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Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop #1

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Когато Имоджен и Анна наследяват магазина за домашен сладолед на своята баба, никоя от тях не подозира предизвикателството, пред което ще се изправят. Нито удоволствието, което ще изпитат от добре свършената работа. Но дотогава двете сестри трябва да се научат как се печелят клиенти, как да се справят с мръсните номера на конкуренцията и как, за бога, се приготвя изкусителен италиански сладолед.
Докато Имоджен подготвя магазина за новия сезон и развива нестандартните си маркетингови идеи, Анна заминава за Италия, където кратък гурме курс трябва да я научи на всички тайни на сладоледеното удоволствие. Дали това ще е достатъчно, за да запази магазина, или непредсказуемото английско време ще им изиграе лоша шега? Едно е сигурно, това лято няма да прилича на никое друго.

208 pages, Paperback

First published May 22, 2013

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About the author

Abby Clements

13 books181 followers
Abby Clements worked in book publishing before writing this, her first novel. Her Christmas baking skills are upper-intermediate. Her countryside-survival skills are basic to none. She lives with her boyfriend in North London.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 380 reviews
Profile Image for Namratha.
1,102 reviews247 followers
March 7, 2014
Fooled by a pretty face. Or to be more precise, bamboozled by a gorgeous Book Cover.

I want to take a moment here to tell you all about the sheer prettiness of the book cover. Retro fonts, pastel colours and art deco illustrations of wafered sundaes and munched up ice-cream bars acted as an ACME-sized magnet for a nostalgia freak like me.

The summary at the back was promising too. Two young sisters (Anna and Imogen) with vastly differing personalities suddenly learn that they have inherited Grandma Vivien's Ice-Cream Parlour. Vivien was a beautiful person with a kind heart and was adored by her family, friends and patrons. But her seaside business was going downhill. Stable Anna who has just bought a house with her boyfriend and free-spirited Imogen who is a photographer living it up on a Thailand beach have to decide whether wrapping up their individual dreams and bring their Grandma's shop back to life is a doable venture. As summer approaches, the two sisters go through the pangs of small-business setup while juggling their private lives.

I really wanted to love this book. I did. I am a huge cooking fiend. If a book has food hoisting up the plot, I will read it. So yes, I loved the delectable mentions of gourmet ice-creams, tart granitas and fresh sorbets. But as far as the sisters' stories went, it was all too pat and too too coincidental. Every time things went wrong...solutions popped up immediately. Every time love lives crumbled, new prospects appeared on the horizon. Anna and Imogen were supposed to be two opposing personalities and yet, there were barely any fireworks in their working relationship. Shouldn't Imogen have strained at the lease when Anna got too perfectionist in her attitude? Shouldn't Anna have been furious when Imogen spends their fast-withering funds on a solely made decision? But no....no sparks, whatsoever. Even the romantic lives of the two sisters was lacklustre. Problem: Cheating Boyfriends? Solutions : New, improved boyfriends. Just.like.that.

I hate talking about a book like this because I truly loved it's premise. I have been lucky enough to have a grandmother just like Vivien. Loving matriarchs with memorable personalities are a joy to behold. And I would have liked the book better if there would have been flashes of her personality interspersing the two sisters' tale. But no, it laboured on about Anna and Imogen living out a supposedly fraught-with-uncertainty (but in my opinion, textbook perfect) life.

Trying to end on a more positive note, there are some seriously gorgeous ice-cream recipes at the end of the book. With summer around the corner, they are definitely worth trying.
Profile Image for Nina.
842 reviews319 followers
August 11, 2018
I think I was once again a little fooled by a pretty cover. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't necessarily a bad book. It was a very quick read and I didn't have to force myself to get through it; but it unfortunately just wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.

The first half of "Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop" was very boring and nothing really happened. I did like that the main characters were running a business and it was nice to read about how the business went from a disaster to something that provides them with an income. But there were just many other things in this book I didn't really care about. I liked the dog, he was cute, and so was little Alfie (the son of the boyfriend of one of the MCs), but the romance was very weak. Nothing really happened until the last 100 pages of the book and then everything just felt extremely rushed. Furthermore, I also didn't really like Abby Clements's writing style.

Overall though, it was still a nice summer read and since I definitely enjoyed the second half more than the first half of the book, I decided to still give it three out of five stars.

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Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books381 followers
November 6, 2020
When their grandmother Vivien dies, Anna and Imogen find themselves owners of Vivien’s ice cream parlour at Brighton. But Imogen has a life in Thailand with Luca and she has plans of getting back to it sooner rather than later. She has her plans as a photographer, seeking to exhibit and become well known. Anna has always had an interest in food but never actually done anything with it. Could the ice cream shop be an answer? But their grandmother was very specific. She wants the two sisters to run it together. The ice cream parlour is a well-known feature in Brighton but it became run down when Vivien was too sick to deal with it. Something needs to happen to bring it back to the way it was? Will the sisters take a chance on trying to get it restored and make a going concern of it? What will that mean for the future of each of them?
The cover really sets the scene for what this story is going to be. Sweet and light as ice cream on the tongue. Anna and Imogen are quiet likable characters and they have a good relationship, even though they are very different to each other. Maybe because they are. They balance each other. As they attempt to restart the business certain unforeseen problems come up. These I felt, were handled too easily and without some of the friction you might expect to have taken place.
This is a story of family, of grief, and the different way it affects different people, of taking chances and of romance. An enjoyable story but things happened just a little too easily and neatly. It was not a book that had me agonising over the characters and their decisions. It’s simply a sweet summer read. For those so inclined there are several recipes for various kinds of ice cream included. A pleasant read but not a book that will linger in the memory.
Profile Image for Angela.
86 reviews10 followers
August 31, 2015
Boring boring boring! Why do I keep picking up these type of book up?
Profile Image for Megan Readinginthesunshine.
468 reviews189 followers
May 28, 2013
Sisters Imogen and Anna are devastated when their beloved grandmother Vivien dies unexpectedly. The two sisters have been living entirely different lives and doing different things, but when they discover that Vivien has left them her ice cream parlour, they make a big decision. As Viven’s Ice cream Shop is a seafront institution and the sisters want to protect their grandmother’s legacy, they devise a plan together to train up and make the ice cream shop the best it can be! So whilst Imogen watches the shop and comes up with new ideas, Anna flies to Italy to attend a gourmet ice-cream making course. As they get to grips with running an ice cream shops, the sisters learn lots about ice cream, and themselves too…

I thoroughly enjoyed this! As soon as I picked the book up I was immediately drawn into the story, and I actually finished it in a single day, I just couldn’t put the book down! I will warn you though….this book will make you want ice cream and lots of it! I didn’t have any in the house, but as soon as I finished the book, I went out especially just to buy some! So a tip: stock up on some ice cream before you start reading (perhaps buy both the book and ice cream at the same time?), because they are a winning combination!

The characters were wonderful! Both Imogen and Anna are quite different from each other, and I really enjoyed this aspect as it made the story more interesting and I got to learn about their different personalities and see them as two separate people. I think if they had been to similar than they may have blended into each other a bit too much so I was pleased that both Imogen and Anna stood out for their own reasons. I also loved that although they are different, they share similar values, such as the love for their grandmother and their determination and dedication to the ice cream shop. I particularly loved the focus on family, with this theme running throughout, it was touching and I really got behind the sisters, cheering them on because I desperately wanted Vivien’s Ice cream Shop to be a success for them!

The descriptions were beautiful! Anna flies over to Italy to learn about making ice cream, and whilst I was reading these chapters I genuinely felt as though I had been transported abroad with Anna, seeing the sights around me, hearing the sounds and I could almost imagine myself there. The descriptions of the ice cream and the flavours were wonderful, though it made me long to taste what I was reading about!

But it’s not all about drooling over ice cream…there is so much more than that! I was really interested to read about what it takes to run an ice cream shop. I thought, as I’m sure many other people do, that it would be quite easy serving ice creams all day, but there is a lot more to it! As a result I was so intrigued about the daily workings of an ice cream shop, and I was so pleased that Abby included these aspects as I feel I’ve learnt a lot from this story too. There is also a great insight into the lives of the two sisters, the importance of family, and of course, some romance too!

Vivien’s Heavenly Ice Cream Shop is truly a delight to read, it made my day and had me smiling for a long while after I had finished reading. Vivien’s Heavenly Ice Cream shop would be ideal for a holiday read, or even just relaxing in the garden….so make sure you pick up this book, buy an ice cream, and enjoy devouring this fabulous novel!
Profile Image for Book Addict Shaun.
937 reviews316 followers
August 10, 2016
Every so often a book comes along that you just fall in love with and want to tell everybody to read. This is that book. I wanted to read it from the minute I laid eyes on the cover, it looks great. And luckily the story contained within is even better. I picked it up earlier wanting to read a bit of it and finished it within a few hours. I am now left feeling happy that I finished a good book but sad that it is over.

In recent years we have had family members being left cafes, cake shops, sweet shops etc however I did find the actual story and the characters very original and would say that this isn't just a rehash of similar books from other authors. I took to the two characters Anna and Imogen straightaway and loved them throughout the whole book. They both felt very realistic and you really root for them throughout the book.

I was salivating reading about the ice cream recipes (though perhaps not the batch that Imogen created!), and wishing I could be in Italy with Anna trying some of them out. There are recipes in the back of the book which I would like to try out but to be honest it wouldn't be the same as being in Italy or being in a lovely little ice cream shop near the seafront! I found myself so engrossed in the story and enjoying reading about the characters that I was gutted as I turned each page and neared the end. With a certain cafe and sweetshop from another author having second books written set at Christmas time part of me wishes that the author of this book would write a second book featuring these fantastic characters and the wonderful ice cream shop. The ending was a satisfying one but I would say it was kind of left open for a sequel, please let there be one.

I also loved this book enough to check out the author's other book which has been on my tbr list for a while but I just haven't got round to it. This book is the perfect summer read to while away a few hours on the beach, just make sure there is an ice cream van/shop nearby! This is one of those books you will fall in love with and reccommend to everybody you can. Don't miss it.
Profile Image for MicaelaS.
2 reviews
December 11, 2013
I really wanted to love this book. I had admired the cover for ages, and the storyline sounded like something I'd absolutely love! Unfortunately I found the book to be bland and for the most part, quite boring. I realised I wasn't enjoying the story of Imogen and Anna as I felt no emotional connection to either of them. I wasn't enraptured with their lives and wasn't rooting for them. Every plot seemed so "convenient", eg they run out of money, they decide to get a loan, get loan approval. Everything was so step-by-step, and I was really looking for a bit more depth to the storyline.

The part(s) I did enjoy were the struggles their father went through after losing his mother. I wish more attention had been paid to his grief, and the girls had interacted more with him and their mother. The other part I enjoyed was their meddlesome aunt trying to ruin their plans, and it was great when their dad put her in her place!

I had hoped once Anna went to Italy and Matteo was introduced that there would be more spark! As with Imogen and Finn, but everything felt more fizzle... 2/3 of the way through, I didn't really care anymore.

Overall, the book wasn't terrible, it was a sweet read but I don't see myself picking it up again in the future. I'm so disappointed, as I had this on my to read list for so long.
292 reviews12 followers
May 21, 2018
Une lecture fraîche et sympathique - peut-être un peu niaise et facile, mais parfaite pour l'été !
Profile Image for Camille.
64 reviews12 followers
March 20, 2019
Une lecture toute mignonne, même si ça ne casse pas non plus trois pattes à un canard. J’ai passé un bon moment :)
Profile Image for Tracy Klein.
84 reviews
November 14, 2013
The cover makes me want to sink my head into a pot of delicious raspberry gelato. That's what made me pick up this book from the shelf. Also, the description looked kinda good! A story about two sisters that start a business together. I like that kind of stuff so I bought it.

The ice cream parlour belonged to Vivien, Anna and Imogen's grandmother. She's a good woman, loved by everyone, that likes to share what she has with those less fortunate.

Anna and Imogen are very different from each other. Imogen loves travelling and havin fun, while Anna is content with living a more conventional life, this is, finishing uni, find a job, find a boyfriend, move together and get married. In fact, she just started the phase "move together" by buying an apartment with her boyfriend Jon after a couple of years together.

About Imogen, they say she's the spitting image of her father. Which seems to annoy her mother, who dislikes those traits on her and is not happy with the kind of life her daughter is living.

The girls have an uncle called Martin, who married a french woman. They live in France. I think they have no children.

Also we got Alfie. Jon's son from his first marriage. Alfie is 3 and speaks about himself in third person. Jon and his mother divorced when he was 1 because Jon caught her cheating on him with the neighbour.

The best of the book, the recipes in the end! Can't wait to do the blueberry one. The worst, that most of the situations were forced by the author to fit into the story. Even if that means making her characters do unreasonable or absurd things.

SPOILERS WARNING!!!! And now my personal opinion:

A lot trouble that happened in the book, could have been solved by talking about it first. I mean... the author wanted Anna and Imogen to inherit the ice cream parlour, she wanted it to be a surprise but... that is a serious thing that should have been talked beforehand. A shop requires a lot of sacrifice and commitment. Nana Vivien knew that Anna just got promoted to her new job, and Imogen was living abroad. If they wanted to run the ice cream parlour, Anna would've had to resign, and Imogen would've had to leave Thailand and come back to England, and maybe she didn't want to do that! Inheriting a shop is something too serious and lifechanging to just throw the news to you like that!

Convenience strikes back after a few chapters, when Anna and Imogen take over the business. Anna decides to go on a trip to Italy to assist to a gelato academy. That is three weeks after she resigns from her new job and starts focusing on Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop. In that time, she was a bit busy, but she had time to take a weekend out with her boyfriend. Nothing wrong here. But apparently, when she comes from her one week gelato course, she finds out that her boyfriend has been sacked and he didn't say a word to her because he felt too embarrassed. Anna of course is angry, everyone would be. But he then quickly defends himself by turning the tables and accusing Anna of leaving their relationship in the background. He also says, he doesnt feel at home anymore and he's going back with his ex that cheated on him. Leaving Anna alone with the burden of being the one to blame for the relationship failure, and just a month after buying an apartment together, and just because she's a bit busy with a new business! Sounds realistic to me.

While Anna is in Italy, Imogen makes a couple of big purchases without consulting her sister's opinion. I mean... she is in charge, that's true, but Imogen please, your sister is your business partner aswell, you don't just spend all your budget without asking her first! And that moment when Finn breaks into the garage to fix the engine, and Imogen catches him. Finn, we know your intentions are good, but why did you have to sneak in like a burglar? Well the answer is to conveniently create awkward moments with Imogen, so people won't suspect they'll end together. O wait...

Do people act like this in real life? Because I don't know of anyone who does... when I buy a real life based story, I want to read something realistic, not a book full of silly easy fixes and cheap coincidences.

Profile Image for Jennifer Joyce.
Author 21 books131 followers
August 22, 2013
Imogen has been living in Thailand for six months, dividing her time between relaxing with friends and her boyfriend in idyllic surroundings and building an exhibition of underwater photographs. She can't imagine returning to dreary Britain but one phone call freezes her travel bug and sends her back to Brighton. Imogen's beloved grandmother, Vivien has passed away, leaving her ice cream shop to Imogen and her older sister, Anna.

Imogen and Anna have a tough task ahead of them to fulfil their grandmother's wishes and take over the business. The ice cream shop has suffered in recent years and needs modernisation and a new wave of customers. Anna has always dreamed of making a living from selling her own food creations but she doesn't have much experience of making ice cream and creating her own recipes so, in the name of research, she jets off to Italy to enrol on a gelato course.

Making the ice cream shop a success won't be easy but Anna and Imogen are determined to make their grandmother proud.

I was thrilled when I received a copy of Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop as the cover is gorgeous and what could be better than a plot revolving around ice cream? We only meet Vivien - who opened the shop in the 1950s with her husband, Stanley - very briefly but, through her friends and family, I got a real sense of the woman she was. Vivien was a warm, caring and full of life character so her granddaughters have a lot to live up to when they take over her shop.

Anna and Imogen have their fair share of problems while setting up the shop, both in business and their personal lives. It was good to see the hiccups of taking over the business or, more importantly, how the sisters worked to resolve them, growing in confidence as they progressed.

Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop is a tasty treat of a book and is perfect to enjoy over the summer.
36 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2017
Eine süße Sommergeschichte bei der man auch an verregneten Herbsttagen Lust auf ein frisches, cremiges Eis bekommt. Auf den letzten Seiten gibts sogar ein paar Eisrezepte - davon möchte ich im nächsten Sommer gerne eines ausprobieren ;-)
Profile Image for Andrea.
529 reviews26 followers
July 10, 2019
This is a nice summer-y book about 2 sisters taking on an ice-cream shop! I would have liked a little more drama during certain parts, but other than that this book was great. Yes, there are recipes at the end of the book.
Profile Image for Mariiine.
300 reviews33 followers
July 28, 2019
3,5 *
Je comprends les avis positifs pour ce livre. C'est une lecture facile, divertissante, parfaite pour la saison mais je m'attendais quand même à plus.
L'ensemble est un peu trop lisse et gentillet à mon goût. Ce roman me laisse finalement sur les mêmes impressions que ceux de Jenny Colgan, c'est mignon, mais un peu niais.
Profile Image for Karyn.
157 reviews17 followers
March 30, 2020
This was a very Happy Feel good read, more like a book you would take to the beach.
It revolves around everyones favourite dessert - ice cream.
The story is based in a small town. It involves a tale of family inheritance and two sisters, who fight it to keep the business going.
There is a romance / heartbreak angle.
But I guess, the gelato topic, keeps everyone hooked.
Almost made me wish, I could run and grab a ice-cream.
101 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2022
An enjoyable summer read with well drawn, relatable characters.
Profile Image for Emiliya.
713 reviews15 followers
July 5, 2020
Позитивна и приятна за четене.
Profile Image for Joanna Nurin.
63 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2019
The reason why I picked up this book is because of the cute cover & my love for ice cream 🍦💕
Thus, 4⭐️ / 5⭐️
Profile Image for Marimirl.
220 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2016
Die beiden Schwestern Imogen und Anna erben das Eiscafé ihrer Großmutter. Imogen lebt eigentlich derzeit auf Thailand um an ihrem Fotoprojekt zu arbeiten und Anna startet erfolgreich im Marketing durch - dennoch versuchen sie, den Traum ihrer Oma weiterleben zu lassen.

Meine Meinung:
Der Klassiker - ein Erbe, das das Leben verändert und einige Entscheidungen erfordert. Bücher mit diesem Inhalt gibt es viele und ich kann jetzt leider auch nichts hervorheben, das dieses Buch ganz besonders macht und von den anderen abhebt.
Dennoch habe ich es gern gelesen. Das Buch erfüllt zwar alle Klischees und birgt kaum Überraschungen, aber das stört mich in diesem Genre eher weniger. Das Buch lebt auch nicht von seiner Spannung, sondern vom Schreibstil und ihnen erster Linie wohl von seinen Charakteren. Diese sind allesamt gut gezeichnet und entsprechen wohl genau dem, was der durchschnittliche Leser in diesem Genre erwartet.
Die Atmosphäre, die durch das Buch geschaffen wird, ist dennoch eine besondere. Ich fühle mich zumindest so, als wäre ich gerade wirklich in Brighton gewesen und ich überlege auch, ob so ein Eisgeschäft nicht vielleicht auch etwas wäre....
Profile Image for Adelyne.
1,183 reviews33 followers
March 15, 2018
A nice, light and enjoyable read centred around the revitalising of an ice cream shop by two young sisters after the passing of their grandmother and her leaving the place to them to run. The girls are originally happy in their original jobs and lives but decide to take on the project in their grandmother’s memory, and I’m glad that things worked out in the end. There were times where I felt that the issues they faced were resolved a bit too easily, but it works out well for a fluffy, feel-good book. Am looking forward to the sequel – where one of the sisters moves to Italy to set up another ice cream shop and am looking forward to the types of adventures she will encounter there. Enjoyed it while it lasted, but probably not one that will be sticking around with me for long. 4.5 stars, 4 on Goodreads.
Profile Image for ilo.reads.
53 reviews12 followers
March 15, 2020
Reread & finished this in 2 days. Really enjoyed it, will be looking out for Abby's other book, an enjoyable read, definitely worth 5 stars xxx
Profile Image for Floriana Amoruso.
1,330 reviews13 followers
April 10, 2019
Letto e recensito da Patrizia
Bel romanzo, fresco, semplice e divertente. Storia non scontata che mi ha catturata dalle primissime pagine, sarà che adoro i romanzi in cui da sfondo qualcuno cucina con passione, mettendo a nudo la propria anima in ogni piatto.

"…quando aveva in mano un cucchiaio di legno dimenticava subito ogni problema e i delicati aromi e profumi che riempivano la cucina la trasportavano in un luogo più dolce."

Le due sorelle - Anna e Imogen – non potrebbero essere più diverse tra loro, eppure con forza e tanta incoscienza, dovuta alla giovane età, tenteranno di riparare l'irreparabile, prendendosi carico di una gelateria vecchio stampo, quasi alla deriva finanziaria. Entrambe lotteranno con la quotidianità e i "piccoli problemi di cuore", e ci dimostreranno che a volte i sogni si possono realizzare (non senza fatiche e rinunce).
La parte meno gradita è stata la parte depressiva di questo padre artista, portata all'esasperazione, forse perché normalmente la parte della depressa sociopatica è sempre di un personaggio femminile.
Imogen è la ribellione, la libertà e la passione, ha l'animo travagliato ed artistico del padre, mentre Anna è sobria, pacata, un po' grigio inglese. Rispecchiano perfettamente le incertezze i dubbi delle ventenni dei nostri giorni, con sprazzi di incoscienza e di massima maturità.
Ho provato un'emozione intensa, come se facessi anche io il corso di cucina con Anna, la Toscana splendida da sfondo, Matteo giovane, bello aitante e finalmente un italiano vero come protagonista, non stereotipato.
Profile Image for Mathilde.
747 reviews171 followers
September 12, 2017
Alors là voici une lecture qui m’a agréablement surprise, bien entendu j’espérais passer un bon moment avec cette lecture dont je me doutais qu’elle serait parfaite pour mon été, mais je ne pensais pas que le livre me plairait autant.

Alors oui l’intrigue est toute simple et on est vraiment dans la lecture estivale avec une romance mais le tout avec un petit air d’Italie et de crèmes glacées sans être nian nian alors forcément ça m’a plu.
Ces deux soeurs sont touchantes et on aimerait bien voir le rendu final mais surtout on a qu’une envie c’est de goûter les parfums des glaces qui sont évoqués c’est la raison pour laquelle je vous conseille fortement de le lire pendant vos vacances, car en période hivernale il vous sera plus difficile de trouver certains parfums.

Il se dit donc très vite et je l’ai dévoré comme j’ai englouti mon cornet sorbet noisette & chocolat noir cet été !
C’est frais, ça se lit super bien, on a envie d’y être et il parait qu’il y a d’autres tomes qui suivent en plus !!
Profile Image for Lorraine.
129 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2018
This book is 'right up my street'. I really enjoyed it, could picture the characters and places so much so I'm going to start the follow-up book tonight The Heavenly Italian Ice Cream Shop. Perfect summer reading.
80 reviews
July 22, 2017
Enjoyed this as nice feel good romance. Very easy to read and the ice creams sound so good!!
Profile Image for Dawn.
831 reviews42 followers
July 25, 2018
A cute story, but none of the characters really impressed me. I'm going to read the second book because I am curious what happens with the sisters and their ice cream business.
Profile Image for Ingrid Fasquelle.
917 reviews33 followers
August 3, 2014
Abby Clements a travaillé dans l’édition littéraire avant de s'essayer à l'écriture. Elle vit dans le nord de Londres avec son fiancé. Elle aime les dimanches paresseux, les films des années 80 et les chiens courts sur pattes ! Elle a publié un premier roman Meet me under the Mistletoe en novembre 2012 . La merveilleuse boutique de crèmes glacées de Viviane est son deuxième roman. Son troisième roman publié à l’automne 2013 s’intitule Amelia Grey’s fireside dreams.

Quand Imogène et Anna héritent de façon totalement inattendue de la petite boutique de crèmes glacées de leur grand-mère, leur vie va se trouver chamboulée. Le glacier qui se trouve à Brighton en bord de mer possède énormément de charme mais n'attire plus les clients. L'été approchant à grand pas, les deux sœurs vont devoir trouver des solutions ! Leur meilleure volonté pourra-t-elle surmonter les tensions dans leurs familles leurs vies sentimentales agitées et le très réputé climat anglais ? Une chose est sûre, cet été ne sera pas comme les autres...

Divertissement assuré avec ce roman délicieusement british ! Grâce à une histoire romantique et pleine de charme, et des personnages auxquels la lectrice pourra facilement s'identifier, AbbyClements montre que le bonheur est fait de petits plaisirs simples, à la portée de chacun !

Fraîche, légère, parfaite pour l'été, La merveilleuse boutique de crèmes glacées de Viviane est une petite comédie romantique toute simple, positive, optimiste, qui procure détente et bien-être et laisse le sourire aux lèvres. Fluide et accessible, c'est une histoire irrésistible, pleine de bons sentiments, qui saura séduire bon nombre de lectrices, y compris celles qui ne lisent que pendant l'été.

Certes, le roman d'Abby Clements est un «roman de fille», romantique et sirupeux à souhait. On pourra reprocher à l'auteure de céder parfois à quelques raccourcis et facilités. Toutefois, sa plume reste agréable et l'équilibre entre passages descriptifs et dialogues est bien maîtrisé. On prend un réel plaisir à accompagner les personnages dans leurs aventures à la fois drôles et touchantes !

La merveilleuse boutique de crèmes glacées de Viviane est un roman pétillant, vif et sucré, porté par des personnages simples et attachants. Une histoire pleine de charme et de gourmandise, dont on sort revigoré et gorgé d'optimisme. Aussi savoureux qu'un pot de Ben & Jerry's, les calories en moins, c'est sûr, vous allez adorer !
Profile Image for Agi.
1,605 reviews102 followers
May 25, 2013
I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review.
Last year's "Meet me under the Mistletoe" was one of my favourite reads and so I was waiting impatiently for new Abby Clement's book. And when I got it, I put everything away and started to read it immediately.
First please let me tell you how much I loved the cover of this book. With its fantastic fond, pastel colours I just wanted to look at it and actually eat it. It suits the plot absolutely.
"Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop" belongs to my favourite category of books: books that I want to read as fast as possible to know what's going to happen and how it is going to end, and as slow as possible, just to enjoy them longer.
One can say that in the last time we get many books in which the characters inherit sweet shop, cafe, ice cream shop, but fortunately all of the books are different. Here I warmed to the main characters immediately. They both are as different as two sisters can be but they are also real, normal women who want they dream come true. I love books like this where the author writes how important the family ties are, where family is in the middle point.
A part of this book takes place in Florence and it is brilliantly described. I felt like I've been there, like I've seen this with my own eyes. I could feel all the scents and could see all the food and all the places together with Anna.
Don't forget of course that it is chick lit, so we have here boyfriend problems as well, leavings, meetings, romance and this all wonderfully set in the book.
The next character of the book are of course ice creams. I am personally not a big fan of ice creams, I am more a cupcakes girl, but nevertheless after finishing the book I wanted to eat an ice cream, badly. It was a disappointment poor of course, and so I think, eat once Anna's ice and die:) And for sure I am going to try the recipes from the book.
So, altogether, it is a brilliant book, wonderful for every evening, a book that I felt in love from its first page.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 380 reviews

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