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Крайбрежната чайна

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"Крайбрежната чайна" е спокойно убежище, далеч от суматохата на морския бряг, и в това тихо и спокойно място група жени намират точно каквото са търсили.
Харизматичната журналистка Чарли е на мисия да открие най-добрите британски чайни. Тя знае, че е намерила нещо специално в "Крайбрежната чайна", но дали тази тайна трябва да бъде споделена? Катрин, самотна майка, чието единствено светилище е "Крайбрежната", убеждава Чарли да не включва мястото в своята статия, като се съгласява да се присъедини към нея в търсенето ѝ. Заедно с друга редовна посетителка, Серафин (сблъскала се с културния шок млада французойка, запалена по сладкарството), те пътуват из страната и откриват старомодни скривалища и никому неизвестни скъпоценни местенца. Но никоя от тях не очаква пътуването им да ги изненада с друг вид открития…
Пълна с романтика, чай и сладкиши, "Крайбрежната чайна" е трогателна история за силата на истинското приятелство

358 pages, Paperback

First published September 8, 2014

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Vanessa Greene

9 books176 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 412 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books380 followers
September 2, 2015
Three and a half stars.
An enjoyable read, even for those of us who are not into high teas, gooey cakes and pastries and all that goes with them. I liked the friendship that developed between journalist Charlotte, who was after Britain’s best tea room, Kathryn, a single mother who ends up helping Charlotte research, and Seraphine, a French au pair with a passion for pastry making. There’s also a bit of romance as you would expect. This is not an angst riddled, thought provoking, read but for a bit of light reading it fulfils its purpose well. Just the sort of thing if you want a comfort, feel good read with an interesting setting and likable characters and who doesn’t want those at times? This is my second read by this author and I enjoyed it a little more than I did The Vintage Teacup Club, as I liked these characters better.
How cute is the cover? It really sets the tone of what to expect from this book- a couple of hours of escapist reading. I enjoyed it, but not being into cooking cakes and such, I ignored the recipes at the end of the book. But if they are your thing it will be an added bonus.
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,143 reviews1,526 followers
February 13, 2017
THE SEAFRONT TEAROOM is a cozy, comfy, sweet read.

Tea, cakes, love, and friendship are all a part of THE SEAFRONT TEAROOM.

We meet three women who start out as strangers and bond over tea, tea rooms, and personal situations.

Charlie works for a magazine that is currently reviewing tea rooms in Scarborough, England. Kat is a single mom who is a tea connoisseur and has a talent for writing. Seraphine is an au pair from France who helps with the tea room reviews.

I fell in love with the idea of visiting quaint, out-of-the-way tea rooms and meeting the owners.

​ Ms. Greene's descriptions of the characters as well as the surroundings pulled me in and had me wanting to open a tea room and spend time with these characters. :)

THE SEAFRONT TEAROOM is filled with wonderful characters you would want to be friends with and tea room locations you will want to visit.

THE SEAFRONT TEAROOM is as inviting as the cover.

Read and enjoy!! 5/5

This book was given to me without compensation and free of charge in return for an honest review.​
Profile Image for Ryca Pryca.
32 reviews7 followers
April 23, 2015
I am sorry, but this is definitely not my cup of tea (no pun intended)!
I am actually surprised by the fact that there are so many 4- or even 5-star ratings, since to me this book was nothing more than “cute” characters, pleasant environment and cosy settings at the expense of an annoyingly predictable plot (right up to the wedding) and a story that struggled to develop in a sensible line, but hardly made a step towards any possible direction.
Among other things, I also have to mention the several times in which the wrong name appears out of the blue in dialogues. As much as I want to attribute this to printing issues, I cannot help highly doubting it, since I was left with the impression that the author herself confuses the characters, even the main ones - so impersonal and very much alike they were (apart from being kind-hearted and polite to the extent of naivety). The lack of descriptions of their appearance, except for the several pairs of blue eyes, didn’t help either.
The final chapter strengthened the feeling that the book is just a forcibly and badly written homework. I mean, why did Séraphine have to introduce Guillaume to Kat, when the latter, together with Letty, had already not only visited France for the bakery course, but even stayed at Serafine’s, as we realize in the beginning of chapter 52, before the wedding, when Letty herself explained Euan that she “had such a wonderful time with Kat. And Séraphine’s family couldn’t have been more welcoming”?! And then suddenly, at the wedding, Séraphine introduced Guillaume to… Kat?! “Kat felt as if she already knew him, and she got the sense he felt the same way” – surprise, surprise! You already know each other, you, you… silly, forgetful people!
It seems that the author got so bored at the end of this incoherent ordeal of a story (as we, readers, actually did) that she didn’t want to read it once again in order to correct such nonsense…
These quite a few misapprehensions hinder me from agreeing with the prevailing opinion that this is a “satisfying” read. Therefore, I suspect that it will be the one and only novel I’ve read by this author.
Profile Image for Martine.
52 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2015
This is not what I normally go for but I needed a bit of comfort reading after being discharged from hospital and I guess it does what it says on the tin. You won't struggle to see through the 'twists' in the plot and I don't think people have an epiphany quite as often in real life as they do in this book but then it never pretends to be anything but an easy read. If you do not live in the UK, rest assured that we do not consume quite as many baked goods as they do in this story and I don't think you'll find any young Londoner with a half decent job wearing synthetic shirts.
Profile Image for Maria.
635 reviews103 followers
October 19, 2015
"The Seafront Tea Rooms" is a best friend. It comes with tears, laughs, cake, tea, heartbreak, passion, secrets, lies, love... Yes, I believe we have all come across this recipe multiple times, but Vanessa Greene's ingredients feel fresh and... so perfectly blended. I truly cannot stop smiling. I am so glad I reached out for it two days ago. It was exactly what I needed to read, to hear.

This is not my first Greene novel. I read her debut a while back and I remember writing that I felt like something was missing. Well, she has found it. It's amazing to witness how a writer's voice changes with time and experience, how it grows. I am so proud of Vanessa Greene. Seriously, it might sound ridiculous but I really feel happy for her. And grateful. I feel incredibly grateful. This novel to which she dedicated her time changed the course of one terrible day I was having. So yes. THANK YOU, Vanessa Greene.

So, about this story...

Could the setting be any more perfect? Actually, don't answer that, she's publishing a new book this year. Even I want to move to Scarborough so that I can spend my days off with Kat, Charlie, Letty and Seraphine at the Seafront Tea Rooms.

I absolutely loved how credible these characters were. Sometimes you can feel when an author is trying to drown you in romance so that you miss a few details here and there, but these voices are so honest, so you and me and everyone else. So perhaps their happy endings aren't that unreachable for us... maybe all we need is to look a little closer, to be a little bit more in the present, and to listen a bit more to that voice that whispers sweet little nothings to our ears as we stare at the ceiling, hoping to fall asleep.

Baby steps... and then a leap of faith, maybe?


A cup of hope with friendship on the side, please. The courage you will find it in yourself.

Here's to life! Here's to being alive! Here's to reading! Cheers :)

Profile Image for Blodeuedd Finland.
3,496 reviews306 followers
March 6, 2016
This book was one of those "I wish i could go to a tea room, have some lovely tea, sit there for an hour, eat and chat. " Mmm tea! Yummy things!

This book is about 3 women.
Busy Charlotte, a journalist with no time for love, well she had time but that crushed and burned so she is avoiding it.

Seraphine, an au pair who loves to bake and is also avoiding love. But because of a different reason.

Then there is Kat, a mum who needs a job, and whose husband left cos he could not cope.

This is the story of their friendship, love of tea and good things. And yes in the end everyone will get the love they deserve too. I do love HEAs, so that was fun.

Great village and nice people in it. I liked the characters, their lives and the rest.

But I warn you, you will be hungry. You will want tea, a pastry, a cake, anything.

A nice, sweet book.

Profile Image for Chloe (Always Booked).
2,399 reviews134 followers
March 21, 2021
I really enjoyed this story. It's a well done women's fiction and while I wasn't in love with the writing style, I thought all of the characters were well developed and interesting and the quaint nature of all of the tea rooms was really fun to read about. This book follows Charlie, Kat and Seraphine. Charlie is a food writer who is given the task of finding a bunch of different tea rooms and reviewing them while she is visiting her sister. If you know me, you know I love sister stories and this one was top notch. The sister has kids and a "perfect" life and she and Charlie have definitely had a falling out or 2 but the way they depend on each other and grow in their relationship was so great to watch. Kat is a mom to a young boy whose dad is no longer in the picture. They just couldn't make it work and he's got a lot of issues going on so she is a single mom. However, the dad and his parents want to take the little boy on a vacation, so he is not in the first half of the book. Kat is looking for a job and gets one helping Charlie in her research and writing. Seraphine is a young friend girl who is in England to be an au pair. She has a relationship back home that she's scared her family won't approve of so she lives in secrecy and some shame in that regard. She becomes friends with the other 2 ladies and also goes to tea rooms for the cozy chats and companionship. There is one particular tea room that is a hidden gem and wants to stay that way and the women befriend the family that owns it. It's a sweet older lady named Letty and her son. Kat is from the town and knows the family well and has grown up with the son as well as the father of the young girl that Seraphine is nannying for. There are a lot of connections between everyone that you have to pause and think through sometimes and they're also VERY convenient, but you sort of expect that out of this kind of book. Overall, I would say pick this up if you're in the mood for a cozy, easy read about tea, snacks and friendship.

Charlie ends up with Letty's son.
Kat ends up with the dad of Seraphine's kid that she nannies for, even though her ex wants to come back. He briefly fights her for custody but then he flees and we realize it was all talk.
Seraphine is a lesbian and goes home and tells her family and they're more accepting than expected.
Profile Image for Sheree.
572 reviews110 followers
March 1, 2015
This was just what I needed, perfect escapism complete with tea and comfort food. A light, easy feel-good read, and completely satisfying.

After a chance meeting in Letty's Seafront Tea Rooms, a special haven in Scarborough, Charlie, Kat and Seraphine become firm friends, sharing tea room research, baking, family crises, relationship dramas and work challenges ... all the normal, every-day nuances of friendship. I'd love to be friends with these women. I also have serious job-envy, well just for this tea room assignment of Charlie's :)

Whilst set in Scarborough, the friends also travel to York, London and a couple of other places I visited on my holiday last year making this extra special, bringing back memories of tea and treats on my travels. Already being a scones, jam and cream girl, England turned me into a monster. I fell in lust with cream teas ... scones with jam and lashings of clotted cream and the tea of your choice ... English Breakfast of course. The Somerset Cream Tea from the Abbey Tea Rooms in Glastonbury was one of the best I had in England :)

I love tea rooms, there's just something so comforting about them, they bring people together, you leave your troubles at the door, they're the perfect place to escape for a few indulgent hours.

What could be more perfect ... tea, cake, friendship and just a little romance. I'm looking forward to checking out more of Vanessa Greene's titles.

Cover: gorgeous

Check out my review on The Eclectic Reader for Letty's recipe for Classic English Scones.
Profile Image for Amanda.
652 reviews35 followers
December 1, 2014
This would be good to read if you needed to relax or were stressed. The characters were ok but I felt that they didn't gel together properly…there was something missing but I couldn't quite work out what it was.
As the story plodded along, I found myself waiting for something exciting to happen, the story stayed at the same pace all the way through. I needed some oomf from somewhere which unfortunately never appeared.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
Author 2 books20 followers
July 31, 2019
I’ve had this book for a while. I’ve found over the years that I need a certain type of book at different times, so I saved this one for holiday. I loved it! I feel like I read it too quickly! It was exactly what I needed. A lovely collection of stories intertwined, a feel good, happy book overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it and will look out for other books by this author!
Profile Image for Heather.
529 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2019
I picked this up to read because I needed something light-hearted and easy to read. And the story definitely delivered on those things. It was a good autumnal read as it was set against rainy Scarborough, Whitby, and York (some of my favourite places in England) in cosy tea rooms. I enjoyed watching the friendship between Kat, Charlie, and Seraphine grow. Lots of girls-supporting-girls stuff.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,130 reviews32 followers
September 20, 2020
Непретенциозно романче за три жени, които се събират в една крайбрежна чайна и приятелството променя живота им, стават смели, откриват любовта. В книгата Чарли, Кат и Серафин постоянно се тъпчеха със сладкиши, чак ми стана чудно как запазват фигурите си. Тортите, сандвичите и сладките са част от английската к��лтура и се поднасят със следобедния чай. Всъщност това е моментът, когато можеш да си починеш и да се видиш с приятели.
Книгата е лека и се плъзга по повърхността на проблемите и характерите на героите. Няма драми, задълбочаване и дълбаене в човешката психика. Проблемите се решават бързо и лесно. Това ми допадна, че е по-скоро книга за отмора и отдих. Не ми хареса гейската (между момичета) история в книгата, която беше обширно описана. Тази мода не ми е по сърце. Затова и оценката ми не е много висока.
Profile Image for Rea Cobb.
431 reviews701 followers
October 11, 2014
I have been longing to read a book by Vanessa Greene as I have heard so many positive things about her writing and what better way to start with her new release The Seafront Tea Rooms which sounds like my idea of heaven!

This book follows a new friendship between Charlie, Kat and Seraphine who come together quite by chance in The Sea Front Tea Rooms. Each of the woman are going through a trying time and could really do with a shoulder to lean on and a friendship soon blossoms between the three women and they support each other.

I love love loved this book. It had everything I look for in a great read, likeable down to earth main characters, friendships and romance, trials and tribulations and entertainment all weaved together in a perfect setting, what more could you ask for ........Tea and cakes!

The book starts at a gentle pace as we are introduced to our three main characters. Seraphine is coming to England to try and improve her English and she will be staying with Adam and daughter Zoe to try and help Zoe to improve her French. Kat is a single mum to the lovely Leo but she is finding it hard to make ends meet and needs to find a job around looking after him. Then we have Charlie who has had her heartbroken so has put barriers up so high and had thrown herself into her work which is what brings her to the Tea Rooms as she is writing a review feature on tea rooms. Each of the ladies bring something different to the storyline and each of their stories are gradually weaved beautifully around each other.

The descriptive writing when it comes to the various tea rooms was so impeccable that I could visualise and almost taste all these delicious cakes and teas in these quaint little places, this is definitely not one for anyone currently on a diet!

The book has such a friendly cosy feel to it and the situations the women find themselves in are so realistic so it makes the storyline feel very believable. I had some suspicions as to what was going to happen but each time I was taken down a different path so this was an unpredictable words with plenty of little twists here and there.

I enjoyed this books so much that I can't wait to go out tomorrow to get The Vintage Teacup Club because I just love this authors easy style of writing and beautifully delicate storylines. I would definitely recommend this book and it is one of my favourites of 2014.
Profile Image for Tripfiction.
1,725 reviews205 followers
March 8, 2015
Romance novel set in Scarborough UK (“some things are best kept a secret”).....

As satisfying as a tealicious cup of tea, brewed by the owner of the Seafront Tearooms. Meet Letty who runs this cosy place in Scarborough, where Kat, Charlie and Séraphine congregate as they begin to forge a delightfully supportive friendship group.

Séraphine has come to the British seaside town (but isn’t particularly impressed with the weather, obviously) as an au pair to Zoe, Adam’s daughter; Kat lives with her son Leo, and is estranged from his father, although he is nevertheless on the periphery of her life; and Charlie is a successful foodie writer, based in London – who has come to Scarborough to visit her sister, but theirs has never been an easy sibling relationship. With a bit of work and change in circumstance there is a good chance that things might alter for the better but how committed are they to change?

Amongst the characters there are secrets to be found, and one character in particular has kept something hidden for many years, which potentially could have a profound effect. A secret that was intended as a gesture of kindness, yet the implications are profound – and this is perhaps the small weakness in the book, in that things are reasonably neatly tied up (well, it is essentially a book about romance, isn’t it?), but in real life the fall-out could well be considerable – with longer term consequences.

Charlie soon has her friends writing about tea rooms for her publication in London but because The Beach Front Tea Rooms are so idyllic and free of madding crowds, there is a universal decision not to write anything that would identify the locale. But there are plenty of others to write about.

On, then, to centenary celebrations of The Beach Front Tea Rooms, and love is beginning to blossom in many quarters – plenty of ‘strong, tanned forearms’ to catch the girls’ eyes. And to crown the story, the author shares recipes from the repertoire of cakes and pastries enjoyed by the characters.

And what of Scarborough? You will enjoy being in a typically English seaside town, Peasholm Park makes an appearance and a few other iconic places pin the location down.

A heart-warming story of friendship and determination. Enjoy.

This review first appeared on our blog: http://www.tripfiction.com/romance-no...
Profile Image for Penny.
360 reviews35 followers
March 10, 2015
This book is light-hearted and fun - just what I needed!

It is not deep, filled with angst or evil but is about a bunch of women and a tea shop in Scarborough. They each have problems and are at crossroads in their lives but they meet and help each other out with the help of tea and cake!

Not a masterpiece, but for what it does - it does very well. Enjoyable and therefore 4 stars!!
Profile Image for Caly ☯ Crazy Book Lady.
476 reviews34 followers
August 6, 2019
It was sweet but not overly sweet and I loved the relationship between Seraphine and Carla as I could very much relate. Would not rush out to read more but I really did enjoy it. Of course I really do love Tea so that helps too 8-)
Profile Image for Karen.
931 reviews547 followers
October 9, 2014
I liked the first novel, The Vintage Teacup Club and was keen to read this latest one. Just like the previous book, it features characters that first meet as strangers but whose live are enriched by their friendship and support for each other.

This story is set in Scarborough where Kat is now adjusting to life as a single mother to Leo. She has split from Leo’s father, Jake, following a difficult relationship; however on her own, and with Jake unable to contribute, finances are tight and her attempts at finding a suitable job are not going well. The Seafront Tea Room is her place of refuge and her only treat to herself.

Charlie, a magazine journalist, has had her heart broken and is having to deal with a difficult boss. She needs to prove herself to further her career so comes up with the idea of a feature on the best tea rooms however an unexpected family crisis means that she needs some help with the research if she is to keep her job.

Séraphine lives with her family in France. She wants to experience more of life and also to get away from a difficult situation at home. When a family acquaintance gives her the name of a friend in Scarborough looking for an au pair, it seems as she has been the perfect opportunity to find a solution to her problems.

The common link in all three women’s stories is Letty. Letty is the owner of The Seafront Tea Room and both her, and her delicious cakes, are much loved by her regular visitors who are keen to keep the Seafront a local secret. She has created a very special tea room and a sanctuary from the stresses of daily life and when the three women strike up a friendship at the Tea Room, their lives become intertwined. There is a back story to Letty which the reader gradually discovers. She is quite secretive about her past and although very kind and caring, she doesn't give much away.

With likeable and engaging characters, the lives - and loves, of these three women are woven together in a charming and warm hearted story. Initially brought together by their love of tea and cake, they are all seeking to change their lives for the better and when they each have their own family troubles to deal with, it’s to each other they turn.

The short chapters make this a very ‘moreish’ read and I had many of those ‘just one more chapter…..’ moments before putting the light out. There were one or two surprises but even if I did predict how much of the story would end it didn’t matter at all. I enjoyed my time spent at The Seafront Tea Rooms - this is a perfect book to curl up with on a cold day with several cups of tea and plenty of cake. For the keen bakers, there are some cake recipes contained at the back of the book which sound irresistible.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,981 reviews541 followers
January 9, 2016
Charlie, is a food journalist and has decided to write an article about Britains best tea rooms. She has come up to Scarborough to meet her new niece, and to try and rebuild her relationship with her sister. She discovers the town's best kept secret in "The Seafront Tea Rooms", run by Letty.

The Seafront Team Rooms offers traditional afternoon tea, and all the food their sounds delicious, and there are many varieties of tea on offer. As Charlie is more of a coffee drinker, she takes a tea suggestion from another woman in the tea rooms, Kat.

Kathryn, is a single mother to Leo, 3, and is in desperate need for a new job. She loves food and tea and agrees to work with Charlie on the article, so long as The Seafront Tea Rooms don't feature in it, as Letty wouldn't want the place to become a tourist destination.

Seraphine, is a French girl, who has come over to help out single dad Adam, as an au-pair / French teacher, to his daughter Zoe. This is the first time Seraphine has been to England, and she is struggling initially with Zoe who doesn't want her around. Then Seraphine discovers the Seafront Tea Rooms, and starts talking to Charlie and Kat, and so a friendship is formed.

During the book, the trio (or parts of it) visit many tea rooms around the North East Coast of Britain, and there are many mouth watering descriptions of afternoon teas, some obviously better than others, and you can just imagine the atmospheres in these places, especially those that require a bit of a trek to get to and are real hidden gems.

Not only do the girls discover a new friendship and tea-rooms, they are all also on journeys of self-discovery, and I feel all grow quite a lot over the few months in which the book is set.

I loved Charlie, Kat and Seraphine, as well as all the young children in the book. Their stories were all so different, and towards the end there was even quite a shocking revelation (which I felt could have been dealt with, in more depth).

The Seafront Tea Rooms is a fantastic book, I found it to be a gentle read, the pages just seemed to turn themselves, I was so lost in the story. I loved every second of this book, and am looking forward to Vanessa Greene's next book out later this year.
Profile Image for Nicola L.
431 reviews13 followers
September 30, 2014
3.5 stars.

This was a charming, gentle story to curl up with and offered the perfect bout of escapism after experiencing some much heavier reads as of late. Set in the seaside town of Scarborough (a place I love) it offered nods to nostalgia and childhood and though admittedly pretty twee in places, was a book I enjoyed well enough. As a first time Vanessa Greene reader I would definitely pick up more from her in future if I wanted a light, engaging storyline.

The story revolves around three main female characters- Seraphine, a French au ’pair who has headed to the English coast to escape her own family dramas back home, Charlie, an ambitious magazine writer and single mum Kathryn. All three of them soon bond over their love of tea and cake, amidst the charming Seafront Tea Rooms, run by the enigmatic Letty. Across one summer they each find love, drama and sanctuary. It is a sweet story of friendship, family and hope.

The characters are pleasant enough- none have any massive depth to them really, so you don’t feel like you get to know any of them particularly well, which was something of a disappointment. For me, I think two main characters would have probably been enough as some parts of the story seem to veer off in other directions and as a consequence you never get to know any of them to any great extent. I also wasn’t really convinced by one of the romantic threads in there, either (Charlie’s story).

A simple premise I guess this one; admittedly some parts of the books felt quite contrived and no real surprises were on offer. There was just something so appealing about the cosy descriptions of the tea and cakes that I found myself liking this book more than I had expected to- and of course, I loved its setting. This is perfect for a non-taxing read I suppose. I also liked the recipes provided at the end!
Profile Image for Mindy Conde.
387 reviews11 followers
January 3, 2016
This was exactly what I wanted to read yesterday. I spent the day curled up in front of the fire with this book, and of course, pots of tea. It was perfect.

This is a heartwarming story that intertwines the lives of three women in the central setting of the Seafront Tearoom (and it's lovely owner, Letty). Each woman has her own struggles to face, but as they find friendship and connection with one another they're more prepared the things that are coming their way...both good and bad. It was a fantastic reminder of the power of friendships as well as the importance of listening to you heart. I'll have to look into this author's other novels.

Profile Image for Book-shelf Shelf.
473 reviews34 followers
October 12, 2014
I started this book thinking that it will be a book about people who go to the tea rooms and meet each other, help with each others problems etc etc....Except for the final chapter, i don't think tea rooms came into it. It was more of short stories... or that's the version i got, however looking at other reviews i am beginning to think i only got a fraction of the book. Try it and let me know if you find more in this book and i will be happy to review again :)
Profile Image for Natalie.
1,780 reviews26 followers
February 24, 2016
To be clear, I wasn't expecting much from this novel--a light diversion with some cute scenes and mouthwatering descriptions of high tea at most. But I think it's not too much to ask that the writing not tell the reader precisely what each character is thinking and feeling at every moment and in the most blandly obvious terms.
Profile Image for LillyBooks.
1,073 reviews60 followers
March 18, 2016
I didn't finish this book, because, at the half-way point, it was obvious it was exactly what I feared it would be: another bland, predictable middle age chic lit waste of time. There is nothing special or unique or thought-provoking here, including the characters or the situations in which they find themselves.
Profile Image for Chris Conley.
972 reviews11 followers
May 12, 2016
As a tea lover, I have had many wonderful moments that include tea. This book is another one of those. It was fun to get to know Charlie, Kat, Seraphine and their friends, lovers and family. Vanessa Greene has a lovely way of bringing her readers into her world.
Profile Image for Ruth Frisby.
38 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2015
A very easy read between heavier books, thoroughly enjoyable and a nice escape. Cup of tea anyone?
392 reviews5 followers
January 3, 2017
Lovely friendships, wonderful tea room descriptions and a few thought provoking surprises.
Profile Image for Любопитка.
163 reviews33 followers
March 20, 2022
Това е поредната “вкусна” книга, на която случайно или не попадам в последно време и макар ��а е доста обемна се чете за часове. Най-добре си пригответе чаша чай и чинийка с хапки за преглъщане. Топлото усещане се дължи не само на ароматните чайни, посещавани от приятелките, а и на техните деликатни, но толкова топли отношения. Грижата и близостта, възникнали между почти непознати и прераснали в приятелство. Три много различни момичета, всяка с тревогите и призраците от миналото, намират утеха една в друга. Чарли, разделила се с годеника си заради изневяра от негова страна и отдала се на кариерата си, за да забрави. Катрин, самотната майка, бореща се за малко нормалност в ежедневието си. И младата французойка Серафин, избягала от невъзможната си любов и перфектното си семейство. И макар историята на “Крайбрежната” да е разказана, то мястото и си остава тяхната малка тайна.

Тук няма огромен драматизъм или твърде много обрати, изненади и случвания. В книгата оснвоното е атмосферата на споделеност, близост и разкриване, без осъждане. Не ме разбирайте погрешно, много неща се случват, но всичко е естествено и в реда на нещата. Сюжета върви бързо, без да създава напрежение. Нашите героини допускат грешки, но има и прошка, изкупление и щастлив край. Лека, стопляща душата, в тези все още студени дни, история. Подходяща за плажа или вечер пред камината.

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