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Why Will and Kate Don't Need a Royal Prenup

Updated Aug 11, 2011, 05:32pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

"Will you sign my prenup, darling?"

Though I recommended a belt and suspenders pre-marital contract for Hef and Crystal this past December, I believe Kate and Will are doing the right thing by entering the marital state without benefit of my clergy - teams of risk-averse lawyers.

Pundits from every corner of the English speaking world have been predicting the parade of horribles that surely await young William and nubile Kate. Take a page from tabloid divorces past, Royal watchers urge, and use the newsprint to sign away whatever rights you might have to plunder one another's estates should  bliss turn to misery.

ABC News, for instance, is keen to remind the couple that Prince Charles bestowed his "entire personal fortune" - more than 17 million pounds - on William's mother after fifteen years of marriage (beware, Will) and that Sarah Ferguson failed to negotiate more than 800,000 pounds out of Prince Andrew, leading her to the purgatory of celebrity endorsements (fear Weight Watchers, Kate).

Over at Huffington Post, the British attorney whose law firm  made "fair" prenups enforceable in the landmark UK decision Radmacher v Granatino, is of a different mind, suggesting that "sensible" Kate and "wise" Will can triumph over experience with hope and crossed fingers. Also crossing her fingers is Jane Bryant Quinn who does not approve of the couple's decision to let their marriage fly without a net - Dumb Decision: Kate and Will Don't Have a Prenup.

The savvy young couple's decision to skip the ceremonial signing of the prenup has little to do with leaps of faith, however, and everything to do with the balance of negotiating power in the event the union fails.

This is Not Your Parents' Wedding

In 1981, when Lady Diana Spencer said "I do" to Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales in Westminster Abbey, the biggest royal wedding news was the deletion from the ceremony of the bride's vow to obey. The big news in 2011, is this young couple's decision to throw themselves into marital life without legal protection in a country where the divorce rate is nearly fifty percent.

But smart negotiators know when their bargaining strength is strongest. And with Royals that's unlikely to be on wedding-eve. What, after all, does Kate have to bargain with now? Would she really walk away from the altar if Will refused to commit a certain percentage of his fortune to her if the marriage fails in the first five years with increased sums at ten, fifteen and twenty?

And what of Will? Having surely fallen for the lovely Kate, is he in any position to make monetary demands backed by threats to withdraw from his very public engagement if the pair's lawyers can't negotiate a back-end dowry (I'll return your father's two cows and three piglets and you will give back the ring my father once slipped on my belated mother's hand if our married state falters when next the moon is full?)

No no. People in love (particularly those publicly in love) possess no real bargaining power, which expresses itself only when we demonstrate our willingness to walk away.

Could Charles and Diana Have Done Better with a Prenup than Without?

Princess Diana, who had no prenuptial agreement with Charles, received a lump sum settlement of of £17 million. Do you think she could have provided better for herself at twenty years of age just before  a gilded wedding carriage bore her toward her unthinkable future?

By the time they divorced, Charles and Diana were both in a far better position to strike a deal terminating their marriage than either of them would have been if they could have imagined the circumstances of its potential dissolution back in 1981.

By the time they separated, the Prince and Princess had beloved children to protect from harm. Although children have been subjected to unspeakable emotional cruelties by parents intent on using kid-leverage to damage new exes, rarely is money the issue. Most family lawyers of my acquaintance, as well as the majority of divorced couples, would acknowledge that the exchange of money at the time of divorce serves as a means to salve wounds or an instrument of revenge against disappointing spouses. In any event, those couples who would use their children in the service of divorce as blood sport would do so with or without the "protection" of a prenuptial agreement.

If bargaining power depends on the ability to do one another damage (and it often does) Charles and Diana were far better positioned to negotiate the conditions of their divorce at the time of their separation than at the commencement of their marriage.

What couples know of one another at the time of their engagement pales in comparison to the knowledge they possess after years or decades of shared intimacies (let us not forget the lovely royal fairy tale of Charles, Camilla and the Tampon).

Spouses in unequal financial positions quickly come to possess the equal negotiation leverage of mutually assured destruction. This is the edge that has so far kept any major world power from using nuclear weapons to further global political ambitions. And though secrets were revealed in the bitter final days of Charles and Diana's marriage, I'd place good money on the proposition that their most damaging arcana will never see daylight.

Because Prenups Cannot Predict, they Cannot Adequately Provide for, the Future

The last and best reason to negotiate a divorce settlement at the time of separation is its timeliness. Knowledge of contemporaneous needs and desires rather than presumed future interests permits the parties to make a deal that satisfies their real-time requirements and protects them against their present fears. Imagine anyone in 1981 predicting Google's appearance in 1998 or someone in 1998 predicting the global financial collapse that would take place ten years later.

Now more than ever, what is treasure today is likely to be dross tomorrow. In an unpredictable world, tying one's self to obligations that will not mature for ten, twenty or thirty years in the future is not simply ill-advised, it is the act of a fool.

The good news for the young couple is this:  there's no need to engage in uncomfortable and protracted negotiations to guard against future harm on one of those rare occasions when we are free to indulge our high spirits, express our fond feelings, and project ourselves into a happier future. The most important aspect of the fifty percent divorce rate on our wedding day is our happy belief that we will be among the half of all married couples who will sustain one another, strengthen one another, and, enliven one another until death cleaves us apart.

Now is no time for fretting and worrying at the frayed edges of the one relationship in which we rightly continue to place so much hope. Let us celebrate Kate and Will. Let us raise our cups to them and the future to which their marriage gives birth.

To lighten the gravity of of all that, read Not the Royal Wedding: the Prenup Agreement in Full by John Crace over at the Guardian.