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Lawless #1


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The first in a sexy contemporary romance series featuring the Lawless siblings—from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake.

The Lawless siblings are bound by vengeance. Riley, Drew, Brandon, and Mia believe the CEO of StratCast orchestrated their parents’ murder twenty years ago to steal their father’s software program. And there’s only one way Riley can find some solid evidence...
Heir to the StratCast legacy, Ellie Stratton hires a new attorney to handle a delicate business matter—and she’s shocked by her attraction to him. Over the course of a few weeks, Riley becomes her lover, her friend, her everything. But when her life is threatened, Ellie discovers that Riley is more obsessed with settling an old score than in the love she thought they were building. And Riley must choose between a revenge he’s prepared for all his life and the woman he’s sure he can’t live without...

352 pages, Paperback

First published August 9, 2016

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About the author

Lexi Blake

155 books6,185 followers
NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn't until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

Her first novel, Their Virgin Captive: Masters of Ménage, Book 1, was a collaboration with New York Times bestselling author Shayla Black. There are five more books available in the series: Their Virgin's Secret, Their Virgin Concubine, Their Virgin Princess, Their Virgin Hostage, and Their Virgin Secretary. The next book in the series, Their Virgin Mistress, is releasing this April.

In addition to the Masters of Ménage series, she is the author of the Masters and Mercenaries series. There are eight full-length novels and four novellas available now, with more coming in 2015.

In 2013, Lexi also began releasing her urban fantasy series, Thieves. The first five are available now, with Ripper, a spin-off to the series, coming in 2015.

Sign up for Lexi's newsletter at http://lexiblake.net/contact.html#new....

For more information about her books, her appearances and her wacky life visit her Facebook page (http://goo.gl/q2IHnJ) or her website (http://www.lexiblake.net).

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,147 reviews13.2k followers
August 9, 2016
4.5 Stars
You tempt me like no other woman ever has. I don't understand you and I might never, but I'm going to know you, Ellie Stratton. I'm going to know what makes you smile and what makes you scream out my name."

I don't know how this woman does it, but she manages to write books that do it for me. Every. Single. Time. Being a huge fan of her Masters & Mercenaries series, I've been salivating for more of the mysterious Lawless siblings ever since we first met Mia and Drew in From Sanctum with Love. I mean, c'mon, a mysterious, brooding billionaire software genius and his 3 siblings that are hell bent on exacting revenge on the people they believe responsible for their parents murder twenty years ago? Yes, please, and thank you!

Ruthless is the first book in the sexy and intriguing series. For those that haven't read Blake's Masters & Mercenaries series, don't worry, you won't be lost. But for those that have read Mia's book, Dominance Never Dies, you'll certainly appreciate the cameos here. I know I sure did. But I digress.

So what does this book have? EVERYTHING.

Revenge plot? Check!
Epic grovel? Check!
Lots of sexy times? Check!
Well developed characters and plot? Check and check!
Suspense? Check!
Perfect Saturday night read? You bet your tuhis!

Riley is the middle brother. He barely remembers the night that took their parents, but he knows that his father didn't kill himself. Ever since that night, everything they've done has been a systematic step closer to their revenge. Now they have their sights set on the StratCast and the CEO, Phillip Stratton and his partner, who may be two of the three people they suspect to be behind their parents' murder. Unfortunately, Phillip Stratton is now dead, and his daughter is now running the company. Hiring Riley as the company attorney to oversee the corporate buy out from her father's partner seemed like a great idea to Ellie. But what she doesn't know, is his interest runs much deeper than a mere paycheck.
It might be wrong. It might be completely unprofessional, but she was going to have him. She was going to sink herself into an affair with him and not worry about the consequences. For once in her life, she was going to do something wild, something for herself.

I loved absolutely everything about this book; the pacing, the character development, and it certainly wasn't without plenty of unpredictable twists to spice things up. In true Lexi Blake fashion, there was plenty of intrigue and suspense thrown in to perfectly balance the story.

Ellie starts off as a bit of a wallflower, but man, she really comes into her own towards the second part of the book. While their romance feels instant, it is established through weeks of working together. Ellie definitely doesn't give into the brewing sexual chemistry between them with ease. She thinks things through and I really appreciated that. I also absolutely loved Riley. He's not quite as singleminded in his revenge plan as his older brother. He knows a good thing when he has it and he knows he wants Ellie for much more than a carefully constructed revenge plan.

This book also had one of the most delicious grovels I've read in a really long time. I'm talking SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS levels here. Like half the book sort of delicious!

But it was also so much more than just a romance. All of the secondary characters are carefully plotted and perfectly developed. Everything and I'm talking everything is effortlessly fleshed out. Even the villains of the story are incredibly well developed, which only hooks you that much more. I loved getting glimpses of Bran and Drew and I seriously can't wait for their books.

Ruthless was everything I could want in a story. It was filled with intrigue and suspense, and enough sizzle to set your kindle on fire. I'm utterly hooked and I can't wait for more of these Lawless siblings. With the little peek we get of Bran's story here, I already know it will be just as good as Riley's, if not better. This author can do absolutely no wrong in my mind. If you haven't read anything by her yet, you're seriously missing out, and Ruthless will be the perfect book to start with!


ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.7k followers
August 2, 2016
***4.5 STARS***

Ruthless is a non stop thrill ride, chock full with secrets of revenge and betrayal. It's dramatic and brings some hard hitting feels from the opening lines. Lexi Blake is a smart, seasoned writer, engaging her reader instantly, and easily, in this addictive start to a brand new series! I'm intrigued by everything, everyone, and I can't wait to see what's going to happen to Brandon and Drew.

Captivating, the Lawless gang is impossible not to love. A bunch of juicy alpha males who are demanding, dominating, and woo you with big hearts and sweet vulnerable sides. And while Ruthless focuses on Riley Lawless, his brothers--Drew and Brandon--are getting books next and are showcased perfectly throughout the first novel. Smart, edgy, and definitely steamy, this series is on a one way street to be becoming something incredible. I loved the first book, loved the drama and intrigue, loved the dynamic between the characters, and I can't wait for more.

Truthfully, I haven't read many of Lexi Blake's books but I have to say, she writes wonderfully. Her characters are easy to connect with and her stories are detailed and vivid. Ruthless follows as Riley Lawless--the smooth, charming, and charismatic brother in the Lawless clan--tries to make his mark on Ellie Stratton's world. Riley, Drew, Brandon and Mia--the only Lawless sister--are obsessed with avenging the death of their parents. They have spent years planning a mission to take down those responsible for the harsh downfall of their lives.

Riley is tasked with infiltrating StratCast and getting Ellie Stratton (the upcoming CEO and daughter of the man who murdered his family) wrapped around his fingers. Their love story is anything but simple, yet it's undeniably sweet as Ellie turns out to be everything Riley is unprepared for.

Ellie hates her father. She knows he was a monster, a cruel, heartless, ruthless monster. But Ellie's been groomed from a young age to take over the company her father ruled with an iron fist and she plans to do that, and do it well. With her father now dead, and his partner Steven wanting to retire, Ellie is in the process of getting everything she needs together. She obviously can't buy Steven's stock, and take over, without legal counsel, so she hires Riley Lawless to make the transition simple.

But Riley comes in with his own agenda, one that doesn't involve making things easy for Ellie. However, one look at the woman he had planned to take down softens Riley and eventually he has to decided between love and revenge.

Full of twists and turns, intrigue, and secrets, this book keeps you on your toes. There is so much happening behind the scenes, so many things that will take you by surprise. Lust, lies, and betrayal, Ruthless is a story about falling in love with the enemy. I loved every second of reading about these characters and I fell for each and every one of them. The dynamic, the chemistry, the entire book was just sizzling. And I have to say, I'm so intrigued by Drew, who feels like the dark force in this series, the one brother who desperately needs a woman to bring him to his knees.

Overall, I highly recommend this to readers who like steamy romantic suspense. It's well written. It's definitely addictive. And I am dying to get hands on the next book.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,640 reviews2,800 followers
August 20, 2016

Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Vengeance is all the Lawless siblings have carried with them for twenty years. Having lost their parents to murder and being forced to grow-up apart. It's time to put their plan for justice into motion. Unfortunately one of those guilty parties has died, leaving his daughter at the helm of his company. If they can't get to Phillip Stratton himself, Ellie Stratton will have to do. Enter Riley Lang (Lawless) the goto charmer of the Lawless clan. He works his way into becoming the company lawyer for StratCast, and then he charms his way into Ellie's bed. What Riley never planned on was falling for the enemy's daughter and when all the lies and deceits are brought out into the open, will Riley lose the one thing he has finally found that is more important than vengeance...


I ADORE this author. Miz Blake can simply do NO wrong in my eyes. The Master & Mercenaries series is one of my all time favorite series. When I heard that she was starting a new series loosely connected to the M&M world, well let's just say this little chicky was doing the Carlton dance all over my apartment.


Now to be honest the setup for this book isn't one of my favorite scenarios. I'm not real fond of the whole "hero deceiving and seducing the heroine as a means to an end" Mostly because I spend the whole time with a knot in my stomach waiting for the other shoe to drop. That said. I KNOW that this author is going to give a grovel to remember. Her heroes can be assholes and screw up MAJORLY, but they don't hold back the begging for forgiveness. This book had one of the BEST grovels I've come across in a LONG time. Basically half the book is spent with Riley making up for his colossal fuckup. Don't even get me started how awesome Ellie is. She isn't this doormat that just falls at Riley's feet after a token "I'm sorry - I love you" he has to work at it, and work hard.

"It might be wrong. It might be completely unprofessional, but she was going to have him. She was going to sink herself into an affair with him and not worry about the consequences. For once in her life, she was going to do something wild, something for herself"

On top of all the aforementioned awesomeness, we have a fabulously layered suspense plot with fantastically developed secondary characters. Each and every one right down to the baddies are intricately layered and well developed. I can't WAIT to read Bran and Drew's books. I'll admit I wasn't really sold on Drew for a good portion of the book, but man did he grow on me. He is going to fall, and fall HARD. Of course one cannot forget the sexy times, they were both plentiful and smokin hot, but didn't overshadow the plot.

Overall this was another FANTASTIC read the likes of which I have come to expect from this author. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly...


Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
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August 10, 2016


Stand-alone book 1
Release: August 8, 2016
The Lawless siblings are bound by vengeance. Riley, Drew, Brandon, and Mia believe the CEO of StratCast orchestrated their parents’ murder twenty years ago to steal their father’s software program. And there’s only one way Riley can find some solid evidence...

Heir to the StratCast legacy, Ellie Stratton hires a new attorney to handle a delicate business matter—and she’s shocked by her attraction to him. Over the course of a few weeks, Riley becomes her lover, her friend, her everything. But when her life is threatened, Ellie discovers that Riley is more obsessed with settling an old score than in the love she thought they were building. And Riley must choose between a revenge he’s prepared for all his life and the woman he’s sure he can’t live without...

Books in Lawless series are stand-alones, but most enjoyed if read in order:
Book 1: Lawless - Riley & Ellie
Book 2: Satisfaction - Brandon & Carly
Book 3: Untitled
Book 4: Untitled
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,108 followers
August 27, 2016
LIVE AMAZON http://amzn.to/2b6Thng

4,5-5 STARS

"Revenge was only part of their plan. Justice was another."

Ruthless was more than good, it was fantastic! At the beginning I was nervous since Lexi Blake is a new author to me! But once I started I couldn't put it down! The characters in Ruthless are complicated and the storyline interesting with mystery and some twists I didn't see coming!


Riley’s entire focus is on revenge due to what happened to his parent but when he meets Ellie everything will change. Ellie doesn't trust people easily but with Riley things are different. So once these two start getting closer, Riley wants to protect Ellie but things become complicated.

"You tempt me like no other woman ever has."

I loved the characters and the backstory so much!Ellie and Riley were passionate, intense and hot! I loved their chemistry. Riley is sexy, mysterious, smart and protective. Ellie is sweet and innocent. I loved the Lawless family .
I'm so excited for the next book in the series! Looking forward to seeing what will happen next!


Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,682 reviews2,302 followers
August 9, 2016
*Amazon US*Amazon UK*Barnes & Noble*

I had to wait until my brain stopped screaming "This is the best!" before I could even attempt to write this review. Not only was I super excited to get more of the Lawless family, but I was extremely happy with the story Lexi Blake delivered to us. I loved Riley and Ellie!

Ruthless is the start to the Lawless series which follows Riley, Drew, Brandon and Mia Lawless as they attempt to get revenge on those responsible for their parents' death. When they were kids they never believed the cops had the full story, which was that their father murdered their mother and attempted to kill all of them too. Now that they're older and they have the money to fund their vengeance they're ready to take down those responsible.

Ellie Stratton is prepared to inherit StratCast and take over running the company after her father's death. She hires Riley as her lawyer to get everything prepared, not knowing the danger she's bringing into her company. Her father was one of the people responsible for the death of his parents, and Ellie unknowingly plays right into the Lawless siblings' trap. But while Riley is working with Ellie, and working against her, he gets to know the woman she is and he's not sure if he can betray her like planned.

Riley, oh Riley. He's my new fantasy man. So ladies, back up because I am prepared to fight for him! He was everything I could possibly want in a book boyfriend. He had the intensity, the sensitivity, the sexiness, and the passion for doing what was right. Just perfect is how I would describe his character. We slowly got to learn about his life growing up after his parents' death and some of it broke my heart, but it also made me admire him for becoming so successful after all of that.

With this book, you didn't just get a romance between two characters, you got this whole world of corporate espionage that kept you in suspense the entire time also. There was a lot happening throughout it, but the book never got to be too much, instead everything that was happening just added to the story to make it better. And woven in between the big Lawless plan was the parts with Ellie and Riley that made my heart skip a beat. The late night dinners at the office they shared, the flirting, it was all just wonderful.

Bottom line, Ruthless is a must read. I promise you that you want to meet these characters and you will love at least most of them. Brandon is the more laid back brother and, so far, my second favorite. His story is next so I'm very much excited for that. Drew is the hard character to like, but once I was able to learn a little more about him I changed my opinion about him. I can't wait for his book, because I know there are definitely going to be some surprises he has in store for us. Really, I'm just too excited to even handle this series.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Flo.
286 reviews590 followers
October 4, 2016
4.5 **mindless fun** STARS

First off, I love love love Lexi Blake and especially her Masters & Mercenaries series. When I heard there was going to be a spin-off with the Lawless brothers that was non BDSM/military I was excited and a little apprehensive. I just adore M&M series and I was really hoping this new adventure could live up to my expectations. Well, long story short...IT DID!

Ruthless is the first book in the Lawless series and can be read as a complete standalone in regards to the Masters & Mercenaries series. There are some familiar characters woven into this world, but it’s done in a way where you understand everything, but you might get a little curious about those characters and where they come from. Which in and of itself makes this an excellent gateway drug. Ruthless has the same kind of wit, charm and sexiness I am used from Lexi Blake, without being as sexually descriptive or edgy as her M&M books. A nice taste of what the woman can do and you can decide if you want more. Just between us...she is one of my favourites.

Ruthless tells the story of Riley Lawless and Ellie Stratton. It’s a book about revenge, betrayal, corporate espionage and the two people stuck in the middle of a whirlwind. The Lawless brothers lost their parents when they were still kids and now they are out for vengeance, against the people who took everything from them. It’s fast paced, packed with some heavy plot and twists. There is no easy sailing here. The story is gripping, the characters are well fleshed out and truly engaging. Just what I was used to get from Ms. Blake and I can’t wait to see what the other Lawless brothers have in store for us. All in all, a well done read and an excellent start to a new romantic suspense series. I’m hooked.

**ARC very kindly provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews835 followers
October 25, 2016
Ok where do I starts with this review here?
Some spoilers ahead please proceed with caution.
I guess, I will start with the good.
The hero Riley!
It starts out with action and his parents being killed and his family being ripped apart. He lost everything and was dropped into a nightmare of evil Foster care with the family from hell. He grows angry and the need for revenge becomes his sole propose.
He and his siblings had planed to get their revenge thru the daughter of their parents killer Ellie Stratton
Quote" Ellie Stratton had lived a perfect life on the backs of his siblings pain, his parents' death"
Her father and his partner had stollen a code from the hero's father that enabled them to grow their company.
Now the true villain of the story is obvious from the first Ellie dead father's partner, Steven Castalano and his bastard son. He killed, manipulated and master minded all of wrong doings in this story.
Riley does not know Ellie well and he makes a mistake in distrusting her and trying to play her.
But he really makes up for it here.
He did a complete 180 after he gets to know her.
Quote "She was utterly lovable...She was always kind, always loyal..."
Now the bad!
Ellie is the heroine of this tragic misunderstanding.
She has got to be the dumbest smart person I have ever encountered in book form.
First, she is the quintessential tragic heroine who has been betrayed by her husband and her sister. You feel sorry for her here as you know the hero is out to harm her as well.
For me however this quickly changes as I see she basically allows others to hurt and use her. I don't like that at all. She is able to forgive her sister and her ex-husband for cheating her out of her company's shares and 10 million dollars. She allows them to come and see her (to ask for more money after she gave he ex 10 million and her sister screwed her over by selling her shares to the enemy) and she had the hero's family try to protect them.
However, she is the most unforgiving bitch to the hero as he made an error in judgement (he really did not even carry his revenge plot here at all) but she could not forgive him? He had a month marriage and that was all. WFT! I can go on about this but really I thought she was just too stupid!
Honestly, you would think she would be able to see how her "friend" Lily was manipulating and playing her along. (Hello,She was Fucking the evil monsters son).
Ellie trusted Lily but NOT the hero Riley, who did EVERYTHING to try to make her happy.
ALSO, she is NOT a good CEO HERE!

She trusted the wrong people knowingly.
Ex: her husband she knew was not her one but instead of making him sign a prenup she just lets it go!
Ex: she was signing an agreement she did not read at the beginning. Etc, etc, etc.
I will not give away more of the story here but to me she was a fail heroine. She was too easily manipulated and forgiving of everyone but the hero.
Hero's best line;
"If you can't ever love me again then I'll be the best friend you've ever had". Ahhhhh! The feels!
Heroines best line;
"Hey, we're married now so I can let my freak flag fly, it's all sweatpants and ponytails and kidnappings after the wedding." Cute and funny here.
Overall I am glad I read it but it's not a keeper for me here. I have no idea what will happen to the other brothers in this series as they seem to have stories as well.
Maybe I will check them out but I don't think so.
It was just not worth it for me.
3 stars all for the awesome hero and the clueless heroine ruined the book for me here.

Safety: totally safe, no cheating, no drama, condoms at first then she was on the pill. They are not Virgins she was married before and he has had other lovers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katy Loves Romance ❤️.
434 reviews757 followers
August 14, 2016
4 Stars****
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Ruthless was so Intriguing, and a whole new author to me full off a packed out plot that had me guessing the whole way through, I really enjoyed this.

Business owner Ellie is set to be CEO of Stratcast and so very near seeing to her goal. After her father died she's set to take his place. But her father wasn't a nice person and has some enemies to conquer, but she's been in this business from being a young adult and so has worked hard to get where she is, yet the lawless family just see her as a goal to retribution.

Riley lawless, his brothers and sister have set a plan to get the people who have ruined their childhood and although Ellie's childhood wasn't enjoyable, the lawless siblings childhood had it taken away because their parents got murdered.... Social services made it so they were abused and so they have many bad memories and less happy ones. And because Riley is the Lawyer he's set to seduce Ellie and to find out what actually happened to their parents, why their childhood was ruined and give a purpose to the dark nights they still live with today.

Yet what starts off a a seductive plan becomes more for Riley!!!
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What I enjoyed
This is a plot driven read, and although it is sexy in parts, it is packed full of lots going on, working out what's going on characters to get to know. It is sexy and although there was love it was gradual and I suppose less than the theme of the story. The guessing, and working out what was happening kept me on my toes.

Why not 5?
I enjoyed the hell out of this, but the transition from Riley to Ellie needed some adjusting. There wasn't many headings so one line was him and the other her so it was a tad confusing. That could though be me and just me getting to know Lexi's writing style. I will though be definitely reading more by her, because this is a family read, brothers that I'm really looking forward to get to know especially Bran I have a feeling his book will be high on the emotion. And I'll be first in line to read the rest of this series as they come out. I will also need to catch up to Lexi's previous books as I'm new to her work.

That. Is. All

ARC generously gifted in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,117 followers
August 16, 2016
4.5 stars!

I was coming off a horrible book slump prior to reading this book. I was desperate to end that slump. Enter Ruthless by Lexi Blake. From the first chapter alone, I knew I was going to have a winner.

Riley and his siblings waited years for the opportunity to finally exact revenge from the people who killed their parents. Their first mark is Ellie Stratton, daughter of one of their targets. Their revenge starts to unravel when Riley’s feelings for Ellie deepens. Suddenly, revenge became messy and complicated, and Riley must choose between his family and his feelings for Ellie.

The plot was fairly straightforward with a few surprises along the way that made me question a few things. What I didn’t question though was the connection between Riley and Ellie. The moment they met, their chemistry leaps off the page. I loved how their story started off on the wrong foot and Riley spending pretty much half of the book begging Ellie to take him back. You guys know I love some good grovel, right? Well this book has some of the best.

Another aspect that I loved about this book was the pacing. This book reads fast, or maybe it felt fast because I was thoroughly engrossed by the intrigue, the mystery, as well as the romance between Riley and Ellie. Usually, book one in an inter-connected series spends most of its time setting up the characters and the overarching plot lines and character motivations. While I appreciate those, they tend to get boring. Not in this book.

Lexi Blake sets up the plot and character motivations perfectly. You understand these people even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. I am deeply invested in Riley and the Lawless’ family, seeking the same answers to questions that they’re asking. I can’t wait to read more.

If you’re in the mood for some sexy, suspenseful contemporary, I suggest you read this book!

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,613 reviews4,389 followers
July 30, 2017
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: Meh. This is why I'm not a huge fan of suspenseful romances. For what it was -- I guess it was enjoyable. I just need a good balance between the romance and the suspense to enjoy it, and that rarely happens for me. I, unfortunately, didn't find that in this book either. I felt like the romance was a little too instalove for my tastes, and I just didn't fully understand their connection. The story dragged for me through all of the business drama, but I never felt the need to skim -- mainly because I was truly curious as to how it'd all pan out...so there's that ;). I know some of my GR friends loved this, so it very well could just be me!

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Ellie and Riley's story. Ellie is about to be the new CEO of her father's business, and has hired Riley as her attorney in the exchange of some stocks. What she doesn't know is that Riley and his siblings are out for revenge against her now deceased father and his partners that killed their parents, and she just gave them an in. Riley's job is to seduce Ellie and get information out of her, but what he doesn't expect is to fall for her. There are some sexy times and a good bit of suspenseful moments...but they get a HEA ending.

POV: This alternated between focusing on Ellie and Riley in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. I thought it dragged a little here and there, but I never skimmed.

Instalove: Kind of. Some might not think so, but I didn't fully understand the jump into the stronger feelings.

H rating: 4 stars. Riley. I liked him. He gave good grovel, and made me root for him in earning her forgiveness.

h rating: 4 stars. Ellie. I liked her. I felt bad for all of the stuff she had been through. I liked the way she made the H work for her forgiveness.

Sadness level: Low. I never needed any tissues.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Moderate. They have pretty good chemistry and scenes.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes. Mentions of birth control and STD status. The H mentions that he had never gone without condoms, but I don't remember any mention of the h's past practices.

OW/OM drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Not really

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This didn't have enough closure for me. I would (reluctantly) call this a HEA. I really wanted a jump ahead into their future as a happy committed couple, but instead I got an epilogue that was focused on setting up the next story.

How I got it: I got it on loan through my public library (yay!).

Safety: I'd say that this should be Safe for most of the safety gals.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,341 followers
August 22, 2016

 photo a8f764bb1fccc6be955761914fe3e1_zpsxojhbiff.gif

Intense, sexy, riveting, and absolutely consuming are just the few words that comes to mind when describing any book from Lexi Blake. In Masters and Mercenaries Series, readers were introduced to Drew, Mia and the Lawless siblings and so you could imagine my excitement when I discovered that Lexi Blake was writing a whole new series on the Lawless siblings and their quest for revenge and justice for their parent���s death.

 photo 5fb79a7b4cdc90ad60effc42e4a9ef_zpsf5dfed9d.gif It might be wrong. It might be completely unprofessional, but she was going to have him. She was going to sink herself into an affair with him and not worry about the consequences. For once in her life, she was going to do something wild, something for herself. She gave herself over, letting go of everything but the feel of those lips on hers.”

The Lawless siblings consist of Drew, Riley, Brandon and Mia. Their lives were turned upside down when their parents were brutally assassinated and murdered. The siblings had to be split off in different foster homes until Drew was old enough to get back his siblings and reunite the Lawless family and their vendetta of revenge on the people who betrayed their parents. Money is the root of evil and money was the reason why their parents were murdered. As the Lawless siblings grew up, revenge fueled their desire for justice.


First order of business is to take care of StratCast and it’s CEO Phillip Stratton and his partner. Stratton and his associates were the ones who orchestrated the death of the Lawless parents. Since Phillip is no longer alive, the company will be passed onto his daughter, Ellie who plans to buyout her father’s partner. And Riley’s objective is to get close to Ellie. We all know the saying keep your enemies closer, well Riley never thought he would fall for Phillip Stratton’s daughter.

 photo 5fb79a7b4cdc90ad60effc42e4a9ef_zpsf5dfed9d.gif I’ll have you naked. I’ll get rid of every single thing that comes between us. I’ll strip you and then touch every inch of your body. You might be the boss in the boardroom, but I intend to lead here. I intend to have you every way I can have a woman, Ellie. Once I’m inside you, I won’t want to leave.”

Ellie was nothing like what Riley would have expected. She was beautiful and kindhearted. She was the epitome of beauty and brains. Riley knew once he crossed that line that will blur his end goal and objective, the task of bringing justice got a whole lot complicated when Ellie Stratton rocked his world. She was the game changer that brought this ruthless bastard to his knees. What happens when Ellie discovers Riley and his siblings's secret?

 photo 5fb79a7b4cdc90ad60effc42e4a9ef_zpsf5dfed9d.gif Ellie needed a place where she could go wild. He intended to be that for her. He would protect her from the fallout. He would keep her safe. She might lose some face, the stock might fall momentarily, but he was being optimistic. He could do this. He could come out of this with revenge and the girl. Because he’d decided he really wanted the girl. Fuck, he wanted her so bad.”

In this corporate game of chicanery and espionage, Lexi Blake engages her readers on a suspenseful and passionate journey of love, revenge, and secrecy. Ruthless was a story that was layered with so much depth, betrayal, duplicity, and intensity that readers are thrown into a whirlwind of chaos and love. I loved everything about this book from it’s cunning characters to the vehement and ardent love of two unlikely strangers. So if you are looking for a book that was somewhat like Romeo and Juliet meets Wallstreet then Ruthless is definitely for you. I seriously can’t wait for the next installment as another Lawless sibling is ready to take down the other person who was involved in their parents death.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...Lexi Blake
Profile Image for Kate.
2,175 reviews339 followers
August 1, 2017
This is my first Lexi Blake book and I can tell that I have been missing out on this talented author. But fashionably late is the way to go.

5 It is time to show the queen that her knight can take care of her Stars.

The beginning of the book was heartbreaking, it was so emotionally touching and just made you want to continue reading even if it was gutting. It sucked me in and with these kind of sentences
Four of them. There used to be six.

But Riley just looked at Drew. And knew one day they would be together again. After all, they had a job to do.

How could I not want them to get what they deserved? And root for them all the way.

Three brothers out for revenge. Vengeance. Justice. Retribution. Call it what you want. There will be collateral damage. There will be blackmail, lies, betrayal, sabotage, subterfuge, deception let’s not forget misery. But deep down for all of the hurt and the drastic measures they go to above there is one emotion that is the strongest and that is LOVE.

Of the three brothers Drew is the oldest, Riley is the middle brother and the youngest of the brothers is Bran. They have a task to do. Twenty years a plan in the making nothing can go wrong. Pay back to the three people that took everything. But everything will go wrong. Murphy’s Law peeps no way around it.

Until……they find out that there is a fourth person involved in the murder of their parents but they don’t know who it is yet. The stakes get higher and higher for all parties involved.

Everything needed has been set in motion to infiltrate StratCast and stop the deal from going through. Riley is the go-to guy when a little seduction is needed. This is the case…. It won’t be a hard ship for him and maybe he didn’t want to at first but once he saw Ellie Stratton things became complicated.

Ellie Stratton’s father passed away, Ellie is about to buy out her father’s partner, Steven Castalano the company StratCast. She hires a lawyer for the takeover. Enter Riley Lang he changed his name from Lawless to Lang. For Ellie Stratton is the daughter of Phillip Stratton was dead but the daughter has to pay for the sins of her father.

Riley Lawless and his tight man buns, he is sex on a stick. And is a shark/lawyer and I do not like lawyers there on par with politicians. Alone Ms. Blake making me like the character is an added bonus.

At the beginning it was hard for me to believe that they really had feelings for one another. Although there is an instant attraction there is no instalove. They don’t act on their feelings for quite a while. But their thoughts of one another – hi-lari-ous!

Little Miss Prim and Proper turned out to be someone entirely different than he’d thought, and she had some serious junk in her trunk. –Riley Lang-

Riley Lang and the other dude- whose name she’d forgotten because looking at Riley Lang apparently made her drop a couple of IQ points- Eliie Stratton –

They get to know one another and then Ellie caves I love the way Riley went about it.

We got out on a few dates, see if we like each other. Maybe have a really nice make-out session that ends with me taking a cold shower. Then you decide if I’m the man who can bring you multiple, screaming orgasms.”

“Might I also point out that the answer to that last question, the one about the screaming orgasms, is yes, I’m the man.” “Hey, at least you’re confident”

Everybody is trying to stick a wedge this is such an intricate chess game. And Ellie is way in over her head. Ellie is being attacked from all sides, known and unknown enemies.

He said none of you would ever accept Phillip Stratton’s daughter into your family. “Well, we definitely would wouldn’t take the other one. I read the write-up on her,” Bran said with his head. “Sorry, but your sister’s a skank. You’re perfectly welcome. You make Riley less obnoxious. He also masturbates way less.”

This is war in the boardroom and in the bedroom.

What the Lawless brothers didn’t realize is that you can be predators and you can achieve the end goal but there is always a complexity and a fluidness to the situation. Feelings get involved, loyalty is redirected.

She’d realized that her father was a monster as he told her his sins on his death bed and she wanted to make amends where it counted. She has always been alone in the world but she has kept the goodness in her. Her now ex-husband and an affair with her sister. And she isn’t bitter or cynical.

Some good memories of Riley’s past also come to light. Of when they were a family before everything went horribly wrong.

This is the secret to life, Riley. When someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you tell them this.” He leaned in, ready to heat this magical secret. “What?” “Happy. You want to be happy.”

At the same time their romance progresses the ultimate power play is made by Stephen. He had everyone fooled the evil bastard that he is.

“Good-by, Lang. You know, you have your mother’s eyes.” Riley stopped, his whole body suddenly a live wire. What had he said? But he was dragged to the door. Castalano had played them all.

Ellie loses everything but with the help of Riley and his family she’ll survive. And she isn’t a means to end any more. Riley proves himself. . He could win her back. He had to. And he did.

Mia their sister is also their voice of reason and I’loved how they as siblings interacted with one another.

“Don’t expect me to keep my mouth shut when I see you do something wrong.”

“I don’t need you to be my conscience,” Drew insisted. “Oh trust me, you do. You all do. And don’t act like I haven’t done my part. If you didn’t have me, Bran would still be in college. Riley would still eat like a five year old. Drew, you would never have gotten 4L off the ground, because you would have named the company after a dinosaur or a superhero, and Hatch would still be sleeping with skanky hookers.”

Drew frowned. “I actually still think that MegaRaptor Software would have worked. It screams strength to me.”

He would protect her from the fallout. He would keep her safe. She might lose some face, the stock might fall momentarily, but he was being optimistic. He could do this. He could come out of this with revenge and the girl. Yeah Riley you keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right?

I am really excited about Bran’s book he is my favorite in the series.

Drew will be the toughest one to crack.

I have a friend who loves Lexi Blake and she got declined. As I said the beginning sucked me and I was riveted but at some point it became stagnant and I didn’t get bored per se but I was starting to lose interest and I saw a 3 Star review in the future for this book.

But then….

It became absolutely fantastic and it has shot up to a 5 Star review.

I read the blurb for this and thought hell yeah this sounds good. Now the publisher is Berkley and well they are iffy. I requested it and never thought I would get it because Berkley. They have some mumbo jumbo of criteria I don’t get but I probably never will. But color me surprised.

This book was the next book to read on my list of all of the ARCs that I’ve had to read for August. I’m ahead. Woohoo.

This alone makes me want to read Case & Mia’s book.

Mia nodded. “And he gets shot a lot, so you should listen to him.” “I do not get shot a lot. It was twice, three… fine, I get shot a lot,” Case conceded. “I’ll try harder to dodge the bullets next time but most of the recent bullets I’ve taken have been aimed at you, princess. Don’t you forget it.”

Review can be found @ http://jerisbookattic-reviewblog.blog...

Wow okay, I'm impressed. Review to follow

Book received by Berkley Publishing in exchange for an honest review. So now they like me.
Profile Image for Janie.
870 reviews83 followers
August 27, 2016
I really liked this one. Riley gives the best grovel of any H ever. And so he should. Ellie was an amazing h. She was so kind and loving and looked at the world through rose colored glasses. Riley realized pretty early on what he was doing was so wrong. He did everything in his power to help Ellie when the time came and did it more selflessly than I thought was possible. The secondary characters were amazing too. I can't wait for Bran's story. I am a little worried about Drew's but sometimes the more resistant they are, the harder they fall. I hope that's the case in his book. This book is totally safe. No OW/OM drama at all. That was one of the best parts. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It shows an author's talent and creativity to come up with drama other than that tired old trope.
June 28, 2017
4* banging Mr. Lawyer STARS!!

Review @ Midnight Romance

Lexi Blake is a must read for me. I know her works since Master and Mercenaries series (BDSM romance). Lawless series is brand new and can be read as a standalone but I'd advise to read M&M series because of some characters may be make an appearance in the future. Lawless already introduce in From Sanctum with Love (Kai's book) and I'm hooked with this family. Drew Lawless as the eldest and the head of 4L Company along Riley, Bran and Mia. In Dominance Never Dies, Mia Lawless married to Case Taggart. Together, they form alliance to the people who destroyed their family.

The Lawless only has one purpose for life; revenge. Twenty years ago their parents was brutally murdered and the siblings had forced to separate. Now they're back together and Riley was the man who will do the job. As the new head of StratCast., Ellie Stratton hired Riley Lang as her new lawyer to handle the company's matter. Turns out, Riley attracted to Ellie more than for revenge. He believe Ellie is innocent and didn't mix into his father's sins. This time, Riley has to be her dragon as the one who protect the princess.


Both Riley and Ellie are easily likable. Riley is your typical easy-going man. However, Ellie is kinda awkward in real but quite firm and confident in the office. There is no hate for them. But their insta-love was unbelievable. They're into each other very quickly. When Riley admitted that he liked her, he still on cover and they haven't share anything outside bedroom and work. It's kinda okay for a while. Who doesn't wanna enjoy the hot lawyer? (FYI, the sex scenes more like heart and flowers. Not my cuppa. I prefer the M&M series. LOL!)

Their mundane life is really boring. Also the business talk that I hardly understand. But it was forgiven with the suspense and intrigue within the story. Everything happened so quickly when Riley was blindsided by the enemy and Ellie 'kicked' him. I was amazed with Riley that he managed to control his cool to get Ellie back with him even though she hated him. Their chemistry started to connect when they're open to each other and I enjoyed it. Even there isn't much dirty talk, but Riley's desperation for Ellie really did the romance.
“Are we just kissing, Ellie? I can handle that. I can. I can keep this wherever you want me to, but I need to set expectations right now.”
It would be smart, but she was so far past that. “I want you inside me.”


The family really has unbreakable bond. As the eldest, Drew didn't has much choice but he did everything he could. I think Drew is the ruthless one, because Riley seems more tender like Mia. I loved their interaction especially the jokes. Ugh they're killing me. Moreover, there was Case Taggart! He changed so much since he's with Mia. He's more relaxed than before.

Overall, the conclusion was really amazing. I devoured every chapter when the suspense starts to kick in. Ruthless was well-written and the world building feels real. Sexy, intriguing and dangerous. I already hooked with Drew and Bran. My heart aches for wounded man.


✦ Please visit @Midnight Romance for more reviews! ✦
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews892 followers
December 26, 2016
No elaborate review for this one, just...I loved the tension and the mystery of it all. The author left enough hints along the way to guess what happened.

Loved both hero and heroine. On to the next!
Profile Image for Bj.
1,219 reviews258 followers
March 18, 2017
*I gave this audiobook a B- for both the story and narration  at AudioGals*

Narration by Alexandra Shawnee

I had high hopes for Ruthless . The blurb had me enraptured. Being a big fan of twisty, romantic suspense titles, this revenge-based plot turned into love held much appeal for me. Unfortunately, while I enjoyed the underlying story of corporate espionage, the “ruthless” tactics for both taking over and taking back a company, and the suspense around a mysterious fourth person involved in the murder plot, I just didn’t feel the romance. In particular, I felt like it held too much of an insta-love feel for me. How a man, and later his brothers, who had lived their whole lives to seek their revenge for their parents’ death (and the takeover of their business), could do a 180 so quickly, and actually become the champions and protectors of their parents’ killers’ daughter, just didn’t convince me. Additionally, while the narration was decent, it also didn’t particularly make me feel the emotion of the story. All that said, I recognize that this story has been a hit for many others, so it just may be a case of the wrong time for me to have listened to this story as it came on the heels of another audiobook that was absolutely splendid in its slow reveal and development of the romantic relationship between the hero and heroine, and where I really could feel the connection laid between the hero and heroine before the pronouncements of undying love.

Riley, Drew, Brandon, and Mia Lawless (yes, that’s actually their last name!) have been waiting for twenty years to exact their revenge on the people who ordered their parents’ deaths in order to steal their ownership of a company that was built on a software program that their father developed. Following their parents’ deaths, they were forced to live in foster homes and orphanages (some better than others), and their lives completely changed. But the siblings persevered and today Riley (our hero) is a corporate lawyer and Drew, the oldest brother, is a well-known business titan. The Lawless siblings plan to use their hard-earned success primarily for one goal: to avenge their parents’ deaths and regain control of the company that is rightfully theirs.

See the full review at AudioGals.
Profile Image for Kaya Dimitrova.
330 reviews72 followers
May 22, 2017
Ревю => http://justonebooklover.blogspot.bg/2...
~ ~ ~
Честно казано подходих с доста голям скептицизъм към книгата, защото сюжетът не ми се струваше нищо особено и дори ми напомняше за един друг роман, който четох преди време, но всъщност "Без милост" се оказа едно приятно четиво - леко, романтично и страстно - напълно подходящо за началото на лятото, ако сте любители на жанра. Освен страстна любовна история, присъстваха и криминални нишки - заплетено убийство, което чакаше своето отмъщение, а тези нишки направиха историята дори по-грабваща и интересна. Отличих дребни клиширани моменти, които не ми допаднаха - напълно типични за жанра, главно в отношенията между двамата главни герои, но продължавам да смятам, че книгата си заслужаваше, заради добрия стил, добре развитата история и напълно задоволителния край.
Profile Image for TereseDK.
474 reviews14 followers
August 18, 2016
5 stars! Hell ya, this was amazing!!

Really awesome and thought out plot! Great MCs - h is sweet, gentle albeit somewhat naive, but strong and loyal. The H spends the latter half of the books on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness! Now that's what I like!

This is one of those books where the plot is so strong that I actually wasn't waiting for the nookie, I was so entranced in the "who did the whadda?" I have a strong feeling this could easily become a new fave "suspense" series.

This is my first Lexi Blake, but it won't be my last!
Profile Image for Ang C.
737 reviews113 followers
August 15, 2016

4.5 Revenge-filled Star

Lexi Blake is one of my favorite BDSM novelist and the absolute best when it comes to writing erotic stories that are not only off the charts steamy, but intriguing as well. Yeesh, found within the pages of her books are some of the sexiest flogger-wielding Alpha-Doms ever. (I freaking love all the McKay-Taggart hotties in the Masters and Mercenaries novels). When finding out there was a new series coming along, I jumped at the chance to get my hands on the first installment, Ruthless.

Even though Riley and Ellie’s romance was a departure from Blake’s BDSM style that I adore, it was no less captivating. Ruthless had everything I love whenever reading this author’s tales ~ an exceptionally written nail biting story line whose plot twists had me on edge; An un-be-lievably hot yet romantically sweet hero; a sassy heroine; And a cast of colorful characters that left me wanting to discover their stories. From the emotionally heartbreaking prologue that had me all teary-eyed, through to the last page, Ruthless was an angst filled passionate read that I consumed in just one sitting.

As children, Riley Lawless and his siblings suffered the horrific tragedy of their parents’ murder, which was rooted by corporate greed. After years of plotting and positioning, it was time for those responsible to pay for their crimes. It was Riley’s responsibility to insinuate himself into Eleanor Stratton’s company and seduce her. Her firm, StratCast, was founded on stolen technology and his parents’ blood shed. Regardless of the fact that Ellie was not directly responsible for the Lawless’ death, she was instrumental in the grand scheme.

“The sins of the father were about to be visited on the daughter’s doorstep. Ellie Stratton would have to pay her father’s debt.”

Using her was just part of the plan. Consumed with vengeance, Riley was ruthless in his pursuit of bringing down his targets but surprised when the unthinkable happened… he fell hopelessly in love with Ellie.

“I love you, Ellie. I'm going to say it until you understand that I mean it. This started out as a job, as a path I've been on since the night my parents died. But it led me to you, and though I wish my mom and dad were here with me, I have to be happy that I found you.”

The chemistry between this couple was scorching. With their whirlwind insta-romance starting off hot and heavy, but based on Riley’s secrets and lies, I found myself anxiously holding my breath waiting for everything to unravel as the story progressed. All the passion and deceits frayed my nerves. On top of all the relationship angst, there were plot twists, bad guys and circumstances that had me on edge as well. Secrets, betrayals, murderous plots, unending suspense… with each revelation more questions arose as I became fully immersed within Riley and Ellie’s story. I just love when a book is so gripping, each intricate detail has a meaning, and I’m forced to pay close attention while piecing together the puzzle. Ruthless was exactly that type of read.

Riley was delectably sexy and so tenderhearted, he had me swooning. A shrewd lawyer with a plan of attack, he was fueled by his family’s need for justice. I loved the way his character journeyed from the stone cold man solely focused on revenge, to a true and dedicated hero willing to sacrifice everything for Ellie. And when her world came crumbling down, it was Riley who came to her rescue. Desperate for her forgiveness and affections, Riley worked hard to right the all wrongs that destroyed Ellie, despite his family’s thirst for vengeance. Once deceptive and later sincere, he won me over with his overly romantic ways.

“He'd seen everything he loved lost at one point or another, but she was different. He couldn't lose her.”

Poor Ellie. She was everyone’s pawn and so eager to trust those who were part of her close circle. Friends, colleagues, family… all took advantage of her sympathetic heart. A businesswoman with ethics, Ellie found herself surrounded by conniving vipers, including the man of her dreams. Living a lonely life, she took a chance on Riley, which in the end shattered her to pieces.

As naive and insecure as she first appeared, Ellie developed a backbone when her life spun out of control, and I admired the way she stubbornly stood her ground against those who betrayed her. But above all, Ellie was compassionate and regardless of her dire circumstances, she opened her heart to the entire Lawless clan. In the end, her love for Riley was genuine ~ she was the perfect woman to break through all of his defenses and help heal past heartaches.

Ruthless was an extremely intense novel that had all the feels. I loved the McKay-Taggart connection and the Lawless family dynamics. Riley and Ellie’s journey was just the beginning of an intricate story line and I can’t wait for it to continue in Brandon and Andrew’s romances. Another great read from Lexi Blake and a perfect choice for lovers of steamy romantic suspense.

Shelved as 'dnf'
December 15, 2016
IMHO this book it's not worth $8.
I found myself getting bored with it and then I started skimming and In the end I DNFed.
Now don't let my opinion stop you from reading it, you might like it. It just wasn't for me.
Since I DNF I won't be rating it.
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews241 followers
January 4, 2017
4.75 why have I waited so long to read this awesomeness stars?!!!

Seriously...have I been living under a rock?? This book was GREAT and Lexi is a GREAT author! I'm familiar with Lexi's work but never delved into the Master's and Mercenaries series. For whatever reason they just didn't appeal to me...well, now I'm going back and will start that series asap!

This book starts off at a rather dark place. That darkness causes four children to focus their lives on nothing but revenge for the murder of their parents. Unfortunately for Ellie, as the daughter of one of the men who had the parents killed, she's their first victim of the revenge. The 3 brothers and 1 sister have done their research and know what they're going to get their pound of flesh.

However, what they didn't count on were the complexities and the feelings that Ellie would bring out in Riley. Riley quickly finds out that his developing feelings for Ellie conflict with his need for revenge. She shows Riley just how much shes not like her dad.

Ellie was a great heroine. I thought she was strong when she needed to be but also vulnerable. I also felt that she kept her head about her throughout the whole book. She never became so lost in Riley that she forgot who she was or her end goal.

Riley was also a great hero. Yes, he was jaded and focused only on revenge but he allowed his feelings for Ellie to grow and saw her for who she really is. She's not the monster he expected. She's a kind hearted woman who's going to set her father's wrongs right. He fell head over heals in love who Ellie despite her last name.

Unfortunately for Riley the revenge plan was already in motion before he fell for Ellie. He made his mistakes and ended up hurting Ellie in a way he never imagined. The extent of her pain was never in their plan. The Lawless family was confronted head on with how their need for revenge could destroy lives.

Throughout the conflict Ellie remained strong. She didn't just overlook Riley or the Lawless family's transgressions. Even though she was hurt she proved that she had steel in her backbone. Riley, and the Lawless', had a lot to make up for and they did. They brought Ellie into the fold and righted their mistakes. Also...Riley groveled for at least 45% of the book.

Now, with all of that why not 5 stars? Well...its a pet peeve thing honestly. I hate the whole "I'm gonna use him for sex because I want pleasure but I won't fall in love with him" troupe. Does the plan to not fall in love ever really work?? NO! From the moment that plan was proposed I knew exactly how it would go. Yes, Ellie tried to stay strong but, as a woman, she couldn't give him her body and not her heart. To me, it would have been much better if they didn't get into a sexual relationship and really sat down and talked thought their issues. Had that happened this would have been a full 5 star read!

Profile Image for Francoise.
761 reviews33 followers
August 15, 2016
4-4.5 Stars

Ruthless was a beautiful story of love triumphing over all obstacles. It was also an intense and gripping ride of suspense and deceit, with an intriguing backstory, that kept me flipping the pages until the very end.

The Lawless siblings, Drew, Riley, Bran and Mia, have a common goal: obtain justice for the murder of their parents. The police claimed their deaths were a murder suicide, but they know this assumption is wrong. Someone tried to kill them all. Their story was heartbreaking. Twenty years later, they feel they owe it to their parents to seek revenge on their murderers, their father’s business partners.

Ellie Stratton is the daughter of one of them. Her father is dead but she will be the one to pay for the sins of her father. Riley Lawless is the charming brother, and intends to seduce his mark to ruin StratCast, the company his parents’ murderers have founded with blood money. Riley has been hired to manage the legal dealings related to the buyout of the shares belonging to Steven Castalano, another one of their parents’ murderer. Ellie is not at all the person Riley expected her to be. She is nice, friendly and trying to overcome a poor self-image. Against all odds, Riley and Ellie are attracted to each other.

Riley is a good guy, he wants to mitigate the damage to Ellie that will result from their revenge scheme. He is worried about her and intends to keep her safe. Riley and Ellie have great chemistry and are both genuine characters. Riley knows that Ellie could help him get over his desire for revenge and focus on happiness instead. In a way, Ellie saves Riley… but they both need each other.

As it happens, Ellie is surrounded by deceit and danger, but is not fully aware of it. She will definitely need Riley’s help and protection. But can she forgive him for lying to her?
This story was enthralling, riveting and suspenseful. And did I mention sexy! It was a great start to the story of the Lawless siblings and I’m definitely intrigued by Riley’s brothers! I can’t wait for the next book in the series, Bran’s story.

An advanced copy of this book was provided courtesy of the publisher.

May 29, 2017
Хареса ми книгата, но определено нещо ми липсваше. Не повярвах много, много на любовната история - т.е. как от няколко "срещи" Райли вече беше безвъзвратно влюбен и беше готов да зареже и семейство, и дълг, и отмъщение защото много заобича жената пред него. Не повярвах и, че Ели става за Изпълнителен директор на такава голяма и високо-технологична компания - тя беше супер наивна, вярваше на всички около нея, нямаше изобщо "дисциплината" на бизнес дама, хукваше към този, който й кажеше две мили приказки, изобщо беше обрисувана като книжен плъх да не кажа мишка. В историята обаче имаше потенциал - всички задкулисни игри, извършени престъпления и неразкрити участници и съучастници придадоха интерес към случващото се (дори и очакване към следващите части). Ако малко повече беше разгърната психологията щеше да е по-добре според мен. Колебаех се между 3 и 4 и затова по-скоро оценката ми е 3,5.
Profile Image for Galya Ozan.
136 reviews18 followers
May 13, 2017
Много много хубава история.Трима братя и една сестра,готови на всичко за да отмъстят за убйството на родителите си.В първата книга задачата се пада на Райли да прелъсти и унищожи Ели,която е дъщеря на един от убийците.Но по пътя на своето отмъщение той се влюбва в нея и е готов да се откаже от всичко заради нея.Няма да разказвам повече,сами ще разберете.В края на книгата има малка изненада,за което съм много благодарна.От издателството разбрах,че до края на ��одината ще прочетем и за останалите двама братя.Втората е за Бран,а третата за Дрю,която чакам с голямо нетърпение.Надявам се авторката да напише книга и за Мия и нейния съпруг Кейс,защото от това което прочетох за нея в тази книга,нейната история също ще е много гореща.Препоръчвам книгата с две ръце и давам 5 звезди.
Profile Image for Denna.
410 reviews142 followers
August 30, 2016
This book was AMAZING!! Yes that is all caps AMAZING! I honestly loved everything about this book! Riley will hands down being going in my top list of heroes, he was amazing! His grovel was amazing, I mean who doesn't love good grovel? No one! That's who, everyone loves awesome grovel and this book has it! I really don't think I can say too much about our hero Riley, he was hot, alpha and loved his Ellie! Now Ellie sweet Ellie I loved her, I felt bad for the poor girl. I mean it seems everyone close to her turns out to be evil. And as much as I love the Riley's grovel, I loved that Ellie did not give in so quick! I mean she did pick up sleeping with him again kinda quick but she still made him work for it! It was simply for her pleasure. Not sure what else to say other than I really did love this book. I also can't wait for Bran's book, I'm really interested in his character. I think his book will be amazing as well.

Safety Note: safe no ow/om
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,047 reviews453 followers
August 20, 2016
I love me a twisty turny suspense and I sure got it with Ruthless. The suspense kept me guessing all the way through. I also love me a good grovel and oh man, did Riley ever give a good grovel, he's the master!

Roll on January for the second book in the series.
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews483 followers
August 8, 2016
Dear Amazon, who do I talk to about allowing more stars for a review?
Thank you,
Blissed Out Reader

If I was ever to write that request, it would be for this book! I love this author’s books and this spin-off series may be the best…EVER! You know a book is great when every single character is just perfect. Perfectly sexy, funny, supportive, loving, warm… Or perhaps evil, petty, and absolutely rotten! They run the whole gamut, and come together in a story that was mesmerizing from the first page to the last!

Ellie and Riley have very different motives when it comes to the StratCast Company, and they aren’t alone. Vengeance vies with loyalty, secrets and lies to form the perfect, tension-filled storm. Ellie may be a child of privilege but she knows all about loneliness and betrayal. She is sweet and almost naïve, with her heart always in the right place. Ellie believes that good will prevail and Riley can help her with that. It doesn’t hurt at all that he is gorgeous and irresistible.

Riley is devoted to his family but Ellie is something entirely new in his world and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure she will always be a part of it. Too bad he’s been lying to her the whole time…

“This is a sympathy cuddle.”

I really dislike lies. Okay, I HATE them! Considering this story is all about them, you would think I would have equally hated this plot and story. Nothing could be further from the truth! Black and white is impossible, and when the rules are bent and broken you have to listen and understand why. In this case, I was ready to pick up the pitchfork with the Lawless family and fight with them to avenge all that they had endured. When the truth is revealed, the emotion kicks in to even higher gear and I was with them for every tear, every shout and sock to the jaw. Even when I wanted to join in the outrage, the characters continued to worm their way into my heart.

All the brothers—Riley, Brandon, Drew, plus Mia, Ellie and Hatch—each are dealing with their own demons as best they can. They are real and funny, and perfect in their imperfections. And, of course, Case is already mine (no takebacks!).

If you haven’t read Mia’s story already, it is the perfect introduction to this series. I am going to read it again just so I can come back and re-read Ruthless. It’s going to be a long wait for the next book… Loooong wait. ~ Diane, 5 stars


The Lawless siblings have been through hell and back since the murder of their parents when they were children. They've planned their revenge against those who set up and set fire to the family home—with them locked in too—and nothing will get in their way to reap justice. Except maybe love...

Riley Lawless finds himself in a conundrum. He's been sent to infiltrate StratCast, get close to Ellie Stratton, to get into her bed and her heart to learn her secrets. Secrets that may help take down one of the key players in the murder.

But Riley didn't expect to find himself falling for Ellie. And his feelings for Ellie may just put the plans Riley and his siblings have for StratCast in jeopardy—especially once Riley's true identity is revealed.

I do love a well-written romantic suspense. I loved the interactions of the Lawless siblings—Drew, Riley, Brandon and Mia survived some horrific experiences as children and their love for each other and their unwavering support is so extremely honorable and lovely.

I also truly adored Riley and Ellie's budding relationship—both of them scarred from their upbringing but willing to open their hearts to love. The whole premise of the Lawless series is heartbreaking—seeking to right the wrong that was their parents' death due to greed and urge for control. I can't wait to see how Brandon fares in the next book. The Lawless' may have been planning their revenge for years, but they didn't plan on human emotion and finding love at the wrong time… ~ Missy, 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,813 reviews614 followers
July 24, 2016
I knew this new series by Lexi Blake was going to ROCK my WORLD, I just didn't realize HOW MUCH! This book was just EVERYTHING! It pulled emotion after emotion out of me...there was NO WAY I was putting this one down for one second. Lexi Blake continues to give us characters (new and old) that are so easy to fall in love with, characters that you just want to stand up and root for, and characters that you connect with on such a deep emotional level. These characters become a family to you, and you can't help but want to dive into the book and live a happily ever after with them. Are you ready to meet Riley Lawless?

"Look at me. I'm here because I fucking can't stand the though to not having you. You tempt me like no other woman ever has. I don't understand you and I might never, but I'm going to know you, Ellie Stratton. I'm going to know what makes you smile and what makes you scream out my name."

I hear the sighs all around the world! YES! He is THAT good! He has a way with words that will make you melt. And our heroine, Ellie Stratton, was a formidable female for our boy, Riley. Together, these two were EXPLOSIVE...INTENSE...and oh so PASSIONATE! I absolutely LOVED these two together.

The family dynamic of the Lawless clan is complex and such a treat to read about. There is so much more to this family than I would have ever thought. The absolute cool thing about RUTHLESS, is that Mia and Case (from Lexi's Masters & Mercenaries series) played a big part in this book. Whenever I saw Case's names my eyes lit up with so much joy. I'm loving how even though this is a brand new series, Ms. Blake gives her loyal fans a little bit of a crossover into the series that started it all (for me at least). If you are a fan of Lexi's work, then this is a no-brainer for you. You will fall in love all over again. If you are new to Ms. Blake's work, buckle up and enjoy the sensual ride. I can't say enough great things about this author. I mean I could, but this review would last FOREVER!

Journey into a world where a man has to choose between love or revenge. Take a chance on this new breakout series by the ever so talented, and a favorite author of mine, Lexi Blake.

Love Story. Beatiful Sexy Couple. Gorgeous Blond Woman And Handsome Man

*Gifted copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Displaying 1 - 30 of 505 reviews

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