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Грейси Бъртън живее тихо в Девън и през последните четиридесет години рядко е напускала селото. Дъщеря ѝ Карина управлява собствения си успешен бизнес в Лондон. Поради напрегнатото си ежедневие има много малко време за 17-годишната си дъщеря Анастасия, която учи в пансион, и още по-малко време за майка си. В много отношения трите почти не се познават.

В един момент Грейси се натъква на реклама за седмичен готварски курс в сърцето на Тоскана. Тя не може да устои и влага спестяванията си в пътуването, а Карина и Анастасия я придружават. Те не разбират защо Грейси е привлечена от тази идея. Те нямат представа за миналото и – тя никога не е говорила за това. Не подозират, че Грейси крие тайната на един необикновен живот, който е имала преди тях…

312 pages, Paperback

First published April 3, 2018

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About the author

Santa Montefiore

70 books2,359 followers
Born in England in 1970 Santa Montefiore grew up on a farm in Hampshire and was educated at Sherborne School for Girls. She read Spanish and Italian at Exeter University and spent much of the 90s in Buenos Aires, where her mother grew up. She converted to Judaism in 1998 and married historian Simon Sebag Montefiore in the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London. They live with their two children, Lily and Sasha in London.

Santa Montefiore's novels have been translated into twenty languages and have sold more than three million copies in England and Europe.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 623 reviews
Profile Image for Jaline.
444 reviews1,766 followers
April 17, 2019
Update: Today, April 16th, is the date of publication I was given on the NetGalley site.

Tuscany is what led me to this novel, and the story that takes place mostly in Tuscany is what kept me there.

Several years ago I was intrigued by Santa Montefiore’s first three novels, which I have never read as they never became available to me in sequence. This is Santa Montefiore’s newest novel, and my first reading of her work.

The Temptation of Gracie is romantic – in the broadest sense of the word – although there is definitely romance in it as well. Mostly, it is about love – between men and women; between uncles, nieces, and nephews; between fathers and children; between mothers, daughters, and grand-daughters.

Gracie is in her late sixties and has been a widow for almost ten years. While she is at her hairdresser’s she sees a photograph of a place she knew well at one point in her life – a time of her life that she has kept secret for more than 40 years. Something compels her to return and in the process of making her plans, Gracie’s estranged daughter and grand-daughter get involved and her solitary journey becomes a threesome.

It is obvious throughout this novel that Santa Montefiore spent time in Tuscany herself. The romantic and vivid ambience is described so well I felt that I was there and drinking it all in. The story is tastefully written (and I’m not just talking about the food) and vibrant in sound, colour, and taste – a true feast for the senses.

There were a few twists in the story that I did not anticipate, although anticipating outcomes and being right about them is fun, it is a real delight to me when they are unexpected.

Thanks to my pleasurable reading experience with this novel, someday I am definitely going to read more of Santa Montefiore’s works.

With gratitude to Simon & Schuster Canada, Simon & Schuster UK, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this novel, and to the author, thank you Santa Montefiore. Its publication date is April 16, 2019.
Profile Image for Shirley Revill.
1,197 reviews267 followers
August 30, 2018
A hidden past not known by her daughter,granddaughter and friends. Tucked away in a village and her family not nearby Gracie finds herself a widow but one day Gracie decides to go on holiday alone.
Gracie's daughter and Granddaughter think she has gone quite mad so they decide to tag along too.
Secrets are revealed of a past that know one could even guess at and Gracie is just not the person they all thought they knew.

This audiobook was absolutely brilliant. The narration was wonderful and the story made me laugh and cry. To feel emotion in a story is the sign of a good book to me. This is the very first time I have listened to anything by this author and it certainly won't be the last. I really enjoyed finding out about Gracie's past life through the many memories she had. The ending was a surprise and anyone who knows me that's when I needed the tissues.
Profile Image for Carole.
548 reviews124 followers
May 4, 2019
The Temptation of Gracie by Santa Montefiore takes the reader to Castello Montefosco in Tuscany for a week of cooking lessons and delectable food and wine in one of the world's most beautiful corners. Gracie, a widow in her sixties living an ordinary life in Devon, suddenly decides to spend time in Italy. Her daughter Carina, not wanting her mother to travel alone, joins her and brings along her teenage daughter Anastasia. Both younger women are not close to Gracie or each other and the trip begins on a strained note. But the magic of Tuscany soon thaws the chill in their relationships. They find out that Gracie had lived in the area for fifteen years in her youth when she was an apprentice to her uncle, an art restorer. It has been over forty years since Gracie's stay there and Carina and Anastasia discover that she had met and left behind the love of her life. Romance novels are usually not my reading preference but I found this one well-written and entertaining. The characters are interesting and the story flows well. I would recommend it as a cottage or beach read. Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for simona.citeste.
253 reviews261 followers
January 24, 2024
O carte foarte potrivită pentru momente de relaxare și dor de călătorie.

Descrierile Italiei și multele menționări de paste și sosuri au fost superbe.

Povestea în sine a fost interesantă dar nu neapărat surprinzătoare, am descoperit multe detalii înainte ca autoarea să le facă cunoscute.

Mi-au plăcut personajele și transformările acestora.
Profile Image for Tea Jovanović.
Author 393 books731 followers
May 11, 2019
Very good story, well-written, with some lessons about mother-daughter relationships that makes you think a bit... Wonderful Tuscany, la bella Italia... Being Santa's Serbian editor for years makes a bit not objective, but I may say this is one of her best books... It was written just after her younger sister died, and it was very tough period for the author... And she fully deserved the award she recently got for this novel... Right book for summer..

Za nekoliko dana srpsko izdanje ide u štampu, prava letnja knjiga, za opuštanje i čitanje u nekom lepom ambijentu...
Profile Image for Erin.
3,252 reviews476 followers
April 15, 2019
A contemporary mother daughter novel that largely takes place in Italy and explores lost loves and second chances. Widow Gracie Burton manages to send her entire British village into a tailspin when gossip swirls that she is heading to Italy- ALONE. Feeling the desire to intervene, a gossipy neighbor alerts Gracie's grown daughter to her mother's unsafe plans. At first, Carina, cannot see the point of taking time away from her busy work schedule to figure out her secretive mother. But when her husband points out that Carina doesn't have any type of relationship with their teenage daughter, Carina decides they are heading to Italy. During this week long journey, over food and sunshine filled days, Gracie will reveal to her daughter and granddaughter a tale of love and loss.

Although there were some predictable points in the storyline, I felt that there was enough material in the story to keep me interested. The relationship between Gracie and her granddaughter, Anastasia was beautifully written and made me miss my maternal grandmother very much. As well, just like so many other books set in Italy- I finished this book very hungry. As well, I will always remember that garlic and onion divorced and that is why we don't cook them together. Haha!

 Thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Shuster UK for a digital galley in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads Review 14/04/19
Publication Date: 16/04/19
Profile Image for Cititor Necunoscut.
470 reviews86 followers
February 19, 2020
O poveste draguta despre dragostea care asteapta ani si ani implinirea, cu personaje dragute si lectii de luat aminte. Intreaga poveste se desfasoara pe doua planuri temporale, avand-o pe Gracie in centrul atentiei: in trecut o avem pe Gracie, ucenica unchiului sau si a partenerului de afaceri al sau ca restaurator de tablouri si uneori falsificator, iar in prezent o avem pe bunica Gracie, care prinde curaj sa se intoarca in Toscana dupa 40 de ani. Santa Montefiore reuseste sa redea atmosfera toscana, sa te faca sa iti doresti sa vizitezi zona, sa gusti mancarea, sa iti bucuri ochii cu privelisti minunate. Finalul este usor de intuit dar iti da un sentiment placut ca lucrurile bune se intampla celor buni. Mi-a placut cum autoarea s-a jucat cu personajul Flappy, care a adus o picatura de umor romanului.
Profile Image for Lavinia.
190 reviews61 followers
March 16, 2020
Primăvară în Toscana m-a surprins într-un mod plăcut. Cu peisaje de vis, personaje ale căror relații sunt complicate și cu o poveste încântătoare, cartea are o prospețime aparte care îți induce o stare de bine cu fiecare pagină parcursă. Am descoperit o lectură care mi-a oferit o mulțime de sentimente căci abordează o așa varietate de întâmplări încât nu te poți abține de la un zâmbet, o părere de rău sau chiar un hohot de râs.

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Profile Image for Stefania.
17 reviews12 followers
August 30, 2022
Și uite așa la anul voi vizita și eu Toscana 😁
Profile Image for Margaret Madden.
755 reviews172 followers
July 7, 2018
Not for me, at all. Very weak and loaded with dated phrases like: “All she could do was whisper her love into a pillow at night.” Might suit fans of (very) old-School love stories. Couldn’t get past page 140. Giving two stars for the nice (but repetitive) descriptions of Tuscany.
Profile Image for Karen J.
318 reviews233 followers
November 28, 2020
I need to process this thought provoking story before I can write a review.
Profile Image for Kate’s Book Spot.
631 reviews22 followers
May 14, 2018
This was my first Santa Montefiore book so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The first thing that jumped out at me were the warm characters, they were relatable and so easy to visualise. I couldn’t help but giggle at the group of ladies from Badley Compton as they attempted to stage an intervention.

Then there was the emotional side of the story which broke my heart and made it leap in equal measures. As a Mum, I felt so sad for Gracie and her quiet longing for the family she missed so much. As a woman, I applauded her defiant courage in doing something that would bring her happiness and not concerning herself with other people’s opinions on the matter. It soon became clear that Gracie had a secret and I must admit that I did have a vague idea what it could be. It turned out I was partially correct with my prediction!

Carina wasn’t my favourite character to begin with, I really felt like she needed to reevaluate her life, particularly where her daughter Anastasia was concerned. Would the beautiful Tuscan sunshine change her?

Unusually for me I found myself enjoying the present day scenes and the 1960s scenes equally. The tantalising romances that flitted through both time periods were wonderfully exciting to read.

The Temptation of Gracie was a warm and meaningful read that pulled at my heart in so many ways. It may have been my first book from this author but it certainly won’t be my last!
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,047 reviews284 followers
April 11, 2019
Atmospheric, immersive, and delightfully moving!

The Temptation of Gracie is a classic, magical tale that sweeps you away to Tuscany, Italy and into the life of Gracie Burton, as she revisits the past, repairs strained relationships, forges new friendships, and searches for love long lost.

The prose is seamless and lush. The characters are complex, independent, and memorable. And the plot moves between past and present effortlessly spinning a beautifully tender, beguiling tale of life, loss, family, friendship, revelations, secrets, guilt, forbidden love, art, passion, and food.

Once again with The Temptation of Gracie, Montefiore has written another skillfully plotted, multi-generational, family saga that has just the right amount of intrigue, colourful history, and enduring passion to be pleasing to both lovers of historical fiction and romance.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for The Book Whisperer (aka Boof).
343 reviews258 followers
February 26, 2018
Let me start by saying that I am such a huge fan of Santa Montefiore’s books. I discovered them several years ago when I found myself swept away to Italy and Devon in The House by The Sea which still remains one of my favourites. Since then I have read many more, but I still have plenty more on my shelf (what I call my rainy day shelf – when I need a pick-me-up and know beyond doubt that a book by a certain author will be just the tonic I need).

The Temptation of Gracie is a standalone book, centered around Gracie herself, her daughter Carina and granddaughter Anastasia. It is again set in Italy and Devon and also over dual time-frames. Elderly Gracie Burton lives in Devon, where she spends her time walking her two dogs along the cliffs and helping to organise various events in the village. According to herself, and to the knowledge of her friends and even her own family, Gracie has led an unremarkable life, so when Grace suddenly announces that she is going to Tuscany to stay in a castle for a week-long Italian cookery course, it not only sets tongues wagging but has just about everyone she knows aghast at the idea. As Gracie sets off to sunnier climes, reluctant daughter and granddaughter in tow, the memories stirred up by the trip for Gracie that will have long-lasting implications for all of them.

To say any more about the plot would be to spoil the unfolding story of what happens when they arrive in Tuscany, but true to form there are secrets, revelations and romance. As with all Montefiore’s books, it is best to know little and allow yourself to be swept up in what ensues. One of the reasons I love her books is that so often when reading them, when I eventually look up, I am surprised to still find myself in my own front room. Every page is a feast of colours, smells and sensations. Everything feels so vibrant and sumptuous; from the flowers to the food to the views from the castle. I admit I am no chef, but when reading this book I immediately wanted to book myself onto an Italian cookery course in a Tuscan castle. Now that is great storytelling!

One final shout out about this book and that is the characters: they were all wonderful. However, my particular favourite was Flappy Scott-Booth – the bossy, snobby, interfering head of Badley Compton Ladies’ Book Club. She was an absolute delight to read about and added several (unintentional on her part) comedy moments. I’m desperately hoping she appears in more books in the future.

An absolute joy. Pure escapism at its best.
Profile Image for Amina Hujdur.
558 reviews26 followers
November 17, 2022
Neodoljiva i šarmantna priča u kojoj se prepliće prošlost i sadašnjost, u kojoj žene tri generacije pokušavaju uspostaviti most među sobom.
Baka, kćerka i unuka - svaka u svom životnom univerzumu, udaljene ne samo na prostornom, nego i na emotivnom planu, zbližavaju se na jednom putovanju koje će iznjedriti nova saznanja, nova iskustva i razjasniti mračne tajne prošlosti.

Sve vrijeme dok sam čitala osjećala sam toplinu Toskane, mirise lavande, i zamišljala okuse neprevaziđene talijanske kuhinje.
Roman je zanimljiv, intrigantan, bez previše predvidljivosti i banaliziranja.

Jedina mana Santinih romana su naslovi koji na prvi pogleda asociraju na neke jeftine romane sa erotskom tematikom: Francuski baštovan, Grejsino iskušenje - ako neprivlačni nazivi kriju lijepe i interesantne radnje.

Mogu zaključiti da mi je ovo omiljeni roman Sante Montefjore i ne posljednji koji ću čitati. ❤️❤️❤️
130 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2018
Gracie lives in a small Devon village with her two dogs where everyone knows each other business. She has been widowed for eight years and has a daughter Carina and a granddaughter Anastasia. She has very little contact with them, however as they live in London and are very busy!!
Gracie decides to enrol on a cooking course in Italy to the horror and amazement of everyone. However, is it a random idea or is there more to Gracie than anyone, even her family know about?
Very poignant at times and thought provoking regarding family relationships. We are never to old or to young for love!
Profile Image for Daphne Hartman.
141 reviews6 followers
May 23, 2018
Nooit verwacht dat ik dit een leuk (en dan ook nog ZO’N leuk) boek zou vinden!
Toen het verhaal begon dacht ik alleen maar: pffff dit gaat lang duren voordat ik hem uit heb. Alles wordt zo uitgebreid beschreven, zo langdradig over hoe de tuin eruit ziet en dat soort dingen. Maar al gauw zat ik zo diep in het verhaal, voelde het alsof ik erbij was en kon ik niet meer stoppen met lezen. Echt een heerlijk boek en dit smaakt naar meer! Ik kan niet anders dan 5 sterren geven al is het alleen maar voor de ‘leesbeleving’.
Profile Image for Max.
200 reviews
August 30, 2018
It was ok, bit predicable, nevertheless a nice story
Profile Image for Liz.
246 reviews1 follower
October 13, 2018
Loved this book
I loved the language and story of Gracie and of her secret past.
I like the idea of how the cooking school had an alternative agenda and how that worked out with Carina and Anastasia.
Well worth a read.
Profile Image for Els.
316 reviews5 followers
October 14, 2018
It was definitly not her best work.
Profile Image for Jill's Book Cafe.
321 reviews141 followers
July 6, 2018
Yet another enticing cover, and one that paves the way for a story that I certainly wouldn't have guessed at.

Gracie Burton is a 68-year-old widow, she's cautious, unadventurous and likes to stay out of the limelight. Which is what makes her decision to book a holiday to Tuscany, to learn to cook Italian food all the more extra-ordinary. While it gives her neighbours in the village something to gossip about, it gives her daughter Carina something to worry about.  The reality is, Carina hasn't visited in a while, citing work and life commitments, so she's not sure if her mother is seriously ill or losing her mind. Whatever the reason, she decides that shy, timid Gracie can't possibly go on her own, so she and her teenage daughter Anastacia (Gracie's granddaughter) will go as well.

I anticipated  a story of a family rediscovering themselves and this was certainly part of the plot, but what I couldn't envisage was the unfolding story of Gracie's past. One that she had withheld from both her family and her husband. By returning to Italy, Gracie also re-discovered something of the vibrant and energetic woman she had been in her youth. As well as revealing a tale that shocked her family when all was revealed.

I loved Gracie from the start, and I enjoyed the village characters she had made her life among. From the pomposity of Flappy Scott-Booth who was everything her name suggests, to the gossipiness of Harry Pratt (who it transpired had a pretty big secret of his own). Her life in the little seaside village she'd been part of for 40 years was far removed from the life she'd led before she married Ted.

I took longer to warm to Carina, whose initial obsession with work, worldly trappings and not her mother, and to some degree her daughter irked me. Gracie was treated more like a maiden aunt, you keep meaning to visit, rather than a mother. Similarly, Gracie had no real relationship with Anastacia, as they never had the opportunity to bond. This trip, could either make or break the fragile threads, but you'll need to discover that for yourself.

Gracie's secret as it unfolds, is certainly a dramatic one. Initially I thought it too dramatic and implausible, but then that's because I was probably guilty of pigeon-holing Gracie based on her current persona. Mea culpa, as all readers know, we should never judge a book by its cover (which I do - just look how I started this review!). So all I will say, is sit back and enjoy because it's a compelling tale.

If you like your stories to have drama, romance, secrets (oh what secrets!), humour and of course food then this is the book for you. A perfect summer read, in fact a perfect anytime read.

Thanks to Simon & Schuster for the opportunity to read this is advance of publication.
Profile Image for Eve.
706 reviews47 followers
September 16, 2021

This is my first book I have read by this author, so I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. I was listening to an audiobook and the narrator Rachel Atkins did good job. I enjoyed the setting and writing.

We first meet the main characters in March 2010: widowed Gracie Burton (68), her workaholic daughter Carina (41) and granddaughter Anastasia (17), go to Italy, Tuscany for a week-long cookery course. Then through flashbacks into Gracie's youth (in the 50s...60s), we get to see where she came from and how different her life was back then. The characters are flawed but relatable. But i must say I didn't like the infidelity and forgery.
Profile Image for Emma Crowley.
942 reviews158 followers
July 12, 2018
Santa Montefiore's new book The Temptation of Gracie takes the reader on a journey to the Tuscan countryside as one woman attempts to reconcile the past with the present. It is a story of love, loss, friendship and family set over the period of one week during a holiday away in a beautiful castle where the main characters embark on a cookery course. The author weaves the past with the present to convey the story as our main female protagonist Gracie is forced to confront what she has kept hidden deep inside her for so many years.

If only her daughter Carina and granddaughter Anastasia knew the intriguing and colourful life Gracie led so many years ago they would be more than surprised. This trip the three women undertake together will prove life changing in more ways than one. Each will have their perspectives altered and the big secret that has been kept under wraps for so long will be revealed as the Tuscan countryside works its magic and old memories are stirred and come simmering to the surface. Gracie discovers you can't hide something forever when so many outside forces are working to have the truth make itself known.

The story opens with Gracie living in the small coastal village of Badley Compton. It is a beautiful place to live but does have that mentality of everyone knowing everyone else's business before you yourself even know what your business is. Gracie is living by herself since her husband died, she is shy and timid and likes order and her routine. She has forgotten what it is like to be in love, young and reckless. She prefers to stay in her shell and has kept herself safe for decades. A chance glance through a magazine sees Gracie inspired. There is a photograph of a Tuscan villa Castle Montefosco, it inspires an urge, a longing inside her and before she knows it she has booked a place on a cookery course to be held at the villa. Soon the grapevine is a buzz with the news that unadventurous Gracie who never goes anywhere is off to Italy. The Badley Compton Ladies Book Group, not that they get round to reading many books, of which Gracie is a member are astonished and all abuzz with the news. Flappy Scott Booth the queen bee of the club is aghast. How can they manage to hold the planned events while Gracie is away?

Gracie is like her doormat who will do everything that Flappy doesn't want to do. No way can Gracie venture abroad on her own. It will be an utter disaster. Badley Compton featured for several chapters at the beginning of the story and for one or two at the end. Honestly, I had no idea why this was the case, it felt like these scenes were from a different book entirely and were just so out of place and not needed. One chapter dedicated to explaining where Gracie lived and that she was leaving on an adventure would have sufficed. It wasn't necessary to go into so much detail about Flappy and her nature and various eccentricities and acquaintances. It brought nothing to the story as a whole and rather took away from the scenes set back in the past which were the strongest in the book overall. This aspect of the story was very much surplus to requirements and I thought it would be better suited to a different book focusing on Badley Compton. This was Gracie's story not Flappy's and at times this was lost in the bigger picture.

I much preferred the elements of the story that were set in Italy. As Gracie arrives with Carina and Anastasia at the castle to enjoy the cookery course so sets in motion a chain of events for everyone. Carina feels deep guilt that she has neglected her mother and to an even greater extent her daughter. She is obsessed with her job and can never leave her phone out of her hand for fear of missing an important email or phone call. Over the course of the week she has some form of enlightenment that will see her radicalise her outlook on life and how she interacts with her family and friends. She starts to come to an understanding that she can't go on the way she is or her family will be lost to her forever. For Anastasia the holiday is a chance to embark on new adventures and to be that little bit daring when it comes to exploring romance.

I felt we flitted a little bit too quickly between Gracie's recollections of the past and the goings on in the present. That I never got a chance to fully absorb, digest and contemplate what was going on in the time period I was reading about. It also came across as if Gracie was much older in the present day than she was. She was only in her late sixties but the way sentences were written and that Carina and Anastasia at times treated Gracie as if she was feeble and very vulnerable when she was very much strong and alive and kicking made me think I was reading about a much older woman perhaps heading into the final stage of her life. That all the resolution had to be sought before it was far too late. The ending regarding the changing of the relationship between Gracie, Carina and Anastasia felt rushed and under developed, like it happened and was dealt with before the reader had even known it had occurred. If less time had been given at the beginning to Badley Compton and in the end maybe the re-bonding and reconnecting between the women could have had more time to be explored.

The best part of this book was uncovering the secret Gracie had been keeping from her family for so long and why she felt the need to do this. Through Gracie recollecting the past and going back to over 40 years previous to the 1950's we see she led a life very different from what she does now. If the ladies of the book club knew the real Gracie it would give them enough news fodder to feed off and dine out on for many years to come. As this was the best part of the book I won't delve into any detail as to what led Gracie to living such an extra ordinary life. Suffice to say this aspect of the book was very interesting ad the detail surrounding shall we say her occupation was well researched and written and was very surprising. Who knew such things occurred at the time?

I was glad to that a certain storyline regarding Gracie's uncle was included, it didn't feel patronising or unrealistic in any sense of the word. I will say romance, forbidden love, heartbreak and playing a dangerous game all form part of Gracie's secret. I very much enjoyed all of this but would have liked even further development on the romance front. As for Gracie in the present and her ending there was a very surprising element which when revealed helped me make sense of some things I had found confusing while reading. But still I would have loved to have heard from a certain character which would have allowed for some filling in of the gaps with regard to the missing years.

I really wanted to love The Temptation of Gracie as I have been a big fan of Santa Montefiore for years and years but this story simply didn't blow me away and have me lost in its content. Gracie came across as very weak in the present day and then seemed to be so strong and willing in the past. How could someone have changed so dramatically? At times it felt like I was reading two separate stories and a successful emergence of the two didn't occur. It's a nice enough summer read but not the most memorable from this author.

If you are new to this author I would start with her earlier books such as the brilliant classics Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree, The Butterfly Box or The Forget Me Not Sonata. This is the Santa Montefiore I grew to love and devoured. I read this book simply because I love the author and I think I will always read whatever she publishes, I just hope a little bit of the magic that I found in the above mentioned books can be re-established in future books.
Profile Image for Annette.
683 reviews36 followers
May 31, 2018
This book is the perfect beach read. Set in Tuscany it really makes you think of holidays and sunshine.
Widow Gracie decides to book a cookery holiday in Italy after seeing an advert in a magazine. Her friends in her Devon village and her London family cannot dissuade her and in the end her daughter Carina, a self obsessed business woman who rarely visits, decides to accompany Gracie to ensure she is ok as her mother is not used to foreign travel. Anastasia, Carina’s daughter, also goes and she gradually gets to know her grandmother on the trip- this is a touching family story as well as a romance.
Gracie has been keeping secrets for over 40 years and it is only in the Tuscany sunshine that she lets her guard slip and begins to reveal her early life to her granddaughter.
This novel takes place in two time frames, when Gracie is young in her early twenties when she is living in Italy and also in the present day when she embarks upon a bonding holiday with her estranged family.
This is a relaxing read, perfect for long Summer days on the beach. The characters were well drawn and likeable, even Carina, who softerns as the book progresses.
I loved the setting of Tuscany- the author really managed to evoke the beautiful scenery and I felt as if I was really there.
I’ve never read any books by Santa Montefiore before and now that I’ve enjoyed this one I shall be taking a look at her impressive back catalogue.
The Temptation Of Gracie is perfect for fans of Sheila O’Flanagan, Jojo Moyes and Marian Keyes.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy Greer- Hansen.
601 reviews62 followers
May 3, 2019
This was an easy read. It definitely makes me want to travel to Italy - which has always been on my list of places to see.
Wine, good pasta and family secrets. What is not to love?
This was my first book I read from this author and I am now a fan.
Profile Image for Oana Crâmpeie de suflet .
437 reviews34 followers
April 22, 2021
Primăvară în Toscana este un roman care fascinează prin imaginile feerice oferite asupra Toscanei, locul paradiziac în care orice persoană ajunge să se regăsească și să devină o versiune mai bună a sa, și prin povestea de iubire, care dăinuie în timp și spațiu, fapt care o face cu atât mai minunată, mai de basm. Santa Montefiore ne arată că nu e niciodată prea târziu să iubești, să trăiești totul cu patimă, să simți fiorii vieții pătrunzându-ți prin fiecare por al trupului, să te avânți în necunoscut cu puteri pe care nici măcar nu bănuiai că le ai, să te redefinești, să o iei de la capăt și să faci tot ceea ce îți stă în putință pentru a fi fericit. Uneori, viața ne mai acaparează în vârtejul său și ne face să uităm ce este cu adevărat important. Muncim, ne clădim palate, adunăm averi, dar uităm de cei dragi și de ceea ce contează pentru noi, iar asta se poate schimba printr-o resetare. Nu e ușor, dar, dacă îți acorzi răgazul necesar pentru a ieși din cotidian și pentru a te refugia într-un loc idilic, cum este castelul Montefosco în cazul personajelor cărții, uitând de orice mijloc modern de comunicare, atunci lucrurile se vor îmbunătăți și vei descoperi că totul trebuie trăit în armonie și deplină fericire.

Profile Image for Iustina Dinulescu.
185 reviews53 followers
February 7, 2020
3.5 - 4⭐

Primăvară în Toscana este exact așa… precum o primăvară. Îți dă fluturi în stomac, te trezește din hibernare, dar te face să tânjești după mai mult. Am terminat de citit, dar am simțit că nu am primit tot ce așteptam și tot ce ar fi trebuit.

Ideea de bază a romanului este aceasta – ca să fii fericit în prezent trebuie să fii împăcat cu cine ai fost și ce ai făcut în trecut. Greșelile nu se repară de la sine, iar timpul nu aduce întotdeauna cu sine uitarea. Trebuie să-ti faci curaj și să îți înfrunți slăbiciunile.

Recenzia integrală: http://momenteinviata.ro/primavara-in...
Profile Image for Karen.
126 reviews93 followers
June 30, 2020
An ARC was provided to me for free by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

You can find a longer review on my blog!

One day, Gracie encounters an advertisement in a magazine, announcing that Castle Montefosco, in Tuscany, is currently open to the public. Strangers can come and stay for a few days and learn how to cook authentic Italian food. Although everyone knows Gracie as someone who hates leaving the comfort of her small town in England, she makes the seemingly crazy decision to travel to Italy.

Okay. Let me say that I don't generally enjoy romance novels: novels dealing heavily with romance, or contemporary novels that are sort of unrealistic but whimsical.

But I freaking LOVED this book.

From the very beginning, I was absolutely in love with the portrayal of Gracie's social "club" friends in her community. There's a woman named Flappy who takes it upon herself to know everything about everyone first, and gives off the illusion that she is fluent in multiple languages, worldly, and well-read—none of which is remotely true. I loved the casual snarkiness of the narration that pokes fun at her and other women in their club. Even when the story shifts to Italy, there are occasional chapters that return to Flappy and her antics at trying to organize a funeral for a man in the community. These could have felt out of place and unnecessary, but I absolutely loved them.

Next, there was the relationship between Gracie, her daughter (Carina), and grand-daughter (Anastasia). At the core, this is a story about three generations of women. Carina is a rather uptight businesswoman who's married to her job, leaving her little time for her mother, husband, or teenage daughter. Understandably, Anastasia has some resentment toward Carina, preferring the company of her father or cell phone instead. There is obvious tension between the women at the beginning of the novel but when Carina decides to join Gracie for the trip to Italy, and Anastasia comes along, things slowly start to change. I adored their changing relationship and character arcs in general, especially Anastasia's.

I also loved the eventual flashback chapters to Gracie's life almost 30 years previous—when she *gasp* lived in Tuscany for about ten years. Readers learn about her secret life and the reason she has decided to return to Tuscany after so many years. I personally loved her secrets and her relationship with her uncle, Hans, and with Tancredi.

Maybe the novel was a bit predictable in some regards, but it didn't honestly spoil the experience for me. I was *rooting* for my predictions to come true, expecting they would, but hoping they'd come faster.

Overall, this was an excellent mix of historical and contemporary, with humour mixed in, as well as sweet and heartbreaking love and romances. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Sharon Goodwin.
839 reviews143 followers
July 12, 2018

The Temptation of Gracie is such an emotive read. With 68 year old Gracie’s stable and predictable life in Badley Compton a world away to the experiences she had as a teen/young woman, during the week at the cookery school in Castello Montefosco her past emerges as she confides in granddaughter Anastasia. From not knowing each other very well at all, they realise how similar they are (in more ways than one!). And as much as Anastasia is there for Gracie, Gracie is also the confidant for Anastasia. I adored the developing bond with these two.

The setting and the cookery school have a magical effect, opening up the hearts of all (and believe me, you can feel the author’s writing opening your heart and the warmth spreading). Gracie’s daughter Carina, always in control and trying to prove herself, alienates those close to her in her life in London. Even though I could relate to her I didn’t like her at the start … it was amazing to watch change happening 🙂 As Mamma Bernadetta’s daughter Ilaria says to her:

… Avoiding a whole food group is like living half a life. Living half a life is like being half a person.

(I know you’ll love Ilaria’s descriptions of how the different ingredients work together.)

Bringing some light relief to the story is Flappy Scott-Booth, the ‘queen’ of Badley Compton. She reminded me of Hyacinth Bucket from the TV series Keeping up Appearances. Karma works its way through her life too.

It’s obvious in present day that something life changing happened in the past. I wasn’t tempted to rush through though, savouring every page. But when it comes, what a shocker! No wonder it made Gracie change the path of her future. In a world where reputation is everything, life can turn on a pin … From the time Gracie visits La Colomba I read mostly through tears.

The Temptation of Gracie is as much about family as it is about true love (everything relates to the heart in some way). Told in a beautiful writing style with an incredible setting and characters you’ll identify with, I’ve no doubt your heart will be swept away too.

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