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Lorelei Clay is desperate to stay safe behind her castle walls.

She’s also desperate for money.

When a mage assassin asks for help with a delicate matter involving a ruthless vampire mobster, Lorelei agrees—for a price. Part of the deal is that Kane Sullivan can’t know. Yes, that Kane. Prince of hell. Demon to end all demons. Stubborn, nosy, and ridiculously sexy.

If only the demon weren’t so curious about her.

Lorelei has spent her life moving, hiding, laying low, and avoiding relationships of any kind.

In Fairhaven, that’s all about to change.

Find out how in Dead Last, the third book in the six-book Crossroads Queen urban fantasy series that features a strong female protagonist, a slow-burn romance, monster takedowns, and Scrabble-playing vampires.

232 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 5, 2023

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About the author

Annabel Chase

158 books1,143 followers
Annabel Chase is the author of urban fantasy and cozy mystery novels. She would love to live in a magical town where she can shop at Ready-to-Were for the the perfect outfit, flirt with hot angels and vampires, and cook gourmet meals without exerting any effort. Visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Annabel-Chas... or on her website at www.annabelchase.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews
Profile Image for Jumms.
165 reviews5 followers
October 7, 2023

This series has so much promise and falls flat each and every time. I absolutely loved the firat book and none of the books after have lived up to its promise.

This felt like a jumble of so many things going on for no reason. When you sort of figure something out, another pops up. The worst was the semi cliffhanger ending we get. And it's yet another book of cat and mouse games w Lorelei and Kane. When things should progress another wrench in the storyline, leaving the reader more confused and with less info.

The story starts w a random problem that drops on Lorelai's table yet again. She asks for no help again and tries to save the day all by her lonesome...yet again. As though that isn't enough, someone from The Corporation is her asking about Lorelai even though both she and Kane were involved.

She gets herself involved and sees the good in a person working for a horrible person..make it make sense. And there is a new character in town that I'm not sure is as harmless and nice as we are being forced to believe.

Honestly, this may have been a total waste of money, and I'm not sure the next book is worth reading in this series. I don't think I've ever read a book and been pissed off at how much time I wasted reading it. This classified as a hot and royal mess.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,629 reviews918 followers
December 16, 2023
Dead Last is book three in the Crossroads Queen series by Annabel Chase.

We finally learn who or what Lorelei is and in doing so her life blows up. She’s now on the raider of a power corporation, has made enemies and Kane pulls away.

No matter how hard Lorelei try’s to stay hidden away from the world in her Castle, something or someone keeps asking for help and she feels a need to help.

I’m very frustrated with the romance or lack of one with Lorelei and Kane. I feel like progression should have been made, but its stalled.

A lot of different things happen in this novel. The mystery is engaging. We learn a lot, but also have more questions. The world is expanding, yet you still wonder. It’s a fast-paced mystery and we do end on a semi cliffhanger.

Dead Last was another delightful and entertaining paranormal mystery read. Even with its hang ups something keeps me coming back for more and wanting to know what’s next.

Rated: 3.5 Stars

Profile Image for Miss W Book Reviews.
1,466 reviews120 followers
September 15, 2023
Dead Last is the third book in the Crossroads Queen Urban fantasy series by Annabel Chase.

This series is so GOOD! This book was filled with so many surprises.

Lorelie is trying to lay low, but that is not working for her anymore. She agrees to help an unsavory character with a task with a vampire mobster. She can't tell Kane, Prince of Hell.

The world building in this book is absolutely amazing. SO much is revealed in this book that left me with my jaw hanging open, literally.

I absolutely loved the story and the different paranormal characters.

The author does such a fantastic job with Lorelei and I love her character so much.

Can't wait for the next book in the series.
19 reviews
October 30, 2023
This book is fine. It's a bit boring even though there is a LOT going on. We still have the main character insisting she wants to be alone, but she jumps right in to help someone she has never met. Great, I like that she is willing to help, but can't we just accept that and make it a thing?

This is not a slow burn romance, it's a no burn romance. You need to actually have the romantic partners interacting to have any burn at all. We get to the end of the book and (this is the 3rd, remember) and there is finally a small smidge of acknowledgement that they even sort of, maybe, kinda like each other.
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,366 reviews482 followers
January 31, 2024
*Source* Kindle Unlimited
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5-4


Dead Last is the third book in the six book Crossroads Queen Urban Fantasy series written by Annabel Chase featuring Lorelei Clay. Lorelei left London behind to move into Bluebeard's Castle in Fairhaven. The Castle is a relic of the Gilded Age, and even includes a moat! She also ended up with two ghosts (Nana Pratt and Ray Bauer) for company. She was unaware that Fairhaven was close to a Crossroads portal that may link numerous alternative realities. No matter how hard Lorelei has tried to stay hidden away from the world in her Castle, something or someone keeps asking for help and she feels a need to help.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Annelie.
544 reviews16 followers
January 2, 2024
Well...It's rather "no burn" than "slow burn"😅 And now the guy just disappeared...
Profile Image for Megan.
50 reviews
March 16, 2024
This is a story and main character that drew me in deeper with each book. The first one had me hooked. As a person who prefers my own company best most of the time, I related to the main character on that level immediately. But Lorelei is so much more than she seems at first, not just in power, but in who she is deep in her soul and it’s a lovely journey to witness.
Profile Image for Arlene.
444 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2023
And the hits keep coming

Amazing the trouble she goes through to try to keep her life quiet. Yet she can't just stick to herself. What a nightmare and how to fix it this time..
198 reviews3 followers
October 23, 2023
I simultaneously disliked and liked this book the most out of the entire series so far, which makes rating and reviewing it really difficult. I love the characters, I love the feel good (albeit dangerous) nature of this world and I find myself caring about the residents of Fairhaven. I also loved the fact we moved forward with the romance somewhat.

However, a lot of the action and plot seemed rushed with little depth, which I didn't think was a feature of this series before. A lot of the challenges are almost too easy for the characters to overcome, even though they're hyped as dangerous or difficult. As such, it makes it hard to care for that challenge / plot line.

Naturally, I'll come back to this series once the next book comes out, but hoping for a step up!
Profile Image for The Man from DelMonte.
436 reviews8 followers
October 8, 2023
I have been looking forward to this latest instalment of the Crossroads Queen and feel a little let down. The author’s sparse, slightly terse prose is as enjoyable as ever but … it didn’t engage me. When I set out to write this review I struggled to remember the plot - and I only read the majority of the book two days ago. That’s not a good sign.

This being the halfway point in the planned sextet, I am hoping that Ms Chase ups the ante, or this series is going fizzle rather than sizzle.
64 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2023
It's rare to find a series where I enjoyed the third book just as much as the first. Usually, I'll get 1 or 2 in the series, and the rest is of lesser quality to me. In this case, all 3 have been superb, and I daresay this 3rd was my favourite even.

It's not a fast pace series or book. I needed a more relaxing one, so it suited me. There were still plenty of action and clues to chase down. The story in the background also moved along and we at long last find out who Lorelei really is. Not what I expected, it was well done and interesting!

She kept to her character of not really wanting to be in the spotlight, but when there's someone to help, she's the first (or only) to accept the challenge. Even when it made hiding her secrets difficult. I'm excited to see where this new knowledge on Lorelei takes us (and her character).

She also got her moat! I just wish she had a little more time enjoying it, and describing it to us. Sounds heavenly.

The book did end a bit abruptly. I would've preferred a better explanation as to what's happening. Just some clue. Unfortunately, that will have to wait 2 months for the next book to come out.

I urge any paranormal book lover to read this series. It's free on Kindle Unlimited and well worth your time. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Mike Lewis.
1,648 reviews2 followers
October 8, 2023
entertaining paranormal urban fantasy/cozy mystery series

This is an exceptional urban fantasy/paranormal cozy mystery series. A great cast of characters in an entertaining storyline. Lorelei Clay is a woman who has specific magical abilities. She is keeping secrets and not letting anyone know exactly what they are or who she really is. Although reading this particular book you may find out. Once again someone comes to her for assistance and she does not seem to have the ability to say no. While she’s trying to renovate the castle she bought. She is in need of funds to help her do so Ann takes on odd jobs to help others. This time she’s helping someone she knows save their sister. It goes much deeper than that but you will have to read the story to find out all the details. There are vampires which is another demons that pop up in the different books of this series and you never know what you’re going to find. Each one is a very entertaining and action packed story though. Read on and see where Lorelei‘s adventure takes her this time. One of my favorite new series.
Profile Image for Shyla Colt.
Author 166 books993 followers
February 18, 2024
I don't know how Ms. Chase does it, but every book is a bit better than the one before! I love the way she's building on relationships, showing us vulnerable pieces of the badass heroine, Lorelei, and solving new cases as they come to her.

Her cases are becoming more than a means to money, whether she wants to admit it or not, and her closeness with the ghosts she shares her home with, Nana and Ray is so freaking sweet! Action, lore, and heart all combine in a small-town setting I can't get enough of!

When the assassin and almost friend comes to her with a problem, ( His sister's been turned into a swan) she lands in deep with a vampire mobster looking to bend reality with potions that promise powers no one should possess.

Add a sleeping epidemic at home. ( as in towns members are exhausted, then going to sleep and slipping into comas, and our girl is stretched to the limits. Her walls begin to slip and she's forced to find out what that means for her and the relationships she's cultivated.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,475 reviews13 followers
October 5, 2023

It seemed like a good idea at the time: help out someone in need, and Lorelei gets to earn a little bit of money, something she is in dire need of.
Unfortunately, it turns out that dealing with those small seeming problems, might just lead to bigger problems, and before long, Lorelei finds herself in trouble…

This is an important book in this series (yes, you need to have read the other two first) because we finally begin to see some answers to our questions- finding out more about Lorelei, and who/what she is.
There are the usual cast of characters, and a couple of new ones: some of those might prove problematical to our heroine in the future, which isn’t so good.
It’s an interesting story, with an intriguing bit of mythology thrown in, and some fascinating world building. I look forward to seeing where it goes next (and I hope a certain demon comes back!)
An engrossing read for urban fantasy fans.
Profile Image for Alex.
18 reviews
October 6, 2023
I'm pretty impressed by this series so far; often times, I find that urban fantasy in this lane can get a little repetitive but the author here has a strong, memorable concept -- enough that I remembered the characters and plot lines between book 2 and book 3 reads (a fairly rare feat!).

I like our FMC in Lorelei -- she's just trying to live her secluded life but her morales and kind nature keep getting the best of her. Will pick up book 4!
Profile Image for Pearl.
96 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2023
I really liked the first two books of this series, this one... meh? I liked a lot of the parts of it, but it felt a little... off?
Mainly, I think there was a bit of a jump characterization wise. it's typical in an urban fantasy for the main character to be snarky and quick-witted, i enjoyed that in the first two books, she often didn't say the snarky part out loud, because she doesn't piss people off on purpose. It subverted the trope, while also giving us snarky commentary.
This installment however, she said the snarky parts out loud. Which felt off.

I will read the fourth book when it comes out and we'll see how it goes and that might make me really like this one, or not so much. as it stands i just didn't feel that into it.
Profile Image for Sara Henry.
243 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2023
I continue to be really drawn to this series and these characters. I really enjoyed this book, like the one before it. And, honestly, the big secret that hasn't been revealed in this series in the first two books, but that we KNOW is there, is finally revealed late in this one. And I think it works reasonably well. However, the ending of this book wasn't as satisfactory for me as the endings of the previous books, probably in an effort to make you more excited about the next one. But things end in an emotionally unsatisfying place, even with the big reveal, or perhaps because of it.

Still a good time, and I already preordered the next one.
Profile Image for Laura.
7 reviews
November 6, 2023
Great series to escape into.

This whole series is perfect for beach or rainy day reading. You can read each book in order or as a stand alone. The author does a recap of previous books to catch you up.
I love how she weaves mythology, fiction and history together. The world and character she's created come to life so easily.
Lorilie Clay moves into an old castle like house in Pa and plans to live a life of quiet seclusion. She wants to renovate the castle to its former glory and live happily as a recluse. She has secrets she needs to keep after all.
With two very nosey ghosts living on her property she's not going to get what she wants.
Profile Image for D K.
398 reviews2 followers
December 27, 2023
A brilliant series!!! ❤️❤️❤️

What can I say? After reading the first book, I was intrigued, and wanted to continue reading this series, but I was not blown away…after the second book, I was hooked, line and sinker! This is the kind of series, that the more it progresses the better it gets! Lorelei is a kick-ass FMC and even though it took me a while to warm up to her, I quickly begin to truly enjoy her snark and sarcastic personality. She has a tough shell but she is all gooey inside. I cannot wait for book four to come out. If you like paranormal books, with plenty of action, mystery and amazing characters, then you will definitely enjoy this series. Highly recommended 🩷💜🩷
Profile Image for  BookwormMomma7.
775 reviews
October 7, 2023
Dead Last

If you have made it to book three them like me, you are hooked on this story and characters and book three, is going to throw you for a loop. It is book three of the series and the halfway point, so you know the there is a big wham here.

The story is well written throughout and the same applies here but do not read this book, if you have not read the previous ones.

Fantastic delivery and greats story telling. Love Lorelei perspective of “life” and the “Grandpaisms”throughout. I cannot wait for book four. Jan 2024 seems so far away.
Profile Image for Vero.
1,491 reviews9 followers
October 20, 2023
This included the big reveal - it became finally clear what Lorelai's big secret is.

It dragged for me and I might read the next installment only if it also becomes available for free in kindle unlimited. I wouldn't pay for it.

Lorelai is a good MC, but the story setting with so many secondary characters - which are not as interesting to me as the main story - and no real discernible story arc through the series except the very sluggish slow burn (is it even a burn if there is no heat at all?) and plot holes you could drive a submarine through...
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,510 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2024
holy smokes Batman!

I love this series! We finally figure out what Lorelei is. Well she explained it. I’ve been so curious! But this changes so many things because her secret is no longer a secret. And now she has a very dangerous vampire who’s going to come after her. The corporation isn’t far behind him. I think Kane is devastated because he now knows why she stays away from him. And yet, she isn’t willing to run. She finally found a home and friends and support. I can’t wait for book 4!!
Profile Image for MaD.
651 reviews
January 30, 2024
Ok, now I get it! The story is coming together for me finally. Hermit, but in her heart , Lorelei needs acceptance(from others and herself), but also forgiveness? She feels a responsibility even as she is trying to preserve/protect herself.
The Corporation has everyone on needles and pins and Lorelei waltzes right into the ring. Kane opens up and is starting to show anew side. It is still a very slow burn. And then...what the heck happened?!
What a cliffhanger! Well....at least we know Lorelei's secret now.
What's coming in Book4? Can't wait.
46 reviews
March 28, 2024
Well, the truth is out, so I am anxious to learn more about what Miss Clay can do. I loved this book, the relationship building was good to see and it was perhaps the funniest of them so far. It is strange that Ms. Clay didnt see this coming, its also strange that Kane reacted the way he did. I am sure he may have an aversion to a Goddess due to his origin, but he cant be surprised as to why she kept it a secret. I have no doubt that we aren't done with the corporation or the new vamp mobster. This book pushed us forward in the story, I look forward to the next book
1,874 reviews
October 6, 2023
it keeps getting better.

More and more people needing help and Lorelei Clay cannot say no. Sleeping problems, an escaped something or other, threats from The Corporation, and a mobster vampire wanting to control Lorelei make for a tough week. It also makes for a good read, that is, if you like bad guys getting kicked in the behind (I do) and happily Lorelei is up for it again.
151 reviews
October 8, 2023
This book made me sad :( It was disheartening when Kane basically disowned her after learning she was a goddess. And they were making progress on their relac so it is a big sad. Like he says she means so much to him & then he vanishes? SMH. However I am glad we finally got to see what she is tho! I felt like it was a cliffhanger throughout the series. Overall good writing and good characters, I need book 4!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lauren Allen.
123 reviews2 followers
October 16, 2023
Wonderful author with compelling characters and a vibrant paranormal world. All Lorelai wants is to be left alone to hermit herself in a giant money pit of a castle she purchased. Unfortunately, since she is sitting at a supernatural nexus this never seems to happen. She is constantly being begged, bribed and guilt tripped into helping out her friends and neighbors. This time it's an assassin with a problem, a feathered one. During this interesting jaunt into the local characters, dangers and mysteries; Lorelai finds herself revealing more about her nature then she has in the prior books. Potentially changing everything around her. Great book and exciting start to finish. Keep them coming.
1,074 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2023

I like these books and I find it very interesting that for somebody who doesn’t want her secret to get out and acts like she wants to be a hermit Lorelei sure gets involved in the town problems a lot. One of the towns assassins sister was turned into a swan and Lorelei is trying to save her life by taking her place in an experiment. Unfortunately though Kane ends up finding out her secret that she has been hiding from everyone in the town. I definitely will be reading the next book in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews

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