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Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки

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Аби е самотна майка, която обича семейството си повече от всичко на света. Помага на близките си и се е посветила на отглеждането на десетгодишния си син Макс. Работи на две места, за да ги издържа, и оставя мечтата си да стане интериорен дизайнер на заден план. Неочаквано една приятелка предлага на Аби малка поръчка за декоратор и тя не се колебае да поеме задачата. Колко ли трудна може да е тя?

Ник Синклер иска да украси имението си, преди семейството му да пристигне за коледните празници, като парите не са проблем. Единственото му условие е да не го разсейват в работата му – дори и по Коледа.

Аби пристига в огромното имение с предчувствие, че се е нагърбила с непосилна задача. Къщата е почти празна, нуждае се от много повече от една коледна украса. А след като се запознава с мрачния и вечно зает Ник, тя разбира, че наистина е загазила...

Красива история за преследването на мечтите, за магията на Коледа, за моментите, прекарани със семейството... И за тръпката да се влюбиш под светлината на коледните лампички.

320 pages, Paperback

First published October 16, 2015

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About the author

Jenny Hale

26 books1,571 followers
Jenny Hale is a USA Today, Amazon, and international bestselling author of romantic contemporary fiction. Her books have sold worldwide, have been translated into multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies.

She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now.” Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family.

Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing, or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.

Visit www.itsjennyhale.com to get my latest book! You can also chat with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jennyhaleauthor, Twitter: www.twitter.com/jhaleauthor, and IG: www.instagram.com/jhaleauthor

See all my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jenny-Hale/e/B...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 469 reviews
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
677 reviews774 followers
December 6, 2019
On a beautiful cover of this beautiful book, it is written "A feel good Christmas romance".
Let me tell you, they didn't lie!
I felt really, really good while reading this novel.
I played myself soft Christmas music in the background and it was the best experience.


The story follows two main characters: Abbey and Nick.

Abbey is a single mother who works as nurse. She has a passion for interial design and she daydreams about becoming a full time designer. She wants to provide the best possible life for her son. She is unselfish and has a good heart.

Nick is a workoholic with a teriffic memory. Did I mention he is a multimillioner who hired Abbey to design his house? Plus, he is also a good person with a big heart.

Now when I think about it, every single character in this book is a good person.
I'm not too sure what to think about that...

Max is Abbey's son. He has a great role in this novel and I appreciate it. He is not in the story just for sake of being, and yet he is not annoying with his presence.

And now, let me intoduce you my favorite character: Señor Freckles


who is so irrelevant for the plot but, at the same time, he is that special ingredient this story needed.

The novel is written in third person.
It is a clean romance and, in my opinion, it could fit perfectly in the family prose genre.

If you're thinking about whether or not you should read it, I'd say: just do it!
Grab yourself a cup of hot chocolate, coffee, tea, boiled wine, boiled beer or whatever it is you like to drink when it's cold outside, cover yourself with blanket and just... enjoy the ride.


Note: I got this book for free via Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Bookouture!

Read this and more reviews on my blog https://bookdustmagic.com
Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,138 reviews1,766 followers
November 6, 2018
My Rating:


Favorite Quote:

“Your happiness and security is all I want for Christmas.” The man who had everything had found something to ask for this Christmas.

My Review:

This was a sweet and thoughtful read and one of those rare books that I could thoroughly appreciate yet was chaste enough that I could recommend to my elderly mother’s book club. Due to the vast disparity in our reading interests, those books seem to be as common as mega lottery wins. I enjoyed every aspect of this book; the premise was fairly realistic and interesting; the characters were well fleshed out and sincerely endearing and worth knowing; while the writing and storylines were full of feels and well crafted with poignant and observant insights and considerable attention to detail. Ms. Hale’s writing was so easy to fall into that I expected to see her characters in front of me when I put my Kindle down.
Profile Image for Melindam.
745 reviews352 followers
November 29, 2023

2 stars on my Grinch-o-Meter

Have to do a Scrooge on this book as well, I am afraid. :(

I like make-you-feel-good xmas romances and of course I am aware that suspending disbelief is a Must for most of them. Still, I just could not repress my inner-Ebenezer while struggling to finish this story. First it was just mild eye-rolling & and sighing and muttering "yeah, sure", but it got worse along the way.

It's a rather lame cinderella-story about a lonley, friendless millionaire (no kidding & why don't you just cry me a river!)


who doesn't know how to enjoy life, until he meets the poor, but honest and simple single mom. #eyerolleyerolleyeroll

The trope of former-nurse-turned-interior decorator-with-no-experience-gets-hired-by-millionaire, besides being totally unbelievable, has a rather recycled-feeling after reading the author's "Coming Home for Christmas" (and that did not go down too well with me either).

The 2 main characters are unlikeable and dull and there is this ever-repeating circle of their almost coming together, but realizing they are 2 worlds apart - on every 3rd page throughout the whole book. It is neither cozy, nor very riveting.

Clearly this author is not for me.


Profile Image for Eti .
429 reviews43 followers
November 12, 2021
Все едно четох сценария на кой да е филм от Холмарк🤦🏻‍♀️Клише до клишето! Историята е толкова наивна, че чак граничи с глупава. Едвам я приключих.

2★ само заради коледната тематика

Историята, която се развива в рамките на 4-5 седмици, представя как истинската любов съществува. Не стига това - ами и пламва след само един поглед/разговор.

И как пък всички богаташи са красиви, млади, интелигентни и емоционално ранени? А половинките им са забавни, умни, смели, бедни, но все така красиви!

(Не - сериозно! Как всички винаги изглеждат като от каста на романтичен филм?! Не��ависимо от статистиката, че всеки 3ти от американците е с наднормено тегло... Как в книгите няма дори един персонаж, който да отговаря на тази статистика? Как в романтичния жанр все се пренебрегва реалността за сметка на приказката за Пепеляшка?!)
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews726 followers
December 13, 2015
3 - 'Middle of the road' Stars.

Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses is one of those books you pick up, read, and forget as soon as you start something else. I don't mean that disrespectfully, but I just cannot find anything about the story that stood out as particularly new or different.

Not a huge issue if the writing and characterizations are sound and engaging. But the rich, reclusive guy and the single mother struggling in all areas of her life trope needs to be done well to pull me in and Nick and Abbey's interactions in the main were all a bit cold and stilted, and the constant comparisons to what Nick had and what Abbey couldn't afford got a bit wearing after the first fifty or so mentions.

This is my first read by this author, it hasn't completely put me off reading more from Jenny Hale in the future, but I think I would probably go with something a bit shorter the next time.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for Negin.
672 reviews150 followers
January 5, 2020
This was a Cinderella-type Christmas read full of hope and romance. The setting (Richmond, Virginia) and a bit of it even in the Jefferson Hotel, was just lovely.

Romance is not usually my thing, but life has been quite stressful lately. I needed something light and festive, even though I knew how it was all going to end after several pages. I later realized that there is a Hallmark movie based on this book. I think that I would have preferred the movie since the book dragged on for far too long. The author has lots of summer and Christmas reads with gorgeous covers, and I was about to add those books to my wish list. I don’t think that I’ll be reading them since they look like they’re too formulaic and predictable for me. Then again, who knows? If life gets stressful once again, as it often does, I may need to resort to more of her books.
Profile Image for Shelleen Toland.
1,391 reviews77 followers
November 28, 2018
Abbey is a single mother who works as a nurse but is hired to be a personal nurse for Caroline. Caroline's grandson hires Abbey to also decorate his home for Christmas. He is a workaholic worth millions and never has time for family or play. Until he meets Abbey who shows him what it is like. We get to start seeing a soft side to him and what makes him be the person who he is. Abbey has been raising her son along with the help of her mom and Gramps. Gramps has health issues and needs meds that are expensive so what Abbey will make doing the interior designing of the mansion, she can afford his meds. Abbey's son Max falls for Nick and spends what time he can with him. Can Abbey and Max show Nick that family and fun is just as important as work?
I received this from the publisher for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kris.
356 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2021
Начи... Това е една от тези книги, писани по калъп, за да се подаряват за Коледа. Ама плоски герои, ама съшита с бели конци история, недомислици на всяка страница, лош превод и неточни изрази и повторения, захаросани глупости, и за капак главната героиня ми беше изключително неприятна.
На логичния въпрос "Защо я чете?!" отговорът е, че приключих няколко мрачни трилъри с разчленяване и педофилия и исках нещо по-оптимистично. Ама ако това ще е алтернативата, връщам се при серийните убийци. Те поне следват някаква житейска логика.
December 20, 2017
Всички предупреждаваха, че книгата е зле, но толкова ми се четеше нещо коледно, че реших да пренебрегна предупрежденията и да я прочета. Зле, зле колко да е зле? Е, прави бяхте, тази книга е мега зле (учудвам се от оценката над 4 в GR). Като се започне от това, че някакъв милионер, който дори си няма офис и секретарка по цял ден купува и продава компании, демек не прави нищо по същество, но пък се оказва бахти добрата душица и се стигне до това, че някаква дама го върти на малкия си пръст, а тя е супер наивна и също ужасно добричка и направо чове�� да повърне от липса на достоверност. В тази книга нямаше едно реално нещо, ама нито едно. .......
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,791 reviews587 followers
September 30, 2018
Jenny Hale’s CHRISTMAS WISHES AND MISTLETOE KISSES is like a shining star at the top of the Christmas reading tree! One woman, rich in everything but money meets one man with far too much money and not enough love in his life and the magic begins!

Like a plain house can be transformed into a Christmas wonderland, this story transforms one lonely man into one who finally finds a reason for happiness in life. Abbey has been hired to decorate a mansion that is as barren as the soul of the man who owns it. In turn, she will receive money desperately needed to help her family and to give her young son the Christmas she longs to be able to do.

If you need a Holiday read to remind you of what the season is all about, this is it! All the sweetness of a slowly building romance, the innocence of a young fatherless child and the magic of Christmas fills each page with realistic moments, touching moments and moments of pure bliss!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from Bookouture!

Publisher: Bookouture (October 16, 2015)
Publication Date: October 16, 2015
Genre: Holiday Romance
Print Length: 360 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
For Reviews, Giveaways, Fabulous Book News, follow: http://tometender.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Eлина.
300 reviews64 followers
January 4, 2023
Сюжетът с едно изречение: Аз ще ти подаря една папка, кисната в чай, ти ми подари 75 хиляди, имение и офис без наем.

Весела Коледа и спрете да четете Джени Хейл, ако искате да не развиете диабет.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,591 reviews214 followers
December 11, 2017
I feel like I just read a Hallmark Movie instead of watching it. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing at the moment.

Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses is about Abbey and Nick. Abbey, who is a nurse, is your basic single mother who just loves to decorate in her free time. Oh, and she's really good at it. So one find day she gets an offer to decorate this guys house. She accepts and finds out he's a millionaire and owns a super fancy schmancy mansion. OH, and she falls in love him too. This guy's name is Nick by the way.

Yeah, it's basically a hallmark movie and super cliche. I'm pretty sure I didn't necessarily hate anything about it but I also didn't absolutely fall head over heels in love with this book either. I guess I'd rather watch the movie, with a bottle of wine, and laugh all the way through it.

Profile Image for Ana.
510 reviews353 followers
November 24, 2015

Originally posted on This Chick Reads

* Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review *

Two years ago I had the pleasure to read Ms Hale's debut, 'Coming Home for Christmas', which is still among my favourite Christmas books. It was kind of 'love at first sight' and enough to make me a huge Jenny Hale fan. 'Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses' is the fifth novel by Ms Hale, and third she's devoting to Christmas. I've read most of them and after reading her latest I can say that this is definitely my new favourite.

'Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses' is a wonderful, warm, festive read full of heart. It's focused on Abbey, a single mother who's working for a rich family as a nurse to elderly Caroline. There was a time when Abbey had dreams, dreams to have a loving partner and husband, to be an interior designer and for her child, Max to have a father. She has none of that, but she's given a chance to do some decorating, thanks to lovely Caroline. Caroline's grandson Nick is one of the richest people in Richmond. Under the influence of his grandmother Caroline, he asks Abbey to do some decorating for him, fill in his beautiful yet empty and soulless house with beautiful furniture and Christmas decorations as his family will be coming over and he not only hasn't got the time to decorate, but sees no need to do it. He's living by himself, working long hours, rarely using other rooms besides his office. Everything changes when Abbey enters the picture, their lives start changing and for the first time in his life, Nick feels things are no longer in his control. Things are not allowed to go any further as Nick will be leaving for New York just right after Christmas, and too many people might get hurt. Is there a chance for Nick and Abbey?

I absolutely loved this book! I immediately liked Abbey because she's one of these creative, optimistic, full of energy people. She's a single mother doing her best to provide for her six year old, but at the same time helping her mother and poorly grandfather too. Family is the most important thing for Abbey, and something she has sacrificed all her dreams for. Her son, Max is the most adorable, sweet child yet he's so hurt not having a father figure in his life. When he meets Nick, is like all Christmases have come at once. He finally sees someone who will play sports with him, build a snowman with him and he gets rather attached to him.

I liked every single relationship in the book, the romance one between Abbey and Nick, the family one between Abbey and her mother and grandfather, but most powerful of all and one that had the biggest impact on me was the relationship between Abbey and her son, Max. While I was rooting for Abbey and Nick and love to win, I couldn't help but root for Max, this little sweet guy who's never had a father by his side. Even now as I type this review, my eyes are teary at the thought of Max, his pure soul and his Christmas wish.

The last 10% of the book I felt like I didn't have the strength to finish the book, I was a complete mess and in tears. I didn't even know that a book with a happy ending I expected could make me sob like a child. But it did, as the last pages were so emotional for me. There are just so many lovely messages hidden in this book. Written in true and unique Hale style, I knew it's never only romance, I expected other elements too. Despite the wonderfully written romance part, I absolutely adored how Ms Hale shows the importance of family, of those every day moments we take for granted not realizing they are our happy memories, not our carriers, or achievements, or money we make or spend on things. It's family, it always was and always will be the one and only constant thing in our life, driving us to be the best we can.

I also loved how the characters developed, they were transforming in front of my eyes and under the strong influence of each other. Busy and always preoccupied with work, Nick suddenly became someone who enjoys playing in the snow and ice scatting. Abbey and Nick are different on many levels, but they are a perfect couple as they bring out the best out of each other. It felt like Abbey's entered his life for a reason, to show him what life really is, to show him there's something beyond work, to help him create happy memories. There were times when I though Abbey was pushing a bit or was too curious wanting to find out things about Nick, but it didn't bother me nor made me dislike her as a character.

'Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses' is a wonderful, delightful, emotional read perfect for everyone. There's a fair share of romance, however I can't say this is strictly a romance book. It's way beyond that! Little gem that everyone needs in their lives, bringing to their homes the festive spirit and Christmas magic. I adored it! It was so hard to finally say good bye to Abbey, Nick and Max. Especially Max. That little guy won my heart and will stay with me forever. Beautifully written story you won't be able to put down and one of the best festive reads I've ever read. Ms Hale is definitely an author to watch out for and if you haven't read any of her books, I strongly advise to start with this one. It's definitely going to be the season's HIT!
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,101 reviews257 followers
December 4, 2018
This was my first Christmas/Holiday read of the season and there couldn't have been a better choice!

For those that have been devouring Hallmark Christmas movies like candy (like me), this is the perfect read. It's a warmhearted, cozy, Christmas story in novel form. I could even see this novel being adapted into a film one day and I can definitely tell you, I'd be watching!

As cute and cozy as the story and setting is, the plot is not all sunshine and daisies which I think adds to the story as a whole. I want a real story that reflects the world that we live in (even if there is a lighthearted nature due to the spirit of the season). With this novel, there is elements of reality and hardship that could be relatable to many.

For those that like novels that fill you with the spirit of the season and the holidays, this is definitely a good choice. It has everything that you could want in a holiday read.

***Thank you to Forever Publishing and Hachette Book Group for sending me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Galya Ozan.
136 reviews18 followers
November 19, 2017
Давам 3*, като 2* са за красивата коледна корица.
Profile Image for Sonya.
195 reviews8 followers
December 10, 2019
Много приятна романтична история. Стилът на писане на Джени Хейл се доближава много до този на Сюзън Елизабет Филипс.
Profile Image for Anica.
534 reviews
January 15, 2016
What a huge disappointment!!!

Seriously, this book had so many great reviews, a lovely cover and the subtitle even says "a feel good Christmas _romance_ novel" ... soooooo, I am wondering: Did I read another book maybe? Because I haven't got anything mentioned above. Well, except the cover maybe. Which I still think is great. The rest? Not so much!

First, I didn't find the romance in that book. There was not one scene where I felt like sparks were flying or the chemistry was there. Or something like that. It just lacked everything that I expect from those sort of books. A few kisses here and there but that's it. And I don't mean that I have to read about sex here. It just was totally unromantic. The whole book. Huge letdown!!!

Speaking about the lack of chemistry: The characters, Abbey and Nick, were totally lame, boring and blunt. Abbey was some kind of saint *rolleyes* which was totally annoying and Nick was just somebody with money. Apparently. And it seemed very important because the author mentioned it on pretty much every damn page. Do I look like I am stupid and that I didn't get it the first time? *headdesk*

What really annoyed me though was the "plot" itself. It was non-existent. I really looked for it but I just couldn't find it. Except it was like reading an interior design magazine. Or something like that. Pages after pages of boring describtion of all the rooms and how the holy St. Abbey decorated them. Excuse me but I nearly fell asleep. And towards the end I just skipped them. I mean I do get it that it was "important" somehow since Abbey wanted to be an adorner. It is okay. Really. But when there is no plot itself, no chemistry between the two heroes and you just get countless pages of boring deco describtion - I kinda get annoyed. And bored. A lot actually!

There were other things that annoyed me, too, but those things mentioned above were probably the worst. I expected so much from this book. The least I hoped for was a nice romance. Nothing. NOTHING! Christmas spirit? What? Chemistry? Excuse me: What? Boring book? Hell yeah.

What a desaster. Seriously!
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,380 reviews1,833 followers
December 10, 2018
DNF around 55%

I love the idea of you but to be very honest this book doesn't need to be so long. It was a very slow burn novel to the point that there really wasn't much happening between the two characters. The book majorly focused on the female protagonist POV which left me craving to know what on earth our hero was thinking 99% of the time. His hot-cold mannerism got really boring really fast because what do you want? Do you want her or do you not? SPEAK FOR CHRIST SAKE. It's a slow christmas novel that failed to capture my interest and attention but if might capture yours.

Thanks to forever pub for sending me a free copy for review.
Profile Image for cc.
425 reviews168 followers
January 17, 2016
Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses tells the story of single mother Abbey, who is a nurse, but because she loves decorating and she's really good at it, she accepts the massive task of decorating a millionaire's mansion in time for Christmas---and ends up falling for the guy.

Here's the thing, there's nothing I hated about this book, but there's nothing I loved about it either, so when I finished it I was just left with this sense of "eh".

My main problem were the characters, Abbey is way too "damsel Mary Sue in distress" for me, and Nick, the millionaire, well, he is just so withdrawn, cold and distant the entire time I honestly have no idea how Abbey even started to have feelings for him. That’s another thing, these characters barely have any chemistry, Nick is extremely standoffish and still *somehow* a romance is happening, or I’m told it’s happening, because I certainly didn’t see/feel it.

What I did like: all the scenes with Max, Abbey’s son, he’s adorable.

The story itself is a bit repetitive and predictable, almost like a modern day Cinderella.

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.)
Profile Image for Hristina Tserovska.
342 reviews9 followers
December 3, 2017
Книгата носи коледно настроение,но нищо повече...не беше вълнуваща! Не усетих влюбването между Ник и Аби и историята им с нищо няма да я запомня, освен с приготовленията около Коледа.
Profile Image for Ralitsa  Koleva.
337 reviews
December 30, 2017

Всеизвестно е гринчовското ми настроение или иначе казано – как не исках да чувам коледни песнички поне до 10 декември или пък как отказвах да извадя елхата си преди 23 декември. Но все пак с цялата еуфория на купуването на подаръците за хората, които обичам, коледното настроение ме обзе и неизбежно посегнах и на книга с празнично заглавие.
Петте звезди давам на книгата не защото блести с някакви литературни качества, а просто защото успя да ми създаде коледно настроение. Знам, че много хора са разочаровани от книгата, смятат я за загуба на време, не намират действие и драматизъм, но пък аз точно това търсех.

Търсех книга, която да ми създаде уют за Коледа, да е мила и топла и да не ме затормозява с излишен драматизъм. „Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки“ успя да ме просълзи с милите си моменти и макар и предвидима, ме накара да се чувствам по-добре и по-коледно.

Да, героите не успяват да те изненадат, но пък аз не очаквах и друго от книгата. Нямах очаквания и може би защото рядко посягам към този тип книги, ми хареса и толкова много. При мен няма пренасищане от драми и романтика. Действието се разви като в един от онези филми на Hallmark, които много хора плюят, но тайничко си ги пускат по празниците.

Изобщо, ако търсите спокойна книга, която да създаде усещане за празничен комфорт и уют, спокойна, тиха и мила, непреливаща от драми, еротика и всякакви абсурдни обрати (не че е много вероятно тази история да се развие наистина), то това е четиво, което би ви харесало. Аз лично я препоръчвам за празничните дни.
Profile Image for Габриела Иванова.
279 reviews36 followers
December 25, 2020
Мога да кажа, че определено ми хареса. Много сладко четиво, изпълнено с уют и топлина, което определено ме изпълни с коледни чувства. Милите жестове, които правеше Ник за Аби и сина й (Макс) просто ме разтапяха🥰. Първите сто страници ми бяха някак странни, докато навляза в историята и главните герои се сближат, ноо после направо се потопих в историята! Разбира се, има си и минуси, заради които давам 4, а не 5🌟, но това няма да ми попречи да си я препрочета другата Коледа. На моменти Аби ми идваше твърде пряма и сякаш притискаше Ник, но от друга страна той като че ли нямаше нищо против и се чувстваше различно в нейната компания. Май тя беше от типа хора, които предразполагат хората да им споделят тайните си и да се чувстват удобно в тяхната компания. А това, което направи тя с къщата беше истинска магия. Искаше ми се да бъда в това огромно имение, сгушена в някой от огромните дивани с плюшена завивка и какао в ръка, гледайки красиво украсените елхи със светещи лампички и сипещият се сняг през прозореца!😍Не ви ли се прииска и на вас? А ако ме потитат кой ми беше любимият момент, едва ли ще мога да отговоря, защото всяко едно мило нещо, което направи Ник за тях като например това, че се пързаля по чорапи в коридора само заради детето или когато й помогна да боядиса стаята и после заспаха двамата на пода сгушени, направиха книгата толкова приятна за четене. Извадих си и поука, че не трябва да правим нещо конкретно, за да запазим любимите хора в сърцата си, те просто са там даже и, когато си отидат от този свят. С две ръце и два крака я препоръчвам и благодаря на една приятелка, че ми я препоръча и само ми говореше за нея❤!
Profile Image for Весела Алегрия.
Author 13 books106 followers
December 29, 2022
Джени Хейл определено знае как да твори Коледна магия. Умело рисува с думи и потапя читателите в атмосферата на празника: от светещите гирлянди и сребърни камбанки до аромата на канела и джинджифил. Книгата носи топлота, уют и послание за истински важните и ценни неща в живота, които не се купуват с пари.
Profile Image for Liina.
297 reviews119 followers
May 31, 2016
Abbey works as a nurse, but her dream is to work as an interior designer. She is very loving and caring about the people around her, she wants the best for her son and her father, who is sick. Abbey gets a chance to get closer to her dream, when she is going to decorate Nick Sinclair's mansion. That chance can be a good kick to her career as she can add the photos of her work to a portfolio, and the money is also very well needed. Nick is a workaholic and doesn't seem to see further from the work. While Abbey is doing her work, they slowly get to know each other and she shows him that there's so much more than work in the life. It takes time for Nick to realize the importance of Abbey and her son in his busy life, but eventually things start to change.

I really enjoyed the book, all the characters were very likeable, even the cat Señor Freckles, who sometimes wanted to steal the show with his demeanour. It had a nice Christmassy/wintry feeling to it, but what I enjoyed even more were the warm relations between the characters and how they all cared for each other, no matter the circumstances.
Profile Image for Цвети Запрева.
61 reviews5 followers
November 14, 2022
"Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки" от Джени Хейл е първата коледна която прочетох и първата ми среща с авторката.

Аби е самотна майка, която се грижи за десетгодишния си син Макс. Тя работи като частна медицинска сестра на мила, възрастна дама от богато семейство - Керълайн Синклер.
Мечтата на Аби е била да се реализира като интериорен дизайнер, Керълайн знае това и я препоръчва на своят внук - Ник , който се нуждае от човек, който да обзаведе дома му за предстоящите празници.
Ник Синклер е известен бизнесмен.. работохолик .. най-красивият мъж, който тя е виждала, но общуването между тях е много трудно.
Той веднага наема Аби и приключението за нея , а може би и за двамата започва.
Въпреки притесненията си, че няма да се справи навреме с поставената й задача, тъй като имението е твърде голямо, пусто и студено, предстоящите празници вдъхновяват Аби.

С напредването на времето Аби и нейният син Макс малко по малко си проградват път към сърцето на Ник, който е научен от баща си, че работата е на първо място. Но дали нещата няма да се променят?

Ще успеят ли Аби и Макс да стоплят сърцето на Ник?
Дали Ник ще загуби ако заложи на любовта?
А дали Аби ще свикне с неговият охолен живот?

Една невероятния история, която ще Ви вдъхне коледно настроение 🎄
История пълна с топлина и нежност 😊
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Heather~ Nature.books.and.coffee.
753 reviews185 followers
November 17, 2019
This was such a perfect holiday read, I'm so happy I had a chance to read it! I loved Abbey's character, and I loved how you got to hear her past which helped you understand her behavior! This had a slow building romance that made you want to keep reading to find out how it played out!! The characters were so charming, and made this story feel so real. This book also had some real life hardships which brought some depth to it!  Hales writing is so easy and flowing! I loved the family aspects, lovely holiday vibes, and descriptions that make you feel so happy! I think if you love those cute Hallmark holiday movies, you will love this story! 

Thank you to the publisher for my copy for an honest review!
Profile Image for Victoria .
138 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2021
Джени Хейл е откритието ми за изминалата 2020г. И продължава да бъде и през 2021г. Когато чета романтични книги, в които действието се развива по Коледа, съм скептично настроена, дали писателката ще предаде снежната атмосфера, семейния уют, добротата и надеждата, които витаят около този свещен празник.

E, Джени Хейл е най-добрата, умението ѝ с едно изречение да потопи читателите в зимна приказка, въпреки проблемите, които ги съпътстват, това е безспорен талант. Много ми харесва, че авторката е заложила на нежните, състрадателни взаимоотношения и е изградила персонажите си с благородни качества.

Основен мотив в „Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки“ е, имаш ли възможност да помогнеш на някого, по-добре го направи. Подай ръка на този, който не може да се изправи сам, без да очакваш нещо в замяна. Застъпват се благотворителност и взаимопомощ, като всеки човек разбира понятията през собствения си мироглед.

Аби на моменти ми се струваше твърде настоятелна и любопитна, намирам тези две качества за изключително досадни. Не оставяше почти никакво лично пространство на Ник, а той от своя страна бе постоянно резервиран, мълчалив и затворен. Връзката помежду им ми беше скучна през повечето време, но обстановката и интериорния усет на главната героиня, допринесоха за прекрасната зимна атмосфера. Обожавам описанието на снежни бури, защото напоследък докосването до истински сняг е мираж. Главно се среща в книгите и филмите.

Прочела съм три книги от творчеството на Джени Хейл и съм много щастлива от часовете прекарани сред страниците, както и от вълшебното настроение, което ми създават. „Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки“ е съвършеният избор за незабравимо преживяване в студените дни.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 469 reviews

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