks. “Hmmm?” His voice tolls over me. “What can you give me?”



You never know what surprises and adventures await you when you step outside your norm.

Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,203 reviews562 followers
December 3, 2022
3.5 stars

In order to pay off her brother's debt, Charlie gives herself to Russian mafia boss Nikolai. There's of course a power imbalance between the two, but I think it was handled pretty well for a mafia romance.

The writing style was simple and easy to read, especially for a KU book. The writing did feel a bit clinical at times when I needed more emotion. But there was enough romantic development that made me invested in the romance.

This book also has one of my favourite types of pairings: the heroine who works too hard and worries too much and the hero who will do anything to help her relax and destress 🥰

I would've liked more interaction between Charlotte and Nikolai's men as well as his family—something more similar to Carnal Urges. You also have to suspend disbelief, otherwise you'll notice all kinds of logical fallacies 🤣 But overall, this was a short, quick, fun, and steamy mafia romance. I had fun reading it and I may even pick up the next book.
Profile Image for Dreams✨.
125 reviews7 followers
July 19, 2023
I’m confused as to where I stand with this book. It was smutty with just enough plot points to keep me intrigued. However I think we didn’t get enough preamble about Nikolai and Charlie, something just felt off. We see them have instant lust for each other of sorts but it’s assumed by us, we don’t get confirmation of it so when Nikolai is meeting her for the second time and immediately whips her ass it’s just odd followed by a “you didn’t follow my rules” ok my guy… she didn’t know there were rules. The ass reddening part was just so random lol
Profile Image for Read All About It.
1,677 reviews24 followers
June 10, 2022
This is a new author for me. She captured my attention from page one. The farther I got into the story the better it got. By the end I was hooked.

Charlotte is a strong independent woman but her weakness is her family. She ends up in a situation she’s not sure she can handle.

Nikolai is a alpha male who is used to getting what he wants. A Romanov son.

Explosive chemistry, family drama and a great love story.

“Hmmm?” His voice rolls over me. “What can you give me?”



Sometimes you just have to step out of your zone to find something amazing.
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,474 reviews191 followers
July 6, 2022
4 - 4.25 stars!

"He’s not sure if he can let me go. Worse. I’m not sure I want him to."

Corrupted Innocence was HOT. Was it unique? No, it was full of common dark mafia romance tropes but I don't care. It was what I was in the mood for and it delivered.


When Charlotte's (Charlie) brother racks up a debt that he is unable to pay back to the Russian mafia, he more or less tells Charlotte to deal with it and disappears. Charlotte doesn't have the money to make the debt go away, is tirelessly working on keeping the family deli afloat after her parents died and has very little else to offer besides her body. So what does she do? Any seasoned romance reader knows the answer.

Charlotte offers her body to Nikolai Romanov when she can't pay the full amount back her brother stupidly took and he wouldn't take the $10,000 she tried giving him. And Nikolai happily agreed. But once the two of them start spending time together, their attraction goes deeper and darker forces are around them trying to ruin everything.

If you've ever read a Zoe Blake romance...this reads very similar. It's a little dark, a little angsty and a lot steamy. There is a bit of dubcon in here, some punishments (spanking, belt) and a domineering and controlling alpha male.

Nikolai was the quintessential alpha male - dominant, self-contained and obsessive. But he was also loyal and caring when he needed to be. Despite his reluctance to have a future with a woman, Charlotte dug herself into his heart and he knew he was done for and accepted that. I loved all the little things he did for Charlotte without expecting anything in return and I loved the way he loved her.

Charlotte had a heart of gold and bent over backwards for everyone but herself. She was the perfect mixture of submissive and strength. Her raw honesty about everything was refreshing and I liked that she challenged the misconceptions people had about her, including Nikolai. I wouldn't say she was this badass female riding in on her Valkyrie horse but she had a quiet strength about her that you couldn't help but appreciate.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable dark romance that balanced plot, steam and emotion well. The darker elements were just enough not to be too much and the steam was just enough that I wasn't cringing. If you're looking for a mafia romance, I recommend giving this one a go.
Profile Image for BB.
488 reviews7 followers
June 10, 2022
Flat out, didn't want to read this, but it wasn't my turn to pick. Mafia tropes are a no for me. They're always super eye roll worthy. With the ridic always have a guy/power struggles, bad guy that does bad things but somehow also has some iron cast moral code about somethings. And near magic powers into making crap happen.

While there was some of that, it's Charlie that made me like it. She's strong. She's independent. She stands up for herself. Even in their dirty bits. Nikolai being more and more attached to her, made me like him.

I honestly don't think the dirty bits were that... line crossing? If your butt is gonna clench over spankings, anal, and mild domination(telling her to strip/play with herself/how to pose)- it isn't for you. But if you're looking for dubious consent or strong bdsm vibes, you're gonna be disappointed.

The mafia bit was eh. Like I said not my thing. It does and doesn't make up a huge chunk of the plot- it's more in the background-- which is probably why I didn't mind it.

I'm sort of interested in a couple of the secondary characters story(Nikolai's brothers)... hesitantly though.
749 reviews9 followers
June 3, 2022
This is another story of the sort Ms Stone does so well.
A strong male with a definite air of entitlement, and a female with an overwhelming sense of responsibility. One thing they have in common right from the start is their absolute dedication and loyalty to their families.
The bargain they strike - quite literally - bursts into flames. And you are there for every wrong lead, every betrayal, but most of all for every time their very private fireworks go off!!! ;-)
Another good one!
Profile Image for Rhonda Hicks.
4,188 reviews74 followers
June 23, 2022
'Corrupted Innocence' by Measha Stone is one that I hope turns into a series, it's that good. Charlotte, aka Charlie, and her brother Oliver now own and operate the Deli their parents built. Well, Oliver, Charlie's brother, sold all but 10% of the deli and Charlie runs herself ragged to keep the deli open and bring in customers. She's also a people pleaser who tries to fix things for other people. Oliver has once again gotten himself into a jam by borrowing money from a loan shark. Rather than taking responsibility for his actions, he lays the problem at his younger sister's doorstep expecting her to fix it. Charlie has some money saved because she wants to make improvements to the business but is nowhere near enough to pay the debt in full. Of course, when Nikolai, the third son of the Romanov Crime Family, comes along with his enforcers to collect the debt, he isn't willing to accept the 10% payment Charlie has offered. Charlie is in a panic and offers herself up to Nikolai in order to keep him from harming her brother. He accepts the offer. What Measha Stone has given us is a mafia-based story filled with characters that are just flawed enough to be relatable and yet there is such strength and heart within each of them I couldn't help thinking Fate couldn't have put two more perfect people together …. Well, Ms. Stone had a hand in there as well. ;) Like I said, this is a standalone story but I'm really hoping it turns into a series, it's that good.
1,223 reviews9 followers
June 15, 2022
Corrupted Innocence is a dark mafia romance, and hopefully the beginning to a new series! Charlie’s brother owes a lot of money to the mob and relies on her to pay his debts. Refusing to give up her business, she offers herself instead. Nikolai wants a month with her, and soon he wants more. But when his world collides with hers with devastating consequences, will she pick him to keep her body and heart safe?

Oh my, this book had shivers running up and down my spine, and I enjoyed reading this book from beginning to end! I did not want to put it down because Charlie and Nikolai had some crazy good chemistry! Charlie is so independent, loyal, and I loved the love she had for her family, even if they didn’t deserve it. She was fierce and a bit sassy at times, and I liked that she pushed the boundaries a bit when it came to Nikolai’s rules. Nikolai was a bit intense, but he gave me the shivers in all of the best ways. He was dominant, in charge, and wanted to keep his girl safe. I think my favorite thing about him was watching him fall for Charlie, even when he didn’t want to. Their passion was hot and steamy, their connection could be felt through the pages, but they really had a lot to overcome. This book reminded me off and on of a Beauty and the Beast type of retelling. There’s drama and danger, there’s love and loyalty, and I loved every second I spent within these pages! I hope there’s more from Nikolai’s family!
2,404 reviews
June 10, 2022
Riveting Mafia read, great characters and a wonderful story
Charlotte had been struggling to keep the deli her parents left after their death she had worked every hour god sent to try and keep it afloat and it was not proving to be easy and yet things seemed to be finally getting a fettle better when her older brother dropped a bombshell.
He had borrowed a large amount of money from the Romanov family “Russian Mafia” who are coming to make their first collection on the loan and her brother has disappeared and she had to find two hundred thousand dollars plus interest she just had not got, she offered him the only thing of any value she had and that was her.
As Nikolai and Charlotte started to spend more time together, he could not help but actually begin to like her tenacity, her temper and her hard work ethic she was nothing like any other woman he had ever spent time with, they had only been interested in him for his money.
Nikolai had been trying to find her brother who seems to have done a bunk and dropped his younger sister right in it and if he had wanted too could have taken her deli and anything else of value as the payments had not been made in time.
Read this simply wonderful story and the relationship that is building between these two unlikely individuals that come from very different worlds, even Nikolai’s father like Charlotte and this is very unusual.
Read this amazing book and I guarantee that you will not be able to put it down until you reach the last page and discover the outcome.
I do not want to spoil the plot so will say no more about the three of them, I assure you that you will enjoy every single moment of this book.
I assure you that you will love every moment of this book it is simply a fantastic read.
I voluntarily received and review an Advanced Reader Copy
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to reading any future publications; keep up all the great writing.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews167 followers
June 10, 2022
Charlotte has an older brother who isn't a help in her life, and when he gets her in the crosshairs of mob boss Nikolai, well, things get interesting. See, her brother messed with the Russian mafia so Charlotte tries to pay the debt with money, but he decides he wants her instead. You know, I seriously can't stand a man who would let his little sister be caught up in this without doing anything to help her so I was very pissy about it. I mean yeah, Charlie & Nikolai were super hot together, but she was seriously out of her debt. The good news is Charlie challenged Nikolai until his world was turned upside down which was my favorite part, but I felt like the brother aspect wasn't dealt with enough for what he caused to be honest but that's just me. I do love me some Measha Stone but I know I'm not always going to agree with everything I read in my books LOL! Anyway, this is only my opinion so just hit those one click buttons to decide for yourselves since at the end of the day I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Profile Image for Jan.
1,763 reviews9 followers
June 15, 2022
Charlie’s no-good brother has made her life hell. He took out a loan with the Bratva for a quarter of a million. Where is she going to come up with that kind of money to save him? She does try to give them a very small down payment. But that isn’t going to cut it. Nikolai usually doesn’t go out on the loan pay offs but he decided to take a break. When he sees Charlie, he is tempted by her. Her money isn’t going to work. She offers herself to pay off her brothers’ debt. Nikolai isn’t going to pass that up. She did what she had to do protect her brother but honestly, he wasn’t worth it. He cared little about her. Charlie did for everyone else. Always looking out for others but never once did she do for herself. Niko started seeing Charlotte in a different light. I love that these two started to really learn about each other and found happiness. She brought light into his dark world. He would to anything for her. The sex between them was hot and steamy. Always love when dirty talk is in play.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,306 reviews60 followers
June 20, 2022
Charlie has a worthless brother who she always has to look out for and bail out of trouble. This time, he's gotten himself in deep with the Russian mafia, and he wants her to bail him out. When the time comes, she offers the Russians $10k, but Nikolai, the man in charge refuses to take it. So, she offers her himself.

I really hated Charlie's brother. I mean, deep down just really despise him. I hope that whatever Nikolai did with him really helps him be better.

Charlie has a bump of responsibility about a mile wide. She just can't not take care of other and she just can't not put herself last. No wonder she's exhausted. I would be too in her case.

I mostly liked Nikolai. I did have some problems with him at times. The way that he seemed to run hot and cold with Charlie at first really bothered me. But, he did make up for it.
Profile Image for Hannah Hansen.
120 reviews
June 15, 2022
This is the second mafia romance I’ve read where the heroine is a normal girl and let me tell you IM OBSESSED! 🤩 Nikolai is everything and I just couldn’t put this down. 1000/10 recommend.
“What can you give me?” “Me.” YES PLEASE! The chemistry between these two was fire from the get go and I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say this is my new favorite mafia romance. He really said let me spoil you and keep you safe and do everything for you while also giving you good pipe (and let me tell you he was 🥵) I got this as and ARC and let me tell you Measha Stone fucking delivered! I cannot wait to read the rest of their backlist!
Profile Image for Becky.
1,089 reviews108 followers
April 25, 2023
The first book introduced a plot involving a rival family which continues in the sequel. However, I found it easy to follow as a standalone. The novel contains a significant amount of sexual content, and the protagonist, Leo, is an intense and dominant alpha male. Initially, I wished for more emphasis on the plot rather than sex scenes. The story's resolution involving the antagonist's punishment left me somewhat dissatisfied, but I appreciated the unexpected twist at the end.

Leo's sexual relationships during his separation from the heroine are made clear early on, which adds to the emotional tension of the story. However, the fact that he actively sought out women who resembled her bothered me, as it was not resolved or addressed adequately. During a sexual encounter, he confesses this to her, causing her pain, but later she finds comfort in knowing that she is irreplaceable. What bothered me the most was the fact that he left her for her own safety, causing her pain, but always intended to return when it was safe. He also prevented other men from pursuing her, which did not sit well with me. All of these elements kept distracting me from the storyline.
The story was fast and spicy but there were so many huh moments I just did not like this book. I wanted to finish it but I had lots of thoughts of just putting it down. I am going to try the next book in the series as I did enjoy book 1. This one was just not for me.
Profile Image for Rhonda.
3,361 reviews65 followers
June 3, 2022
Once again, Measha Stone has given her readers a story that they will fall in love with. Charlotte is an awesome woman who is doing something she loves but when her older brother gets himself in a jam, she ends up having to pay back his debts the only way she can! What is that? Well, you'll need to get the book to find out. LOL Nikolai is there to watch as his men try and collect payment from Charlotte's brother and when he doesn't show up................yeah, you should know what's going to happen. ;) The chemistry between these two could easily set your kindle on fire but just wear some fireproof gloves so you don't have to stop!! My only teeny tiny complaint is I wanted to know more about Charlotte's brother, Oliver and how he turns out! He was such a jerk at first but maybe there is hope he will be redeemed? I'll keep an eye out and see if we get a story of his!
Profile Image for Rose Howse.
915 reviews14 followers
June 13, 2022
Charlotte, aka Charlie tries to pay off her brother's dept to the mob, but the boss himself happens to be there for the collection and makes a deal for the insufficient payment Charlie tries to make. One month of Charlie giving herself to Nicolai Romanov whenever and however he wants. A tale as old as time can turn to love that lasts a lifetime.
Profile Image for Lady Raven Books.
1,151 reviews29 followers
June 21, 2022
Fantastic Read

OMGODDESS I love this story. Nikolai and Charlotte are off the charts amazing together. From page one to the end has you wanting more. I hope Nikolai's brothers get a book. I even love Igor. The writing and flow of this book is perfect. I beyond recommend this book.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,554 reviews
June 2, 2022
Corrupted Innocence was the first book I read by Measha Stone & it definitely won’t be my last! From the first page to the last I was beyond captivated with Nikolai & Charlotte and their journey. Measha Stone reminded me why I love mafia romance so much!

Charlotte would do anything for someone she loved. So when her brother borrowed money from a mob family & left her with a debt that could have cost her everything, she gave herself. I absolutely loved Charlotte’s strength. And how she didn’t even consider turning her back on her brother. And then comes along Nikolai! He wasn’t even supposed to be there that day, but fate had other plans. The chemistry between Charlotte & Nikolai was off the charts! I loved that Charlotte challenged Nikolai.

I just loved this book & if I could give more than 5 stars I would! Since this is my first Measha Stone book I hope that Nikolai’s brothers get to tell their stories next. I am excited to read some of the side characters’ books that have already been released!

I voluntarily reviewed this book.
Profile Image for Chasity.
688 reviews8 followers
July 6, 2022
For me, Nikolai and Charlie’s story was addictive. I could very much relate to Charlie. I didn’t care for her brother but I am definitely wondering if others will get stories.
Profile Image for ♡︎ 97_BookBlog ♡︎.
706 reviews36 followers
June 10, 2022
卂𝘳ᥴ 尺ꫀꪜ𝓲ꫀ᭙
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 - Nikolai
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞 - Charlotte
3 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝑩𝒚 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑎 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒

First read by this author, and I found myself hooked from the first chapter.
Fortunately, I loved the h and her strength. She was forced into a situation because of her brother, but even though she was at the H's mercy, she still has a backbone.
The spicy moments where hootttt🥵🥵
But unfortunately, I felt like the main characters didn't have that connection, didn't get to know each other well enough. And then there is the situation with her brother, i expected more of it but it fell kind off flat for me.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 ❤️❤️❤️
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞 💋💋💋💋
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 📚📚📚
𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭��𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 💧
Profile Image for Hart's Reader Group.
828 reviews39 followers
June 14, 2022
Somewhat and lukewarm sexy. As always, the annoying, naive FMC ruined some of the book for me, but the plot and the chemistry mostly made up for it. Why is it always the woman with the irresponsible brother or father that gets caught up in the mafia drama? I, just once, want the sister/daughter to say: "He got mixed up with the mafia? Are you f**king kidding me? Well, he can just f**k off, then. Not my circus, not my monkeys!"
Profile Image for Kael.
1,268 reviews
June 24, 2023
I read it but also I feel like I didn’t read anything? There was no depth to anything.

Also the end was so annoying. Why’s she pushing him away and then being sad he’s gone but then they just get back together and go on a date? If they had issues they didnt talk about it. Also the way neither of them suspected the brother was so dumb and then he’s an okay guy at the end and is still in her life and works for him??! It was all just very stupid
Displaying 1 - 30 of 220 reviews

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