Genetic Methylation Testing: Can It Really Improve Your Health?

In the vast universe of health and wellness, genetic methylation testing has recently surged in popularity, gaining public attention especially after Joe Rogan’s intriguing podcast interview with biohacker Gary Brecka. The discussion illuminated how such testing could potentially pave the way for personalized health interventions by identifying genetic predispositions that affect crucial metabolic processes like methylation.

What is Methylation?

Methylation is a vital biochemical process where a methyl group (one carbon atom linked to three hydrogen atoms) is added to various molecules, including DNA. This process is essential for regulating gene expression—essentially turning genes on or off—which can influence disease risk and overall health.

This biological mechanism impacts numerous bodily functions, including but not limited to:

  • Detoxification
  • Metabolism and energy production
  • DNA synthesis and repair
  • Neurotransmitter synthesis
  • Hormone metabolism
  • Immune function and inflammation control
  • Cardiovascular health

Given its extensive role, disruptions in methylation can significantly affect both physical and mental health, potentially leading to diseases or exacerbating existing conditions.

Understanding Genetic Methylation Testing

Genetic methylation tests are designed to assess the efficiency of one’s methylation pathways by examining specific markers and genetic variants known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These genetic discrepancies can influence how well your body conducts methylation, which in turn affects your nutritional needs and susceptibility to various health issues.

For instance, certain SNPs might reduce the effectiveness of methylation, leading to nutrient deficiencies that disrupt critical bodily processes like detoxification, mood regulation, and energy metabolism. Identifying these SNPs can help tailor dietary and lifestyle changes or supplement regimens to optimize health.

Who Can Benefit from Methylation Testing?

People who may find methylation testing particularly beneficial include those with:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Mood and psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia
  • Detoxification issues, often from environmental toxins or lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption
  • Chronic fatigue symptoms
  • Cognitive decline and increased risk of neurological conditions
  • Elevated cancer risk due to familial history or genetic predispositions

Key Genetic Markers in Methylation Testing

Methylation tests typically assess several critical genes involved in the methylation process, including:


This gene is essential for converting folate to its bioactive form and regulating homocysteine, an amino acid linked with heart disease when elevated.


These genes work together in converting homocysteine to methionine, a vital amino acid for various bodily functions. Variants in these genes can lead to elevated homocysteine levels, potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other health issues.


Responsible for breaking down dopamine and other neurotransmitters, variations in the COMT gene can influence neurological function and are associated with psychiatric disorders.

Practical Steps to Methylation Testing

With the advent of modern technology, obtaining a genetic test is simpler than ever. However, for methylation testing, the guidance of a healthcare provider, particularly one specializing in functional medicine, is crucial. These professionals can provide a detailed interpretation of the results and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Cost and Considerations

The cost of genetic methylation testing can vary widely. While home kits like 23andMe are affordable and provide a broad genetic overview, they generally do not include detailed methylation analysis. More specialized tests, like those recommended by experts in functional medicine, can be more expensive but offer in-depth insights into methylation and other metabolic pathways.

Is Methylation Genetic Testing Worth It?

For individuals experiencing unexplained health issues or those with a family history of chronic diseases, methylation testing can be a valuable tool. It provides a unique glimpse into one’s genetic blueprint and how it might impact health, allowing for targeted interventions that could mitigate disease risk and enhance overall well-being.

Ultimately, as with any medical test, the decision to pursue genetic methylation testing should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider knowledgeable in genetic health and functional medicine. This ensures the results are interpreted correctly and integrated into an effective, personalized health strategy.

Gary Brecka 10X Health Gene Test Review

The 10x Health Gene Test stands out by offering a thorough analysis of your genes, specifically focusing on major actionable genes that influence your day-to-day functions. This isn’t just any routine health check-up. It’s a deep dive into your genetic makeup to understand what genes are functioning correctly and which ones aren’t. This can reveal crucial insights into your body’s deficiencies, helping you understand how to optimize your health based on your unique genetic profile.

>> Click Here to Order Your Genetic Test <<

The Science Behind the Test

The science of genetics tells us that minor variations in our DNA can significantly impact how our bodies function. For instance, a staggering 44% of the world’s population carries a genetic mutation in the 5-MTHFR gene, affecting their body’s methylation process. Methylation is essential for detoxification, energy production, hormone balance, and more. The 10x Health Gene Test identifies such crucial genetic markers, enabling individuals to take proactive steps in managing their health.

What the Test Involves

Understanding the Methylation Cycle: The 10X Health Gene Test delves into your Methylation Cycle, a critical biological pathway essential for maintaining your overall health.

Identifying Gene Breaks: Our analysis covers five key genetic disruptions—COMT, AHCY, MTRR, MTR, and MTHFR. Identifying these disruptions is crucial as they can suggest inefficiencies in how your body processes raw materials.

Symptoms Linked to Genes: These processing inefficiencies can manifest as various symptoms, including anxiety and digestive issues. Detecting these genetic variants is a critical first step in managing these health challenges.

Tailored Health Solutions: The true value of the 10X Health Gene Test is in its ability to provide actionable solutions. Tailored to your specific genetic makeup, these solutions aim to address deficiencies and optimize your body’s natural functions, enhancing your well-being.

Getting tested with the 10x Health Gene Test is straightforward and non-invasive. The kit is delivered directly to your door, complete with everything needed for the test—primarily a simple cotton swab. There are no needles involved, making it a quick and hassle-free process that you can do at home.

Once your sample is submitted, experts at 10x Health analyze your DNA, focusing on genes that are most actionable and relevant to your health concerns. This results in a personalized report that not only highlights areas of concern but also recommends lifestyle changes and interventions tailored specifically to your genetic makeup.

Personalized Supplement Protocol

One of the most significant benefits of the 10x Health Gene Test is the personalized supplement protocol it offers. Based on your genetic analysis, the experts at 10x Health will guide you on what supplements can help overcome your body’s specific deficiencies. This personalized approach ensures that you’re not just supplementing for the sake of it but are making targeted choices that can genuinely improve your health and well-being.

The Impact of Knowing Your Genetics

The testimony of individuals like Grant Cardone, who used the insights gained from his genetic testing to transform his health, underscores the potential of genetic knowledge. At 64, Grant reports being in the best shape of his life, free from chronic pain, anxiety, and stress, thanks to following the tailored advice from his genetic test.

Beyond the Individual

The implications of genetic testing extend beyond individual health. Understanding one’s genetic predispositions can lead to better preventive health practices, reducing the likelihood of developing chronic diseases and optimizing overall health outcomes. It encourages a shift from reactive to proactive health management.

Are You Ready to Discover More About Your Health?

The 10x Health Gene Test isn’t just a medical product; it’s a gateway to a new understanding of your health and how to improve it. If you’ve been struggling with unresolved health issues or simply want to optimize your well-being, this test could be the first step towards gaining the insights needed to make meaningful changes.

Whether it’s nutrient deficiencies, poor sleep, weight management issues, or more severe health conditions, the knowledge of your genetics provided by the 10x Health Gene Test can empower you to take control. It’s a tool that provides not just answers but also solutions, tailor-made for you.


In a world where health is increasingly personalized, the 10x Health Gene Test offers a cutting-edge solution for those looking to understand and improve their health at a fundamental level. With a simple test, comprehensive analysis, and personalized recommendations, it represents a significant step forward in the realm of personal health management. Are you ready to unlock the secrets held within your DNA and take control of your health? The choice is yours.