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Fogas Chronicles #1

Оберж - Ресторантът при двете долини

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Многопочитаният "Оберж - Ресторантът при двете долини" попада в ръцете на английска двойка и това предвещава края на гастрономическата цивилизация за малкото общество на Фогас във френските Пиренеи.

Кметът е ядосан: намеренията му са братът на неговата съпруга да поеме контрола. Той решава да отстрани натрапниците с всички възможни средства и преди да имат възможността да сервират първия си пастис, Пол и Лорна се изправят пред френската бюрокрация.

Но кметът не мисли за местните жители на малката община, които имат своите причини да искат "Оберж" да успее и посрещат младите заселници с отворени обятия. Ако се обединят ще надхитрят ли кмета, или "Оберж" ще претърпи провал?

248 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Julia Stagg

10 books68 followers
Julia Stagg has led a nomadic existence, spending most of her adult life abroad. She is the author of the Fogas Chronicles (Hodder) set in the idyllic French Pyrenees. Most recently, she has turned her hand to crime and is writing the Dales Detective Series (Pan) under the name of Julia Chapman. The first in the Yorkshire-set series makes its debut in March 2017. Contact her on facebook (Julia Stagg or Dales Detective) or on Twitter @DalesWriter

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Gabyal.
532 reviews7 followers
January 16, 2021
Entretenido sin más, cuando las cosas comienzan a salir mal y tienes todos tus sueños volcados en ellos sientes que el mundo se acaba. Pero siempre hay ángeles que están a tu lado y te ayudan a salir adelante a pesar de todas las trabas que te ponen.
Profile Image for Ailish.
309 reviews
July 21, 2012
I have to say that I really loved this book. It was light and easy to read, but at the same time I didn't want to put it down and so finished it in one day. It's a warm and enjoyable story, set in a French village, about a young English couple who buy the local Auberge, much to the horror of the locals who fear English cooking above almost everything else. The villain of the piece is the local mayor who has his heart set on obtaining the property for his brother-in-law and is determined to drive the English out.

The author has some insight into her subject matter, as she herself lived in France for 6 years, running a small auberge and trying to convince the French that the British could cook.

There is a lot of humour that had me laughing, but the depiction of the characters was also quite moving at some points, and there are great insights into not judging others, and the beauty of forgiveness. The characters are well-drawn, and a humanity pervades the book that makes it very attractive. I love the delicacy and gentle pacing with which the romances advance in the story, and I felt like the writer managed to achieve some of the best qualities that make The Number One Ladies Detective Agency, Don Camillo, and A Year in Provence so attractive.

I'm putting this book on my list for summer beach reading as it's worth a re-read. I'm also really looking forward to reading the next installment.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,121 reviews32 followers
January 12, 2024
Книгата не блести с висок стил на писане, имаше си грешки, но историята ми допадна. Обстановката е изпълнена с топлина, съпричастност, взаимопомощ и малки пориви на добрина в едно френско селце в Пиренеите. Величествените планини наоколо, машинациите на селския кмет и променливото планинско време сплотяват общността.
В тази първа книга от поредицата двама англичани купуват "Оберж" с желанието да отворят ресторант в това китно селце. Те се сблъскват не само с машинациите на кмета, който иска сградата за себе си, но и с френската бюрокрация. Хората, които живеят там, виждат несправедливите домогвания на техния кмет и решават да направят всичко по силите си да спасят милите англичани, които започват бързо да се приобщават към живота на местните жители.
Книгата е разтоварваща и лесна за четене. Остави ме с приятно чувство на топлота и вяра в добротата на хората.
Profile Image for Karla.
989 reviews162 followers
January 19, 2021
*PopSugar2021 Reto #14: Ambientado en un restaurante.*

Entretenido sin más. La historia es bonita, una pareja que compra un hostal para salir adelanta y se enfrentan a vecinos que en un principio no los quieren, pero que después de ciertos eventos, empiezan a unirlos a la comunidad. Sin embargo, no termina de despegar
Profile Image for Селина Йонкова.
379 reviews19 followers
May 7, 2021
клишето, англичаните не умеят и не се интересуват от кулинария и французите са априорно добри е в основата на тази, следваща тенденцията за успяващите да разрушат етикетите, книжка. както и успокояващият факт за бюрокрацията, корупцията и прочие “екстри” на местна почва. така, де, да не се заблуждаваме, че сме изключение!
Profile Image for Alice.
1,371 reviews27 followers
August 12, 2021
Mlle Alice, pouvez-vous nous raconter votre rencontre avec L'Auberge ?
"Je connais Julia Chapman à travers sa série des Détectives du Yorkshire, que j'aime beaucoup, et j'avais donc envie de découvrir celui-ci, qui a été écrit avant, il me semble, et qui se passe en France."

Dites-nous en un peu plus sur son histoire...
"Les Webster ont fait le grand saut, ils ont vendu tout ce qu'ils possédaient en Angleterre pour investir dans une auberge des Pyrénées, seulement voilà, ils ne se doutaient pas une seconde qu'en faisant cela ils se mettaient en travers des projets du Maire et que ce dernier allait dès lors faire son possible pour qu'ils échouent et repartent au plus vite d'où ils viennent..."

Mais que s'est-il exactement passé entre vous ?
"La première chose importante à savoir, c'est qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un cosy mystery mais à part l'absence de cadavre, ce n'est pas si différent que ça. Le suspense est bien présent et à chaque page on se demande ce que le Maire va encore pouvoir manigancer pour contrer les anglais, qui va le soutenir et qui va enfin s'opposer à lui. J'ai aimé cette lecture, ses personnages et l'ambiance de ces petits villages presque désertés où tout le monde se connaît. Je préfère généralement les romans qui se déroulent en Angleterre mais finalement, j'ai beaucoup apprécié le côté français de celui-ci. J'ai seulement deux petits bémols : le principal, c'est qu'il y a quand même un gros coup de mou au milieu du roman et que l'on attend un bon moment que qui ce soit réagisse je trouve. L'autre relève plus du détail mais parfois le déroulement des évènements est un peu confus, avec même quelques erreurs sur les jours, qui viennent peut-être de la traduction ou, en tous cas, qui n'ont pas été corrigées."

Et comment cela s'est-il fini ?
"Si vous aimez déjà la plume de Julia Chapman et sa série des Détectives du Yorkshire, honnêtement, il y a peu de chances que vous n'accrochiez pas avec ce roman. Il me semble d'ailleurs que l'auteur avait l'intention d'écrire une suite et pour ma part, je la lirai avec plaisir."

Profile Image for meikoyim.
264 reviews
April 27, 2022
After having read The Book Thief I wanted something lighter, something that'd make me giggle, if not laugh out right.

At first I was indecisive between two titles, one by Stephen Fry, the other this. In the end though I found this tale delightful after a test reading for 10 pages or so. Also, it was a simple story.

Being from Taiwan where good, hot food is readily available almost 24/7 even on a public holiday, the rumours of UK food had long haunted me before my departure for the 2 years of study back in 2006.

It wasn't as bad as I was told, though most of the time I did cook for myself. And after having spent two years there, sometimes I'd even miss the horrendous thrice-murdered boiled cabbage on the plate next to the Sunday roast and home made yorkie doused in instant gravy mixture.

And the various forms of spuds. But really, I miss the kebabs more... Mmmmm....kebab...

I digress. So the idea of an English couple in a French village... opening a restaurant... let's just say I fully understand the horror the villagers envisioned at first.

And having fully grasped the English-French jokes from the half-English-half-stubborn-Scottish bf of mine, the setting alone was amusing.

I wouldn't say it's a brilliant book. But it's not bad either. If Goodreads did half stars I'd give it three and a half. Three seeming a bit harsh, yet four would definitely be too much. it's mostly just one of those harmless, fun, light reads you'd easily flip through without having to dip into it too much. It leaves a faint smile at the end, but no deep thoughts will linger.

On the other hand, from what I see on amazon a sequel is to follow. I'm guessing this will turn into a series. I'm not sure but if the price drops enough by the time I need another light read, maybe I'd revisit the village of Fogas.
Profile Image for Lauretta.
51 reviews20 followers
July 5, 2020
The book started okay, even though the author introduced a lot of characters at the same time (which made it a bit confusing at the beginning). But about half way through the book the storylines got more cliché, even getting ridiculous at some point.

I enjoyed the first few chapters, but I couldn't get over the amount of cliché storylines and characters.
Profile Image for Margaret.
834 reviews31 followers
July 25, 2017
I've heard Julia Stagg speak. She's engaging, personable and entertaining and helped her audience have a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. If only this book were as much fun. It could be. It's a bit of a romp, the story of an English couple who up sticks and move to the Ariège, a rural French département in the Pyrenees, to run a small restaurant-with-rooms. Naturally their new neighbours are suspicious. Everyone knows the English can't cook .

I persisted with this book, because I too used to live in the Ariège, and I really enjoyed all the references that meant so much to me. But really, I couldn't sort out one character from t'other - there are an awful of of them - and few of them extend beyond cliche. It was clear (spoiler alert) from page one that everything would turn out just fine. There are further books in the series. I'll go to any event where Julia Stagg is speaking to promote her work. But I shan't follow up by buying the books.
Profile Image for Nels .
208 reviews
September 8, 2021
Очаквах малко повече от края на книгата. Иначе като цяло интересна книга с интересни герой.
Profile Image for Best Crime Books & More.
1,128 reviews176 followers
October 30, 2015
The nice thing about debut novels is that your expectation is set pretty low as you have nothing previously to base your opinion on. When I got this book I was quite surprised as it was a lot smaller than what I thought I would get for a debut novel at a mere 280 pages. However, undeterred I made a start on this book and soon found myself in the thick of things in Fogas.

I found it a little slow to start with but a few chapters in and I was beginning to get a feel for the characters living in this small French village. We meet all sorts of different people from Josette, the owner of a small shop and makeshift bar, to Serge Papon the Mayor, to the postmistress Veronique. In addition to these after a few chapters we meet the English couple, Lorna and Paul, who are unwittingly the talk of the village. The characters were all easy enough to get a grasp of but if ound it difficult to get a feel for a few of them and Josette the shop owner as well as Christian, the deputy mayor, was another. I persevered and let the story tell itself, hoping that the non-connection with a few characters wouldn't matter.

Luckily overall it didn't have that much of an impact but left me feeling a little bit like something was missing. From the point of view of the story itself, it is something I can imagine has happened many times in many different small villages across the world. There is nothing like new people trying something new to get villagers worried. In the case of L'Auberge it is no different. We see the Mayor and his plotting revenge on the English couple and the struggle they have against all the local anger and foreign red tape.

I enjoyed the setting and think Julia Stagg did a grand job of describing what sounded like a very quaint village in France. The ending was wrapped up nicely and there was a romantic element for a couple of characters thrown in too.

I certainly enjoyed this book but my main gripe was that I didn't connect with a couple of the characters and ended up feeling like the story was just that tad too short. Having said that, I really liked the style of writing and it was certainly an enjoyable read. The great thing about debut novels is that if you enjoyed it you have a solid start. After all her books can only get better and for that reason I am really looking forward to reading the next one.
Profile Image for Susana González.
197 reviews5 followers
March 1, 2017
No tenía muchas expectativas antes de leer el libro y puede que por eso mismo me sorprendiera y me gustara tanto.

He de decir que soy una enamorada de Francia, no tanto de París, como de la Francia rural que se representa tan bien aquí y que tan diferente es de la capital. Conozco la zona donde se desarrolla el relato y sus gentes, magníficamente retratadas ambas (obviamente siendo una ficción).

Lo mejor de todo son los protagonistas, un cuadro de personajes a cual más peculiar pero, a la vez, totalmente reconocibles en las personas que viven en los pueblos, no sólo de Francia, sino de muchos otros sitios. No hay personajes planos, a unos se los ama y a otros se los odia (aunque al final algunos nos hagan cambiar de idea).

El relato es sencillo, como la vida de las gentes de Fogas, con sus pequeñas excentricidades, cosas buenas y malas. La lectura es muy rápida, con situaciones hilarantes y otras más serias, que nos hacen reflexionar porque todos podemos vernos reflejados en uno u otro momento en alguno de los habitantes de Fogas. Nos habla de la lucha por la supervivencia, cada uno por lo que considera legítimo; de los conflictos que surgen cuando no se entienden las cosas o no se conoce a las personas y que son fácilmente solucionables; de la vida en un entorno duro, como el de los Pirineos, cada vez más despoblado, donde se vive principalmente de la agricultura y la ganadería, y de tópicos reales como la burocracia, la política y las influencias, los cotilleos, los servicios y suministros en sitios remotos…

No dudo de que después de leer este libro todo el mundo querrá visitar este magnífico entorno y encontrarse con sus gentes, que son amables y hospitalarias una vez que conocen al forastero.
Profile Image for Amy Jones.
Author 1 book43 followers
May 29, 2011
I may be biased about this book, considering the author comes from the same town as me and went to the same college as me, but I thought it was rather good.

On an impulse, English couple Lorna and Paul buy an Auberge (a pub/inn) in a little French commune. The mayor is not best pleased though, and soon sets about doing everything be can to shut the business down.

The majority of the book is about Lorna and Paul's attempt to keep their auberge open, and the locals as they try to help or hinder them. This book isn't ground-breaking or beautiful writing but it's damn good storytelling.

The array of well-rounded and interesting characters is what really make this book work, though. I really cared about them and their stories. I got to the last fifty pages and was reading as fast as possible as I tried to find out what happened to them, which is always the sign of a good book.
Profile Image for Cherish.
417 reviews27 followers
November 4, 2013
I really enjoyed the first novel in the Fogas series. I made me feel a huge wave of emotions. Also a lot of question regarding with what happened with some of the characters in the second book were answered...well some of them of which I asked myself. Paul and Lorna were my next batch of favourite characters that are my favourite. Paul being the next ultimate fav after Stephanie. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THE THIRD BOOK OF THE SERIES.....YAAAY!
833 reviews2 followers
January 17, 2024
Si les Détectives du Yorkshire de Julia Chapman ont conquis un public fidèle, les chroniques de Fogas publiées antérieurement bénéficient de cette notoriété.
Fortement inspirée par les six années durant lesquelles elle a tenu avec son époux une auberge dans les Pyrénées ariégoises, Julia Chapman nous propose un roman succulent mettant en scène un couple britannique décidé à s'installer vaille que vaille dans un village où à priori on n'a pas envie d'eux. Surtout quand le maire, un habile filou, comptait récupérer l'auberge pour le compte de son beau-frère et que ces maudits anglais ont raflé l'affaire...
S'en suit un imbroglio digne de Clochemerle , surtout quand l'administration s'en mêle .. Quelques scènes très drôles, d'autres plus grinçantes, parsèment ce roman.
Soyons bon public, admettons la moquerie, la caricature et laissons nous épinglés par l' humour anglais .
L'auberge est le premier volet d'une trilogie. j'ai passé un moment de lecture agréable .
Les éditions Monpoche le réédite en format poche. Meci à elles pour ce partage.
Profile Image for Adric Rangel.
753 reviews28 followers
March 16, 2020
L'auberge, un hostal en los Pirineos es el primer libro que leo de Julia Stagg. Tengo que admitir que se me hizo tedioso leerlo y hubo un momento en que pensé abandonarlo (Por esa razón tarde en leerlo). Mejor que no lo hice, porque realmente es un libro precioso al cual se le debe tener paciencia.

Este libro nos cuenta sobre Fogas, una pintoresca aldea de los Pirineos franceses que se encuentra revolucionada porque el hostal del pueblo, que llevaba tiempo vacío, por fin tiene nuevo dueño. Aunque nadie se esperaba la identidad de los nuevos vecinos, una pareja de ingleses que ha venido decidida a renovar el hostal. La bienvenida no será precisamente calurosa y algunos de los vecinos harán todo lo posible para echar a la desprevenida pareja. Sin embargo, Paul y Lorna son unos personajes tan agradables que poco a poco se irán ganando el corazón de sus nuevos vecinos, a pesar de las diferencias culturales...
Profile Image for Maartje J..
262 reviews
January 22, 2024
Bij de recensies op Hebban kwam het boek Met de Franse slag voorbij. En dat was precies op het goede moment. Ik had zin om een boek te lezen waarin ik me zonder al te veel na te denken, lekker mee kon laten nemen in het verhaal. Laat dit boek dit nou precies op aangename wijze doen.

Gaandeweg ontspinnen zich verschillende verhaallijnen en komen de karakters tot leven. En dan ineens denk je, verhip dit komt me bekend voor. Langzaamaan komt het verhaal weer naar voren en realiseer je dat je het boek een aantal jaar geleden al eens las. Stukjes en beetjes druppelen het geheugen weer in, maar ook net weer onvoldoende om het verhaal al te kunnen vertellen. Zo groeit dan tijdens het lezen het 'Hoe zat het ook alweer-gevoel'. Een plezierige, nieuwsgierig makende manier om het verhaal lekker uit te lezen. Op naar het volgende deel.
594 reviews3 followers
October 18, 2022
This book seemed interesting from the premise - an English couple buys an inn in France and the locals in the village are determined to stop them - however, it was so boring. By the end, I was skim reading the book. There are loads of characters, who are all introduced at once, so I struggled to remember who was who. The character Annie speaks in run on words, which I found extremely difficult to read.
This book was just full of cliches and was very predictable. Overall, it's getting a 2.5 star because it was an easy enough read, but wasn't super enjoyable. I have the second book but I'm not going to bother reading it.
Profile Image for Elisabetta.
398 reviews11 followers
March 22, 2022
The lighthearted style of Julia Stagg (which I have met as Julia Chapman in the "Dales detective series") did not disappoint me in her debut novel.
I have finished the book in two days as the plot runs smoothly through the pages and starts to leave a few hints on what could happen next.
The English couple moving to the Auberge is the first step of getting to know all the characters in the village and all their backgrounds that will be unveiled partially through this first book.
A well-needed reading in these heavy times we are living in.
Profile Image for Mademoiselle Cup Of Tea.
233 reviews15 followers
January 12, 2024
Julia Chapman créer une ambiance chaleureuse dans le village enneigé de Fogas. L’intrigue prend vie avec l’implication de tout un village pour contrer les plans du maire. Les notes d’humour, ainsi que les retournements de situation, ajoutent une touche légère et drôle au récit. En résumé, une lecture parfaite pour l’hiver, où l’on profite de l’atmosphère cozy et d’une petite tempête de neige, offrant un moment agréable et réconfortant.

Ma chronique : https://mellecupofteabouquine.wordpre...
6 reviews
April 9, 2019
As I am very lucky to live in the Ariege in one of the villages mentioned in this book.
I quite enjoyed reading it. Although I have to agree with some of the comments already written –
My comments? An easy, light read but not compelling.
One positive outcome; a group of local friends (like me from the UK) have also read this book which is promoting discussion regarding the actual location of the village…… now that IS intriguing.
745 reviews
September 12, 2022
I picked up book #1 of the "Dales Detective Series" by Julia Chapman because it was free but found it better than expected so I thought I would try this series which is by the same author but published as by Julia Stagg. I will concede that it is probably on the light side for my taste but avoids what I associate with "cosy" so if you are looking for some entertaing reading which doesn't insult your intelligence, you should enjoy her books.
Profile Image for Monalisa.
265 reviews
March 30, 2024
Novela coral, entrañable y amena, ambientada en un pequeño pueblo francés de los Pirineos, donde la llegada de una pareja inglesa que ha comprado el albergue que el alcalde tenía destinado para su cuñado, provocará una serie de intrigas y tejemanejes a favor y en contra de la apertura del hostal. Una historia previsible y sencilla, de poca calidad literaria, pero que por la calidez de sus personajes te hace pasar un rato agradable y divertido.
Profile Image for Cristina.
375 reviews15 followers
July 26, 2018
Puntuación: 3,5 estrellas.
Es una novela entretenida y ligera que se lee de forma rápida. Yo la calificaría como una buena lectura para el verano, eso sí, no esperéis sol y playa, sino más bien frío y montaña. No trata temas profundos, más bien cómicos y divertidos, con un toque paranormal que resulta entrañable.
168 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2019
A change of horizons

Laura and Paul decide to give up their lives in the U.K. for an auberge in France. The villagers are not so enthused and skullduggery ensues. The fast paced story keeps you reading and the characters are typical of a small village. A thoroughly good holiday read.
27 reviews
September 30, 2018
Heartwarming Story

A well told story. Not my normal read but I couldn't put it down. So we'll written the story envelopes you and you get involved. Characters are all believable. Makes me want to move to France immediately. Excellent.
Profile Image for anamjaime.
351 reviews
May 8, 2019
En general me ha gustado, es una novela entretenida para pasar el rato. La pega que le pongo es que la zona central me ha parecido un poco de relleno habiendo poca continuidad entre los capítulos. Por supuesto final esperado.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
239 reviews2 followers
August 18, 2019
Me encantó, maravilloso

Me encantó este libro, es maravilloso. Es de los libros que yo llamo "feel good". Los llamo así porque me sirven de terapia para bajar el estrés diario y cuando termino de leerlos me dejan una sensación de alegría. Entretenido de principio a fin.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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