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Бирлибан. Какво ли пък е това име? Може би ще прочетете приказка за някой вълшебник? Или за принц Бирлибан? Или това е някаква магическа дума? Не и не. Няма да се занимаваме с магьосничество. О, но това е много странно и чудато име за едно момченце! Да, обаче Бирлибан преживя такива невероятни приключения, каквито могат да се случат само на момченце с невероятно име.

First published January 1, 1959

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About the author

Eduard Petiška

96 books6 followers
Eduard Petiška (1924 – 1987) was a Czech poet, translator, playwright and novelist, the author of many books for children and young people, and a translator and theorist of children's literature. He wrote over ninety books, which were translated to dozens of languages.

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Profile Image for Emanuella.
251 reviews58 followers
July 28, 2016
Едно приключение с чудати герои, поучителни истории и симпатични илюстрации :)
Profile Image for Gabriela Sedláčková.
8 reviews12 followers
October 28, 2016
Nevzpomenu si, kolik let mi bylo, když jsem Birlibána prvně slyšela. Ale můžu vám povědět, kdy jsem ho naposledy četla. Dnes. A že by v tom nebyly čáry? To mi tedy někdo vysvětlete, jaktože pokaždé, když s Birlibánem zažívám nejeden příběh, nemůžu napětím ani dýchat. A jakmile padne poslední věta knihy: "Bylo osm hodin a Birlibán ještě spal", jen stěží zadržím slzy, jak moc mi bude po tom blonďatém klukovi smutno...
Rozsáhlejší komentář na: http://gabrielasedlackova.blog.idnes....

October 10, 2015
When I was kid, I liked the funny journey of Birliban. Now that I'm a mother of a 6-year old boy, the story makes whole new sense. I can imagine the thoughts of Birliban are so similar to those of my boy.
Both kids and parents will enjoy that book!
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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