The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

  • An exhaustive compilation of thematic notes, arranged in a hierarchical structure. Contains direct spoilers for pre-book history and indirect spoilers through the facts noted down for events in the books.
    The Mountains of the Moon
  • A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions, with some quite lengthy, essay-like answers to common discussion-topics. Contains spoilers.
    Who are Jon Snow’s parents?

    The question of Jon Snow’s parentage is a complex one. In this article, we propose to tackle it by laying out what facts we know of his birth and its timing in relation to the war and then surveying the potential parents in terms of where they were likely to be at the time of his conception. We…

  • Graphical representations of almost all known banners as well as info files for houses and individuals. Contains minor spoilers in the actual listings of Houses, while major spoilers are placed in specially marked files except when it concerns banners belonging to individuals: these files may contain major spoilers right off
    House Langward

    No member of the house has appeared yet.

  • A compilation of prophecies, visions and dreams which appear to reveal something about the future. Contains spoilers, as we note when we believe a prophecy has been fulfilled.
    V: 436 - Dragons Old and Young

    "Dragons," Moqorro said in the Common Tongue of Westeros... "Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all."

    From the rest of the conversation, the "small man" is indeed supposed to be Tyrion, and this surely means…

  • A comphrehensive collection of fan correspondance with George R.R. Martin. Also included are interviews and chats as well as reports from conventions, signings, etc. May contain spoilers even for as of yet unreleased books.
    Comic-Con (New York City, NY; February 23-25)

    [Note: The following is a response from Parris, George's partner, regarding the Comic-Con reports which seemed to believe the pilot was greenlit.]

    I hate to have to tell you this, but the reports coming out of ComicCon that the pilot for HBO's GEORGE RR MARTIN'S 'A SONG OF ICE & FIRE: A GAME OF…