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Great Chefs #1

Сладостта на живота

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Притежателят на прочутата хотелска верига „Кокърн Хаус“ Блейк Кокърн винаги се е гордял с добрия и вкус. Точно затова избира талантливата Самър Линдън да преобрази кухнята на един от най-хубавите му хотели. Самър Линдън много обича сладостите на живота, ала прекрасно съзнава, че ако си позволи да мечтае за привлекателния си шеф, това може да се окаже опасно за душевния й мир. Но как да се подложи на диета, изключваща Блейк Кокърн, когато открива, че е невъзможно да му устои?


First published October 1, 1985

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,772 books53.6k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,027 reviews577 followers
December 25, 2020
2nd re-read 24/12/2020

3 ❤️🤔❤️ ⭐️s❣️

The more books I read, the more my expectations change.
I was very excited when I read this story a few years ago.
Today, I still like it but the thrill is gone.

Summer, a very well known dessert chef, was hired by Blake in order to assist in changing the image of his Philadelphia hotel and their romantic journey began with plenty of sparks!

Although it was a good romance read, the heroine had an arrogant attitude that was slightly annoying and she was not a character easy to be approached.
Also, the writing style was too descriptive and mainly narrative that after a point it became a little tiring.

For a book published 35 years ago it was a nice, yet moderate, romance read.


1st read 18/07/2018

4 💖💖💖💖 🍰 🏨🌟🌟🌟🌟s❣️
Profile Image for Marisa Sauco.
303 reviews297 followers
June 11, 2016
¡Me encantó! ¡Es hermosa! ❤
Leer a Nora Roberts SIEMPRE es un PLACER. Conocedora, como pocas, del género romántico, tiene esa magia especial que hace que adores, irremediablemente, todas sus historias de amor y a todos sus personajes.
Su pluma es exquisita, y sus historias te seducen y te atrapan desde sus primeras páginas.
Sin duda, es una de mis escritoras favoritas. ❤
Profile Image for Mara.
1,798 reviews4,123 followers
July 31, 2021
This felt so soapy and delicious, I had a great time in it. It felt like we got an inside look into what a common fantasy of the "good life" for a working woman in the 80s was, and I enjoyed the stylized pretension, as well as a remarkably mellow leading man for an 80s category
Profile Image for Zubee.
666 reviews28 followers
May 18, 2019
I just didn't get why h's mum and H's dad's affair was highlighted at the end ... all it did was emphasize that H's dad was a POS who, on a 2 week separation from his wife of many years (H was a teenager) hooked up with h's mum ... and then went back to his wife ...
Far as I know, all it did was highlight why h was right to mistrust relationships and H, who was really like his dad could be expected to take a similar side trip in a decade of marriage or so ...
Profile Image for Erika.
113 reviews221 followers
December 18, 2017
"But it's your kitchen—and it'll be my kitchen—that's my main concern right now. With the amount of money you're paying me, you should be grateful I
understand the priorities. I'll have a tentative list of changes and new equipment you'll have to order on Monday."
"Fine. We'll go to dinner Saturday."
Summer paused at the door, turned and shook her head. "No."
"I'll pick you up at eight."
It was rare that anyone ignored a statement she'd made. Rather than temper, Summer tried the patient tone she remembered from her governess. It was bound to infuriate. "Blake, I said no."
If he was infuriated, he concealed it well. Blake merely smiled at her—as one might smile at a fussy child. Two, it seemed, could play the same game with equal skill. "Eight," he repeated and sat on the corner of his desk. "We can even have tacos if you like."
"You're very stubborn."
"Yes, I am."
"So am I."
"Yes, you are. I'll see you Saturday."

I've read this for about.. probably 4 or 5 times. Yes, that's how much I like it. From all the books in Language of Love series by Nora Roberts, Summer Desserts was one of the best. The story was light but not dull, the characters were strong and realistic, and the romance... whew.. HOT! double SPICY! triple SWEET!

Her name is Summer Lyndon, a beautiful top chef, temperamental, and perfectionist. She came from divorced family. Her mother is a famous actress who adores love so much and never get tired for searching the right man. Summer is one of the very best chef, she likes to work independently. She accepts great offers from around the world, travels from one country to another. She never wanted to stay.

Introducing Blake Cocharan III, an attractive tycoon. He came from a happy family. Blake is cool, calm, and confident (O yeah, kind of man of my dreams!). One of his hotel's restaurant needs an improvement, which is why he's searching for the very best chef. It leads him to Summer. He knew it won't be easy to make her accept the job. But Blake never accepts no for an answer.

So they meet, sparks fly, romance begins, and it's a rollercoaster ride. Blake is so calm while Summer is so temperamental. He's just what she needs. They suits perfectly. I loved the eclair thing, the movie thing, the kitchen accident thing, oh I loved them a lot!
I loved how Nora Roberts packed Blake and Summer story with their parents issues. So emotional. It had become more interesting because of this one thing, . But it didn't make this story boring or overwhelming. Everthing just fitted perfectly. I didn't have a thing to complain with this book.

Summer Desserts was not just an enjoyable read, it was a heartwarming romance. Lots of humors and sweetness.. Read it, and you'll understand the huge amounts of sweetness. Touched my heart.
It's my favorite Nora Roberts novel.

"I understand you." Blake linked his fingers with hers. "I've been making a study of you almost from the first instant we met."
The way he said it had her pulse fluctuating. "I'm not an easy person to understand."
"I don't always understand."
"Let me tell you about Summer Lyndon, then." He measured her hand against his before he linked their fingers. "She's a beautiful woman, a bit spoiled from her upbringing and her own success." He smiled when her brows drew together. "She's strong and opinionated and intensely feminine without being calculating. She's ambitious and dedicated with a skill for concentration that reminded me once of a surgeon. And she's romantic, though she'll claim otherwise."
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,975 reviews64 followers
July 8, 2018
Summer Desserts is about two people who thought they never find someone to love. Summer Lyndon was a cordon bleu chef, and she runs her own catering business in Philadelphia and likes to work on her own. Blake Cocharan 111 wants her to run the kitchen at his boutique hotel Cocharan House. Sparkes flew between them because Summer does not take orders well and Blake like to give orders and for people to obey. However, finally, Summer agree to Blake's terms. The readers of Summer Desserts will continue to follow Summer and Blake to see what happens.

I enjoyed reading Summer Desserts. I love the way Nora Roberts portrays her characters and the way they interact with each other. At times while reading Summer Desserts, I had to laugh with what the characters were getting up too. Summer Desserts was well written and researched by Nora Roberts. I like the way, Nora Roberts, describes her settings and plot that help me to understand the culture of Philadelphia.

The readers of Summer Desserts will learn about running a small catering business. Also, the readers of Summer Desserts will start to understand the problems and work involved in running a hotel kitchen.

I recommend this book.

Profile Image for Lauren.
2,396 reviews160 followers
July 7, 2023
Summer Desserts
3.5 Stars

As part of my plan to read Nora's backlist, we return to the 198os. Celebrated dessert chef, Summer Lyndon, is offered a job revamping the kitchen at the flagship Cocharan House hotel in Philadelphia. As someone who is wary of any form of permanence, whether in a professional setting or a personal relationship, Summer is reluctant to take the position, but hotel magnate, Blake Cocharan, is determined to have the best and is not above using manipulation and seduction to get it.

As is typical of Nora's writing when she focuses on a particular profession, there are quite a few passages focused on cook and food. Thankfully, this is not as excessive as in some of her other books, such as the Bride Quartet, where it more or less takes over the plot. Here it mainly serves as background and adds to Summer's characterization.

In terms of the romance, Blake is not as possessive and domineering as some of Nora's earlier heroes although he does have a manipulative streak, which ultimately gets him into hot water with Summer. Summer herself is an appealing heroine although her tendency toward running hot and cold is tiresome at times.

There are some excellent secondary characters, such as Summer's mother and the uncooperative head chef. Blake's parents are also compelling, and the ending is delightful.

The sequel in this duology focuses on Summer's Italian friend, Carlo Franconi who comes across as a ladies' man. It will be interesting to see him meet his match.
Profile Image for Ronna.
515 reviews61 followers
August 4, 2014
This book was not for me. I was hoping for a light romance with a little substance, but it was more a lust for food and lustful romance. More sex than loving relationships. Though if that is what you're looking for, the book was written fairly well.

Summer Lyndon, super chef who commands respect and large payments for her delectable treats, is hired by Blake Cocharan, successful hotel owner, to super class his hotel restaurants. The attraction is immediate and goes through some issues before all live happily ever after.

The best part was the narration of the book on audio. Great accents.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,195 reviews
September 7, 2020
3.5 - Yes, it certainly is evident that this is an old book. I would have rated it higher, however, except I did not particularly like the two main characters. Even a not particularly outstanding Nora Roberts book is still better than no Nora Roberts. And, this was one I haven't read before. I can't have that! Gotta read them all! ;)
Profile Image for Cassandra Doon.
Author 18 books44 followers
June 11, 2023

My beautiful late nan owned every single one of Nora’s books.
So when she moved in with us for her last few years we spent the time reading our way through every single one together.
Granted they are not the type of books I like to read, but they were still really good and sweet.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,164 reviews33 followers
May 9, 2023
4.5 Pepperoni Pizza Stars

I enjoyed reading Blake and Summer's story. Kinda sweet and cute story to read! She had a junk-food addiction for sure!
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews574 followers
February 20, 2012
This book was full of food analogies which is only fair considering that the heroine was a famous dessert chef, the hero a businessman that wanted her to work for his business. I didn't really enjoy the romance much, the heroine didn't believe in romance only in her work while the hero fell for quick and strategized to win her over.
Profile Image for KathyB .
1,533 reviews55 followers
January 4, 2019
I liked the hero in this one, and the food talk was fun, other than that it was dated. Written in 1985, it didn't really hold up. Definitely Nora Roberts light, not one of her best.

2.75 Stars
Profile Image for Cecelia.
Author 42 books180 followers
September 17, 2020
I enjoyed this book. Loved reading about the desserts and about being a pastry chef. Sounds like a hard, but dreamy job.
Profile Image for Liba.
432 reviews9 followers
August 17, 2019
Fun book.
Summer is a cordon bleu chef, specializing in desserts. She is British-French.
Blake Cocharan III is current head of Cocharan Hotels chain. He wants Summer as the new manager of his Philadelphia hotel kitchen . Summer wants to remodel and renovate it and clashes with the current chef, Max .
Summer and Blake are attracted to each other. They become lovers.But... Summer doesn't believe in marriage. Her British father is married to his second wife. Her mother, the French actress Monique Dubois, has just married her 4th husband, a Hollywood director.
To complicate the matters, 20 years ago Monique had a fling with Blake II (B.C.) and both still remember it..
One of Summer's friends is Italian chef Carlo Franconi (hero of Lessons Learned, the second book in Table for Two duet ) .Both hate a French chef Le Pointe / Le Bare . Carlo urges Summer to marry for love .
And then comes the party Monique organizes , inviting the Cocharans .
The book was published in 1985 and is a bit outdated for the 21st century : no internet, no e-mails (only letters, newspaper clippings and telegrams ).Still, the story works today.
Summer has some strange tastes: champagne and junk food. Blake doesn't understand that. She doesn't cook for herself , preferring take- out.
No epiliogue.

Profile Image for Vickie.
1,462 reviews3 followers
April 24, 2020
Summer Lyndon is a Cordon Bleu famous dessert chef who is hired by Blake Cocharan to transform his restaurant in his Philadelphia flagship hotel. They meet; they argue; they cooperate; they fall in bed; they argue; they cooperate; they fall in bed; they fall in love. The end. Meh! I'm finding that Nora Roberts pre-21st century books do not hold up well with time.

Go Cards! L1C4!!

Profile Image for Barbara Heintz.
65 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2019
This story is an old one that I've read many times. This time it was on audio.
Summer is a renown, master chef, Blake is in control of a major world-wide hotel chain. Both are demanding in their careers and their love-life. Both are arrogant, deservedly so. Blake hires her to revamp his Philadelphia hotel kitchen. She is demanding of design and equipment. He gives her everything she wants. He felt sparks fly the moment he saw her work.
Some may not like this as it's not what Nora Roberts is currently writing, but for me it's nice to go home again. It's a quick fun read.
Profile Image for Liz.
671 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2023
2.5 I got this in a box of books from my mom and realized I had only ever read from Queen Nora when she’s writing as J.D. Robb, which I love. From the start of this, it just felt like a comfort book. Her writing style is so distinct and recognizable. This was cute and cozy but ultimately very surface level feeling and I struggled with the lack of depth in the relationship.
143 reviews
June 10, 2020
A typical Nora Roberts story with predictable ending, but exactly the sorbet I needed. A good, quick-read perfect for a lazy summer day dedicated to lounging and reading.
Profile Image for Maria Jose.
232 reviews11 followers
August 27, 2020
Admiró la capacidad de Nora Roberts, para transmitir lo que pasa. En particular con este libro me hizo desear comer una deliciosa pizza. La historia de Summer y Blake me gustó.
Profile Image for Emily.
132 reviews20 followers
September 24, 2020
Summer London is a cordon bleu chef, and Blake Cochran is determined to have her as the chef in residence at his flagship hotel. Blake is a pretty typical success 80's male haling from a family dynasty of hotel/resort owners. Summer is a career woman who has reached an amazing level of success in her field where she basically gets to choose what jobs she wants to take. Summer has witnessed her parents fail at love and marriage again and again while Blake's parents are in a stable and loving marriage. This is a bit of an opposites attract with Blake having to convince Summer that love and commitment are possible. The food descriptions in the book are amazing and after reading it I really, really wanted a piece of cake! Plus this book introduces us to Summer's best friend, Carlo Franconi, who we get to see fall in love in Lessons Learned. To hear a full discussion of Summer Desserts listen to Season 1, Ep. #17 "Nora Roberts' Great Chefs Duo: Summer Desserts and Lessons Learned" of Romancing the Shelf, a Nora Roberts podcast: https://romancingtheshelf.libsyn.com/
Profile Image for Melodie.
592 reviews73 followers
April 17, 2014
A famous,temperamental pastry chef and a hotel tycoon square off in one of Nora Roberts' romances from the 1990's.Summer Lyndon is an artist. Her edible works of art are coveted the world over.Blake Cocharan, scion of a hotel dynasty is very used to getting exactly what he wants. And he wants Summer Lyndon. Summer can admit to an attraction to Blake, but long term commitment to a personal relationship is more than she can stomach.So the inevitable game ensues.
There are very few authors that can write a romance like Nora Roberts.Easy to read, characters that are often larger than life,plots written in such a way that you just have to know how it turns out.Love scenes are just shy of embarrassingly explicit.I love this author.Most of what I am familiar with are her trilogies. But her light stand alones are very nice.I would watch an updated version of this on Lifetime!
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