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Katrina Vega is set on one thing: finishing college. She’s determined not to let anything or anyone distract her, especially not hot brooding bikers. On her mission to stay focused, she doesn’t expect to be pulled into the fold of a motorcycle club, let alone into the arms of Alec "Mute" Stillwater.

Unable to keep her guard up, Katrina soon discovers that beneath the hard and rough exterior of a family she’s grown to care for, there’s also loyalty and passion she’s envious of. But falling for the club’s enforcer will not only threaten her plans but quite possibly her life.

194 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 3, 2018

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About the author

M.L. Nystrom

20 books367 followers
ML Nystrom had stories in her head since she was a child. All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery and anything else that captured her interest. A voracious reader, she’s spent many hours devouring books; therefore, she found it only fitting she should write a few herself!

ML has spent most of her life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn’t mean she’s pigeon-holed into one mold. She’s been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else she felt like exploring. As one of her students said to her once, "Life’s too short to ignore the opportunities." She has no intention of ever stopping... so welcome to her story world. She hopes you enjoy it!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 490 reviews
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
954 reviews1,796 followers
October 18, 2022
4 Under Their Protection Stars ⭐

Obviously I grabbed this book based on the gorgeous cover and the fact that our biker hero was mute. Yet what I didn't expect was the slow burn or the emotional depth between the two main characters. I was pleasantly surprised and read this in one sitting!

Katrina Vega has been going it alone for a long time. Living day by day while trying to complete her nursing degree; she's just hanging in there. When a bartending gig presents itself, it's too good to pass up even if it's for a bar owned by the Dragon Runner MC. Kat intends to do what she normally does. Head down and carry on.

As the Sergeant of Arms and club security, Mute believes that the new girl won't stick it out. He firmly believes that Kat isn't the right fit for a biker crowd. However, as the weeks progress he's realising how wrong he is and how infuriated he feels by his attraction to her.

He’d felt an urge to reach across the bar, pull her to him, and kiss her. All that sweet in her had to taste good, and he wanted some of it. Wanted it bad, but it wasn’t for him.

Even by trying to remain in the background, it's clear that this MC Club have embraced Kat. And it seems that a little love triangle has formed without her noticing. Although Kat may only have eyes for Mute, his hot and cold behaviour is just confusing. Except when she is in dire need of help and Mute is the first to go over and above for her.

I know you think your invisible cause you said so. I see you try to stay out of the light but yours shines too bright. When I’m with you I want to be that guy.

What's not to adore about two flawed characters in desperate need of love? This story effortlessly played out without too many over the top distractions. Where Kat was the embodiment of goodness, Mute was a tarnished hero. Both had tough beginnings, so it was heartwarming watching them fall in love.
Profile Image for Fatimama.
1,017 reviews64 followers
March 6, 2018
H slept with ow after feeling attraction towards the heroine. The heroine saw the H banging a club bunny, it was supposedly the H’s way of pushing her away coz she’s too good for him. Blech.

Also, yucky point that the h was turned on.

“This is why I was shocked to feel so turned on as I gazed at the sight below. I wanted it to be me there on the pool table, him holding me down, driving into me, making me come”

“When he spotted Kat watching, he was thrilled that perhaps she would see how much she didn’t belong in club life, almost happy.
Fuck! he thought again. If he was so happy about it, then why did he feel like shit?”

I honestly don’t know why H didn’t learn sign language. Also, it was irritating how the heroine supposedly understood the H without texting or sign language, she was imagining conversations in her head. could see the potential of the series and I could ignore or skim the irritating parts.

No cheating after they officially got together
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,142 reviews34.8k followers
August 5, 2021
3 stars

I was in the mood for a MC romance so when I found this one and heard the hero was mute, I knew I wanted to read it. I enjoyed the characters so much. Kat and Mute were both fantastic and I loved some of the side characters as well. The story itself was just okay, but I would try this author again. I feel like this MC series could have a lot of potential!
Profile Image for Bree Lauren.
672 reviews2,194 followers
March 22, 2021
♡ motorcycle club romance
♡ mute/loner hero
♡ hate to love
♡ protective hero

I honestly had been questioning whether motorcycle club romances were for me, but this book has proven that, yes, they are if done well.

I couldn't NOT read this book, I mean, one of my all-time favorite heroes in romance is Archer who is a mute/loner hero, so when I discovered this book, I knew I had to read it.

Note: Mute is nothing like Archer. Even though they are both grumpy, Mute definitely is much more of a bad boy than Archer is. He also is much more experience than Archer is.

There is a little bit of a love triangle aspect in this, which I personally love, and it makes me want to read the next book ASAP!

My only gripe about this one is how Mute and Katrina communicated. She randomly could practically read his mind, which I thought was kind of weird, but it was easily overlooked.

Mute also gave me a few Zsadist vibes, too, though he wasn't nearly as broken as Z is.

Anyway, if you're looking for a really good MC romance, definitely check this one out!

Rep: mute hero, side character with Parkinson’s

Triggers: violence, nicotine addiction, hospitalization for series injury
Profile Image for Kristina.
423 reviews132 followers
Shelved as 'dnr'
March 9, 2018
"I know he’s had a few other tastes over the years, but I’m still the one he comes home to every night, and will be until we leave this earth.”

That from the pathetic older woman who's the old lady of the club president.

Load of crap! Sure you stupid fool, he gets to screw around and still have you to be his obedient doormat little wifey. Oh, that's really something to be proud of.
Profile Image for CaRo.
177 reviews30 followers
July 19, 2018
Loved this book. Very good writing style and loveable characters.

Mute was just amazing through his non speaking he was imperfect but perfect. I always fall for imperfection in bookcharacters cause that is all of us 💜
Profile Image for Jos.
1,729 reviews134 followers
March 5, 2018
3 Stars.....Good

Slightly Spoilerish opinion below!

OK, so there were a few things in this story that I did not like and yet there were parts that I did like. Honestly, I am torn, lol, enjoyed it and yet felt like the storyline was a bit "immature" at times. The fact that she was turned on seeing him with OW was a HUGE turn-off for me. For me, I think that was a big reason of why I felt myself unable to connect with the h at times, I don't know!

Always, it was an ok-good read for me!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,242 reviews318 followers
February 21, 2022
Mute is a short MC romance read of Alec (Mute) and Katrina (Kat). Kat is a former foster kid scraping her way through nursing school, and Mute is the Sergent at Arms of the Dragon Runner’s MC. (he also can’t speak from having his vocal cords severed during a fight)

Both main characters were likable enough. I believe it comes with a trigger warning, but if you’re familiar with the genre you should be fine. (It’s not dark or overly violent.) This is the first book, so there’re several secondary characters thrown into the mix. The series might be a spinoff because I felt like I was supposed to be familiar with the older members of the club, but I never felt lost.

I had a couple issues, the first was the execution of the plot. I felt like the author had an idea but wasn’t sure how to get us there, so it read as a series of random events strung together. SPOILERS

For example, Mute likes Kat and Kat likes Mute, BUT Mute doesn’t think he’s good enough, so he pushes her away. Kat realizes he’s not into her and starts distancing/protecting herself. This goes on for quite a while with each of them just doing stuff. There’s not really feelings of angst or betrayal, neither is dying inside with longing. Then, around 65%, out of the blue

He looked at me with a depth I hadn’t seen in him before, and my breath left me. Someday, I would look back and know this was the turning point. This was when I, Katrina Vega, was silently claimed by a Dragon Runner called Mute. I became his woman, his old lady then and there, just like a puzzle piece fitting into another one, perfectly locked into place.

I was happy they got together with a good chunk of the book left (I hate it when they don’t couple up until the end), but I needed some sort of development/lead up/explanation to get there. Why suddenly does Mute feel worthy? Why is Kat now open to letting someone in?

Also, there was all this randomness with the characters that kept distracting me.

🤯 If Mute is Native American, why does he have a full mustache and a Jared Leto lookalike on the cover?
🤯 How does he grow and shrink in size (like the Hulk) when he’s angry?
🤯 How are they communicating telepathically? She gets entire conversations from facial expression and head tilts.
🤯 Why does Mute suddenly become unintelligent when he writes the letter? He doesn’t act like he’s dim; their telepathic conversations are normal; his texts are mostly normal; his typed response during Church is normal, but he sends her a letter that looks like an 9yr old wrote random parts of it. (misspelling loud goes way beyond only having a HS diploma)
🤯Why do the baddies giggle and speak like hillbillies?
🤯 Why is the epilogue from Betsy’s POV? It would’ve been more emotional coming from Mute and Kit.

Bottom Line- I liked the bones; having a nonverbal male was unique. I love the brotherhood of MC books. I just needed more. And I kept getting distracted by all the little illogical things.

Safety- He has sex with a club bunny and the h sees it. This is while they are both crushing but haven’t even really spoken. (no relationship at all) It doesn’t create any drama, the OW is never an issue and the h isn’t heartbroken. They never even discuss it. (I think that might be why he said he was an alcoholik (sic) in the letter… to give us a reason) As someone ok with OW shenanigans, I thought this was a major loss of potential angsty goodness and drama.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews852 followers
May 20, 2020
Katrina has not had the best life, she grew up in the foster system and just wants to make something of her life, she’s succeeded in putting herself through nursing school and just has one year left until she receives her degree. Desperate for a job she accepts one at the local biker bar, she is used to making herself invisible to stay safe and that’s what her plans are for staying safe while working. Mute blows that plan to smithereens, he doesn’t like her but is always there watching her, giving her a hard time. Both of them are drawn to each other but are also fighting their feelings. Witnessing how they fight their demons and come together is a pleasure to read. MUTE has it’s share of drama, laughs and emotional moments and while the book is about Mute and Katrina, it also is about the entire Dragon Runners MC so readers get not only a love story but a background story about the drama that is going on with the club and outside forces.

MUTE is a perfect way to spend a couple of hours in another world and relaxing from the stress of everyday life.

Kindle Unlimited
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,051 reviews361 followers
December 26, 2022
First of all, while that cover isn’t bad, it’s not anywhere near how Mute is described in the book, so ding.

Secondly, the writing is basic. No real depth. Ding.

Thirdly, @37% Kat catches Mute banging one of the biker bunnies on the pool table, he’s clearly letting out his frustration, but they clearly have a thing for each other, so I consider that cheating. And here I thought Mute was a standup guy.

DING fucking DING!

DNF 37%
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,297 reviews297 followers
June 2, 2022
2.5 stars

Mute is book 1 in the Dragon Runners series. I have seen this book recommend many times on GR and FB, so I decided to finally give it a try. Unfortunately, it just wasn't for me. For starters is short but it's so boring that it took forever to read. It's definitely MC lite with the typical H with a club bunny and the h watching and getting turned on added in. Also, the President of the club cheating on his woman over the years and she was ok with it since he comes home was also not for me. Mute and Kat were ok, I didn't love either and felt they were bland together. Overall, this one didn't work for me and at this time I have no plans of reading anymore from this author.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
304 reviews36 followers
March 20, 2018
2 stars

The premise of the two MCs was unique and had potential, thus my reasoning for finishing the book. I've always got a soft spot for the lonely yet strong heroine and the tortured hero. Mute is well, mute after an accident years ago that shredded his vocal chords. Katrina has gone it alone her whole life and takes on job in a biker bar for some extra cash for college. Although he cannot speak, these two are pulled together. It's definitely far-fetched but sometimes that just works for me.

So at the end of the day, as much as I appreciate a new MC series, this just didn't have anything special. It hit about every MC cliche there is - OW until they get together, total a**hole yet possessive alpha, standard MC happenings, etc. It was nothing new and the writing wasn't that great.

The actual writing itself seemed....very juvenile? IDK, it felt basic and simplistic. I still wanted to ride out the story of the MCs but that's about it. I do not plan to continue on in this series.
Profile Image for Mysti.
1,497 reviews83 followers
May 13, 2024
Can’t ask for more in this life. Riding free. Riding clean. Riding with a good woman at your back.

Kat (26) has been on her own all her life. She's on her last dime, working herself to death trying to get through nursing school. She strikes up a friendship with Betsey (the queen bee of the Dragon Runner's MC), who offers Kat a waitressing job at her biker bar. Mute (36) earned his club name after he had his throat slit, causing too much damage to his vocal cords. Mute isn't an educated man and he was once betrayed by a woman he loved. He doesn't think the new waitress is tough enough to survive a biker bar and he's damn pissed that he's attracted to her.

Biker stuff happens. They finally end up together at the 70% mark. It's SUPER sweet. Eventually a HEA, which plays out in the next few books. OH - the epilogue in this one is from Betsey's POV and I was NOT happy with that. Like I said - you get a little more of Mute & Kat in the next book.

My biggest issues:
The sex is PG-13, at best, and there isn't enough of it. You get one time and it happens at the 75% mark. Plus, they don't even become a couple until then. So the majority of the book is them NOT being together. I don't like that. Where's the fun in a romance if the couple is never together??? Plus, he has sex with someone else at the beginning of the book and Kat sees it. It broke my heart for her. They weren't together, weren't even dating or talking. But it still hurt.

The plus side, Mute is precious. When he does admit his feelings for her, my heart literally melted. Like I said, Mute isn't educated. He misspells words and my favorite line from Kat is: The grammar was rough, the spelling was creative, and punctuation was only hinted at.
I died laughing. I'm going to use that line from now on.

The book wasn't that long, but I really did fall in love with the characters. Plus, I read it all with no skimming. That's SUPER rare for me.

I'm on book 3 of this series. I have the exact same issues with book 2 as I do with this one (no sex, couple not together until the end, and the MMC having sex with someone other than the FMC). That said - I STILL like the characters.

If you want PG-13 MC book, this is good.

Things you might want to know if you continue the series.
1. Super slow burns. Couples don't actually couple up until around the 70-ish% mark, if that.
2. Boring sex. It's super sweet, but it's also PG-13 and doesn't happen until the very LAST part of the book. And they always use condoms or pull out. Yuck.
3. All of the men (with the exception of Blue) have some sort of sex with another woman prior to hooking up with the FMC. Why put it in?? It usually just pisses people off.
4. All of the characters (with the exception of Kat) were previously married.
Profile Image for Doris.
2,851 reviews113 followers
March 4, 2018
I just found a new MC series to follow. The Dragon Runners have gone legit trying to make it by doing things the legal way. This is a tight knit family with the Prez’s wife, Betsey the real leader who stands by her man. Brick runs a tight ship but there is someone who is trying to sabotage the club.

Betsey brought Kat into the club family because she seen something in her that made her want to reach out and help this girl by giving her a job at the club owned bar. The story of Mute and Kat is one of struggles. Kat seems to be the only woman who can reach Mute in his closed off world.

Mute is the beginning of this series and if the rest are like this one I will be waiting anxiously to see what comes next for the Dragon Runners MC.

I received this book as an ARC for a freely given and honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy.
684 reviews22 followers
March 1, 2018
Fabulous start to a new MC series! Mute was intriguing from the start. I had trouble putting it down, I was sucked into the Dragon Runners world.

Mute and Kat were a great couple. They had chemistry from the start, Mute, his name saying it all, was a sexy mystery for Kat. I really enjoyed Kat. She was strong, and determined to finish nursing school.

Mute was an intense read, it was gritty and embodied everything I'm looking for in a MC romance. Sexy men, strong ladies, and an exciting plot. It was paced well, although the ending felt a little abrupt. I'm so excited to read more from the Dragon Runners! I would recommend this to any MC loving reader.

ARC widget photo ARC1.png
Profile Image for Rain.
1,981 reviews28 followers
July 10, 2021
This was ok. Mute was a wonderful character and he deserved so much more time than this story allowed him.

I get that cheating is a big thing in the MC genre, but it always makes me wonder if these characters have any self-respect. After Brick’s old lady tells Kat how her man gets some on the side but he still comes home to her every night, I knew it was going to be that kind of story. Can old ladies cheat on the side as well, is that allowed?

Mute doesn’t exactly cheat on her, but she does watch him f*ck a club bunny before they are official. I could have lived without that scene.

The letter he writes to Kat with all those spelling and punctuation errors melted my heart. I needed more Mute, less MC bs.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,164 reviews33 followers
October 21, 2021
I'm quite relieved that the wrong use of your and you're was intentional and not a result of bad editing! Seriously, I just can't stand it! It was a small detail in Alec's personality, I would have preferred if didn't exist though... Back to the story! Kat and Alec's story was a classic motorcycle romance, very enjoyable and not an insta-love kinda story. It had violence, blood, death and a little bit steam. I'm debating if I'm going to read the next one in the series or not!
Profile Image for Ali.
526 reviews
September 8, 2018
3 stars.
Interesting take. But I can't say that characters got me to their size. I liked Katrina. She is your real gal. Hard life, yet kind heart.
Mute though just left me indifferent.
Overall was entertaining. I might check second book in the series.
Profile Image for Reader.
1,193 reviews90 followers
May 24, 2018
Loved this story, I’m a big fan of the MC genre and I knew I was onto a winner after reading the first few pages. Loved the two main characters Mute and Kat, the supporting cast were great too. I’m Eagerly waiting for the next book.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,846 reviews1,458 followers
March 2, 2018
I love MC novels and the inherent brotherhood and sisterhood involved. I really enjoyed Mute by ML Nystrom for this reason as it was heartwarming to see a group of people loyal to each other and have each other's backs. In this story I also could not get enough of Mute and Kat together. He was broody and brusque and everything I love in an alpha male and she was strong and sassy and a perfect match to him.

When Kat Vega is in a bind with little to no money and with a job on its way out, she finds herself in the perfect place and gets hired as a bartender in a local Motorcycle club's bar. She then finds herself forming friendships with its members and making a home for herself in this crew. Except for one man: Mute, the silent enforcer for the Dragon Runners and an all around intimidating man. But what happens when she finds herself drawn to this mysterious biker? Will he be able to protect her when danger rears its ugly head?

Gah! I thought this was a great start to the series. It was on the shorter side and somewhat rushed but I enjoyed the push and pull between Kat and Mute and cant wait for Stud's story. 4 Stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Meg H.
78 reviews46 followers
January 22, 2022
Good quick read 140 pages MC mute main character. I like how much and how hard he loves :)
Profile Image for Julia Red Hatter Book Blog.
644 reviews32 followers
February 22, 2018
Wait!? It's over? Please say it isn't over! Ahh. Mute is every single thing I love about MC romance. It's raw, gritty, sweet. It's everything. I really didn't want to leave it. This will be one I read over and over and over again! Mute is everything. I honestly am speechless when it comes to him. He's so perfect it's not even funny. He's rough and mean, yet he's also sweet and protective. He tried his hardest to push Kat away, it just didn't work. Both were drawn to each other like a moth to a flame.

Kat is such a strong woman. She's had a crap life and is doing everything she can go make it better. Mute is the same. He's had a crap life and now is content to just take care of everyone. Together they shine brighter than a star. The man who can't speak and the woman who wishes she were invisible. Gah. I can't fully explain how much I loved this book. It just feels different from the run of the mill MC books out now, a good different. The best kind of different. The writing was just seamless. The characters, probably the best MC family I've read yet. Betsey, Mackie, Brick, Stud. Just to name a few of my favorites. All had a roll in making sure Mute and Kat crushed the walls around each other and generally making everyone happy.

I say it a second time, or third, I LOVED this book! I want to see more with the family, and at the same time I want to flip back to page one and start Mute all over again. Every girl is going to want a Mute, I'm claiming this hard man as my own.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,526 reviews109 followers
May 7, 2018
This was one was not bad or amazing. I still enjoyed it. I felt the ending was a bit weak. I paid $2.99 for it and have no regrets, but it was just missing that something for me to give it four stars.

It is written in dual POV and I thought it was done well. I am not a fan of dual POVs so I am always critical of that writing style.

I liked both MCs. I enjoyed the secondary characters. I liked the plot, but there was just something that fell short for me. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read Stud's story.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,187 reviews90 followers
July 22, 2018
Do you ever just feel like not writing a review for a book? I'm really not in the mood to LOL.

This was okay. Kinda insta-lovey and unbelievable. Kat and Mute/Alex literally just happened and okay it was kinda cute but also, wtf? Kat knows him for a few months and somehow can develop an entire sentence of what he apparently is thinking based on him raising an eyebrow.

I just??? Blah. It was rushed and could've been much better in my opinion. Maybe because I read Kristen Ashley's MC books (which I loved) that I'm overly critical? Idk.

I think that this was worth trying but I don't think I like anyone enough to continue the series.
Profile Image for K.
307 reviews72 followers
May 24, 2024
4.5 stars! Loved this story, the cover really throws me off. That’s not how the MMC is described, that looks more like Jared Leto 😂, not a big Native American MC man.
Profile Image for Maria11.
1,926 reviews38 followers
July 14, 2018
3 1/2

There really needs to be a rating with a half star!

Good read, interesting characters. I didn’t like that the author made Mute seem simple in some ways. The letter he wrote was beautiful, but the errors the author wrote in didn’t match the words said.

Will read the next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 490 reviews

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