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Chocolate Lovers’ Club #2

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Това е и програмата, и тържествената клетва, която четирите приятелки, основателки на клуба „Шоколадов запой”, следват в живота си. Когато свикват „спешни заседания“ и се събират в кафене „Шоколадов рай“, преминават директно към съвет номер 3!

Луси Ломбард отново е изправена пред избор – сигурността или любовта. Възможно ли е да ги открие в един и същи човек!? Отъм е притеснена, че трябва да представи тъмнокожия си приятел на своите консервативни, аристократични родители, но това се оказва най-малкият й проблем. Надя прави последен опит да спаси мъжа си от погубващата го страст към хазарта. Пречка или спасение за брака на Шантал ще се окаже една бременност...
Приятелството им... и шоколадът са двата стълба, които ги крепят, но ще успеят ли да си върнат и другите важни за тях неща!
Спешно е обявена „Шоколадова тревога“!

„Един ценен съвет – преди да започнете да четете, уверете се, че имате достатъчно шоколад до себе си!” Нюз ъв дъ Уорлд

368 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Carole Matthews

83 books1,607 followers
Carole Matthews is an international bestselling author of hugely successful romantic comedy novels. Her unique sense of humour has won her legions of fans and critical acclaim all over the world.

A Minor Indiscretion and A Compromising Position both reached the Top 5 in the Sunday Times bestseller chart in the UK. You Drive Me Crazy reached number 8 in the original fiction charts. The novel Welcome To The Real World was shortlisted for RNA romantic novel of the year 2007.

In 2006 Carole co-edited - with writer Sarah Mlynowski - two new editions of the hugely popular Girls' Night In charity series called Girls' Night Out - one for the USA and one for Canada. All proceeds go to War Child.

Carole has presented on television and is a regular radio guest. When she’s not writing novels, television or film scripts she manages to find time to trek in the Himalayas, rollerblade in Central Park, take tea in China and snooze in her garden shed in Milton Keynes which is near London, England.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews
Profile Image for Helene Jeppesen.
691 reviews3,615 followers
June 21, 2015
I was going to give this book 3 stars like I did with the first book, but as I got closer to the end I got more and more aggravated with the main character, Lucy, and the way the story developed all in all. While the beginning of the book was light and easy to read, the ending was unnecessarily long and very hard to get through. It kind of turned into a pastiche of a bad comedy movie and I didn't feel any connection to the story anymore.
These books are so easy and quick to read because the language is very simple and the plot very straight-forward. I like that because that's what I wanted from this series. Something that I could read while relaxing my brain. But this story turns into too much of a no-brainer, and while I really like two of the main characters and the decisions they make, I really dislike the other two main characters; including Lucy who is extremely immature for a 32-year-old.
Last but not least, the plot of this book is - in my opinion - weaker than in the first one. While it's a funny read I honestly couldn't take it seriously, and that combined with the ending makes me rate this only 2 stars.
Profile Image for Jennie .
207 reviews62 followers
April 8, 2018
*Δεν έχω διαβάσει τα άλλα βιβλία της σειράς οπότε η review αυτή θα κριτικάρει μόνο αυτό εδώ το βιβλίο χωρίς να συνδεθεί με το προηγούμενο βιβλίο της σειράς αυτής. *
Ένα μικρο και ευκολοδιάβαστο βιβλίο με πολλάάάά ευτράπελα και πανζουρλισμό για να περάσει η ώρα. Και να μην ξεχάσω να προσθέσω άφθονες δόσεις δράματος. Κυρίως, θα εκνευριστείτε με τη Λούσι (την κύρια πρωταγωνίστρια), μπορεί να λατρέψετε τον Έινταν Χόλμπι, να χαρείτε για την Ότομ και να λυπηθείτε για τη Νάντια. Αλλά αν είστε λάτρης της σοκολάτας θα τρελαθείτε με τα γλυκά που αναφέρει και θα σας τρέξουν τα σάλια. Στην αρχή ίσως βαρεθείτε ή εκνευριστείτε με αυτό το βιβλίο (κυρίως λόγω των πράξεων της Λούσι) αλλά ευτυχώς, πάντως, από λίγο παρακάτω από τη μέση και προς το τέλος βελτιώνεται.
Profile Image for Oana.
501 reviews52 followers
March 7, 2015
Luckily for me, the writer's vocabulary was pretty limited, so I did not waste a ton of time reading this book. The plot may have given the book a chance, but the style in which it was written, the inconsistencies, the stupidy of the characters and so many others made it almost horrible. Not to mention that the translation in Romanian was also absolutely awful.
I knew from the start that this is not a book I'd love, I'd consciously picked a chick lit piece for some relaxation and a good laugh, yet, I don't remember laughing during the close-to-400 pages, but wondering what was in the writer's mind and what teenager with no experience translated the novel. Bad, bad choice.
I would not recommend the book to anyone.
Profile Image for Aristhyia.
33 reviews2 followers
July 23, 2014
If you're looking for a thoughtless, easy read, then this is it.

Uncomplicated plot, chick-flick drama and the chocolate-lover's nightmare. As in, chocolate is mentioned twice on every page. Not very good if you're pregnant and having cravings.

The characters feel shallow, two-dimensional, with most of their relationships in shambles and treated superficially, and if you're an advocate for the LGBT community, then you're going to have a bit of a cow on stereotyping alone (I know I did. Several times). It felt ignorant at times on more than just gay issues, but it had its moments where the author managed to point out some very good concerns regarding substance abuse and addictions. Props for that!

The humor was so-so, mostly hit-and-miss, but all in all, silly and entertaining.

The wrap-up was rushed and messy, and while everyone lives happily ever after, it lacks any sort of complexity and real feel to it.

Chick-flick, easy, shallow, done in a day. I probably won't forget a thing about it by the end of the week.

It gets 3 stars for not making my brain hurt too much. Other than that, it's a mediocre book. Don't expect a lot out of it.
Profile Image for Erin Kelly.
108 reviews
May 2, 2023
This book was like marginally better than the first one erm but it filled my brain with stuff when I needed non-heavy reading. Wouldn’t recommend except if you are really down bad !! Haven’t read anything since #help
Profile Image for Natasha.
86 reviews
February 1, 2023
An easy read, a tale of friends, partners and family life.
Sometimes an easy rom com is perfect, a welcome change from my usual thrillers.
Profile Image for Rea Cobb.
431 reviews701 followers
May 30, 2011
For those of you who read my review last week on Carole Mathews book The Chocolate Lovers Club, you will know it was a huge hit for me and I couldn't wait to go and get the next book as there was a snippet of the next book in The Chocolate Lovers Club book.

I brought this book on Sunday and finished it on Tuesday morning. I enjoyed this book but I have to say it was not as good as the first one but I have to admit I do find that with many follow on books.

In The Chocolate Lovers Diet, we meet up again with our warm loveable characters from the first book Lucy, Nadia, Autumn and Chantelle. The book starts off at a quick pace straight into the worries of love as Lucy at the end of the last book started a relationship with her boss who has now gone of to Australia to work and is waiting for Lucy's broken leg to heal for her then to go out and follow him and make a life together in Australia.
But problems start right from the off in this book as Lucy has not heard from Crush since he has gone to Australia and she is convinced he is cheating on her, it doesn't help when she finally gets through on the web camera to his laptop he sees a woman in all her glory and a man naked on the bed she is convinced it is Crush and prepares herself for a lonely Christmas alone.
This is until her ex-fiancé Marcus arrives on Christmas and one thing leads to another as he is there when Lucy is feeling alone and vulnerable.

Trouble continues when the next day Crush starts trying to call Lucy who refuses to answer his calls. When she arrives at work she is in shock when Crush comes towards her. He explains that he was dropped in the middle of know where for a team building exercise which all went rather wrong and left him with no way of contacting Lucy. She feels so guilty after sleeping with Marcus when her boyfriend was trying to survive long enough to see her again!

Lucy tells Crush about her night with Marcus and he calls things off between them as he is so hurt. There are many twists in this book some of which are quite predictable but enjoyable none the less. All the way through the book you don't know who Lucy is going to finally end up with.

Lucy clearly takes over as main character in this book, although points do come up about the other ladies they are small points wrapped around Lucys story. Sometimes this didn't work well for instance when Nadia went to Vegas to find her husband he commits suicide before her eyes but it is just the way it is wrote as if, oh well let's get on with it, let's go to Lucy's wedding, where as Nadias husband dying you would have thought would have been a bigger part of the book, you could almost forget about this part actually happening.

What I did enjoy more about this book compared to the first is the use of chocolate in this book. It is not over done as it was in many points in the first book. There were small touches of chocolate put in through this book but in a delicate way rather than it being forced on you.

I think there could possibly be another chocolate book by Carole Mathews maybe covering more of the other ladies story with Lucy being one of the back ground characters as lets face it a book with Chocolate in the title is always going to be picked up by us ladies!!

I would recommend this book to anyone but I would advise you to read the first book first otherwise you miss out on the beauty of the characters.
496 reviews57 followers
January 7, 2012
I love chocolate. I also loved the first book. So I couldn't wait to read the second one.

The story goes on. Four members of The Chocolate Lover's Club are moving forward. Lucy's boyfriend is in Australia, cheating her. As a revenge, she goes back to ex-boyfriend Marcus. Nadia's husband, Toby, seems to quit gambling. Autumn has a boyfriend, but her brother is back again. Sex kitten Chantal is pregnant (what a turnover, she doesn't like children). Who is the father? And, there is a wedding. Whose, I won't reveal.

There were moments in the book when I laughed aloud. There were also very sad moments. But we are all human beings. No one is perfect. So being unperfect is just part of the charm. I loved the characters in the book. Not just the "four musketeers". Aidan, Clive, Tristan. I didn't like Marcus and Toby.You don't fix the problems like that. But Lucy, she is a story for herself. I don't agree with all her decisions, but I adore her.

It's Christmas in the book, it's Christmas in the real world. This book, like the previous one, makes me hungry. I read it with a very big piece of chocolate next to me.
Profile Image for Between The Pages (Gemma M) .
1,220 reviews25 followers
July 22, 2016
You know when you find an author who you can always go back to and they never let you down? Well that author for me is Carole Matthews. I will read all her stories at some point. I read the first book in this series ( The Chocolate Lovers Club) a while ago and got straight back into this one with the familiar characters, drama, lies, loss and love. This is the perfect chick-lit book to escape with and perfect for readers who enjoy chocolate too (like me)… So I blame these books for eating MORE chocolate as it’s just a must. I cannot wait to continue on with this series and see what lies ahead for the girls. Another brilliantly written story which I lost myself in and devoured. Would highly recommend this story to you and the series so far. However, you will need to read them in order. I’ll be sad when this series is over. I must visit the chocolate heaven shop. Enjoy, I did.
Profile Image for Angie Owen.
14 reviews19 followers
June 17, 2015
I really enjoyed this book and the one before it. I loved the characters but it did make me eat more chocolate lol! I'm looking forward to the 3rd book coming out in the Autumn.
126 reviews
December 13, 2021
Another fantastic book from Carole, loved the 1st book in this series, loved this too. Onto number 3 now 🙂
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
118 reviews
May 13, 2023
It took me forever to finish it, because I disliked it so much. I got the whole series as a gift, so I feel kinda obligated to read them at least once. The only thing I like in the books is the friendship between the four main characters, though I don't like any of them on their own. I now need a break before I continue with book #3
237 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2024
Suklaaseuran naisten uskomattoman vaiherikkaat seikkailut jatkuvat, alussa pientä kankeutta ennen kuin tarina hurahti täysille kierroksille.
Pienen tutkimuksen jälkeen yllätyin, että nämä kaksi kirjaa ovat ilmestyneet alunperin jo 2007, ja sarjaan on tullut lähes kymmenen vuotta sitten 3. ja 4. osakin, niitten suomentamista nyt sitten odottelemaan, kolmososa on jouluinen, tuliskohan jo tämän vuoden jouluksi.
Profile Image for GreekReaders.
127 reviews19 followers
June 14, 2021
Άκρως απολαυστικό και διασκεδαστικό.
19 reviews
February 15, 2017
A fun easy book to read, but think the author over did the chocolate bit can't see in the real world anyone would eat so much chocolate I'm sticking to liquorice allsorts for a while!! The characters stories are good it makes you want to skip forward to see how they are getting on, she has written a prequel and look forward to reading it but not right now still feel sick from the chocolate consumption and I never had any!!
Profile Image for Sally Ross.
141 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2010
This book would have been so much better if not for the homophobic comments laced throughout the book. Here's one passage:

"He's not gay, is he?"
"He might want to put me in a big pink meringue of a dress"
"I'll end up wearing some hideous monstrosity and probably fairy wings to boot"

Then this comment is made the same evening a gay couple break up:

"I was worried that it might take Clive a long time to get over Tristan, but perhaps this is a long time in the gay world".

I have saved the best for last:

"Gay men have trouble with long-term commitment due to their voracious sexual appetites".

Really? So, anyway, my book club read "The Chocolate Lover's Club" which is the first book in the series and the end just left the reader hanging. If you want to know (or care) what happens to these women, which for some reason I did, then you have to read this book. I would have actually liked it without her obvious prejudices.

Profile Image for Danielle.
177 reviews
October 9, 2011
I really enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down. I was very shocked when Lucy got engaged again to Marcus i really thought she would have learnt from the first time what he was like. I didn't expect hinm to jilt her at the aisle though, she clearly wanted to marry him but he pulled out at the last minute.

I was very shocked when Toby fell to his death in Las Vegas, i really didn't expect that and it was really sad and my heart went out Nadia and Lewis. Things looked up for Nadia when she got close to Jacob.

I was really shocked when i found out that Chantal was pregnant, but i was pleased as she and her husband Ted wanted children.

I was very pleased when Lucy and Aidan finally got it together for a second time and it looks like they are going to make a proper go of it, which i'm pleased about.

All in all i really enjoyed this book and loved the ending and am very much looking forward to Carole Matthews next book.
Profile Image for Elisabeth.
381 reviews8 followers
May 11, 2014
“The Chocolate Lovers’ Diet” catches up with Amber, Lucy, Nadia and Chantal and picks up where Ms Matthews’ previous novel “The Chocolate Lovers’ Club” left off.
Lucy is all loved up with Crush but ex-fiancé Marcus is still lurking in the background, Amber is seeing her co-worker, Chantal is still trying to make a go of her marriage to Ted and Nadia is still separated from Toby but he swears he has given up online gambling. The only constant in these 4 women’s lives is the knowledge that if the call “chocolate emergency” goes out they will all rally to the cry and meet at Chocolate Heaven.
This book could be read as a standalone novel but as this is a sequel to “The Chocolate Lovers’ Club”, I would definitely recommend reading the first book before reading this book just so that you can fully get to know the characters.
I loved this book – it was an easy, fun and enjoyable read showing just how important friends are in everyone’s life.
5 reviews
September 24, 2010
This book, The Chocolate Lovers' Diet, by Carole Matthews is awesome book. This story is about the ladies who fall in love with someone. If one of the ladies get into the trouble or have emergency, they gather to the “The Chocolate Lovers’ Club” and talk what happened to them and cheer themselves up. These ladies have a lot of troubles, but because they have friends, they can come over their troubles.
I like this book very much because women usually have many troubles about friends’ issues and love issues than men, and I can sympathetic these troubles that ladies in this story faced. I recommend this book to all women who faced some troubles because I want them to read this and think how important talking their trouble to their close friends make them feel released from stress.
Profile Image for Agi.
1,605 reviews100 followers
August 13, 2012
I have enjoyed this book much, much better as the first book in this series, although the first one was good as well:)
It was a total rollercoaster of happenings, things, accidents, a lot of them sooo unexpected:) I didn't have any idea what comes next and this is what I am really appreciating in books.
Of course it was not only about funny things and laugh, there were other problems such as gambling, drugs, death mentioned but it is nice that they didn't built the whole book and although they were there, Matthews has masterfully proportioned all of them.
Would be nice to read a third book in the series, as I am veeeeeery curious about Chantall and if Nadia found her way with Jazz:)
Profile Image for Kelly Simpson.
666 reviews15 followers
March 8, 2011
Lucy lombard thought her 'Happily Ever After' was all sewn upwhen her gorgeous boss Aiden declared his love for her, burt she's just caught him in bed with another woman. As always, she's not the only one with problems - Autumn's new boyfriend has yet to meet her parents, Nadia's husband swears he's given up gambling but she just can't trust him, and Chantal is hoping to save her marriage, but not in quite the way she'd expected. It's not surprising that these girls are going to need a lot of chocolate to see them through the challenges that lie ahead...
Profile Image for Nicola Clough.
878 reviews36 followers
April 15, 2016
Another excellent book by Carole Matthews she never lets you down. It's an easy read with excellent characters and great story lines that has you guessing all the way through. It's a carry on from her first book and follows the lives of four ladies all with different lives and they have difficult decisions to make and they go through hard times but they all have chocolate in common and meet up when times are hard to eat chocolate.
Profile Image for Shannon.
247 reviews1 follower
December 27, 2008
The first book was naturally better than the sequel. It was still a fun read and I finished in a few hours. There seemed to be many more references to different types of chocolate (especially English brands) which was fun to read, but after a while I just wanted to skip the chocolate references.
Profile Image for Zippy.
43 reviews23 followers
March 30, 2009
Hmmmm, enjoyed it, still loved the characters but it is maybe a book too far. There were a couple of things that were never explained satisfactorily that jarred with me, and characters acting out of ......well, out of character.....that annoyed me, but at the end of the day, a good, enjoyable, effortless read.
Profile Image for Joolz.
110 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2011
Again, I couldnt put this down! Its typically trashy, girly and fun. Was sad when the book ended and i had to say goodbye to the characters... Its kind of like knowing you shouldnt be watching Eastenders but you know you love it and cant wait for the Omnibus on Sunday! Its certainly put Carole Matthews on my map and will certainly be reading more of hers ASAP!
Profile Image for Claire Swain.
180 reviews3 followers
September 30, 2021
😽😻📚Claire Bear & Mel Mel's Book Reviews 📚😻😽'The Chocolate Lover's Diet' by Carole Matthews
Genre: Romance & Contemporary Fiction.

About the Book: "Lucy thought she had got her happily ever after with the gorgeous Aidan. Autumn's new boyfriend has yet to meet her parents, Nadia's husband has sworn he's given up gambling - but she's finding that hard to believe - and Chantal is doing all she can to save her marriage. It's clear that the four members of The Chocolate Lovers' Club are going to need each other to get through their problems - a whole lot of chocolate."

My Review: This is the second book in the Chocolate Lover's Club Series. The four protagonists are just as brilliant and entertaining. They are all three dimensional and likeable characters. The supporting characters such as the cafe owners are also great and provide an extra level to this book. This novel has such a strong theme of friendship and I love how the four women support each other throughout their life problems & successes. You will be hungry when reading this book especially for chocolate! I was practically drooling with the amount of chocolate the ladies consumed. There are many moments of humour but at the same time the protagonist's situations are relatable and taken seriously. I applaud the author for showing awareness of how destructive and traumatic drug/gambling addiction can be on the family/loved ones, not just the person who is experiencing the addiction.

Triggers: Sucide, Drug Addiction, Gambling Addiction & Relationship Affairs.

I am enjoying the Chocolate Lover's Club Series and I am looking forward to reading the third book in the series. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys similar genres.

Disclaimer: My Book Reviews are based on my own opinions and experiences only.

If you would like to see more of my Book Reviews please visit - www.goodreads.com/clairebearmelmel
Or clairebearmelmel on Instagram
Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews

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