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Last Updated: Sunday, 23 March 2008, 17:43 GMT
In pictures: Easter Day

Roman Catholic Easter service in Bucharest, Romania

Christians around the world are celebrating Easter Sunday, the day they believe Jesus Christ was resurrected.

Jerusalem's Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah conducts an Easter service in the Holy Sepulchre

At Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre church, believed to be the site of Christ's burial, Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah conducts his last Easter Mass.

Worshipers in New Orleans, Louisiana

In the US, worshipers at Saint Louis Cathedral in New Orleans dress in their Sunday best.

Musician in St Peters Square for Pope's address

This musician is among crowds who braved rain on Rome's St Peters Square for Pope Benedict XVI's Easter message.

South Korean worshippers at outdoor mass in front of Seoul City Hall

There was more rain in central Seoul, where worshippers have prayed for the reunification of North and South Korea.

Filipino children paint Easter eggs

In the Philippines, many children paint eggs, an Easter tradition in many parts of the world.

Belarus Catholics celebrate at a cathedral in Minsk

Women in traditional dress sing during an Easter Mass in the Belarusian capital Minsk.

Priests from Bulgaria's Armenian community consecrate red eggs in the coastal resort of Varna

Priests from Bulgaria's Armenian community consecrate red painted eggs during a service in the Black Sea resort of Varna.

Men ride decorated horses in an Easter procession in Ralbitz, Germany

Sorbs - a Catholic minority in eastern Germany - ride in a historic Easter procession to celebrate the resurrection.

Pakistani Christians pray in Karachi

Members of Pakistan's tiny Christian minority join Easter prayers at a church in Karachi.

Iraqi policeman lights candle outside Chaldean Catholic church in central Baghdad

In Iraq, some have been lighting candles in solidarity with the country's beleaguered Christian minority.

In pictures: Good Friday
21 Mar 08 |  In Pictures


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