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Четири годишната Лори Кениън е отвлечена и сексуално насилвана от своя похитител в продължение на две години. Когато най-сетне се прибира вкъщи, родителите й не искат да приемат, че тя страда от психическо разстройство. Години по-късно, нейното заболяване — множествена личност — се проявява. Когато Алан Грант, преподавателят по литература на Лори в колежа, бива намерен убит, обвинението пада върху нея, защото отпечатъците й са навсякъде из мястото на престъплението. Но дали тя наистина го е убила?…

Мери Хигинс Кларк предприема ужасяващо пътешествие из изтормозеното съзнание на едно двадесетгодишно момиче, което се мъчи да се освободи от страшните спомени от детството си, както и сред отвратителните кроежи на популярен Божи служител, чието демонично минало е само прелюдия към пъклените му планове спрямо Лори. Един заплетен разказ, пълен с обрати…

350 pages

First published June 1, 1989

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About the author

Mary Higgins Clark

593 books12.5k followers
The #1 New York Times bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark has written thirty-eight suspense novels, four collections of short stories, a his­torical novel, a memoir, and two children’s books. With bestselling author Alafair Burke she wrote the Under Suspicion series. With her daughter Carol Higgins Clark, she has coauthored five more suspense novels.

Clark’s books have sold more than 100 million copies in the United States alone. Her books are beloved around the world and made her an international bestseller many times over.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 900 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews166 followers
October 29, 2021
All Around the Town, Mary Higgins Clark

Professor Alan Grant is found stabbed to death in his New Jersey home.

When Laurie Kenyon, a twenty-one-year-old student, is accused of murdering her English professor, Allan Grant, she has no memory of the crime.

But at the scene of the homicide, her fingerprints are everywhere -- on the door, on the curtain, and on the knife used to stab him to death.

Shocked and bewildered, Laurie is arraigned on a murder charge.

Kidnapped at the age of four and the victim of two subsequent years of abuse and incarceration, Laurie has developed multiple personalities.

The host personality, Laurie, is unaware of the others...especially "Leona," who has written crazed love letters to Allan Grant and has secretly entered his home.

Laurie's sister, attorney Sarah Kenyon, takes up her defense and brings in psychiatrist Justin Donnelly to help Laurie unlock the unbearable memories of her lost years.

But Laurie's abductor, now a celebrated television evangelist, is still obsessed with her...and determined to avoid exposure.

With a terrifying twist at the climax, Mary Higgins Clark takes us on a breathtaking journey into the minds of a tortured young woman desperate to retrieve her memories, and the mesmerizing preacher whose unsavory past is only a prelude to his final, gruesome plan for her...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش سال1994میلادی

عنوان: در دل‌ ش‍ه‍ر؛ ن‍ویسنده‌: م‍اری‌ ه‍ی‍گ‍ی‍ن‍ز کلارک؛ مت‍رج‍م: اح‍م‍د ح‍ج‍اران‌؛ تهران، درسا، سال1372؛ در471ص؛ شابک ندارد، چاپ دوم تهران، لیوسا، سال1378؛ در471ص؛ شابک9645634024؛ چاپ سوم سال1386؛ چاپ چهارم سال1388؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

کتاب «در دل شهر» اثری دل انگیز و بیاد ماندنی است؛ که تا کنون نیز با پیشواز کم مانندی روبرو شده است؛ روانشاد خانم «کلارک»، در آثار خویش، ماهرانه گرفتاری و شکنجه های روحی، و جسمی انسانی اسیر، و قربانی جاه طلبی را، توانسته اند با چیره دستی این اثر اجتماعی گیرا و شورانگیز بیافرینند، و آن رنجها را به نیکی نشان دهند؛ ایشان با یاری جستن از دانش، و اندوخته های «دکتر سی یانگ» مدیر مرکز علمی-روانی «آرورا»، در شهر «کلورادو آمریکا»، و دیگر همکاران پژوهشگر ایشان، برای شناسایی و درمان بیماران چند شخصیتی، توانسته اند، داستانی هیجان انگیز و روشنگر را، با واژه های خویش به تصویر بکشند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 06/08/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Erin.
3,255 reviews476 followers
August 23, 2022
I became super obsessed with Mary Higgins Clark mysteries in 1994 -1995(Grade 7 ) Although probably not as obsessed as I used to be, MHC's books are still a warm hug on a cold day. It's my mom's fault, we had previously read "I'll be seeing you "and as a result she went back to the bookstore and bought up whatever was there. I would have to say that no matter how many times I 've read "All Around the Town " it's never dimmed the 5 star rating for this book.. I absolutely loved the multiple viewpoints of many of the characters and sisters, Sarah and Laurie tie with Elizabeth and Leah(Weep No More My Lady") for my favorite "Clark sister duo." A real page turner!

Goodreads review 02/03/22
Profile Image for Heather.
54 reviews
July 10, 2007
A little girl is kidnapped at age four. Two years later, she is returned to her family. When tragedy strikes during her college years, those horrible two years come back to her in the form of the alter personalities that protected her during that time. She finds herself charged with murder, and her big sister fights to defend her in the hopeless case.

This book is one of my favorites by Mary Higgins Clark. She keeps you on the edge of your seat and turning the pages until you're finished. As usual, there's a twist at the end, so don't even try to guess what happens!
Profile Image for Kipi.
105 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2013
Almost as bad as the other Higgins Clark I read. Characters were made of cardboard and female frailty seems to indicate their inner goodness. Too many "almosts" to make me roll my eyes (as in someone almost does something or sees something or gets something that would reveal the bad guy). All in all a weak and cheap book.
Profile Image for Bill Muganda.
390 reviews238 followers
November 20, 2017
I actually enjoyed it... Read it in 2 days.... It all came together in the end and It gripped me from the start...

In all fairness its worth your time
Profile Image for Stela.
993 reviews382 followers
December 24, 2014
Lately, this "multiple personalities" thing has been overused. Anyway, a passable reading for bus stations, waiting rooms or any time you don't feel like using your brain too much.
However, although I have some more books of Mary Higgins Clark, I think I will donate them all to Salvation Army. Not so bad, lately I was looking for space in my library. :)
1 review
September 17, 2015
It was great! As always Mary Higgins Clark never disappoints me! A great mystery writer who holds your total attention without excess embellishments.

The story again had an exciting twist - with good characters . It's refreshing to see the good guy win and to close the book with a smile.
Profile Image for Kathy Sandlin.
662 reviews
January 6, 2008
I've read all of the MHC books that are out on paperback and I really enjoy them and they are a fast read. I did learn my lesson about making sure my husband was home when I read them b/c I got a little creeped out one night when I was home alone and the book I was reading had a character stalking her outside of her house. I just picked a few of my favorites for my bookshelf so it didn't get too crowded.
6,529 reviews72 followers
September 27, 2021
2,5/5. First book by Mary Higgins Clark for me. I wasn't expecting much, but a friend of my wife had praise it vividly to me the last time I saw her and so I decided to give it a try.

The story was alright until the end, which was maybe too cheesy for me, but the overall plot was okay. It was the writing, which I find very dry, and the characters, which were very generic, that had me turn the page without caring too much. I thought it lack a lot of psychology in the character development for a book that explore the concept of multiple personality disorder. With very short chapters, 116 chapters for a 340 pages book, this book just feel too much like a pop culture mass market commercially publish entertainment to really get to me. That sound pretentious enough... It remind me a lot of a TV-movie, which you often watch if you get to it by accident on a rainy Sunday afternoon and that you will "enjoy" while watching and until you start thinking about but will probably forget the next day.

Of course, I think it's important to remind us that this book was originally publish in 1989, over 30 years ago, and I truly think that the book should have been more relevant at the time. And also a book that I might have liked more if I read it ten years ago or even twenty years ago in my teens, while having less book in my head to compare it to.

Not much for me!

Profile Image for Bailey Jane.
150 reviews40 followers
December 1, 2008
Totally suspenseful! Another great one by Clark. You really can't go wrong with these novels. They are easy reads with twisting, exciting plots...especially this one.
Profile Image for Angel Donaldson.
10 reviews
May 6, 2021
I read this for Ms. Johnson when I definitely should not have been at 15 years old. I don't think Sydney liked it either.
Profile Image for Sateem ó_ò.
101 reviews121 followers
August 23, 2015
اضطراب تعدد الشخصية الفصامي موضوع مستهلك في الروايات.لكن قليلًا ما يستخدم بشكل مقنع، مما يُحتسَب في صالح الكاتبة.. ليس القصد أن هذه الرواية قامت بتصوير تعدد الشخصيات بطريقة مثالية.. حيث أنها لم تخلَ من بعض الإشكاليات التي تتنافى مع ما تصوّره كتب اللعلم النفسي المتخصصة في هذا المجال.. لكن ذلك قد يُعزى إلى قلّة الأبحاث العلمية المتوافرة في وقت إصدار هذه الرواية قبل ما يقارب العشرين سنة مضت..
بعيدًا عن الإشكالات العلمية.. الطريقة التي تم اختيارها لسرد الأحداث "في رأيي الشخصي" لم تكن خطوةً موفقة من قِبل الكاتبة..
فصول قصيرة جدًا تحكى من وجهة نظر شخصيات متعددة.. طريقةُ سردٍ أعجبتني في عددٍ ليس بقليل من الروايات في السابق.
لكن وللأسف.. في هذه الرواية لم تتم كتابتها بإتقان مما أدّى لنتيجةٍ عكسية.. بدلاً من توفير منظورٍآخر للأحداث، كانت سببًا في تشتيت الذهن وانعدام التواصل العاطفي مع أي من الشخصيات..
الصدق أنني في حيرة من أمري من ناحية تقييم هذا العمل.. حيث أنه ليس بإمكاني التظاهر بأنّي أنصح أي أحدٍ بقرائتها.. لكن وفي نفس الوقت.. لم تكن قراءةً سيئةً أبدًا

Profile Image for Anjana Hari.
1 review3 followers
December 14, 2016
One of my friends accidentally left one of Mary Higgins Clark's books in my apartment. That is when I started reading Mary's novels. I started with "You Belong to Me". That was when I started falling in love with this lady. From then I started picking up her books every now and then.
Regarding my experience with "ALL AROUND THE TOWN", I would just say it is flawless. It is written around a very strong, gripping I would say, story-line. The dots are all well connected. The story flows as easily as water running downstream. Growing up as a wildly imaginative kid is one factor that glued me to this book. The way the author writes about alter personalities and weaving the story around a highly intellectual criminal mastermind is what I say mind-blowing.
It is not just about solving a crime, it is about family, love and emotions. Especially in this novel, the bonding between the two sisters, Sarah and Laurie is really touching. The way Sarah struggles to save her sister is exemplary.
I strongly recommend my fellow readers to run through this book and indulge in the pleasure of seeing a happy ending.

Happy reading!!!
Author 13 books27 followers
August 14, 2013
I could not give to this book more than 2 stars.
I think that it was an easy to read book. I usually love to read thrillers to try to understand what's going on but with this book I understood the most important scoop about Laurie almost 100 pages before the end! I did not understand who the killer was ( because, honestly, it could have been anyone), but when I arrived at the end of the book I was not surprised at all.
What let me finish the book was the phsycology of Laurie. Blonde girl with a lot of hidden personalities, but I think it could have been written A WAY better.
The carachters are not deep. The relationship among Laurie and her sister Sarah could have been more deep, more .. crazy. I love deep stories and I love thrillers but this one didn't let me feel at the edge of my seat!
Plus, we are talking about a little girl that have been abused at 4 y.o. and she meets again her "monster" when she is older. But nothing happen except a girl seat on a man's lap.
This is not deep
This is an easy to read book, nothing special.
3 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2018

Laurie Kenyon just at age 4, was kidnapped in her driveway. During the 2 years of her abduction she suffered physical and sexual abuse, that caused Laurie to develop multiple personalities. Now at 21 years old, she is charged with murdering her English professor, Allen Grant. She had no recollection of the event, but her fingerprints are planted all over the crime scene. Her sister, Sarah Kenyon, takes on the case has her attorney and hires psychologists to help bring back the memories of the kidnapping and to rescue Laurie from the entrapment of her alternate selves. Her abductor, a famous pastor on television, is still obsessed with Laurie and ready is final plan for her with a shocking ending. All Around the Town written by, Mary Higgins Clark, will take you on the winding roads of a traumatized women, and goes into the darkest parts of the human mind.
Interviewing with Sarah Kenyon, Laurie’s older sister:
Q: How are you and your sister reacting to the death of your parents?
SK: It’s been hard, we are actually selling the house to move into an apartment. It’s always hard when you lose someone you dearly loved especially when it's your parents. I know Laurie has been having a tough time dealing with her emotions and the idea that they are gone. What is worst is that Laurie thinks it is her fault.
Q: How did it happen?
SK: My parents were driving to switch for the car that Laurie had at college because she forgot to have it inspected, but on the way there, they got in a multi vehicle accident on Route 78.
Q: Are either of you seeing a psychiatrists?
SK: Yes, Laurie has been meeting with a psychiatrist, Dr. Carpenter, as well as Dr. Donnelly to help her with her trauma between our parents death, the knife dream, and to still help her cope with her kidnapping that happened 17 years ago.
Q: What is the knife dream?
SK: Laurie has a recurring nightmare, ever since her return, she calls it the knife dream. In the dream she isn’t the victim or attacker she is “everyone. And in the end we all die together.” Ever since she had the dream she has been terrified of sharp knives.
Q: Who is “we”?
SK: Laurie suffers from multiple personality disorder, which means she has an alternate self. Although, Laurie has shown symptoms of 5 different personalities, Debbie, Kate, Lee, Leona, and Laurie. This causes her to change emotions and behaviors frequently and quickly. It was Leona sending the love letters and it was Leona that killed Allen Grant. Lee is her 4 year old self that still acts like she is a child. Debbie is also her 4 year old self that is weak and emotional and Kate is her 33 year old personality that is angry and blames Laurie and puts her down by saying how weak she is. I think that is the “we” that Laurie talks about in the dream, and in the end she dies and with it all her personalities.
Q: What is your biggest weakness?
SK: My biggest weakness would be my sister, Laurie. After our parents died we had no one but each other. I even quit my job at the law firm to be my sister’s lawyer to make sure she was going to be alright.
Q: How would you describe yourself?
SK: I would describe myself as compassionate, perseverance, loving, tough, and optimistic. During my sister’s arrest these traits are what made me strong a believe that there is a brighter future for Laurie. Also, I am tough, I can put up a fight definitely if it was for Laurie, but with that I have weaker qualities. I am sensitive and emotional so I do crack and break down, but I eventually fix myself.
Q: Are you the kind of person who people sympathize with Laurie right away even after her crime?
SK: It took me awhile to process what happened and I tried my best to remain calm and confident. I knew though right away that Laurie was innocent even if she did murder Allen Grant because it was never Laurie sending letters and sneaking in. I do sympathize with her on that level where she is very traumatized and has many psychological issues that drive away the real Laurie. All I can do is try and bring back the thing I love most.
Q: What do you care about most in the world?
SK: It’s obvious that I care about Laurie more than anything in the world, and I would do anything to protect her from anymore damage.
Q: What is the worst thing that ever happened to you? The best?
SK: Laurie’s kidnapping was the worst thing that ever happened to me. What happened to her was my fault and that is something I will never forget. When she asked me to come outside and go to the pool with her, I said no. She ended up going out alone, and that is when it happened, her kidnapping. Laurie is the best thing that happened to me and I ruined her all because I was not there for her.

Profile Image for Forough Sharifi.
122 reviews25 followers
May 10, 2017
کتاب توسط جبرائیل نعمت زاده از نسخه فرانسه به فارسی ترجمه شده است و توسط انتشارات هاشمی منتشر شده است.
کتاب روایت دختری چهار ساله است که توسط زن و مردی بوالهوس و با نیت سو استفاده جنسی و آزار روحی از جلوی درب خانه اش ربوده شده و دو سال بعد بازگردانده می شود. آزار او به حدی بوده که باعث شده به بیماری چند شخصیتی دچار شود هرچند پس از بازگشت به خانواده نشانه ای از بیماری روحی در او دیده نمی شود اما پس از مرگ ناگهانی پدر و مادر بر اثر تصادفی که لاری دختری که حالا دانشحو شده است، خودش را مقصر آن میداند بیماری به شکل حاد برمیگردد و زندگی او و خواهرش را تحت تاثیر مستقیم قرار می دهد. در این بین زوج رباینده که حالا ظاهرا سبک زندگی خود را تغییر داده اند و در بین افراد متشخص و مذهبی جامعه جای باز کرده اند همچنان قدم به قدم او را دنبال میکنند که مبادا یاد و خاطره ای از آنها در او زنده شود و جایگاه فعلی آنها را تهدید نماید. در این میان استاد دانشگاه لاری کشته می شود و لاری به قتل او متهم می گردد، اینجا نوبت سارا است که به عهد دیرین خود در برابر خواهر کوچکترش عمل نماید. در این میان قفل های بسته داستان یک به یک برای خواننده باز شده و داستان به جلو هدایت می شود.
این کتاب در ژانر داستان های بلند پلیسی قرار میگیرد و ��ویسنده موفق می شود تا صفحات پایانی رمز آلود بودن پایان کتاب را برای خواننده حفظ نماید. هر چند به نظر میرسد شخصیتهای کتاب عمدتا سیاه و سفید هستند و از همان صفحات اول تکلیف ذهن خواننده با قضاوت درباره هر یک از شخصیتها تا حدودی روشن می شود.
به نظر میرسد ترجمه و ویراستاری کتاب نیارمند اعمال اصلاحات اساسی است. به کارگیری لغات ادبی و فاخر یا پیچیده و غیر کاربردی در جمله ای که فعل آن در قالب ادبیات شفاهی نوشته شده و سایر لغات آن جمله در حوزه کلمات روزمره زبان فارسی می باشند، به طرز مشهودی در این کتاب به چشم میخورد و باعث عدن همخوانی و روانی جملات می شوند. ترجمه تحت اللفظی اصطلاحات، غلط های املایی کلمات، عدم فاصله گذاری مناسب بین پاراگرافهایی که مربوط به دو بخش مختلف داستان هستند و... باعث می شود روانی کتاب به شدت تحت تاثیر قرار بگیرد اما در یک چهارم پایانی کتاب به طرز محسوسی این مشکلات کمتر شده و خواندن کتاب کار لذت بخش تری می شود. هر چند زبان اصلی کتاب انگلیسی می باشد اما این ترجمه از زبان فرانسه انجام شده که از طرفی باعث خوشوقتی ما خوانندگان کتاب های فارسی است که مترجمینی به غیر از مترجمین زبان انگلیسی هم در حگزه نشر فعالیت می کنند، قطعا ترجمه کتابهایی که زبان اصلی آنها فرانسوی بوده توسط مترجمی که به این زبان مسلط است لذت خواندن آن کتابها را دو چندان می کند.
Profile Image for Laura.
79 reviews9 followers
April 26, 2014
This story is about a young woman who was abducted at the age of four and horribly abused for two years. The reader is spared the details of this abuse while it's happening (which I appreciated!) and the story flashes forward to when she is 21 and a fresh trauma in her life causes effects from the abuse to surface in the form of the protagonist having multiple personalities. A murder occurs and we are left to discover "who done it." (One of her personalities, the abusers, or someone else?) We also get to see if she can truly heal from the abuse she endured.

It's an interesting topic and I think a great premise for a suspense novel. I liked this book and thought it was good but not great. I was consistently interested and never thought of abandoning it but I also never got that attached to any of the characters and I (accurately) felt pretty confident about where the story would lead next while I was reading it.

I want to reiterate that I thought the book was good and I do recommend it. But there was something about the writing style that felt off/odd to me. It's hard to describe. This is my first Mary Higgins Clark book and I plan to read another to see what I think. It might Ms. Clark's writing style, but I think it was the fact that much of the story is told from the perspective of the young woman's 4 year old personality. It felt too simplistic.

The themes of the book are the abuse/molestation and multiple personalities. The treatment of these seemed superficial to me but maybe the intent was to be a good mystery/thriller, rather than to delve deeply into these issues. Also, I don't know anything about multiple personalities - if there even is such a thin - so I'm not a great judge on how well that was represented. It didn't feel realistic to me but who knows.
Profile Image for Heidi.
320 reviews
April 27, 2017
It was a hard slog to get through this book, even though I specifically chose it because I wanted some light, fast reading. I always expect a certain amount of cheese when I read Mary Higgins Clark, but this one was comparable to a fat-free Velveeta, which is to say: blecccch.

A predictable, eye-rolling story of murder and multiple personalities, with the most cardboard of characters who nevertheless managed to be unlikeable in the extreme. A thirtyish lawyer who still lives with Mommy and Daddy and relies on the housekeeper to make her dinner. A college student who's interested only in golf and wears fancy silk, linen, and cashmere outfits everywhere while keeping a boyfriend on a string by giving him at most a chaste peck on the cheek. (Has Ms. Clark ever actually met a college student?).

The part where they pack and move out of a very large house which has over 30 years worth of accumulated possessions in a matter of hours one morning, after obtaining a mover on literally a moment's notice, is just too preposterous for words.

The book jacket blurb promises "Clark's most gripping tale of psychological suspense" with a "terrifying twist at the climax". I found little suspense, and the supposed "twist" had been telegraphed ahead of time. I would place this disappointing clunker near the bottom of the author's body of work.
Profile Image for Connie N..
2,536 reviews
August 28, 2020
Whew! I spent the whole day reading this because I just couldn't put it down. We first meet Laurie as a little girl when she is abducted. We know a little about her situation, but it's brief, then we move to present day when Laurie is 21 years old, following the death of her and sister Sarah's parents. At this point, we start to see that Laurie is troubled, and eventually we discover that she is suffering from multiple-personality disorder. She begins to see psychiatrists, although she's slow to trust and open up. The reader, on the other hand, can see that the culprits are moving on with their lives and becoming successful, but always worried about the little girl who might reveal their identities. The suspense builds as we see Laurie start to fall apart even as she tries to rebuild her life. Her different personalities start to emerge, but then something terrible happens and she and Sarah have to figure out how to handle it. This is such a perfect Clark book. She always captures my attention from the first page, then she is somehow able to keep me guessing while still seemingly revealing a lot of information that should solve the mystery for me. I actually didn't know the full story until almost the end, and the excitement actually kept me on my toes until the very last page.
Profile Image for Tania.
1,348 reviews32 followers
February 16, 2017
Mary Higgins Clark weaves a complicated world around her characters, that is slowly unraveled as the novel progresses. I was completely taken in by this sometimes dark and always tense world, and this was a real page-turner for me.

A family is torn apart when their youngest daughter, Laurie, is stolen from the front yard. Parents can't function, and an older sister blames herself. Fast forward to the future, and a family reunited - together but unable to process and put aside the past. New tragedy strikes, and it seems as if Laurie is destined to never realize her full potential, or real happiness. Her older sister Sarah is filled with renewed determination that this won't be the truth, and we have to hope that she is right.

It's a thriller, one that will make you guard your loved ones closely after realizing how easy it is for a family to be torn apart.
Profile Image for Zézinha Rosado.
425 reviews6 followers
July 16, 2020
Um livro interessante sobre a história de uma criança - Laurie - que foi raptada aos 4 anos de idade e que só regressa a casa passados dois anos, sem qualquer memória do que lhe aconteceu nesse espaço de tempo, onde esteve e com quem esteve.
A criança cresce e torna-se numa jovem com múltiplas personalidades, derivado aos traumas que sofreu durante a época em que esteve com os seus raptores.
De repente vê-se acusada do assassinato de um professor seu, sem que tenha qualquer memória de ter praticado o crime, embora todas as provas apontem contra si.
A luta de Sarah para conseguir provar a inocência da irmã Laurie é dura e o regresso dos fantasmas do passado em nada vão ajudar...
Um livro que, apesar de não ser fantástico, se lê facilmente e nos consegue cativar.
Profile Image for Elaine Nickolan.
541 reviews3 followers
November 9, 2020
3.5 star rating. An interesting story dealing with multiple personalities and kidnapping. What happens to a child when they are taken from their parents, subjected to unspeakable cruelty, and then returned to their parents after two years with no type of counseling to help them return to a "normal" life. What happens when your abductors are still out there and want to make sure you never tell. This is the story of Laura, taken at age 4 and how the torment she endured plays a part in her adult life falling apart BIG time. I enjoyed reading how Laura coped, how she handles the setbacks, and ultimately must face her past head on.
This was one of the first books I have read by this author and enjoyed it. Looking forward to trying this author again with one of my next reads.
Profile Image for Nieves.
415 reviews27 followers
April 11, 2019
Este es mi libro favorito de la autora. He perdido ya la cuenta de cuántas veces lo he leído... Y sigue fascinándome igual 😍
Profile Image for Горан Запрянов.
Author 3 books28 followers
April 23, 2022
Класически психологически трилър. Показва определени психически последствия, които едно дете може да преживее, когато бъде отвлечено и насилвано на ранна възраст.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 900 reviews

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