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Edward Fasbender is a devil.

He's my father's business rival, a powerful, vicious man who takes what he wants and bows to no one. I only took the meeting because I was curious. I thought he was going to offer me a job.

But that's not what he's after at all. His proposal is much more intriguing, and I see an opportunity. An opportunity to turn the tables and bring down the devil.

I've gotten in trouble playing these games before. I know when the risk is too great, when the stakes are too high. I know how to be cold and strong-willed and destructive. I know how to withstand dominant men with arrogant charm and rugged features.

Yet I can't resist taking on Edward.

And I can't resist the pull he has on me.

Soon I'm not so sure which side of the battle I'm standing on--if I'm the warrior meant to slay,

Or the one who will be slain.

Slay is Book One in New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Laurelin Paige, next dark and edgy series.

298 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 4, 2019

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About the author

Laurelin Paige

107 books15.4k followers
Laurelin Paige is the NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling Author of the international sensation, The Fixed Trilogy. She's also written other popular books in the Fixed Universe as well as the Dirty Universe and has cowritten with both Kayti McGee and Sierra Simone.
Are you looking for a romantic comedy or something hot and angsty? Here's Laurelin's list of books broken down by trope and reading order.
Sign up for Laurelin's newsletter to make sure you know all the latest info on her projects and to get a free book every month from a bestselling author.


Rivalry (Slay Quartet, #1) by Laurelin Paige Ruin (Slay Quartet, #2) by Laurelin Paige

Dirty Filthy Rich Boys (Dirty Duet, #0.5) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Filthy Rich Men (Dirty Duet, #1) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Filthy Rich Love (Dirty Duet, #2) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Sexy Bastard (Dirty Games Duet, #0.5) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Sexy Player (Dirty Games Duet, #1) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Sexy Games (Dirty Games Duet, #2) by Laurelin Paige Dirty Filthy Fix (Fixed #5.5) by Laurelin Paige Sweet Liar (Dirty Sweet Duet, #1) by Laurelin Paige Sweet Fate (Dirty Sweet Duet, #2) by Laurelin Paige

Fixed on You (Fixed, #1) by Laurelin Paige Found in You (Fixed, #2) by Laurelin Paige Forever with You (Fixed, #3) by Laurelin Paige Hudson (Fixed, #4) by Laurelin Paige Fixed Forever (Fixed, #6) by Laurelin Paige

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 737 reviews
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,845 reviews1,457 followers
May 23, 2019
Good Lord what did I read? I'm still trying to catch my breath at that OMFG ending. But suffice to say Laurelin Paige just delivered a knock out punch with that cliffhanger ending that I truly never saw coming. Slay One: Rivalry was sexy, consuming and addicting. I am now officially obsessed!!! Book two can not come fast enough!

Without giving away any spoilers, Rivalry opens up where we see the familiar face of Celia Werner as she meets Edward Fasbender and enters into a dangerous arrangement where the better man or woman will win. But when their sizzling attraction and powerful mindgames come out to play, who will eventually slay the game?

This story is insane. There is no other word that can best describe it. What else can you use to describe two sexy alpha leads, Edward and Celia, going head to head in a battle of wills that is only hotter than the heat between them? This book is glorious and edgy and so addicting that you will willingly give up sleep like I did to read this amazing story! Edward was delicious as he was decadent. Sexy and refined but a predator looking for the ultimate prey. But he underestimated Celia. She was just as alpha as he was, giving as good as she got and willing to do anything to best Edward. I loved his hardness just as much as the hints of tenderness we saw below the surface. Celia likewise was outstanding and his perfect match: strong, sexy, assertive and just as strategic.

But their constant game of one uppsmanship and bedroom battles ultimately result in an explosion that has them both grappling at their hold on one another. They have an army of secrets and hidden motivations between them that I am dying to discover. I can't wait for more! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula 
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,790 reviews729 followers
May 26, 2019
I love that we finally get to see inside Celia's mind. I hated her in the Fixed Trilogy. I'm glad the author didn't spin the first book to where you all of a sudden love her. Celia deserves more thought into her character than that. I'm actually not sure where I land by the end of this first book and that in itself is satisfying.

I think there is some bit of vindication that finally someone has come along to shake her world like she has done to others. However, I'm still that reader that wants a happily ever after despite her being enemy #1. I can't wait to see how Laurelin Paige is going to get the readers through that turbulent path.

This first book just really had me trying to dissect every little thing that was happening and that ending just turned everything upside down. I have no clue where the next book is headed and I absolutely love that.

I loved Edward in the little bit we saw in Fixed Forever but I'm not loving him right now. He's a jerk. He's arrogant, and a part of me wants Celia to put him in his place, but then I want Celia to be redeemed as well. My hope is that they will both be redeemed by the end. Just not until after we get that fascinating tale of how they get there.
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,098 reviews2,553 followers
October 2, 2019
Laurelin Paige slays yet again! This book is mind blowingly awesome! Holy smokes, strap in for this one folks. I loved loved loved it! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Here’s what I loved:
All the feels were felt!
Bad guys do it best! Seriously, give my a complex, arrogant, unexpected male lead and I’m golden.
I loved seeing inside Celia’s world again. I’d been waiting for this for a very long and it did not disappoint!

Edward is everything I wanted him to be and so much more! My mind was blown and I loved every single minute of it!

For more of my reviews:
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Profile Image for Karen.
1,472 reviews111 followers
June 4, 2019
Holy shit. Edward Fasbender is an utter bastard. I hate him right now. I want to strangle him with Celia’s skimpy bikini and smash his skull in with her Laboutin stiletto.

Utter. Utter. Bastard. But man he rocks a tux, and he’s packing.

Going to make some bread to get the anger out of me. Then I’ll come back to add more.

Frustration taken out on the bread dough. I’m going to call it Edward when I cut it into pieces and eat it.

I first met Celia Werner in the Fixed trilogy and I hated her. Detested her and her games. She hurt the lovely Alayna and I never forgave her. I think I even hated her more than Leah in Dirty Red by TF and she was a total psycho bitch.

So why have I just sat reading this book wanting Celia to win the Game and get one over on that rat bastard Edward Fasbender?

Laurelin Paige how did you make me like her? I just don’t get it! You minx! Hurry up and get book two ready before I have to open a bakery.

By the way, Edward bread was delicious. It was all in the way I pulverised the dough. Smacked it’s arse and punched the wind out of it. Come on Eddie. Ding ding, ready for round 2.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,221 reviews1,299 followers
February 10, 2020



Celia. We all remember her from the The Fixed Trilogy.

And we are all now thinking ... why the eff would I ever read a book about her? Or even a whole four-book series!??? She was the most horrible b*tch ever in Hudson's stories!

Yes, I thought that. But I also knew that something - other than Hudson and their games - must have made her like that. And I wanted to find out what it was. Plus I soooo wanted to read more about sexy brit billionaire Edward. The man who is going to 'tame' the Celia! ☺


And I really liked the story! I realllly did!

We have this sad-melancholy-depressed mood throughout the story. Celia knows she is the way she is. We get glimpses of what happened when she was a kid.

She used to love being like that with Hudson and with all their psycho games and stuff. And even now she still thinks she is like that - wants to be like that. Not feeling anything, not caring about anybody ... But meeting Edward changed her. Of course she's still playing her games to try to hurt him for making her feel so 'weird', but he's not making it easy on poor Celia. She's finally met the one guy who might be able to handle her - and more ....

She's so effing attracted to Edward. It's adorable to watch her try to fight against everything he says and does! And it's adorable to see glimpses of a 'normal' person inside the Celia we all know. A person with feelings, dreams, hopes. But she doesn't think she can be like that. She's too busy trying to play her games to think about what her life could be like if she'd only let herself be that nice person that's somewhere inside her.

I loved reading this book. I was kinda expecting to hate it a bit - because Celia was just such a horrible character in the previous books ... but I didn't hate it.

Ok - I could do without the über-kinky stuff - the pain and humiliation. But that's just my personal taste. It really fits with the story and with those two people.

The book was exciting. Sad. Heartbreaking. Sexy. Erotic. Kinky. Funny. Frustrating. Sweet. Mysterious. And we get a nice little WTF Cliffy! ☺

I can't wait to read the next books - even though I'm not really sure why there have to be four books!!!?? I'm not really a fan of book series. Only when all books are already out! BUT, I hope we don't have to wait too long for the 2nd one - I'm really bad remembering things with my booksalzheimers!

SLAY ONE: RIVALRY was a fascinating start to this new quartet! I can't wait to see where Celia and Edward will take us in the next books! Hurry to your nearest amazon asap - Edward will be sold out in no time!!!


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Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,620 followers
December 31, 2019
Long ago, I learned how to be made of nothing.

I absolutely hated Celia at the Fixed trilogy. I was wondering how a book with her as the main character will work.
To be honest I did not participating liked her in this book, too.

But Edward M. Fasbender is easily my new a$$hole crush.

If you have read Fixed Forever, you will probably remember how the story between Edward and Celia ends. If not, I will not destroy the magic of this book telling you what happend in the end. But it definitely was a surprise seeing Celia like this.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
December 10, 2019
***ARC Provided by the Author***

First, to be clear, I hate Celia.

It's a well developed kind of hate, the kind that makes you throw a party at a person's funeral, laugh at their misfortunes, and keep driving if you seem them on the side of the road next to their broken down vehicle.

So, yeah, in case you missed it as I was subtle, I don't like her.

When she meets Edward, she's the Celia we all know and...not love. She's the manipulator, the one you met before in sn earlier book, but by the middle of the book, oddly, I forgot to hate her. I forgot about all of the things she did in the past, the games, the damage she caused.

And, about halfway through this book, I decided Laurelin Paige is a sorceress. She made me forget that I wasn't fond of Celia and made me, well, feel for her just a little. I'm not sure I like her yet, but she's growing on me. I am also not sure we're supposed to be on her side. I mean, there's some growth on her part in this book, there are things that make you think "ok, that's a corner turned" but, by the end of this book, I'm not sure you supposed to like her, or have totally forgiven her for the things she did in the past.

So, if you are like me, trust me, you want to read this book and get to know Celia. Also, if you are like me, you aren't going to believe this until you read it yourself. I'm actually sitting here a little surprised myself. I read this because it's Laurelin Paige and I love her words, but I also (100% honest here) went into this one afraid it was going to be the first book by her that I couldn't connect with.

Nope. It's amazing. It's dark. It's twisty. It's delicious.

I loved and recommend this title.

***NOTE: This is a standalone quartet. You don't need to have read the books in which you meet Celia for the first time. You don't need to know who Hudson is to understand the story...but I recommend it as, for this one, knowing Celia adds a compelling depth to her story.
Profile Image for ARA.
164 reviews45 followers
May 25, 2019
Laurelin Paige has woven a lewd adult romance that’s easily the most disciplined, depraved and delicious story I’ve read in ages.

Is it wrong to feel such glee reading about Celia? THAT Celia Warner?

Slay: Rivalry is the story of Celia, a shrewd wealthy heiress who finds solace in her numbed existence. Instead of intimacy and genuine connection, she tells us, she seeks a sick joy and elation in blackmail and deceit, in destroying the lives and loves of others. She’s been wildly successful, even if she’s met some defeat in the past.

And maybe her game playing life would have continued on without remark, had she not been summoned to meet the devil himself. She’s shaken by her reaction to him, and she instinctively understands he's more than an erotic enticement. Once she meets Edward, a dark prince if ever there was one, Celia’s transformation story beings. But what in the hell will her transformation look like? Celia is like no other.

OMG I could not look away. This book is mean and kinky, desperate and romantic, and every shameful hunger Celia had right or wrong, pulled me deeper and deeper. I was consumed.

To me, this is a dark wicked retelling of Cinderella, with Celia Warner cast as the broken orphan, her Fairy Godmother, and her wicked step sisters all at once. She is her best hope and her worst enemy. The simmering, secretive Edward is the villain, yes, but in this corrupt fairytale, Celia relishes his warped, vicious ways. It's twisted and unputdownable.

Reading Rivarly, it’s easy to be lulled by Celia’s single point of view, as Paige walks us through a spider’s web of set pieces and countermoves, seduction in service of ‘The Game.’ With the trap set, it’s easy to miss the signs that you’ve left Kansas—or the wood-grained safety of New York—and entered Edward’s surreal world. The world where Celia Warner becomes the heroine. Or maybe even the one who needs rescued. It’s hard to tell, this pair is so evenly matched.

About that devil Edward Fassbender—love the name: He is an enigma. Not only for Celia, but for us as well. By all appearances, he’s a classic throwback, a chauvinistic, bossy alpha who prowls the business world for maximum return. He dominates like a bull with no concern for the collateral dominos spilling out around him. He has his tastes though, and he matches Celia temptation by temptation all to avoid unleashing his baser desires.

And here is where we get to the heart of the matter, which is this:

Celia Warner is sooooo human! (Count that among sentences I never thought I’d type.) She’s also led a tragic yet sheltered life. Consequently, she comes over as childlike at times, and operates with an innocence that either delivers or undermines her every scheme. But it’s that real humanness that SLAYS. When we are deep into the book, and Celia realizes she is possibly trying to destroy the one thing that will save her, I wanted to both slap and hug my kindle at once.

The nihilistic opening, where Celia catalogues the void, and details her survival skills, she’s set a trap for us. The stakes were immediately clear: I WANT CELIA TO FEEL! She had more armor than a Trojan Horse, and the games were her safe way of feeling at least something. It’s clear we're to believe that Celia’s numbness is marrow deep, but it’s not. The masochim is something else, a cover for the REAL stakes—nothing less than her dragon heart. Sigh, I loved this book.

Celia’s anodyne descriptions of interiors and her history, her offhand references to her schemes and countermoves, demonstrate just how much distance she puts between herself and the world around her. We get it, not much affects her. Until Edward lays his finger tips on her. And then, I felt an internal hemorrhage building within her.

Celia could thaw, simmer and even boil. She was maybe close to succumbing, and I wanted the story to go on and on. I needed to know everything that devil was thinking! It’s a deliberate ploy by Paige, to keep Edward’s real motives and leanings hidden, and it makes every scene between them juicy and climactic.

This is a brilliant internal story for the most part. Celia talks to herself, she reasons and strategizes and then tells herself stories. On a topsoil level, this may appear repetitive, or overtelling, but that take misses the point. Paige’s narrative flourishes are actually mini-arcs, twisting and twisting, wrenching Celia into a smaller and smaller Universe-of-Edward, that limits her options, raises the stakes and unleashes a torrent of suspense as we reach the climax. Celia is ensnared, and it is exhilarating! By then I was so wrung out myself, I wanted everything for Celia, every last thing. And in many ways, Slay ends where it began, with nothing. And everything.

Celia is an incredible character. Just wow! Thank you Laurelin Paige for spoiling us, so much!

PS I wish I talk about that clever feather on the cover. But at a minimum, it would spoil one of the most debauched set pieces I’ve ever read.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
June 4, 2019
❤️4 STARS ❤️

It's been awhile since I read a book from Laurelin Paige and I missed her writing. From the moment I read the synopsis I was intrigued and excited to start reading Slay: Rivalry!I was hooked and I read it so fast!It was sexy,passionate,erotic and left me graving for more!


Edward is my new sexy obsession, seriously this dark , mysterious and sexy man is going to make you swoon! Celia is drawn to him and she can't resist him.I probably be one of the few who haven't read the Fixed series.So it's the first time I meet her!

Overall, this is another fantastic read from Laurelin and I can't wait to see what she will have up for us next!


Profile Image for Sarah.
1,762 reviews1,332 followers
June 11, 2019


Fair warning, this is going to be a short a sweet review, because I do not want to give even the slightest hint of what might happen in this book. It is too amazing and suspenseful and HOT to ruin any moment.

Edward - Dominant. Hot. I may or may not want to disobey him (don't judge me).

Celia - I am going to be honest here, and I didn't read the book she appeared in earlier (and you don't have to), but I do not have any feelings about her character walking into this book like some other readers do. What I did love about her is that she has gumption. She read very much like the alpha males we encounter in most romances, but in female form. I loved her character. Is she manipulative, sure, but so is he.

This story has some intense heat and steam. The build up was insane, and I almost combusted on impact. The ending had my eyes wide and mouth gaping, and I am already dying for more.

If this series continues in this manner, it will be, without a doubt, be my favorite Laurelin Paige series ever.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,400 reviews1,469 followers
June 4, 2019
4.5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author/Candi Kane PR)

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Celia Werner grew up an only child as a trust fund baby. She’s now a blond bombshell living in New York working as an interior designer. Over the years she’s been manipulative often exploiting the weaknesses of others for sport. Her past made her feel numb and emotionless, and she often wondered if she no longer had a soul. Then she encounters a man named Edward Fasbender, and he stirs something inside her, and makes her feel unbalanced. She was closed off and it had been so long since she’d felt anything. Edward excited her. He was a powerful, ruthless, wickedly attractive British businessman who owned a multimillion-dollar London based company. He was her father’s main competitor and rival. He was ambitious, calculating, arrogant, and irresistible. He’s a man who takes what he wants, and when he approaches her with an intriguing proposition, she can’t resist taking him on, and she secretly makes plans to bring him to his knees.

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Edward has set the rules, and Celia is committed to playing the game. She’d always remained detached, separate, and safe with men, but this one rattled her like no other. He was clever and enjoyed riling her up. The energy between them was like a live wire, charged and electric. He was captivating, and hypnotizing. She’d never let anyone have complete control and power over her like this. Suddenly there was this deep need inside her to have this man. She wanted him badly, and was desperate for his touch. He was alluring, and set her on fire with one kiss. Soon she was confused and felt vulnerable. She couldn’t decide anymore if she wanted to destroy him or win him. Could this dangerous, controlling man breach the walls she’d built around her heart?

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-How often did I meet someone as dauntless as I was? I'd never encountered someone who was more so.

-His presence was overpowering. Overwhelming. Unsettling.

-He was the kind of man who had to be in charge. The kind of man who would slay me in every way if I let him.

-With extreme alarm, I realized I liked the thought of trying to please this intolerable man.

-His kiss was everything. Everything that I didn't own, didn't possess. Everything outside of me and unknown to me. Every single thing, and it threatened to fill me, threatened to erase the very nothing that I professed and practiced to be with its substance. With its wholeness. With its entirety. With its everything.

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Slay: Rivalry is book one in the Slay Quartet by Laurelin Paige. It’s sexy, dark, exciting, and addictive. I really enjoyed this book and loved getting Celia’s story. I can’t wait for more of this explosive couple!

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Profile Image for Cee Cee Houston.
1,341 reviews27 followers
June 2, 2019
Rivalry (Slay Trilogy #1) really lived up to its name. I totally slayed me.
Anyone who is a fan of Laurelin Paige, must surely have read the ‘Fixed’ series of books. We all know about Lainey and Hudson. We also know who Celia is.
Or we thought we did.
Here is her own book we find a totally different woman. Yes, she owns up to her mistakes. She takes responsibility for them- at least in her own head. She’s strong and determined. She’s her own woman. But, nothing… not even Hudson Pierce has prepared her for all that is Edward Fasbender.
My word. This man??
He’s incredibly hot and ruggedly sexy, but he’s hard, callous… brutal. Celia is drawn to him like an unwilling moth to a scorching flame. He plans to bend her to his will, but not in the way she expects… or comes to want. To desire. To lust after.
Didn’t think you’d ever feel sorry for Celia. Or want to bash her protagonist over the head? To kick and scream at the very fabric of what’s become of her???
Profile Image for CerysAnne.
296 reviews37 followers
June 3, 2019
It's been a few days since I finished reading this book, and I'm honestly still speechless.

Slay: Rivalry was an intense, intimidating, sexy and seductive story that dared me to read on even though a part of me wanted to put this book down and just stop; simply take a breather and prepare myself for whatever could be delivered to me next. But it was as if Laurelin, Edward, and Celia themselves all dared me to carry on - dared me to turn the page without hesitation; dared me to dive myself fuller into this story with no clue nor worry as to where it would lead to next; dared me to put my triggers aside and just let this story suck me in and blow me away with how unpredictable and unexpected it would be, and blow me away it did.

Told entirely in Celia's POV, this novel is a fast-paced read you're guaranteed to devour in one sitting if you're looking for an edgy and angst filled romance. It definitely preceded my expectations, and wasn't in the slightest a story I thought it'd be. It was definitely dark, and even though this author did warn us about that, I still wasn't expecting it to be as dark a billionaire romance as it was.

Edward Fasbender truly is what he's said to be: a devil.

And Celia Werner has truly met her match in him.

Combine the traits of Donovan Kincaid (of the Dirty Filthy Rich Duet) and Reeve Sallis (of First Touch and Last Kiss), and you'll get Edward Fasbender - a closed off, calculated, misogynistic bastard who slayed me with his dominance, his allure, his asshole personality, his natural charm, and his unpredictability that left and kept me on the tip of my toes, ready for anything to be thrown my way. Except I wasn't ready. Not in the slightest. For anything from this devil.

He was what made this book intimidating for me. He was what made this story intense, and how Celia managed to stand up against him and hold her own, I have no idea. She was fierce and feisty and didn't disappoint in delivering everything I wasn't expecting; she was every bit the dragon we know her to be, yet she was also surprisingly vulnerable and didn't stand a chance when up against Edward, but her determination to play her game and outsmart the devil is what kept me hooked to these pages until that very last sentence (that sentence that ended this story in a way I did not see coming; that sentence that completely blew my mind; that sentence I'm still recovering from).

There were moments throughout this story where I was pushed too far out of my comfort zone, which is why I'm rating this book four stars, but overall, Slay: Rivalry was a good and unique story that has everything you'd expect from a Laurelin Paige novel, and she really keeps her readers entertained and enjoying every moment of reading it - yes, even those readers (like myself) who never thought they'd like anything to do with Celia after everything that occurred in The Fixed Trilogy.

But love her or hate her, you don't want to miss out on this story. With the never ending back and forth between these two Alphas, the undying sexual tension that kept this reader hot and bothered, and with a storyline that was as dramatic as I thought it'd be and told in a way that captured and kept my attention from beginning to end, you can tell that Laurelin Paige really delivered her all here for the first and mind-blowing instalment to the Slay Quartet - a one-of-a-kind MUST READ that'll leave you going out of your mind for part two of Celia and Edward's shocking story, Slay: Ruin.

ARC provided by author for honest review
Profile Image for Amanda.
619 reviews13 followers
June 10, 2019
Omg, omg, omg, this book is wow. I'm not sure what to say except READ this book. This book is amazing. Laurelin out did herself and all I can say is grab it. I am just floored and can't wait for the next.
Profile Image for R Rais.
1,420 reviews42 followers
May 27, 2019
Slay definitly slayed me😭
Just finish it second ago and I'm dying for the next book! It's crazy! It can't be the end for Slay! Oh my lawwwwd the cliffy😭

If you have meet Hudson Pierce, I'm sure you know Celia Werner or Edward Fasbender. But if you're like me and haven't meet Hudson, don't worry. Celia and Edward would still capture you good.
She's complicated. To the world she play the game with people mind and heart. She's ice cold, connifing, liar, grade A in B, spoiled rich girl with nothing on her name but her father's. But I see the scared little girl in her that just want someone to really see her and love her for she is. And she thinks she might find it in Edward.
Oh she knows he didn't love her when he propose. She won't be gullible and think romance with Edward. But he see her. He see the real her. So maybe.... Just maybe....
But Edward... He is complicated. Layers of complicated. She couldn't read him like she always do with another man. He intrigue her. He makes her feel things. Something she doesn't have all these years. But when he only keep pushing her away, keep belittle her, keep making her feel like a property and not a woman. Not a wife. While keep patronizing her to submit, she decide she would play a game to destroy him.
But what if it backfire?
What if she's the one got destroy?
What is she's the one got slayed?
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,338 reviews61 followers
June 4, 2019
Wow!! What a fantastic book. I could not turn the pages quickly enough and Celia is just as awful as I remember her from the Fixed Trilogy but I have to say I did love getting some insight into her character & motivations for "why" she was the way she was. I'm not sure how it happened but I even warmed to her a little in this one - who knew!!! Now Edward - well he is all sorts of dirty and evil. Like genuinely evil. They kind of deserve each other. That ending had my face like this😳
I absolutely CANNOT wait for book 2!!

I received an arc of this book.
Profile Image for Meredith Wild.
Author 51 books10k followers
February 27, 2020
The Slay series isn’t like anything I’ve read before. It’s a potent marriage of eroticism and suspense. The tug of war and outright war between Celia and Edward is addictive and fascinating. The characters are complex, the ride is wild, and by the last page you won’t know what hit you.
Profile Image for Amber Sanchez.
261 reviews35 followers
June 5, 2019
OH! MY! OH! MY! OH! MY!!! CELIA MAY HAVE MET HER MATCH! I was so excited to find out what direction Laurelin Paige would take with this loathsome woman! And now I can say: it was with good reason and so worth the wait! Seeing her in such a vulnerable state while keeping her conniving ways in tact made for such an engaging read. With Edward’s cold, self-serving, calculating and distant attributes, I was hopeful that Celia would truly get what karma was ready to serve up. But then I couldn’t tell if maybe Celia bit off more than she could chew. Laurelin makes you second guess your sanity by rooting for Celia. She makes you re-think your thoughts on these characters. Who is really the bad one here?!?! Oh my gosh! Read this! Don’t pass it up! Snatch it up and be prepared to devour it!
Profile Image for Melissa.
59 reviews
May 23, 2019
Review to come. All I can say right now is ALPHAHOLE ALERT!! Edward Fasbender is one sexy, billionaire alpha! You’re going to want to add Slay: Rivalry to your TBR and get your kindle ready for June 4th!! The Devil is coming!! 😍
Profile Image for Timitra.
1,423 reviews8 followers
September 21, 2019
Rated 4.5 Stars

Rivalry was awesome. It's a marriage of convenience of sorts with an enemies to lovers vibe. The main characters, Celia and Edward are devious, manipulative, enigmatic assholes and I loved them. I know I shouldn't but I do and cannot wait for more of their story especially after the way it ended. I highly recommend this compelling tale.

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Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
May 29, 2019

I don't even know why Edward cares about things, the man really couldn't give a crap, “parading around in next-to-nothing in front of my staff,” stab, “And flirting with anyone that has a ***k,” stab, “Will not be tolerated.” Edward is an ***, I thought Celia would have more backbone and lady balls, the ones she has none isn't worth one iota. I liked this book, but I really need to see Celia play Edward's game but better.
Profile Image for TheSassyNerdBlog.
953 reviews373 followers
May 31, 2019
I don't even know where to begin with this book, I have been lost for words for the last 24 hours. This story running crazy in my mind.... and that is not a bad thing. I love it when a book can gut-punch me hard, and leave me winded just like this one has.

Slay is the first book in the Slay Quartet series and what an amazing start to a series. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. This story is intense and insane, it blew my mind. Laurelin Paige in one of my top favorites and this series is the prime example of why. The author is ruthless.

This was one epic start to what I know is going to be an epic series. In book one we have two main characters Edward and Celia, who enter an arrangement where they go head to head and are at war with each other, but though they are constantly playing each other off, playing mind games and trying to defeat each other, the affection, passion, and heat between the two starts to boil over, and things get even more insane and intense. Both characters are strong willed, hard headed, alphas and won't go down without a fight.

Edward was... infuriating and arrogant in a way but Jesus Christ I loved him, he was delicious, he was ruthless and cutthroat. He was the type to be able to get exactly what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted. He was intimidating but that began to slip when Celia was in the picture, he had underestimated her, and she was basically the female version of him. She was just as alpha, just as cutthroat and she wasn't afraid to go for the kill. She could handle herself well and she gave back as much sh*t that was thrown her way. She was strong and I loved that.

This plot had my mind on overdrive, and it still has, especially with that ending. I need MORE! It was hot, sexy, intense and addictive! I cannot wait to see what this author has in store for us next. One thing I do know is that it is going to be just as epic as this!

5 Stars

August 19, 2021
It's about Celia!??

Yes! Been waiting for her redemption.


I did it. After a few failed tries, I finished the damn book.

Honestly, the first 50% was horrible. I hated what happened to Celia. The Celia I remembered was a manipulative bitch. The Celia in this was a Bella Swann. She just kept making things awkward for her and the hero. Oh and let's not forget how suddenly klutz she was in this.

Where is the bitchy heroine?

Then, literally the 'honeymoon phase' hits and man, I'm loving every single word that coming out from her mouth.

“There is one more thing, actually, Carla, dear.” I’d totally said her name wrong on purpose. "I’m not sure if Edward has told you or not, but we were married yesterday. Whatever ways you may have served my husband on these flights in the past will no longer be necessary, as I am his wife and can attend to his needs myself.”

All in all, first half I almost couldn't go through that. The second half, so good! The part on the island where she's seducing him for sex is just *chef's kiss*.
Profile Image for Weronika -  Little Steamy Reads.
636 reviews104 followers
May 30, 2019
Did the top player finally met her match?

I was very skeptical when I learned that Laurelin Paige would write Celia Werner’s story. Let's admit honestly- not many people who have read Fixed Trilogy can say that they liked her character. I literally told my friends that Laurelin would have to make a miracle, so I’d warm up to Celia. And I think we have a miracle in creating... because I did.

Laurelin showed precisely what drives Celia and why she is what she is. In addition, she left us in a small suspension, because it seems that our heroine hides a secret that affected her personality. Nothing is what it seems and that's why I don’t hate Celia any more like I used to. I even began to sympathize with her, because it seems that the new game she took on will not have the finale she predicted. And all this thanks to Edward Fasbender- a British multimillionaire, who’s her father’s rival and made her quite an interesting proposal... Everything indicates that this influential and calculating man will be her downfall. However, you can be sure that Celia Werner will not give up without a fight. After all, she's still the same scheming and determined woman we got to know.

I’m completely addicted to this story. The storyline pulled me in so deep that I couldn’t snap out after the end of this read. The battle of personalities in Slay is so fierce that it leaves really impressed and the strength of Celia and Edward's characters is so powerful that you feel like you’re taking part in the actual battle. Both of them have their own reasons why they got involved in this arrangement and I can’t wait to find out on which side the scales would tip. Their interactions are charged with an incredible sexual tension and it grows with every turned page and I’ve waited with bated breath for it to finally find an outlet. And believe me, it wasn’t simple sparks. It was a real detonation of the atomic bomb! Unrestrained lust was pouring off the pages! But regardless of their passion and desires, their relationship remains a transaction. But will they both benefit from it?

Big applause for Laurelin Paige! This author once again made me addicted to her words and I’m looking forward to continuation of this story. Slay: Rivalry was a completely captivating read that kept me in suspense and I crave more. MUST READ!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
264 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2019
Laurelin, you have slayed me with this book. How could you turn my hate for everything Celia. To a love and affection so deep, that I think out of all your books, I love her the most. How did you make me team Celia. Damn I wish for some good in her life. For someone to love him like only She deserves. She really need someone that will and can love her with all his love. I really hope Edward will prove to be that man. What a fantastic asshole he is. Who can stay away from him.
I think this is the Best you have ever written laurelin. I am so drawn in to this book. I think it needs a reread before long.
Profile Image for Ellen Gail.
866 reviews407 followers
July 16, 2022
Hope y’all are ready for a rant. Cause I fucking HATED this.

Also, spoilers below.

Long story short, two characters who badly need therapy decide instead to get married.

Meet Celia. She enjoys fucking married men and blackmailing them because of some emotional power play mess. She also trips at inopportune moments and is literally so desperate to get dicked down. Like to the point where she begs multiple times for sex and tries to taunt him into in.

I’m stupid and I need you to kiss me. I’m desperate and I need you inside me. So please quit being an obstinate jerk and give me something, I’m begging you. Please, please, please!

Like, he's told you multiple times he doesn't want sex with you. And his reasons for doing so are stupid, but also he doesn't owe you sex. ESPECIALLY because Celia's endgame is to goad him into having extra rough sex with her so she can run to the authorities and claim abuse.

What kind of a shitbird main character is that? I don't want to root for her. She sucks.

But it's not like her husband Edward is better. He marries her to fuck over a business competitor and has every intention of expecting her celibacy while his extramarital relationships continue as usual. He gets partial credit for making it clear that sex between him and Celia was never on the table, that much I can give him. He also doesn't want additional children since his children are grown - which is fair. But he uses the pullout method? Like dude. Just get a vasectomy. I know this "generic rich white alpha business mogul" can afford it.

He's also traditional to an almost comical extent, to the point of straight up telling her he will commit financial abuse.

I’m the man of the house, and as such, I believe my wife’s duty is to be by my side, first and foremost. It’s her duty to submit to my authority at all times. Her primary focus is on my needs, and in return, I will look after her needs. Certainly you are welcome to entertain yourself with hobbies and trivial pursuits, but I will not allow a wife of mine to have a career of her own.

Part of me wants to say that these two awful characters deserve each other. But I feel like their union is actively bad. It makes the universe sad.

I'm glad these characters don't exist in reality and I'm glad this book was free.
Profile Image for Dena.
477 reviews111 followers
June 4, 2019
Oh boy here we go! Queen of angst is bringing the suspense upon us once again. We have a whole new roller coaster of emotion ahead of us and it won’t be a doozy, let me tell you. Ms. Paige can redeem anyone, I know it’s hard to believe but I’m already feeling so sorry for Celia. I know I shouldn’t but I think she’s been going through her own demons she has had to battle.

Edward Fasbender is a mystery, an enigma. I am dying to know more about this man and his feeling towards Celia. He holds something over her where Celia submits herself, it’s this energy Edward has about himself that holds Celia captive. These two have me on the edge of my seat! I cannot wait to find out what happens next, I need more like I need to breathe. Get ready, just make sure you don’t have any plans for the day when you read this. Once you start you won’t be able to stop! 5 intense and mysterious stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 737 reviews

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