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Школа по готварство: Храна на любовта

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Четири жени пристигат в закътано италианско градче, където са се записали в школа по готварство. Всяка от тях е достигнала до кръстопът в живота си и италианската храна не е най-важното, което те търсят в планините на Сицилия.
Мол е гастроном по душа, но и изтощена работеща майка, поела най-накрая към мечтаната ваканция.
Лондонският адвокат Триша също си е взела почивка от напрегнатата работа и задълженията към семейството си.
Валъри е потопена в скръб след смъртта на любимия си и не знае как да продължи живота си без него.
Наскоро разведената Попи пристига в Сицилия, за да опознае мястото, на което е израснал дядо й преди да емигрира в Австралия.
Лука Аморе управлява школата по готварство като предава на учениците си рецептите, достигнали до него от поколения жени от рода Аморе. Той очаква и този курс да бъде като всички останали, но неочаквано в кухнята му прехвърчат искри, създават се приятелство и се споделят тайни. Нищо вече няма да е същото за никого от тях.

316 pages, Paperback

First published August 15, 2013

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About the author

Nicky Pellegrino

21 books570 followers
I was born and grew up near Liverpool, England. For a while I worked as a magazine journalist in London but then 21 years ago I came on holiday to New Zealand and met my future husband Carne Bidwill at a wedding. Now we live together near a beach in Auckland with our dogs Charlie the standard poodle and Lucy the pointer. I spend my time writing novels, working as a freelance journalist, riding my two horses, growing veges in my garden, cooking, trying to get other people to cook for me, eating and reading. There isn't much time for anything else except a little light housework.
My all-time favourite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and my book of 2013 was LIfe After LIfe by Kate Atkinson.
I have a website www.nickypellegrino.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books381 followers
April 2, 2017
Four women attend a cookery school in Sicily run by Luca Amore. Luca initially learned most of his cooking skills from his grandmother. The four women on the course were all very different in age and backgrounds. Moll, Valerie and Poppy were all likeable, Tricia not so much, although she does at some stage reveal some positive characteristics. I enjoyed hearing their stories and about the places they visited in Sicily sourcing ingredients and visiting wineries and chocolate making enterprises. I also appreciated that the recipes included were at the end of the book rather than scattered through the novel, as these type of books sometimes are. It is a novel about friendship, love, facing life’s challenges, and second chances. It was a fun, feel good read.
My one reservation was the story of Luca’s past and the inclusion of Princess Diana. To me that was a bit of an unnecessary distraction. But that was just a minor blip in a story I really enjoyed. I’m not a foodie person. While I am happy to read about cooking, usually I tend to ignore the recipes. But this time I did pick up one to try, so that was an added bonus. Lovely to read a book with largely likable characters, and though there is conflict, not be subjected to bad language. A thoroughly enjoyable read.
137 reviews
October 12, 2013
I fell in love with food and the thought of lovingly preparing a dining experience, rather than slapping together three items to make a quick meal to fill the spot.

The characters are amazing and the development of them - brilliant.

My only complant - the book finished too quickly. I can see another fantastic book growing from this one.

Nicky Pellegrino must be one of my favourite authors.
Profile Image for Sue Shep.
503 reviews4 followers
October 15, 2013
What a lovely book. Loved the different characters and how they all interacted together. Feel like you are doing the cookery school as you read this book. You will feel a hunger for the fresh food and wine as you turn the pages. The four strangers who all become good friends during the course, one finds love, all find that life is short and you should live and savour each day. I really enjoyed this book and would certainly recommend it for an uplifting, feel good read.
Profile Image for Iona Sharma.
Author 9 books137 followers
July 16, 2022
I was going to add this to the 2022 read list and go on with my life, but I kept thinking about how bad it is, so here I am again. It's a bad book. About female friendship and solidarity, and we hear loads about how much the female characters are glad to have met and what good friends they are but they don't seem to like each other much, and also there's a villainous conniving woman who would do anything to get a man, cool. And it's about romance, but the headline couple get hardly any onscreen time together, and the characterisation is all on the side of the male lead; his love interest is just... there. I love a candy pastel covered book, but this one is very bad.
Profile Image for Nels .
208 reviews
February 28, 2021
A well-deserved 5 golden stars book⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was my first Nicky Pellegrino book that I've read. I didn't have any expectations whatsoever. Although I knew nothing about the book, I was pleasantly surprised by it. 😊
I absolutely enjoyed every word and chapter of the book. As a food lover I really liked the food aspect of it🍕🍝. It was such a delight reading it.
The book was about so many things from cooking, enjoying food and exploring Sicily to creating new interesting friendships and discovering all forms of love. I really liked that the four main female characters were at different ages and stages in their lives and that they came from completely different social and cultural backgrounds.
Profile Image for Skaitanti mama.
55 reviews23 followers
March 23, 2024
Visų pirma tai verta iš kart pasakyt jog knygos anotacija neatitinka turinio. Ir net labai. Kodėl? Ogi anotaciją perskaičius susidaro įspūdis, jog skaitysim vieno veikėjo gyvenimo istoriją. Kažkokia gal drama, gal dar kažkas, kas bus įtakota keturių moterų, kurias jis sutiks savo kulinarijos mokykloje.

Na taip toks jis knygoje yra, tos moterys irgi. Bet to pagrindinio herojaus mes čia nerasim. Apskritai jis ir toji kita herojė kuri neva atneš jam pokyčių gyvenime gavo šioje knygoje mažiausiai dėmesio. Tiklsiau ant tiek jo negavo, jog tiedu pasirodė tik kažkokie šoniniai veikėjai. Pagrindinis dėmesys skirtas kitų veikėjų aprašymams, veiksmams ir mintims nagrinėti. Įdėta daug jų istorijos, dabarties problemų apžvalgų ir pamastymų kas jas daro tokias kokios jos yra. Šeip tos moterys pasirodė ganėtinai gyvos, tad įdomumo ir gyvasties joms įpūsti tikrai pavyko. Bet nelabai suprasi kam to reikėjo visumoje ir kas čia per istorija turėjo būt. Atrodo tokia nei be pradžios nei be pabaigos. Tiesiog paskaitėm apie kelis skirtingus personažus, panalizavom kas juos atvedė į šį gyvenimo tašką, kodėl jos elgiasi ir šneka taip kaip šneka ir tiek. 

Buvo keletas gražių minčių ir idėjų. Juolab kas liečia maisto kultūrą ir šiek tiek kultūrinius skirtumus apskritai. Bet tik tiek. 

Perskaičiau, nes nesinorėjo numesti pradėjus. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Catarina Magalhães.
263 reviews39 followers
January 5, 2017
Não adorei esta história, que senti sempre um pouco apressada, mas gostei muito de a acompanhar, portanto posso ser generosa nas estrelas atribuídas. Na verdade, como várias vezes afirmei, são sempre atribuídas com o coração, portanto "valem o que valem" :)

Li hoje um artigo onde o autor dizia que há momentos certos para ler determinados livros. Acredito que é assim, e por isso tenho livros em espera há tanto tempo, porque ainda não senti que esteja "preparada" para os ler e sei que, se o fizer antes do tempo, não gostarei tanto como decerto merecerão. Neste caso, esperei bastante tempo para ler o livro, mas este manteve-se sempre presente no fundo da minha mente. Talvez por isso não tenha adorado, porque, inconscientemente, fui elevando demasiado as expectativas. Mas gostei bastante, é um facto, e talvez isso explique porque é que são 3h20 da madrugada e estou aqui a escrever a minha opinião, fresquinha.

Ler Nicky Pellegrino é viajar por Itália e salivar, sempre. Adorava estar no lugar de uma destas mulheres, não tanto para aprender a cozinhar, que me falta a paciência, mas para comer tanta iguaria, já que apetite tenho sempre :p Gostava muito de conhecer a Sicília também, de conhecer mais de Itália, país que me fascina.

Mas sobre o livro! O Livro dos Sabores Perdidos leva-nos pela história destes personagens, quase fazendo com que, como a autora refere, sejamos uma sexta personagem. O tom confessional destas quatro mulheres chega-nos diretamente ao coração, e embora conseguisse adivinhar o segredo do passado de Lucas cedo, confesso que o desenrolar da história me permitiu a benevolência de "perdoar" este personagem pelos erros cometidos. Luca Amore é um cozinheiro prendado, que mantem viva a memória da avó na cozinha da casa que lhe pertencia. Simpático mas reservado, depressa desperta a curiosidade deste novo grupo da sua escola de culinária. Depressa percebemos que algo no seu passado o atormenta, embora, depois, o pareça revelar com facilidade. Não é dificil crer, enquanto lemos, que só precisava de uma nova luz na sua vida, para encarar tudo de outra forma.

Tricia e Moll são, talvez, as mais humanas personagens. Não procuram esconder os seus defeitos nem, tãopouco, a animosidade que sentem inicialmente. Contudo, uma acaba por escolher a outra para desabafar, talvez por saber que a ouviria de forma tão mais fria do que as outras duas, e era mesmo isso que precisava. Moll fez esta viagem, a viagem da sua vida, tanto para escapar à rotina como para viver de forma mais intensa a sua paixão: a culinária. Gosta especialmente da cozinha italiana, por isso frequentar este curso de uma semana na Sicília é a viagem perfeita.

Já a Tricia, atormentada com a vida que leva mas sem hipótese de a mudar, por enquanto, ou de a abandonar, vê esta viagem apenas como um escape. É quase como se fosse outra pessoa naquele grupo, naquele espaço, como se vestisse outra pele. E sabe que, ao chegar a casa, nada terá mudado.

Valerie, mais velha, vê esta viagem como uma oportunidade para se distrair da dor. Acaba por sair de Favio, a pequena vila, a sentir-se mais viva do que antes, mais como ela mesma, como se se tivesse, de alguma forma, redescoberto. Sabe que ainda há pelo que viver, sabe que viajará mais.

E a Poppy... A Poppy não se contentou com o assim-assim e decidiu mudar a sua vida. Não se contentou com o bom que tinha, pois sabia que queria mais. Só não sabia bem o que seria esse "mais", nem sabe sequer se o encontrará em Itália. Talvez eu seja mais como a Poppy no que à cozinha diz respeito. Posso ir cozinhando se me guiarem, embora sempre hesitante e sem grande prazer. Mas quando me sento à mesa, é mesmo para me concentrar na comida.

O Livro dos Sabores Perdidos traz-nos uma história simples (talvez aparentemente simples) e, de certa forma, previsível. Mas leva-nos por sabores e paisagens maravilhosas, e dá-nos a conhecer vidas que podiam, perfeitamente, ser as dos vizinhos do lado. Por isso mesmo são interessantes, por parecerem tão reais. E por isso mesmo vale a pena ler, "perder" algumas horas neste mundo para descobrir mais sobre esta vila, os seus habitantes e os que a visitam :)
Profile Image for Kinga (oazaksiazek).
1,294 reviews146 followers
December 3, 2016
"Na wakacjach nic nigdy nie jest takie samo jak zwykle, prawda? Wszystko smakuje i wygląda przyjemniej. I wydaje się o wiele bardziej rozkoszne."

Czy lubisz książki opowiadające o kuchni, ale niebędące pozycjami typowo kulinarnymi? Ja tak! Właśnie dlatego sięgnęłam po tę pozycję. Przeniosła mnie ona na słoneczną Sycylię. Wyspę pełną nowych smaków, pięknych widoków i niesamowitych osób. Kurs gotowania oferowany przez jednego z Sycylijczyków, przyciąga ludzi z różnych części świata. Pewnego dnia do jego domu trafiają cztery przypadkowe kobiety. Kobiety skrywające historie, próbujące zapomnieć o pewnych wydarzeniach. Matki, żony i kochanki. Rozwódki, wdowy i panny. Zwyczajny wyjazd przeradza się w szkołę życia. Czego nauczą się one od tamtejszej ludności, a czego od siebie nawzajem? Co otrzyma on nich Luke i jak te bohaterki zmienią jego podejście do kuchni i codzienności? Winnice, plantacje oliwek, wąskie uliczki i wyjątkowy klimat opowieści.

To książka ciepła, lekka i przyjemna. Taka na jeden słoneczny dzień lub chłodny, jesienny wieczór. Nie jest to literatura najwyższych lotów, ale myślę że warto po nią sięgnąć. Daje ona nadzieję i rozjaśnia pochmurne dni. Ukazuje piękno Sycylii i sprawia, że masz ochotę zacząć gotować lub spakować walizki i wybrać się na tę włoską wyspę. Najlepiej już, teraz, zaraz.
Profile Image for Kristina.
952 reviews223 followers
May 13, 2016
Определено това беше книга от нетипичен за мен жанр, но пък страшно много ми хареса! Лесно и бързо се чете, историята те увлича и кой не обича Италия и тяхната невероятна кухня! <3

Идеалното лятно/плажно четиво!
Profile Image for Donna.
319 reviews16 followers
March 11, 2024
What a fun book to read. This is a book that is easy to read and makes you smile. It is like being on a holiday and not just any holiday but one where you learn the Italian way of cooking and living. Such fun and so heart-warming.

I loved the relationships made while on this journey and the fun of a cooking school holiday as I can see myself doing something like that. The characters are fantastic and they are all so different in personality and lifestyles which makes it so real.

It is a story that flows well, it is fun, it is tasty and it is an enjoyable and entertaining read. This is a great read for anyone who likes food, cooking, holidays and Italy.

The Food of Love Cookery School
Nicky Pellegrino
Profile Image for Almantė (Ravenclaw_of_Shire).
93 reviews62 followers
July 12, 2022
When you imagine a sugary chick-lit but turns out it’s a story full of food, love, intrigue, passion, sorrow, joy, and what else I forgot to mention?
Feels great to be wrong.
Profile Image for Sharon Goodwin.
839 reviews142 followers
May 30, 2014
The Food of Love Cookery School is narrated by each of our four women with a 3rd person narrative from Luca himself interspersed throughout. I loved this format as we get to know Poppy, Tricia, Valerie and Moll as the days of the cookery course progress.

Luca is an enigma. There is more underneath his distant exterior self and the more we get to know him the further removed he is from that young man who isn’t proud of the thing that happened. This was a great way of showing how decisions we make when younger often change as our values change with age.

Conflict comes from the daughter of the local chocolatier whose family is close to the Amore family and there is also conflict between two members in the group.

For me, the romance was secondary to the food and the friendships :)

I think that readers will identify with the women who are learning to cope with the lives they find themselves either moving towards or away from and the strategies they employ so that their lives are successful on the surface. A reminder of how the judgements we make are based on what we see … on our own experiences and perceptions. When I look back at my notes I can see how cleverly the author first introduces us to the women so that we do make those judgments.

I really enjoyed being with this group, not only as they learnt to cook but visiting each venue and becoming a part of the town. The writing pulled me in totally and their experiences became my own. I felt as if I had been on holiday!

At the end of my proof copy are some Food of Love recipes.

History, heritage, culture, the real meaning of food, romance and friendships are all a part of The Food of Love Cookery School. What’s not to like? If you haven’t read it already, add it to your summer reading list.

I won my copy last year from Sarah at Today I’m Reading. Thank you Sarah!

Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,131 reviews32 followers
February 25, 2020
Много сладка книжка е "Школа по готварство Храна на любовта" на Ники Пелегрино. Книга за храна и как да ядем вкусно 😄. Сюжетът се върти около четири жени, които отиват да се учат да готвят италианска храна в малко селце в Сицилия. Там ги посреща Лука, мистериозен и загадъчен мъж, който пази голяма тайна. Всяка една от тези четири жени ще промени своя живот и живота на хората около себе си. Ще се научат да ценят вкусната храна. Най-интересното е, че разбираме за характера на другите герои през очите на всеки един от тях. Така се е получило много интересно и оригинално. Освен с храната и героите, се запознаваме и с Италия, животът там, уличките - много живописно е описано всичко. Исках да съм в това малко италианско селце, да хапвам описаната храна и да вървя по тесните улички. Исках да отида във винарната, фабриката за зехтин и да поседна на някоя маса, където да си поръчам кафе и сладолед. Горещо препоръчвам за почивка и отмора.
Profile Image for Liliq Nikolova.
107 reviews12 followers
October 27, 2020
Книгите на Ники Пелегрино трябваше да излизат със снимки в тях.Щеше да е страхотно да можеше да се видят как изглеждат всичките вкусотии,които приготвят и хапват героите :)
Поредната нейна книга,която е така лекичка и разтоварваща за четене от първата страница те пренася в Италия и определено отваря апетит докато се чете.Препоръчвам с две ръце :)
9 reviews8 followers
January 26, 2016
Made me feel even more inspired than normal to travel and to take chances with this life of ours. The characters are beautifully written and the food and culture even more so.
Profile Image for Ellen Bossink.
236 reviews8 followers
June 3, 2018
Alvast ter voorbereiding op de vakantie nam ik dit boek mee. Een vermakelijke roman op een zonnige zondagmiddag maar ook niet meer dan dat.
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
159 reviews8 followers
May 11, 2019
This was one of those safe and feel good books. About four women at a cookery school in a wonderful relaxed setting in Italy. I gave it 3 stars because it wouldn’t be on my highly recommended books list but was still enjoyable
Profile Image for Ghostly_pale26.
542 reviews5 followers
February 1, 2023

Didn't particularly like any of the characters but the food and the vistas described were beautiful.
For a 'romance' I didn't really find it romantic in any way other than the beautiful Sicillian settings.
Profile Image for Greta Gruodė.
66 reviews3 followers
March 10, 2024
3,5 ⭐️
Knyga kai iki atostogų dar toli, o norisi atostogų jausmo - atitiko lūkesčius. Labai daug apie maistą, bet įdomūs ir veikėjai, ir Sicilijos aprašyta dalelė :)
Profile Image for Sally Jenkins.
112 reviews4 followers
December 8, 2019
Easy and pleasant read capturing the essence of Scicilean food and culture and tempting me to read another of this authors books as the opposite to what I normally read....enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Roberta.
145 reviews5 followers
July 21, 2020
Puikus romanas atostogoms, tik nerekomenduoju skaityti tuščiu skrandžiu - visi tie patiekalų ragavimai, gaminimai ir išsamūs skonių aprašymai tik gerai papietavus 😂
Profile Image for Dimitar.
7 reviews5 followers
May 1, 2014
The story is set in a Sicilian mountain town of Favio where 4 women form different backgrounds and parts of the world come together to share a holiday and learn some original Sicilian recipes passed throughout the years in the Amore family.

Luca Amore welcomes the guests in his nonna's restored home which is now turned into a Cookery School and during their stay there he teaches them some of the delicious family recipes his nonna has left him in a loving memory. The 4 women, so unlike from one another, are at a different stages in life and each of them has a personal story to tell. However, Luca has a secret of his own. In the end, this holiday and its journey will turn out to be unimaginably different than the rest, and nothing will ever be the same!

It has been a while since I read such pleasant and light novel. Let me start by saying that the book cover and illustrations complement the novel in many ways. The font is more than legible and the title encapsulates the entire story. The novel is a real page-turner that will make your mouth water with its wonderful description of food and Sicilian specialties, and it might not be unusual to go and make frequent visits to the fridge or a local sweets or pastry shop. What has been an enjoyable discovery for me, are some of the recipes you will find at the end of the book, mentioned more than several times in the story, for a fun home-cooking experience. Regarding the characters, they are so realistically portrayed and are facing common everyday decisions or problems which makes the reader easily relate to each and everyone of them. You can definitely recognize some personal traits of yours or your closest friends in some of the characters. Overall a good novel I will recommend to friends especially as a summer read they can take with them on the beach to escape reality for an hour or two.

I won this book on the Goodreads giveaways and therefore would like to thank the author.
Profile Image for Jacki (Julia Flyte).
1,313 reviews184 followers
February 13, 2019
I seem to have been reading a lot of books with unlikeable characters lately and I was in desperate need of something light and pleasant. This book hit the spot perfectly. It's the story of four different women who come to a week long cooking school in Sicily. We are told early on that "one is hiding a secret, another is hoping to find love again, one is desperate to escape her life ands one has already managed it." Over the course of the week the four women become friends, fall in love with Sicily and plan changes in their own lives.

Nicky Pellegrino lives in New Zealand but her father was Italian and she writes beautifully about Italian life and food. This is the first one that's been set in Sicily and was inspired by an actual holiday that she had. The sense of warmth and history is palpable and the descriptions of the food are mouth watering.

The premise behind the book is not terribly original - I was reminded of books like Heartbreak Hotel and A Week in Winter - but it's well told and makes a pleasant, undemanding, enjoyable read. After reading it I felt refreshed, like I really had been away! The four central characters are interesting and rounded with the exception perhaps of Poppy, who's sweet to the point of dull and just seems kind of...wet. Even her decision to leave her husband (before the book began) seems to have been made without any violent emotion.

I thought this was one of the best books that Nicky Pellegrino has written and I really enjoyed it.
October 13, 2020
Todos sabem que eu gosto muito dos livros da Nicky Pellegrino, estão no topo da minha estante da sala, juntamente com os livros da Joanne Harris e os da Sveva.

O livro como sempre descreve um qualquer cenário idílico em Itália, desta vez a Sicília, e uma vez mais à semelhança de outros livros, vamos partilhar: comida, sentimentos e muita emoção.

Uma história simples, uma villa italiana, convertida em escola de culinária (por favor enviem-me para lá!), Luca um chef atormentado, mas apaixonado por comida, pelos ingredientes, que depois combina com muito amor para recriar pratos da sua infância. O ingrediente secreto? Chocolate.

Um romance que decorre entre o passado e o futuro. Passado nas recordações, nas memórias do chef, das suas 4 alunas e de alguns membros das aldeias próximas. Naquela casa, cozinha, as 4 mulheres vão ter a sua vida mudada para sempre. Uma cumplicidade que cresce, um amor que se descobre e algum ciúme à mistura, nas belas paisagens e elementos típicos italianos: vinhas, olivais aliados à gastronomia e produtos típicos: gelato, biscotti, chocolate.

Há uma loja que lembra mesmo um pouco a loja de Vianne do livro Chocolate de Joanne Harris, um pouco menos delicado mas sensível aos problemas dos outros e encontra sempre uma solução no chocolate. Mas a história centra-se em 4 mulheres; Poppy a jovem divorciada que procura família em Itália; Valerie que perdeu o marido recentemente; Moll que tem um blog de culinária e que aprender o máximo que puder e Tricia uma advogada que de todas é a que menos aprecia cozinhar.

Há livros em que gosto de falar e descrever um pouco da história, neste acho que quebraria o encanto, acho que há livros que temos de ser nós a descobrir a história, de conhecer cada personagem e sentir o livro acima de tudo.
Profile Image for Zwart Raafje.
656 reviews
September 7, 2016
Ik heb jaren terug een periode gehad waarin ik het ene boek na het andere verslond waarin liefde en culinaire lekkernijen centraal stonden. Af en toe vind ik het nog steeds leuk om dit soort verhalen te lezen en daardoor was ik nieuwsgierig naar dit boek van Nicky Pellegrino.

De verschillende perspectieven zorgde voor voldoende afwisseling en ze boden het verhaal ook wat meer dimensie. Ik vond het echter wel wat vreemd om af en toe over te schakelen van 3de persoon naar 1ste persoon. De fragmenten in 1ste persoon waren een soort van transformatie-fragment waardoor je meteen wist dat je de invalshoek van een ander karakter ging volgen.

Moll en Tricia zijn de personages die het meest naar voren kwamen van het groepje vrouwen. Ze zijn echter ook de twee vrouwen die in het begin een lichte afkeer oproepen. Moll doordat ze af en toe nogal betweterig of eerder stoeferig overkomt. Koken is echt een passie van haar en vooral in het begin van het verhaal komen haar uitspraken over alsof ze graag laat horen dat ze meer weet als de anderen. Tricia lijkt zich dan weer wat boven iedereen verheven te voelen. Het lijkt haar allemaal niet te kunnen boeien waardoor ze niet erg sociaal of open overkomt. Valerie is de oudste van hun groepje en Polly de jongste.


Mijn volledige recensie kan je hier terugvinden.
Profile Image for Mª João Monteiro.
814 reviews59 followers
July 3, 2017
Este romance alia algumas paisagens italianas a comida e produtos tradicionais. Pelo meio, conhecemos a história de quatro participantes num curso de verão de Luca Amore, na Sicília. Falando a sério, dava vontade de lá estar... Lê-se bem, mas as personagens são pouco aprofundadas e pouco carismáticas, rapidamente se esquecem. É um livro levezinho que tenta tratar vários assuntos sérios e que, quanto a mim, apenas os toca...
Releitura no início de julho 2017 - a impressão sobre a leitura não se alterou.
Profile Image for Margherita.
19 reviews3 followers
August 22, 2017
I have loved all Pellegrino's books they are all special in their own way and since I love Italy I have a special place for these books in my heart. This book is really nice and it makes you taste all the recipes and smell all the ingredients and makes you crave a holiday to Sicily and Italian food. The romance in this book is also beautifully evolved and I have learnt so much from this book. I totally recommend this book to food lovers, Italy lovers, to those who need a holiday and those who also like a bit of romance.
Profile Image for Soph.
203 reviews7 followers
July 30, 2017
I loved this book from beginning to end. A great summer easy read, that made me ravinous all the way through. The food imagery was so well written that I wanted to be there in the book eating with with characters; all of which were great. It had the potential to be 'just another chiclit' but something made this different; made it a bit special. I'm sad my time with this book is actually over...
February 5, 2017
4 звезди заради прекалено неизвестният край. Историята е иначе много непредсказуема и увличаща. Дръжте вино и храна наблизо, лигите ми текоха през две страници иии умирам да сготвя пиле в шоколадов сос! Повече в блога скоро :) http://mrsmidnightreader.wordpress.com
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews

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