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Rosemary Beach #4

Rush Too Far

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Fallen Too Far was Blaire's story. Now it's time for Rush to share his side.

Everyone in Rosemary Beach thinks they know how Rush Finlay and Blaire Wynn fell in love. But Rush is back to tell his side of the story...

Rush has earned every bit of his bad-boy reputation. The three-story beach house, luxury car, and line of girls begging for time between his sheets are the envy of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister, Nan.

Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up pickup truck with a pistol under her seat. The Alabama farm girl instantly captures Rush’s attention once he discovers that the angelic beauty is his new stepsister, but he vows to keep his distance. Even if she needs his help. Even if he craves her.

Because Rush knows why Blaire is all alone in the world, forced to ask for help from the father who abandoned her three years ago. And he knows if he gets too close it will destroy Nan, who has a secret connection to Blaire.

He has every reason in the world to stay away from her. Find out why he doesn’t.

258 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 6, 2014

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About the author

Abbi Glines

118 books86k followers
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Smoke, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but she now lives in New England and that's as close as it is going to get. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, watching Netflix and all the introverted stuff.
You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,974 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,139 reviews34.8k followers
April 20, 2015
4-4.5 stars!!!

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My problem with books that I’ve already read from the ‘other’ pov- I feel like I know exactly whats going to happen (because, well, I do) so occasionally I don’t read them. I couldn’t skip this book. I love Rush too much and wanted his pov. Rush Too Far was essentially a re-telling of Fallen Too Far from Rush’s pov. Hearing the story from Rush’s side was much different than Blaire’s. I loved getting inside his head and seeing what he was really thinking...

Note to readers- if you haven’t read Fallen Too Far, there may be some storyline spoilers.
Eventually, someone did save me. I didn’t deserve it... I’ve been delivered. By a girl. But she isn’t just a girl. She’s an angel. My angel. A beautiful, strong, fierce, loyal angel who entered my life in a pickup truck, carrying a gun.

We all know and love Rush Finlay. Son of a rock star, man whore, he’s that guy. He’s also a devoted brother. And when the person ‘responsible’ for his sisters unhappiness arrives at his home, he’s not sure how to act. He’s attracted to Blaire, but there is no way he can go there. No matter how much he may want her. The more he gets to know her, spends time with her, the more he wants.

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I loved the conflict in Rush’s head throughout the story. Rush was a man who was torn. Torn between his family, and the woman he was starting to fall for. He’s a loyal guy to the few people he truly cares for. Nan (as terrible as she may be) is one of those people. It was nice to see that he really did have a lot of internal conflict about how things were going with Blaire. It made me love him even more.

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Blaire becomes one of those people. One of the ones he is loyal to a fault for. Someone he truly cares for. It puts him in an extremely difficult position. If he’s choosing to be with her, he feels like he’s hurting Nan. But Nan can’t see past herself to see the woman Blaire truly is. That strong, brave, real and exceptional person she’s become. Even with everything she’s been through, she sees the good in others. She still fights to survive no matter what.
She would be fine. I would make sure of it. She’d be motherfucking perfect. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. I’d protect her. She didn’t have a father to keep her safe, but she had me. She wasn’t alone. Not anymore. She had me.

Rush see’s all that in her and wants to be the one to take care of her. She’s taken care of herself and everyone else for far too long. And even though Rush has never been one to settle down, she might just be the woman to change all that.

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Fallen Too Far is one of Abbi’s better books in my opinion, and getting it from Rush’s pov was a real treat. I remember reading Fallen Too Far for the first time. To be honest, I wasn’t the biggest Rush fan the first half of the book or so. I actually liked Grant and Woods much better. It was nice being able to love Rush from cover to cover. I would have loved the first book in dual pov, because I love being inside both characters heads. I think Abbi purposely wrote Fallen Too Far just from Blaire’s pov because we were supposed to fall slowly for Rush. And I’m okay with that!

For all fans of the ‘Too Far’ series, and everyone out there with a Rush Crush, this his side of the story you won’t want to miss out on!

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*ARC kindly provided by Atria Books in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Anna.
483 reviews370 followers
May 8, 2014
Forever and always. Rush crush ❤️


Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
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July 20, 2013
WOOHOO!! We're getting FALLEN TOO FAR from Rush's POV in 2014!

Here's what Abbi said about it: "...while I will not be writing a new Rush POV, I will still write Fallen Too Far in Rush's point of view. This is not something I ever planned on doing but I am going to do it because you all are truly awesome. It will be 2014 before I can release it due to other books I need to write first for publishers. BUT I will write it and release it because y'all deserve it."
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,969 reviews2,421 followers
April 4, 2015
Read this because I needed a Glines fix and it did the trick. It's been so long since I read the first book, I wasn't upset about it being pretty much the same. It was almost kind of like a reread, with a lot more cursing. Was this book worth the $7.99 I paid for it? Not really but that's my choice to make.

Via the Goodreads rating system I gave this a 3 because I liked it, I didn't love it or hate it. 3 stars ain't the devil, people.
Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
May 7, 2014
$8.65 for a book that offered absolutely nothing new? What a joke. I hate when authors put out a new book with the male POV only for it to be the exact same story told all over again. There were no new scenes and honestly all his inner monologue were about things that could be easily grasped from the first book. Really disappointed in this book especially for how high the author priced it. Not worth it at all.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
May 11, 2014
4 Rush Stars!


This is another of those books I will not tell you the story because you probably already it know it by now. And in case you don’t: please go read “Fallen Too Far” before you read this book… and this review, for that matter.
We all know how Blaire and Rush’s story began: with a gun and a very hesitant offer. We saw it through Blaire’s eyes how she forced herself through life with a smile on her face and how she found love in the last place she expected to. Now we’re able to see it through Rush eyes. Why he acted that way and why he kept those secrets. And let me tell you: this story got even better when I’ve read it through his eyes. I didn’t think it was possible.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Storyline: What can I tell you that you already ddin’t know? This was a nice companion to one of the best NA series ever. I was expecting a little more, I confess. I was expecting to see more of Rush past life and family to understand better some of his actions. We didn’t have that, there wasn’t any new past story or depth added to this book: it was basically the first book told in Rush POV. It seriously lacked a “further-in-time” epilogue, especially since we all know how their story ended. It was a little disappointing in that aspect, but oh well, I always like a little more Rush.
Writing Style: First person, male POV. As all the others books in this series, completely addictive.
Character Development: I love, love Rush. He’s one of my favorite male characters of all time, so obviously I liked him. I always like Blaire, even when she’s too sweet and too much of a good girl for her own good.
Steam: Some hot scenes.
Profile Image for Anna M..
112 reviews110 followers
November 12, 2015
I'm kind of not here not there with this book. It should be numbered 1.5 and not 4..... As it really is just a retelling of the 1st book. Which leaves it on a low point/sad ending. I'm tempted to go back and skim books 2 and 3 just to remind myself that things ended better, but this book didn't bring out that much emotion in me to do that.
May 11, 2014
This is Rush's POV from the book, Fallen Too Far, and I really recommend that you read it before this one. You could probably get by without reading it but there's so much more depth to the story if you read the first one, first.


Well, it is the same story. Sure there are little extra bits here and there such as more interaction between Rush and Grant and Rush and Nat but really nothing else.

I did miss Blaire. Granted we do get some of that emotional intensity from Rush but it's nothing like Blaire's.

And unfortunately, by already knowing how the story works out, there's no real drama which could also be a good thing. You know how things work out and you're not left with that horrible cliffhanger.



It's Rush! If you have a Rush Crush, there's nothing like too much. Everything you liked from the first book is here...and more! You get A LOT more of all those sexy, dirty thoughts and talks...and I mean A LOT! ;)

Favorite quotes

♥ "You need to get your head out of Blaire Wonderland."

♥ "Don't tell me what to do, Grant."

He let out a short laugh. "Never, brother. Never."

♥ "Fuck the friend thing."

♥ "You're my exception."

♥ "Mine. Blaire is mine."

♥ "I believe the word you are looking for is epic," Blaire said.

♥ "I will always love you. No one will ever compare. You own me, Blaire. My heart and soul are yours."
Profile Image for Kristy Mills.
1,807 reviews38 followers
Shelved as 'finish-later'
July 16, 2015


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hahaha I can't stand it photo tumblr_lmuf7mz1dS1qjgaag.gif


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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
July 17, 2014

4 Rush Crush Stars

We met Rush in Fallen Too Far and immediately he was the asshole we loved to hate…at least for this girl. I thought he was arrogant and I was pretty pissed that he cock-blocked Woods. Yes I was team Woods.

Its okay I gradually fell for Rush throughout the book, which may have been Abbi’s intent, but it wasn’t book love at first read.

After reading Rush’s POV I actually like him more. Watching his struggle and knowing he was just trying to do the right thing for his family and the girl he was falling for. I completely get Rush now. I also loved how Rush, despite being wealthy, never cared that Blair didn’t look or dress the part of a millionaires girlfriend.

I picked this up, finally, because I was in a slump and Abbi can usually pull me out of one. Let me tell you it worked. I loved getting to read the sexy scenes from Rush’s POV.

I also love how into Blair he is.

There are some grammatical errors or use of the wrong words, but I still enjoyed it. It wasn’t so bad that I didn’t know what she was trying to say, just want to note because I know that can kill a book for some.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and think it was one of her better books.
Profile Image for Arti.
509 reviews12 followers
August 11, 2016
To be honest, I didn't have high expectation for this book and it's a good thing I didn't. While it wasn't intolerable, it wasn't anything that I'm going to remember. I did enjoy Rush's point of view, but there were those far fetched moments that we have seen in the other three books. For example, the pedestal that Rush hold Blair on. It's so unrealistic even for a fictional book. Also, most of the stuff from Rush's point of view isn't stuff we already didn't know. In the last book, since we had both Rush and Blair's point of view, it's all very repetitive. Not impressed and not surprised by it.

Book Blog
Profile Image for Wobilba.
658 reviews92 followers
December 8, 2023
2.5 stars
Meh! Nothing new here. Just a rehash of Fallen Too Far from Rush’s POV. I don’t think this book was necessary tbh. Added absolutely nothing to the series.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews317 followers
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February 28, 2014
Rush Too Far (Too Far #1.1), by Abbi Glines

More Rush?!! Abso-freakin-lutely!!! Here is the DELICIOUS new cover, for Rush Too Far, Rush's side of the Too Far series.
Something tells me this is going to be almost too hot to handle. Almost.

Release date: May 6th 2014

Fallen Too Far was Blaire's story. Now it's time for Rush to share his side.

Everyone in Rosemary Beach thinks they know how Rush Finlay and Blaire Wynn fell in love. But Rush is back to tell his side of the story...

Rush has earned every bit of his bad-boy reputation. The three-story beach house, luxury car, and line of girls begging for time between his sheets are the envy of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister, Nan.

Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up pickup truck with a pistol under her seat. The Alabama farm girl instantly captures Rush’s attention once he discovers that the angelic beauty is his new stepsister, but he vows to keep his distance. Even if she needs his help. Even if he craves her.

Because Rush knows why Blaire is all alone in the world, forced to ask for help from the father who abandoned her three years ago. And he knows if he gets too close it will destroy Nan, who has a secret connection to Blaire.

He has every reason in the world to stay away from her. Find out why he doesn’t.
Profile Image for Nikki.
255 reviews37 followers
May 14, 2014
I know, I know. I swore off Ms. Glines forever. Oopsie.


BUT in my defense, I did like the 1st book in this series before she became addicted to spinning off characters like cray cray. And it was free, I am cheap sue me :P One of my BFF's said I had to read this, so she let me borrow it. It was pretty good for a male POV, but of course its Rush we are talking about here. It was fun and insightful to get into his dirty little mind. Also it provided that much needed perspective on what was going on behind the scenes, especially with nutjob Nan. It was great to see how much he cared about Blaire and how quickly she got to him.

I am still on a Glines ban for any new stuff, but I thought she did a good job with this one. If you like Rush, you will fo sho like this.

Profile Image for ★ Larissa ~ book crusher ~.
239 reviews80 followers
January 5, 2015
Basically Fallen too Far from Rush's POV. Nothing really much to add to that. If you loved the Fallen too Far series you'll enjoy revisiting the first book through Rush's eyes, especially because I believe Abbi Glines does a very good job of getting the male voice right. There were a few nice nuggets buried in here that you don't get in the original book though I'm not sure how necessary this book really is. I would recommend it for people who really love Rush as a character (I do) and who basically don't mind reading the same story twice. It was a super quick read so I'm glad I read it. It's actually the very first time I read one of these "alternate POV installments". Not sure it's something I'll be interested in doing again unless I uber love the story, like in this case. That's all!
Profile Image for Akyraa.
397 reviews17 followers
May 7, 2014
well...i absolutely adore the "Too Far" series and was desperately waiting to read it from Rush's POV but it was very disappointing for me as there was not much new to read here. 90% of the dialogues were the same as the "Fallen Too Far" just from Rush's POV...that's it...most of the time i skipped the book as i have already read the "Too Far" series far too many times to count... :(
Profile Image for Kara.
1,352 reviews24 followers
April 23, 2014
[image error]

4.5 Stars for sure... I forgot how much I have "RUSH CRUSH"!!!

I read Fallen Too Far at the end of 2012, my review, I loved RUSH then. I don't re-read books - so reading this one was actually great for me. Somethings came back, Glines added new material to the story...heck I had forgot the ending in this one!! GAH.

I still have my RUSH CRUSH. I loved seeing inside his head. I love Glines.

Book friends - you will likey this one... and I will taunt you everyday until MAY 6th, 2014 when this book is released! BWAHAHAHA.

**Thank you to Atria and Simon & Schuster for taking a chance and giving me an ARC on this - I love ya AF!**
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,161 reviews1,714 followers
July 25, 2015
Basically, this is Rush's perspective in Fallen Too Far. It's nice to get into his head, I like it but this is redundant and unnecessary. The story is just the same and here I thought there's more to it. It's an optional book. You may or may not read this. I still prefer Blaire's POV.
Profile Image for Angigames.
1,314 reviews
June 12, 2015
2 stelle e mezzo
Lo confesso: la Glines è il mio peccato di gola. Me la riservo sempre in periodi di forte stress emotivo, perché la scrittura è semplice e veloce, perché i suoi personaggi non mi toccano fino in fondo, perché non mi emoziono abbastanza, e quindi mi rilasso. Rilasso la mente e i nervi e questa è una cosa estremamente positiva. Questo libro non fa eccezione, in fondo Rush già lo conoscevo e quindi mi sono goduta la lettura con molta tranquillità. La Glines infatti non mi ha deluso, anzi, mi ha fatto ridere di gusto.
Rush Finley è un bad boy tipico: bello, ricco, tatuato. Ha un unico neurone che ovviamente non risiede nel capo, ma che comincia a funzionare alla perfezione non appena posa gli occhi sulla biona-perfetta-pura-santarellina Blaire, e qui per Rush inizia il supplizio. Diviso tra la bestia che lo chiama a sfogare i primordiali istinti e il senso di colpa che gli pesa sul groppone, il povero Rush è schiacciato dalla situazione, non sa più che pesci pigliare. In più, deve vedersela con una madre demente e una sorella psicopatica… mi sembrava di vederlo mentre si strappava i capelli, mentre cercava di fare il bravo ragazzo, mentre cedeva e finalmente la bestia che era in lui (l’uomo delle caverne, cosi si definisce lo stesso Rush) prendeva il sopravvento. In Rush non esiste un equilibrio, è geloso e possessivo peggio di una donna isterica! Con lui Balire non mai ha avuto scampo, mi sono stupita che la Glines non l’abbia fatto salire in cima ad un albero, non l’abbia fatto voltare per sovrastare la folla e non abbia cominciato a battersi i pugni al petto granitico tipo un gorillone impazzito!
La differenza tra l’uomo e la scimmia è minima in alcuni punti, posso assicurarvelo!
Comunque il libro si legge in un battibaleno, è riuscito a farmi rilassare e la Glines ha sempre quello stile trash che mi aiuta a non pensare. Arrivati a questo punto spero che la CE ci faccia leggere anche gli altri volumi!
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
594 reviews475 followers
August 2, 2016
2,5 Sterne

Naja war halt der erste Band nochmal aus Rushs Sicht erzählt und da der erste Band der einzige war der mir zugesagt hat bisher, war das Buch hier auch ganz ok. Es hat mich zumindest gut unterhalten und man hat es mega schnell durchgelesen.
Wie im ersten Band auch stört mich einfach dieser flapsige Umgang mit dem Thema Verhütung und das macht mich so sauer, dass ich eigentlich noch mehr Sterne abziehen müsste!
Ob solche Reihen (grade diese ultramordsmäßig lange) solche Bände wirklich brauchen, ich weiß es nicht, an sich enthält es halt keinen Mehrwert.
An manchen stellen kommen die Gefühle toll zur Geltung, aber dafür gehen mir einige der Personen auch echt auf den Senkel (Nan!!!).
Und wie in Büchern dieser Art typisch, entstehen teilweise einfach Probleme und Missverständnisse, wo gar keine sein müssten, aber sonst wäre es ja langweilig ;)
Alles in allem halt einfach okay, nicht mehr nicht weniger.
Profile Image for Natalia.
254 reviews60 followers
November 13, 2017
I'm still asking myself, why the hell I decided to read this thing. For everyone who thought that this can't be worst than the other books, you are wrong. This was way worst. But after one really exhausting and horrible day, I just needed something really light and non engaging. And honestly it can't get any lighter than this.
As far as the plot it was non existing. In the parts where something was actually happening, it was the same like in the 1st book. The only difference was that it was through Rush's point of view. He somehow managed to decrease even the plot that did exist. And that is an accomplishment on it's own.
That it's pretty much all I can say about this book. Honestly I'm amazed how little plot can a book have.
August 25, 2020
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5 stars

I found Rush to be super annoying in his book. He was overly emotional, almost bipolar. He was also Too Stupid To Live. Actually, all the characters were a little stupid and unrealistic. Luckily, Blaire was a pretty good character, especially compared to the others.

Of course Nan really got on my nerves, but I expected that. I wish she got more that was coming for her.

I felt like this book didn’t even focus on my favorite parts of the series. It was way more focused on the beginning. It was quite slow paced and a little boring.

All in all, I really like books in the hero’s point of view, but this is definitely not my favorite of that kind.

Profile Image for nikki.
791 reviews103 followers
July 14, 2019
Fallen Too Far from the POV of Rush. It was great to get inside his head and see why he reacted how he did to certain situations. There’s nothing really new in here, but it’s still worth a read.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,040 reviews1,015 followers
July 9, 2014
“My sweet Blaire. She had shown up and stolen a piece of my heart without opening her mouth. Then she’d consumed me. Taken it all. I had let her have it freely.”

And we have a winner!!!!!

Sadly, my experience with authors rewriting their books from boy POV has been a bit hit and miss. That’s why I am thrilled to say that Abbi Glines has done a wonderful job with this one! It's Rush Finlay in all of his glory, and it is fantastic!

While we are essentially getting a retelling of Fallen Too Far, there is a whole lot of new material in this one, and even though pivotal scenes are repeated, a lot of the story is more behind the scenes sort of stuff – Rush’s interactions with other characters, his take on things with Blaire and, of course, his inner monologue, which I absolutely loved! Rush is an interesting character – spoiled, sexy, rude and crude - so getting the opportunity to be inside of his head in that period when Blaire comes into his life and turns it upside down, and all the chemistry that goes along with it, is sensational!

The fact that I was suddenly glad that I was shirtless wasn’t good. I shouldn’t care that she was staring at my chest like she wanted a lick. Fuck. Fuck. No! She didn’t want to lick my chest. Where the hell had that idea come from?

Rush is quite the jerk at the beginning of Fallen Too Far, and he and Blaire don’t spend a whole lot of time together, so I particularly loved getting his POV during that part so we could see what was really going on, and just how intensely he was feeling at such an early stage of the story.

There were no rules where Blaire was concerned. She was on a higher plane, above any rules I had when it came to women. I just wanted her.

I love his attempts to keep Blaire at a distance, knowing that his big secret will tear her apart, while at the same time his protective nature over her from the very beginning is gorgeous. I love the way he constantly warned the rest of the boys off. Hilarious!

I tore my gaze off Blaire to see him staring down at her just as reverently as I was. Fuck that.
“Don’t look,” I snapped…
Grant let out a laugh. “What the hell does that mean, ‘Don’t look’?”
It meant not to fucking look.

Woods walked into the kitchen and swung his gaze to me. “You don’t deserve her,” he said coldly.
“Neither do you,” I replied.

“Why are you ordering food? We’re here to drink and dance with cowboys. Not eat,” Bethy said angrily.
She could fuck off.

But in the end his feelings are too strong him to resist, and holy hotness!! You thought Rush was hot from Blaire’s POV, just wait until you get into this boy’s head. DAYUM!

God, she had me. That was it. She had me. I couldn’t let her go. Not now. I was owned.

And Grant, OMG, I love Grant! He is also protective of Blaire, but in the ‘pushing her together with Rush’ kind of way that made me love him even more.

Grant met me in the hallway. “She’s hurt. Go fix it,” he said, shooting me an annoyed look as he walked past me and back to the party.

I also feel like I came to understand Rush’s tolerance of Nan more, and I felt so awful for him and the guilt he felt for the way Nan was. But Nan was still a bitch of epic proportions – moreso than we realise in the other books, actually! Her constant whining had me feeling mighty stabby, and God, I wish she’d just go away!

But this is Rush’s story, and he tells it beautifully! The way he falls for Blaire is beautiful, and his absolute and total devotion to her had me swooning madly.

“Doesn’t sound like she’s alone anymore”…
“She’s not. She never will be. I’ll always be there for her. I’ll keep her safe. I’ll take care of her. She will
always have me.

This book covers the exact timeframe of Fallen Too Far, including that epically painful cliffy – and let me tell you, from Rush’s POV… OUCH! It’s a great read for fans of this series, I enjoyed every moment of it.

4 Rush-loving stars.
Profile Image for Cocktails and Books.
4,107 reviews323 followers
May 1, 2014
So for those that have read the Rosemary Beach series, specifically Blair and Rush's books, RUSH TOO FAR is Rush's POV for the events in FALLEN TOO FAR. And if you might have been on the fence about how you felt regarding Rush, this version of the events will change your mind.

In Blair's POV of this story, Rush came across as a complete and total ass, but I loved him anyway. You could just tell there was more to him that what he showed. Now I know there was more to him. Here was a guy that was left, from a very young age, to feel a paternal sense of responsibility for his little sister while his mother went off and did whatever. He grasped at the little time he had by himself with his dad because it gave him a break and allowed for him to be a boy. When he was with his dad, no one was clinging too him or needed him for anything. So as the story unfolded and we discovered why Rush went in search of Abe, I forgave him (even though I thought I already had) for destroying Blair's family in the name of his sister's happiness. I fell for him a little bit harder because he wasn't the ass he wanted everyone to see. He was a twenty-four year old guy who had way to many people using him and sucking the life out of him. Blair calmed Rush and made him think of his own feelings, rather than worrying about everyone else. And to just get inside his mind....*le sigh*.

In my opinion, this was a great addition to Blair and Rush's story. It's always nice to hear the other side and realize, from the very beginning, he was as in to her as she was him. Abbi Glines...bring on some more Rush!
Profile Image for Deb Dee (autumn delaney).
184 reviews31 followers
Want to read
January 4, 2014
From Abbi Gline's Facebook post!

You can find other teasers HERE.


I knew exactly the kind of guy Woods was because he was just like me. I wasn’t letting him touch her. He saw her as a conquest and I would kill him before I let him use her. The idea of Blaire doing anything with Woods made my skin crawl. I started moving. I didn’t stop and think about it and I didn’t give a shit if my sister saw me.

“There is nothing about you that is unwanted. Even Rush isn’t that damn blind,” Woods told her as he moved closer to her. She was trying to get away from him.

“Come here, Blaire.” I said reaching out to take her arm and pull her against me. Woods needed to understand she was with me. I was protecting her. He should go look elsewhere. “I didn’t expect you to come tonight.” I said in her ear. If I had known she was going to walk out of that room looking like something good enough to eat I would have guarded the damn door.

“I’m sorry. I thought you said I could come,” she whispered her face turning bright red. I hadn’t meant to embarrass her. She misunderstood me.

“I hadn’t expected you to show up dressed like that,” I explained keeping my eyes locked on Woods.
I didn’t want to discuss this in front of her but if he pushed me we would.
Profile Image for Loretta.
255 reviews
December 26, 2014
Tralasciando le varie posizioni di Kamasutra, sbattute e rigirate come un uovo sulla padella, il POV di Rush Finley è stressante e mieloso come una caramella mou attaccata al palato.
Caro Manzo, dove sei andato a finire?
Cosa ha fatto la Glines?
Perchè ha voluto che tu parlassi e pensassi?
Ti preferivo mille volte prima, quando agivi e i tuoi pensieri rimanevano segreti. Eri riuscito a mandarmi in pappa il cervello, mi avevi letteralmente divorata.
Ora non so più cosa fare, cosa dovrò dire ai miei ormoni, orfani di un Rush Peppo Pig Manzo caduto in disgrazia..
Troverò qualcun altro..

Nel caso in cui il tuo cervello la smettesse di pensare, chiamami.. :DDDD
Profile Image for thebookbitch.
350 reviews333 followers
March 5, 2017

This was good, but I definitely preferred the story in Blaire's POV. However, it was still very sexy and fun.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,974 reviews

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